►Nhipfort | |
Chipinit | |
Chipdrivergetversion | Returns the approximate HIP driver version |
Chipruntimegetversion | Returns the approximate HIP Runtime version |
Chipdeviceget | Returns a handle to a compute device |
Chipdevicecomputecapability | Returns the compute capability of the device |
Chipdevicegetname | Returns an identifer string for the device |
Chipdevicegetp2pattribute | Returns a value for attr of link between two devices |
Chipdevicegetpcibusid | Returns a PCI Bus Id string for the device, overloaded to take int device ID |
Chipdevicegetbypcibusid | Returns a handle to a compute device |
Chipdevicetotalmem | Returns the total amount of memory on the device |
Chipdevicesynchronize | Waits on all active streams on current device |
Chipdevicereset | The state of current device is discarded and updated to a fresh state |
Chipsetdevice | Set default device to be used for subsequent hip API calls from this thread |
Chipgetdevice | Return the default device id for the calling host thread |
Chipgetdevicecount | Return number of compute-capable devices |
Chipdevicegetattribute | Query for a specific device attribute |
Chipdevicesetcacheconfig | Set L1/Shared cache partition |
Chipdevicegetcacheconfig | Set Cache configuration for a specific function |
Chipdevicegetlimit | Get Resource limits of current device |
Chipdevicegetsharedmemconfig | Returns bank width of shared memory for current device |
Chipgetdeviceflags | Gets the flags set for current device |
Chipdevicesetsharedmemconfig | The bank width of shared memory on current device is set |
Chipsetdeviceflags | The current device behavior is changed according the flags passed |
Chipchoosedevice | Device which matches hipDeviceProp_t is returned |
Chipextgetlinktypeandhopcount | Returns the link type and hop count between two devices |
Chipipcgetmemhandle | Gets an interprocess memory handle for an existing device memory allocation |
Chipipcopenmemhandle | Opens an interprocess memory handle exported from another process and returns a device pointer usable in the local process |
Chipipcclosememhandle | Close memory mapped with hipIpcOpenMemHandle |
Chipipcgeteventhandle | Gets an opaque interprocess handle for an event |
Chipipcopeneventhandle | Opens an interprocess event handles |
Chipfuncsetattribute | Set attribute for a specific function |
Chipfuncsetcacheconfig | Set Cache configuration for a specific function |
Chipfuncsetsharedmemconfig | Set shared memory configuation for a specific function |
Chipgetlasterror | Return last error returned by any HIP runtime API call and resets the stored error code to hipSuccess |
Chippeekatlasterror | Return last error returned by any HIP runtime API call |
Chipstreamcreate | Create an asynchronous stream |
Chipstreamcreatewithflags | Create an asynchronous stream |
Chipstreamcreatewithpriority | Create an asynchronous stream with the specified priority |
Chipdevicegetstreampriorityrange | Returns numerical values that correspond to the least and greatest stream priority |
Chipstreamdestroy | Destroys the specified stream |
Chipstreamquery | Return hipSuccess if all of the operations in the specified stream have completed, or hipErrorNotReady if not |
Chipstreamsynchronize | Wait for all commands in stream to complete |
Chipstreamwaitevent | Make the specified compute stream wait for an event |
Chipstreamgetflags | Return flags associated with this stream |
Chipstreamgetpriority | Query the priority of a stream |
Chipextstreamcreatewithcumask | Create an asynchronous stream with the specified CU mask |
Chipextstreamgetcumask | Get CU mask associated with an asynchronous stream |
Chipstreamaddcallback | Adds a callback to be called on the host after all currently enqueued items in the stream have completed |
Chipstreamwritevalue32 | Enqueues a write command to the stream |
Chipstreamwritevalue64 | Enqueues a write command to the stream |
Chipeventcreatewithflags | Create an event with the specified flags |
Chipeventcreate | Create an event |
Chipeventrecord | Record an event in the specified stream |
Chipeventdestroy | Destroy the specified event |
Chipeventsynchronize | Wait for an event to complete |
Chipeventelapsedtime | Return the elapsed time between two events |
Chipeventquery | Query event status |
Chippointergetattributes | Return attributes for the specified pointer |
Chippointergetattribute | Returns information about the specified pointer |
Chipdrvpointergetattributes | Returns information about the specified pointer |
Chipsignalexternalsemaphoresasync | Signals a set of external semaphore objects |
Chipwaitexternalsemaphoresasync | Waits on a set of external semaphore objects |
Chipdestroyexternalsemaphore | Destroys an external semaphore object and releases any references to the underlying resource |
Chipexternalmemorygetmappedbuffer | Maps a buffer onto an imported memory object |
Chipdestroyexternalmemory | Destroys an external memory object |
Chipextmallocwithflags | Allocate memory on the default accelerator |
Chipmallochost | |
Chipmemallochost | |
Chipmemprefetchasync | Prefetches memory to the specified destination device using HIP |
Chipmemadvise | Advise about the usage of a given memory range to HIP |
Chipmemrangegetattribute | Query an attribute of a given memory range in HIP |
Chipmemrangegetattributes | Query attributes of a given memory range in HIP |
Chipstreamattachmemasync | Attach memory to a stream asynchronously in HIP |
Chiphostalloc | |
Chipmallocpitch | Allocates at least width (in bytes) * height bytes of linear memory Padding may occur to ensure alighnment requirements are met for the given row The change in width size due to padding will be returned in *pitch |
Chipmemallocpitch | Allocates at least width (in bytes) * height bytes of linear memory Padding may occur to ensure alighnment requirements are met for the given row The change in width size due to padding will be returned in *pitch |
Chipfreehost | |
Chipmemcpywithstream | |
Chipmemcpyhtod | Copy data from Host to Device |
Chipmemcpydtoh | Copy data from Device to Host |
Chipmemcpydtod | Copy data from Device to Device |
Chipmemcpyhtodasync | Copy data from Host to Device asynchronously |
Chipmemcpydtohasync | Copy data from Device to Host asynchronously |
Chipmemcpydtodasync | Copy data from Device to Device asynchronously |
Chipmodulegetglobal | Returns a global pointer from a module |
Chipgetsymboladdress | |
Chipgetsymbolsize | |
Chipmemcpytosymbol | |
Chipmemcpytosymbolasync | |
Chipmemcpyfromsymbol | |
Chipmemcpyfromsymbolasync | |
Chipmemset | Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dest with the ant byte value value |
Chipmemsetd8 | Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dest with the ant byte value value |
Chipmemsetd8async | Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dest with the ant byte value value |
Chipmemsetd16 | Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dest with the ant short value value |
Chipmemsetd16async | Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dest with the ant short value value |
Chipmemsetd32 | Fills the memory area pointed to by dest with the ant integer value for specified number of times |
Chipmemsetasync | Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dev with the ant byte value value |
Chipmemsetd32async | Fills the memory area pointed to by dev with the ant integer value for specified number of times |
Chipmemset2d | Fills the memory area pointed to by dst with the ant value |
Chipmemset2dasync | Fills asynchronously the memory area pointed to by dst with the ant value |
Chipmemset3d | Fills synchronously the memory area pointed to by pitchedDevPtr with the ant value |
Chipmemset3dasync | Fills asynchronously the memory area pointed to by pitchedDevPtr with the ant value |
Chipmemgetinfo | Query memory info |
Chipmemptrgetinfo | |
Chipmallocarray | Allocate an array on the device |
Chiparraycreate | |
Chiparraydestroy | |
Chiparray3dcreate | |
Chipmalloc3d | |
Chipfreearray | Frees an array on the device |
Chipfreemipmappedarray | Frees a mipmapped array on the device |
Chipmalloc3darray | Allocate an array on the device |
Chipmallocmipmappedarray | Allocate a mipmapped array on the device |
Chipgetmipmappedarraylevel | Gets a mipmap level of a HIP mipmapped array |
Chipmemcpyparam2d | Copies memory for 2D arrays |
Chipmemcpyparam2dasync | Copies memory for 2D arrays |
Chipmemcpy2dtoarray | Copies data between host and device |
Chipmemcpy2dtoarrayasync | Copies data between host and device |
Chipmemcpytoarray | |
Chipmemcpyfromarray | |
Chipmemcpy2dfromarray | Copies data between host and device |
Chipmemcpy2dfromarrayasync | Copies data between host and device asynchronously |
Chipmemcpyatoh | Copies data between host and device |
Chipmemcpyhtoa | Copies data between host and device |
Chipmemcpy3d | Copies data between host and device |
Chipmemcpy3dasync | Copies data between host and device asynchronously |
Chipdrvmemcpy3d | Copies data between host and device |
Chipdrvmemcpy3dasync | Copies data between host and device asynchronously |
Chipdevicecanaccesspeer | Determine if a device can access a peer's memory |
Chipdeviceenablepeeraccess | Enable direct access from current device's virtual address space to memory allocations physically located on a peer device |
Chipdevicedisablepeeraccess | Disable direct access from current device's virtual address space to memory allocations physically located on a peer device |
Chipmemgetaddressrange | Get information on memory allocations |
Chipmemcpypeer | Copies memory from one device to memory on another device |
Chipmemcpypeerasync | Copies memory from one device to memory on another device |
Chipctxcreate | |
Chipctxdestroy | |
Chipctxpopcurrent | |
Chipctxpushcurrent | |
Chipctxsetcurrent | |
Chipctxgetcurrent | |
Chipctxgetdevice | |
Chipctxgetapiversion | |
Chipctxgetcacheconfig | |
Chipctxsetcacheconfig | |
Chipctxsetsharedmemconfig | |
Chipctxgetsharedmemconfig | |
Chipctxsynchronize | |
Chipctxgetflags | |
Chipctxenablepeeraccess | |
Chipctxdisablepeeraccess | |
Chipdeviceprimaryctxgetstate | Get the state of the primary context |
Chipdeviceprimaryctxrelease | Release the primary context on the GPU |
Chipdeviceprimaryctxretain | Retain the primary context on the GPU |
Chipdeviceprimaryctxreset | Resets the primary context on the GPU |
Chipdeviceprimaryctxsetflags | Set flags for the primary context |
Chipmoduleload | Loads code object from file into a hipModule_t |
Chipmoduleunload | Frees the module |
Chipmodulegetfunction | Function with kname will be extracted if present in module |
Chipfuncgetattributes | Find out attributes for a given function |
Chipfuncgetattribute | Find out a specific attribute for a given function |
Chipmodulegettexref | Returns the handle of the texture reference with the name from the module |
Chipmoduleloaddata | Builds module from code object which resides in host memory |
Chipmoduleloaddataex | Builds module from code object which resides in host memory |
Chipmodulelaunchkernel | Launches kernel f with launch parameters and shared memory on stream with arguments passed to kernelparams or extra |
Chiplaunchcooperativekernel | Launches kernel f with launch parameters and shared memory on stream with arguments passed to kernelparams or extra, where thread blocks can cooperate and synchronize as they execute |
Chiplaunchcooperativekernelmultidevice | Launches kernels on multiple devices where thread blocks can cooperate and synchronize as they execute |
Chipextlaunchmultikernelmultidevice | Launches kernels on multiple devices and guarantees all specified kernels are dispatched on respective streams before enqueuing any other work on the specified streams from any other threads |
Chipmoduleoccupancymaxpotentialblocksize | |
Chipmoduleoccupancymaxpotentialblocksizewithflags | |
Chipmoduleoccupancymaxactiveblockspermultiprocessor | Returns occupancy for a device function |
Chipoccupancymaxactiveblockspermultiprocessor | Returns occupancy for a device function |
Chipoccupancymaxactiveblockspermultiprocessorwithflags | Returns occupancy for a device function |
Chipoccupancymaxpotentialblocksize | Determine the grid and block sizes to achieves maximum occupancy for a kernel |
Chipprofilerstart | |
Chipprofilerstop | |
Chipconfigurecall | Configure a kernel launch |
Chipsetupargument | Set a kernel argument |
Chiplaunchbyptr | Launch a kernel |
Chiplaunchkernel | C compliant kernel launch API |
Chipdrvmemcpy2dunaligned | Copies memory for 2D arrays |
Chipextlaunchkernel | Launches kernel from the pointer address, with arguments and shared memory on stream |
Chipbindtexture | |
Chipbindtexture2d | |
Chipbindtexturetoarray | |
Chipgettexturealignmentoffset | |
Chipunbindtexture | |
Chiptexrefgetaddress | |
Chiptexrefgetaddressmode | |
Chiptexrefgetfiltermode | |
Chiptexrefgetflags | |
Chiptexrefgetformat | |
Chiptexrefgetmaxanisotropy | |
Chiptexrefgetmipmapfiltermode | |
Chiptexrefgetmipmaplevelbias | |
Chiptexrefgetmipmaplevelclamp | |
Chiptexrefgetmipmappedarray | |
Chiptexrefsetaddress | |
Chiptexrefsetaddress2d | |
Chiptexrefsetmaxanisotropy | |
Chipbindtexturetomipmappedarray | |
Chipcreatetextureobject | |
Chipdestroytextureobject | |
Chipgetchanneldesc | |
Chipgettextureobjectresourcedesc | |
Chipgettextureobjectresourceviewdesc | |
Chipgettextureobjecttexturedesc | |
Chiptexrefsetaddressmode | |
Chiptexrefsetarray | |
Chiptexrefsetfiltermode | |
Chiptexrefsetflags | |
Chiptexrefsetformat | |
Chiptexobjectcreate | |
Chiptexobjectdestroy | |
Chiptexobjectgetresourcedesc | |
Chiptexobjectgetresourceviewdesc | |
Chiptexobjectgettexturedesc | |
Chiptexrefsetbordercolor | |
Chiptexrefsetmipmapfiltermode | |
Chiptexrefsetmipmaplevelbias | |
Chiptexrefsetmipmaplevelclamp | |
Chiptexrefsetmipmappedarray | |
Chipmipmappedarraycreate | |
Chipmipmappedarraydestroy | |
Chipmipmappedarraygetlevel | |
Chipregisterapicallback | |
Chipremoveapicallback | |
Chipregisteractivitycallback | |
Chipremoveactivitycallback | |
Chipstreambegincapture | Begins graph capture on a stream |
Chipstreamendcapture | Ends capture on a stream, returning the captured graph |
Chipstreamgetcaptureinfo | Get capture status of a stream |
Chipstreamgetcaptureinfo_v2 | Get stream's capture state |
Chipstreamiscapturing | Get stream's capture state |
Chipstreamupdatecapturedependencies | Update the set of dependencies in a capturing stream |
Chipgraphcreate | Creates a graph |
Chipgraphdestroy | Destroys a graph |
Chipgraphadddependencies | Adds dependency edges to a graph |
Chipgraphremovedependencies | Removes dependency edges from a graph |
Chipgraphgetedges | Returns a graph's dependency edges |
Chipgraphgetnodes | Returns graph nodes |
Chipgraphgetrootnodes | Returns graph's root nodes |
Chipgraphnodegetdependencies | Returns a node's dependencies |
Chipgraphnodegetdependentnodes | Returns a node's dependent nodes |
Chipgraphnodegettype | Returns a node's type |
Chipgraphdestroynode | Remove a node from the graph |
Chipgraphclone | Clones a graph |
Chipgraphnodefindinclone | Finds a cloned version of a node |
Chipgraphinstantiate | Creates an executable graph from a graph |
Chipgraphinstantiatewithflags | Creates an executable graph from a graph |
Chipgraphlaunch | Launches an executable graph in a stream |
Chipgraphexecdestroy | Destroys an executable graph |
Chipgraphexecupdate | Check whether an executable graph can be updated with a graph and perform the update if * possible |
Chipgraphaddkernelnode | Creates a kernel execution node and adds it to a graph |
Chipgraphkernelnodegetparams | Gets kernel node's parameters |
Chipgraphkernelnodesetparams | Sets a kernel node's parameters |
Chipgraphexeckernelnodesetparams | Sets the parameters for a kernel node in the given graphExec |
Chipgraphaddmemcpynode | Creates a memcpy node and adds it to a graph |
Chipgraphmemcpynodegetparams | Gets a memcpy node's parameters |
Chipgraphmemcpynodesetparams | Sets a memcpy node's parameters |
Chipgraphexecmemcpynodesetparams | Sets the parameters for a memcpy node in the given graphExec |
Chipgraphaddmemcpynode1d | Creates a 1D memcpy node and adds it to a graph |
Chipgraphmemcpynodesetparams1d | Sets a memcpy node's parameters to perform a 1-dimensional copy |
Chipgraphexecmemcpynodesetparams1d | Sets the parameters for a memcpy node in the given graphExec to perform a 1-dimensional copy |
Chipgraphaddmemcpynodefromsymbol | Creates a memcpy node to copy from a symbol on the device and adds it to a graph |
Chipgraphmemcpynodesetparamsfromsymbol | Sets a memcpy node's parameters to copy from a symbol on the device |
Chipgraphexecmemcpynodesetparamsfromsymbol | Sets the parameters for a memcpy node in the given graphExec to copy from a symbol on the |
Chipgraphaddmemcpynodetosymbol | Creates a memcpy node to copy to a symbol on the device and adds it to a graph |
Chipgraphmemcpynodesetparamstosymbol | Sets a memcpy node's parameters to copy to a symbol on the device |
Chipgraphexecmemcpynodesetparamstosymbol | Sets the parameters for a memcpy node in the given graphExec to copy to a symbol on the device |
Chipgraphaddmemsetnode | Creates a memset node and adds it to a graph |
Chipgraphmemsetnodegetparams | Gets a memset node's parameters |
Chipgraphmemsetnodesetparams | Sets a memset node's parameters |
Chipgraphexecmemsetnodesetparams | Sets the parameters for a memset node in the given graphExec |
Chipgraphaddhostnode | Creates a host execution node and adds it to a graph |
Chipgraphhostnodegetparams | Returns a host node's parameters |
Chipgraphhostnodesetparams | Sets a host node's parameters |
Chipgraphexechostnodesetparams | Sets the parameters for a host node in the given graphExec |
Chipgraphaddchildgraphnode | Creates a child graph node and adds it to a graph |
Chipgraphchildgraphnodegetgraph | Gets a handle to the embedded graph of a child graph node |
Chipgraphexecchildgraphnodesetparams | Updates node parameters in the child graph node in the given graphExec |
Chipgraphaddemptynode | Creates an empty node and adds it to a graph |
Chipgraphaddeventrecordnode | Creates an event record node and adds it to a graph |
Chipgrapheventrecordnodegetevent | Returns the event associated with an event record node |
Chipgrapheventrecordnodesetevent | Sets an event record node's event |
Chipgraphexeceventrecordnodesetevent | Sets the event for an event record node in the given graphExec |
Chipgraphaddeventwaitnode | Creates an event wait node and adds it to a graph |
Chipgrapheventwaitnodegetevent | Returns the event associated with an event wait node |
Chipgrapheventwaitnodesetevent | Sets an event wait node's event |
Chipgraphexeceventwaitnodesetevent | Sets the event for an event record node in the given graphExec |
►Nhipfort_auxiliary | |
Chipgetdeviceproperties | Returns device properties |
►Nhipfort_hipblas | |
Chipblascreate | |
Chipblasdestroy | |
Chipblassetstream | |
Chipblasgetstream | |
Chipblassetpointermode | |
Chipblasgetpointermode | |
Chipblassetatomicsmode | |
Chipblasgetatomicsmode | |
Chipblasisamax | |
Chipblasidamax | |
Chipblasicamax | |
Chipblasizamax | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblasisamaxbatched | |
Chipblasidamaxbatched | |
Chipblasicamaxbatched | |
Chipblasizamaxbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblasisamaxstridedbatched | |
Chipblasidamaxstridedbatched | |
Chipblasicamaxstridedbatched | |
Chipblasizamaxstridedbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblasisamin | |
Chipblasidamin | |
Chipblasicamin | |
Chipblasizamin | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblasisaminbatched | |
Chipblasidaminbatched | |
Chipblasicaminbatched | |
Chipblasizaminbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblasisaminstridedbatched | |
Chipblasidaminstridedbatched | |
Chipblasicaminstridedbatched | |
Chipblasizaminstridedbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassasum | |
Chipblasdasum | |
Chipblasscasum | |
Chipblasdzasum | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassasumbatched | |
Chipblasdasumbatched | |
Chipblasscasumbatched | |
Chipblasdzasumbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassasumstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdasumstridedbatched | |
Chipblasscasumstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdzasumstridedbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassaxpy | |
Chipblasdaxpy | |
Chipblascaxpy | |
Chipblaszaxpy | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassaxpybatched | |
Chipblasdaxpybatched | |
Chipblascaxpybatched | |
Chipblaszaxpybatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassaxpystridedbatched | |
Chipblasdaxpystridedbatched | |
Chipblascaxpystridedbatched | |
Chipblaszaxpystridedbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblasscopy | |
Chipblasdcopy | |
Chipblasccopy | |
Chipblaszcopy | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblasscopybatched | |
Chipblasdcopybatched | |
Chipblasccopybatched | |
Chipblaszcopybatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblasscopystridedbatched | |
Chipblasdcopystridedbatched | |
Chipblasccopystridedbatched | |
Chipblaszcopystridedbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassdot | |
Chipblasddot | |
Chipblascdotc | |
Chipblascdotu | |
Chipblaszdotc | |
Chipblaszdotu | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassdotbatched | |
Chipblasddotbatched | |
Chipblascdotcbatched | |
Chipblascdotubatched | |
Chipblaszdotcbatched | |
Chipblaszdotubatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassdotstridedbatched | |
Chipblasddotstridedbatched | |
Chipblascdotcstridedbatched | |
Chipblascdotustridedbatched | |
Chipblaszdotcstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszdotustridedbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassnrm2 | |
Chipblasdnrm2 | |
Chipblasscnrm2 | |
Chipblasdznrm2 | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassnrm2batched | |
Chipblasdnrm2batched | |
Chipblasscnrm2batched | |
Chipblasdznrm2batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassnrm2stridedbatched | |
Chipblasdnrm2stridedbatched | |
Chipblasscnrm2stridedbatched | |
Chipblasdznrm2stridedbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassrot | |
Chipblasdrot | |
Chipblascrot | |
Chipblascsrot | |
Chipblaszrot | |
Chipblaszdrot | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassrotbatched | |
Chipblasdrotbatched | |
Chipblascrotbatched | |
Chipblascsrotbatched | |
Chipblaszrotbatched | |
Chipblaszdrotbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassrotstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdrotstridedbatched | |
Chipblascrotstridedbatched | |
Chipblascsrotstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszrotstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszdrotstridedbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassrotg | |
Chipblasdrotg | |
Chipblascrotg | |
Chipblaszrotg | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassrotgbatched | |
Chipblasdrotgbatched | |
Chipblascrotgbatched | |
Chipblaszrotgbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassrotgstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdrotgstridedbatched | |
Chipblascrotgstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszrotgstridedbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassrotm | |
Chipblasdrotm | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassrotmbatched | |
Chipblasdrotmbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassrotmstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdrotmstridedbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassrotmg | |
Chipblasdrotmg | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassrotmgbatched | |
Chipblasdrotmgbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassrotmgstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdrotmgstridedbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassscal | |
Chipblasdscal | |
Chipblascscal | |
Chipblascsscal | |
Chipblaszscal | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblaszdscal | |
Chipblassscalbatched | |
Chipblasdscalbatched | |
Chipblascscalbatched | |
Chipblaszscalbatched | |
Chipblascsscalbatched | |
Chipblaszdscalbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassscalstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdscalstridedbatched | |
Chipblascscalstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszscalstridedbatched | |
Chipblascsscalstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszdscalstridedbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassswap | |
Chipblasdswap | |
Chipblascswap | |
Chipblaszswap | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassswapbatched | |
Chipblasdswapbatched | |
Chipblascswapbatched | |
Chipblaszswapbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassswapstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdswapstridedbatched | |
Chipblascswapstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszswapstridedbatched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Chipblassgbmv | |
Chipblasdgbmv | |
Chipblascgbmv | |
Chipblaszgbmv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblassgbmvbatched | |
Chipblasdgbmvbatched | |
Chipblascgbmvbatched | |
Chipblaszgbmvbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblassgbmvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdgbmvstridedbatched | |
Chipblascgbmvstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszgbmvstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblassgemv | |
Chipblasdgemv | |
Chipblascgemv | |
Chipblaszgemv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblassgemvbatched | |
Chipblasdgemvbatched | |
Chipblascgemvbatched | |
Chipblaszgemvbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblassgemvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdgemvstridedbatched | |
Chipblascgemvstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszgemvstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblassger | |
Chipblasdger | |
Chipblascgeru | |
Chipblascgerc | |
Chipblaszgeru | |
Chipblaszgerc | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblassgerbatched | |
Chipblasdgerbatched | |
Chipblascgerubatched | |
Chipblascgercbatched | |
Chipblaszgerubatched | |
Chipblaszgercbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblassgerstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdgerstridedbatched | |
Chipblascgerustridedbatched | |
Chipblascgercstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszgerustridedbatched | |
Chipblaszgercstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblaschbmv | |
Chipblaszhbmv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblaschbmvbatched | |
Chipblaszhbmvbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblaschbmvstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszhbmvstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblaschemv | |
Chipblaszhemv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblaschemvbatched | |
Chipblaszhemvbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblaschemvstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszhemvstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblascher | |
Chipblaszher | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblascherbatched | |
Chipblaszherbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblascherstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszherstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblascher2 | |
Chipblaszher2 | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblascher2batched | |
Chipblaszher2batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblascher2stridedbatched | |
Chipblaszher2stridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblaschpmv | |
Chipblaszhpmv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblaschpmvbatched | |
Chipblaszhpmvbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblaschpmvstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszhpmvstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblaschpr | |
Chipblaszhpr | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblaschprbatched | |
Chipblaszhprbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblaschprstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszhprstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblaschpr2 | |
Chipblaszhpr2 | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblaschpr2batched | |
Chipblaszhpr2batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblaschpr2stridedbatched | |
Chipblaszhpr2stridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasssbmv | |
Chipblasdsbmv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasssbmvbatched | |
Chipblasdsbmvbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasssbmvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdsbmvstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblassspmv | |
Chipblasdspmv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblassspmvbatched | |
Chipblasdspmvbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblassspmvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdspmvstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblassspr | |
Chipblasdspr | |
Chipblascspr | |
Chipblaszspr | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasssprbatched | |
Chipblasdsprbatched | |
Chipblascsprbatched | |
Chipblaszsprbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasssprstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdsprstridedbatched | |
Chipblascsprstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszsprstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblassspr2 | |
Chipblasdspr2 | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblassspr2batched | |
Chipblasdspr2batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblassspr2stridedbatched | |
Chipblasdspr2stridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasssymv | |
Chipblasdsymv | |
Chipblascsymv | |
Chipblaszsymv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasssymvbatched | |
Chipblasdsymvbatched | |
Chipblascsymvbatched | |
Chipblaszsymvbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasssymvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdsymvstridedbatched | |
Chipblascsymvstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszsymvstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasssyr | |
Chipblasdsyr | |
Chipblascsyr | |
Chipblaszsyr | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasssyrbatched | |
Chipblasdsyrbatched | |
Chipblascsyrbatched | |
Chipblaszsyrbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasssyrstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdsyrstridedbatched | |
Chipblascsyrstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszsyrstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasssyr2 | |
Chipblasdsyr2 | |
Chipblascsyr2 | |
Chipblaszsyr2 | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasssyr2batched | |
Chipblasdsyr2batched | |
Chipblascsyr2batched | |
Chipblaszsyr2batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasssyr2stridedbatched | |
Chipblasdsyr2stridedbatched | |
Chipblascsyr2stridedbatched | |
Chipblaszsyr2stridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstbmv | |
Chipblasdtbmv | |
Chipblasctbmv | |
Chipblasztbmv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstbmvbatched | |
Chipblasdtbmvbatched | |
Chipblasctbmvbatched | |
Chipblasztbmvbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstbmvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdtbmvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasctbmvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasztbmvstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstbsv | |
Chipblasdtbsv | |
Chipblasctbsv | |
Chipblasztbsv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstbsvbatched | |
Chipblasdtbsvbatched | |
Chipblasctbsvbatched | |
Chipblasztbsvbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstbsvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdtbsvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasctbsvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasztbsvstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstpmv | |
Chipblasdtpmv | |
Chipblasctpmv | |
Chipblasztpmv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstpmvbatched | |
Chipblasdtpmvbatched | |
Chipblasctpmvbatched | |
Chipblasztpmvbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstpmvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdtpmvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasctpmvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasztpmvstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstpsv | |
Chipblasdtpsv | |
Chipblasctpsv | |
Chipblasztpsv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstpsvbatched | |
Chipblasdtpsvbatched | |
Chipblasctpsvbatched | |
Chipblasztpsvbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstpsvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdtpsvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasctpsvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasztpsvstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstrmv | |
Chipblasdtrmv | |
Chipblasctrmv | |
Chipblasztrmv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstrmvbatched | |
Chipblasdtrmvbatched | |
Chipblasctrmvbatched | |
Chipblasztrmvbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstrmvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdtrmvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasctrmvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasztrmvstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstrsv | |
Chipblasdtrsv | |
Chipblasctrsv | |
Chipblasztrsv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstrsvbatched | |
Chipblasdtrsvbatched | |
Chipblasctrsvbatched | |
Chipblasztrsvbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblasstrsvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdtrsvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasctrsvstridedbatched | |
Chipblasztrsvstridedbatched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Chipblassgemm | |
Chipblasdgemm | |
Chipblascgemm | |
Chipblaszgemm | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblassgemmbatched | |
Chipblasdgemmbatched | |
Chipblascgemmbatched | |
Chipblaszgemmbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblassgemmstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdgemmstridedbatched | |
Chipblascgemmstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszgemmstridedbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblascherk | |
Chipblaszherk | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblascherkbatched | |
Chipblaszherkbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblascherkstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszherkstridedbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblascherkx | |
Chipblaszherkx | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblascherkxbatched | |
Chipblaszherkxbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblascherkxstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszherkxstridedbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblascher2k | |
Chipblaszher2k | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblascher2kbatched | |
Chipblaszher2kbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblascher2kstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszher2kstridedbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasssymm | |
Chipblasdsymm | |
Chipblascsymm | |
Chipblaszsymm | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasssymmbatched | |
Chipblasdsymmbatched | |
Chipblascsymmbatched | |
Chipblaszsymmbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasssymmstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdsymmstridedbatched | |
Chipblascsymmstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszsymmstridedbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasssyrk | |
Chipblasdsyrk | |
Chipblascsyrk | |
Chipblaszsyrk | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasssyrkbatched | |
Chipblasdsyrkbatched | |
Chipblascsyrkbatched | |
Chipblaszsyrkbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasssyrkstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdsyrkstridedbatched | |
Chipblascsyrkstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszsyrkstridedbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasssyr2k | |
Chipblasdsyr2k | |
Chipblascsyr2k | |
Chipblaszsyr2k | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasssyr2kbatched | |
Chipblasdsyr2kbatched | |
Chipblascsyr2kbatched | |
Chipblaszsyr2kbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasssyr2kstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdsyr2kstridedbatched | |
Chipblascsyr2kstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszsyr2kstridedbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasssyrkx | |
Chipblasdsyrkx | |
Chipblascsyrkx | |
Chipblaszsyrkx | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasssyrkxbatched | |
Chipblasdsyrkxbatched | |
Chipblascsyrkxbatched | |
Chipblaszsyrkxbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasssyrkxstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdsyrkxstridedbatched | |
Chipblascsyrkxstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszsyrkxstridedbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblassgeam | |
Chipblasdgeam | |
Chipblascgeam | |
Chipblaszgeam | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblassgeambatched | |
Chipblasdgeambatched | |
Chipblascgeambatched | |
Chipblaszgeambatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblassgeamstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdgeamstridedbatched | |
Chipblascgeamstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszgeamstridedbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblaschemm | |
Chipblaszhemm | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblaschemmbatched | |
Chipblaszhemmbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblaschemmstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszhemmstridedbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasstrmm | |
Chipblasdtrmm | |
Chipblasctrmm | |
Chipblasztrmm | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasstrmmbatched | |
Chipblasdtrmmbatched | |
Chipblasctrmmbatched | |
Chipblasztrmmbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasstrmmstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdtrmmstridedbatched | |
Chipblasctrmmstridedbatched | |
Chipblasztrmmstridedbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasstrsm | |
Chipblasdtrsm | |
Chipblasctrsm | |
Chipblasztrsm | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasstrsmbatched | |
Chipblasdtrsmbatched | |
Chipblasctrsmbatched | |
Chipblasztrsmbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasstrsmstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdtrsmstridedbatched | |
Chipblasctrsmstridedbatched | |
Chipblasztrsmstridedbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasstrtri | |
Chipblasdtrtri | |
Chipblasctrtri | |
Chipblasztrtri | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasstrtribatched | |
Chipblasdtrtribatched | |
Chipblasctrtribatched | |
Chipblasztrtribatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblasstrtristridedbatched | |
Chipblasdtrtristridedbatched | |
Chipblasctrtristridedbatched | |
Chipblasztrtristridedbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblassdgmm | |
Chipblasddgmm | |
Chipblascdgmm | |
Chipblaszdgmm | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblassdgmmbatched | |
Chipblasddgmmbatched | |
Chipblascdgmmbatched | |
Chipblaszdgmmbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblassdgmmstridedbatched | |
Chipblasddgmmstridedbatched | |
Chipblascdgmmstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszdgmmstridedbatched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Chipblassgetrf | |
Chipblasdgetrf | |
Chipblascgetrf | |
Chipblaszgetrf | SOLVER API |
Chipblassgetrfbatched | |
Chipblasdgetrfbatched | |
Chipblascgetrfbatched | |
Chipblaszgetrfbatched | SOLVER API |
Chipblassgetrfstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdgetrfstridedbatched | |
Chipblascgetrfstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszgetrfstridedbatched | SOLVER API |
Chipblassgetrs | |
Chipblasdgetrs | |
Chipblascgetrs | |
Chipblaszgetrs | SOLVER API |
Chipblassgetrsbatched | |
Chipblasdgetrsbatched | |
Chipblascgetrsbatched | |
Chipblaszgetrsbatched | SOLVER API |
Chipblassgetrsstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdgetrsstridedbatched | |
Chipblascgetrsstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszgetrsstridedbatched | SOLVER API |
Chipblassgetribatched | |
Chipblasdgetribatched | |
Chipblascgetribatched | |
Chipblaszgetribatched | SOLVER API |
Chipblassgeqrf | |
Chipblasdgeqrf | |
Chipblascgeqrf | |
Chipblaszgeqrf | SOLVER API |
Chipblassgeqrfbatched | |
Chipblasdgeqrfbatched | |
Chipblascgeqrfbatched | |
Chipblaszgeqrfbatched | SOLVER API |
Chipblassgeqrfstridedbatched | |
Chipblasdgeqrfstridedbatched | |
Chipblascgeqrfstridedbatched | |
Chipblaszgeqrfstridedbatched | SOLVER API |
Chipblasgemmex | |
Chipblasgemmbatchedex | |
Chipblasgemmstridedbatchedex | |
Chipblastrsmex | |
Chipblastrsmbatchedex | |
Chipblastrsmstridedbatchedex | |
Chipblasaxpyex | |
Chipblasaxpybatchedex | |
Chipblasaxpystridedbatchedex | |
Chipblasdotex | |
Chipblasdotcex | |
Chipblasdotbatchedex | |
Chipblasdotcbatchedex | |
Chipblasdotstridedbatchedex | |
Chipblasdotcstridedbatchedex | |
Chipblasnrm2ex | |
Chipblasnrm2batchedex | |
Chipblasnrm2stridedbatchedex | |
Chipblasrotex | |
Chipblasrotbatchedex | |
Chipblasrotstridedbatchedex | |
Chipblasscalex | |
Chipblasscalbatchedex | |
Chipblasscalstridedbatchedex | |
►Nhipfort_hipblas_auxiliary | |
Chipblassetvector | |
Chipblasgetvector | |
Chipblassetmatrix | |
Chipblasgetmatrix | |
Chipblassetvectorasync | |
Chipblasgetvectorasync | |
Chipblassetmatrixasync | |
Chipblasgetmatrixasync | |
►Nhipfort_hipfft | |
Chipfftplan1d | Create a new one-dimensional FFT plan |
Chipfftplan2d | Create a new two-dimensional FFT plan |
Chipfftplan3d | Create a new three-dimensional FFT plan |
Chipfftplanmany | Create a new batched rank-dimensional FFT plan |
Chipfftcreate | Allocate a new plan |
Chipfftmakeplan1d | Initialize a new one-dimensional FFT plan |
Chipfftmakeplan2d | Initialize a new two-dimensional FFT plan |
Chipfftmakeplan3d | Initialize a new two-dimensional FFT plan |
Chipfftmakeplanmany | Initialize a new batched rank-dimensional FFT plan |
Chipfftmakeplanmany64 | |
Chipfftestimate1d | Return an estimate of the work area size required for a 1D plan |
Chipfftestimate2d | Return an estimate of the work area size required for a 2D plan |
Chipfftestimate3d | Return an estimate of the work area size required for a 3D plan |
Chipfftestimatemany | Return an estimate of the work area size required for a rank-dimensional plan |
Chipfftgetsize1d | Return size of the work area size required for a 1D plan |
Chipfftgetsize2d | Return size of the work area size required for a 2D plan |
Chipfftgetsize3d | Return size of the work area size required for a 3D plan |
Chipfftgetsizemany | Return size of the work area size required for a rank-dimensional plan |
Chipfftgetsizemany64 | |
Chipfftgetsize | Return size of the work area size required for a rank-dimensional plan |
Chipfftsetautoallocation | Set the plan's auto-allocation flag |
Chipfftsetworkarea | Set the plan's work area |
Chipfftexecc2c | Execute a (float) complex-to-complex FFT |
Chipfftexecr2c | Execute a (float) real-to-complex FFT |
Chipfftexecc2r | Execute a (float) complex-to-real FFT |
Chipfftexecz2z | Execute a (double) complex-to-complex FFT |
Chipfftexecd2z | Execute a (double) real-to-complex FFT |
Chipfftexecz2d | Execute a (double) complex-to-real FFT |
Chipfftsetstream | Set HIP stream to execute plan on |
Chipfftdestroy | Destroy and deallocate an existing plan |
Chipfftgetversion | Get rocFFT/cuFFT version |
Chipfftgetproperty | Get library property |
►Nhipfort_hiphostregister | |
Chiphostregister | Register host memory so it can be accessed from the current device |
Chiphostunregister | Un-register host pointer |
Chiphostgetdevicepointer | Get Device pointer from Host Pointer allocated through hipHostMalloc |
Chiphostgetflags | Return flags associated with host pointer |
►Nhipfort_hipmalloc | |
Chipmalloc | |
Chipmallocmanaged | Allocates memory that will be automatically managed by AMD HMM |
Chiphostmalloc | |
Chipfree | |
Chiphostfree | |
►Nhipfort_hipmemcpy | |
Chipmemcpy | |
Chipmemcpyasync | |
Chipmemcpy2d | |
Chipmemcpy2dasync | |
►Nhipfort_hiprand | |
Chiprandcreategenerator | Creates a new random number generator |
Chiprandcreategeneratorhost | Creates a new random number generator on host |
Chipranddestroygenerator | Destroys random number generator |
Chiprandgenerate | Generates uniformly distributed 32-bit unsigned integers |
Chiprandgeneratechar | Generates uniformly distributed 8-bit unsigned integers |
Chiprandgenerateshort | Generates uniformly distributed 16-bit unsigned integers |
Chiprandgenerateuniform | Generates uniformly distributed floats |
Chiprandgenerateuniformdouble | Generates uniformly distributed double-precision floating-point values |
Chiprandgeneratenormal | Generates normally distributed floats |
Chiprandgeneratenormaldouble | Generates normally distributed doubles |
Chiprandgeneratelognormal | Generates log-normally distributed floats |
Chiprandgeneratelognormaldouble | Generates log-normally distributed doubles |
Chiprandgeneratepoisson | Generates Poisson-distributed 32-bit unsigned integers |
Chiprandgenerateseeds | Initializes the generator's state on GPU or host |
Chiprandsetstream | Sets the current stream for kernel launches |
Chiprandsetpseudorandomgeneratorseed | Sets the seed of a pseudo-random number generator |
Chiprandsetgeneratoroffset | Sets the offset of a random number generator |
Chiprandsetquasirandomgeneratordimensions | Set the number of dimensions of a quasi-random number generator |
Chiprandgetversion | Returns the version number of the cuRAND or rocRAND library |
Chiprandcreatepoissondistribution | Construct the histogram for a Poisson distribution |
Chipranddestroydistribution | Destroy the histogram array for a discrete distribution |
►Nhipfort_hipsolver | |
Chipsolvercreate | |
Chipsolverdncreate | |
Chipsolverdestroy | |
Chipsolverdndestroy | |
Chipsolversetstream | |
Chipsolverdnsetstream | |
Chipsolvergetstream | |
Chipsolverdngetstream | |
Chipsolversetdeterministicmode | |
Chipsolvergetdeterministicmode | |
Chipsolversorgbr_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdorgbr_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercungbr_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzungbr_buffersize | |
Chipsolversorgbr | |
Chipsolverdorgbr | |
Chipsolvercungbr | |
Chipsolverzungbr | |
Chipsolversorgqr_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdorgqr_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercungqr_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzungqr_buffersize | |
Chipsolversorgqr | |
Chipsolverdorgqr | |
Chipsolvercungqr | |
Chipsolverzungqr | |
Chipsolversorgtr_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdorgtr_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercungtr_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzungtr_buffersize | |
Chipsolversorgtr | |
Chipsolverdorgtr | |
Chipsolvercungtr | |
Chipsolverzungtr | |
Chipsolversormqr_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdormqr_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercunmqr_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzunmqr_buffersize | |
Chipsolversormqr | |
Chipsolverdormqr | |
Chipsolvercunmqr | |
Chipsolverzunmqr | |
Chipsolversormtr_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdormtr_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercunmtr_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzunmtr_buffersize | |
Chipsolversormtr | |
Chipsolverdormtr | |
Chipsolvercunmtr | |
Chipsolverzunmtr | |
Chipsolversgebrd_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdgebrd_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercgebrd_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzgebrd_buffersize | |
Chipsolversgebrd | |
Chipsolverdgebrd | |
Chipsolvercgebrd | |
Chipsolverzgebrd | |
Chipsolversgeqrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdgeqrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercgeqrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzgeqrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolversgeqrf | |
Chipsolverdgeqrf | |
Chipsolvercgeqrf | |
Chipsolverzgeqrf | |
Chipsolverssgesv_buffersize | |
Chipsolverddgesv_buffersize | |
Chipsolverccgesv_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzzgesv_buffersize | |
Chipsolverssgesv | |
Chipsolverddgesv | |
Chipsolverccgesv | |
Chipsolverzzgesv | |
Chipsolversgetrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdgetrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercgetrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzgetrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolversgetrf | |
Chipsolverdgetrf | |
Chipsolvercgetrf | |
Chipsolverzgetrf | |
Chipsolversgetrs_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdgetrs_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercgetrs_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzgetrs_buffersize | |
Chipsolversgetrs | |
Chipsolverdgetrs | |
Chipsolvercgetrs | |
Chipsolverzgetrs | |
Chipsolverspotrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdpotrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercpotrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzpotrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolverspotrf | |
Chipsolverdpotrf | |
Chipsolvercpotrf | |
Chipsolverzpotrf | |
Chipsolverspotrfbatched_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdpotrfbatched_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercpotrfbatched_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzpotrfbatched_buffersize | |
Chipsolverspotrfbatched | |
Chipsolverdpotrfbatched | |
Chipsolvercpotrfbatched | |
Chipsolverzpotrfbatched | |
Chipsolverspotri_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdpotri_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercpotri_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzpotri_buffersize | |
Chipsolverspotri | |
Chipsolverdpotri | |
Chipsolvercpotri | |
Chipsolverzpotri | |
Chipsolverspotrs_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdpotrs_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercpotrs_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzpotrs_buffersize | |
Chipsolverspotrs | |
Chipsolverdpotrs | |
Chipsolvercpotrs | |
Chipsolverzpotrs | |
Chipsolverspotrsbatched_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdpotrsbatched_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercpotrsbatched_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzpotrsbatched_buffersize | |
Chipsolverspotrsbatched | |
Chipsolverdpotrsbatched | |
Chipsolvercpotrsbatched | |
Chipsolverzpotrsbatched | |
Chipsolverssyevd_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdsyevd_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercheevd_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzheevd_buffersize | |
Chipsolverssyevd | |
Chipsolverdsyevd | |
Chipsolvercheevd | |
Chipsolverzheevd | |
Chipsolverssygvd_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdsygvd_buffersize | |
Chipsolverchegvd_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzhegvd_buffersize | |
Chipsolverssygvd | |
Chipsolverdsygvd | |
Chipsolverchegvd | |
Chipsolverzhegvd | |
Chipsolverssytrd_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdsytrd_buffersize | |
Chipsolverchetrd_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzhetrd_buffersize | |
Chipsolverssytrd | |
Chipsolverdsytrd | |
Chipsolverchetrd | |
Chipsolverzhetrd | |
Chipsolverssytrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdsytrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercsytrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzsytrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolverssytrf | |
Chipsolverdsytrf | |
Chipsolvercsytrf | |
Chipsolverzsytrf | |
Chipsolverssyevdx_buffersize | |
Chipsolverddyevdx_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercheevdx_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzheevdx_buffersize | |
Chipsolverssyevdx_ | |
Chipsolverddyevdx | |
Chipsolvercheevdx | |
Chipsolverzheevdx | |
Chipsolverssygvdx_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdsygvdx_buffersize | |
Chipsolverchegvdx_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzhegvdx_buffersize | |
Chipsolverssygvdx | |
Chipsolverdsygvdx | |
Chipsolverchegvdx | |
Chipsolverzhegvdx | |
Chipsolversgesvdj_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdgesvdj_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercgesvdj_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzgesvdj_buffersize | |
Chipsolversgesvdj | |
Chipsolverdgesvdj | |
Chipsolvercgesvdj | |
Chipsolverzgesvdj | |
Chipsolversgesvdjbatched_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdgesvdjbatched_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercgesvdjbatched_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzgesvdjbatched_buffersize | |
Chipsolversgesvdjbatched | |
Chipsolverdgesvdjbatched | |
Chipsolvercgesvdjbatched | |
Chipsolverzgesvdjbatched | |
Chipsolverssyevj_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdsyevj_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercheevj_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzheevj_buffersize | |
Chipsolverssyevj | |
Chipsolverdsyevj | |
Chipsolvercheevj | |
Chipsolverzheevj | |
Chipsolverssyevjbatched_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdsyevjbatched_buffersize | |
Chipsolvercheevjbatched_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzheevjbatched_buffersize | |
Chipsolverssyevjbatched | |
Chipsolverdsyevjjbatched | |
Chipsolvercheevjbatched | |
Chipsolverzheevjbatched | |
Chipsolverssygvj_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdsygvj_buffersize | |
Chipsolverchegvj_buffersize | |
Chipsolverzhegvj_buffersize | |
Chipsolverssygvj | |
Chipsolverdsygvj | |
Chipsolverchegvj | |
Chipsolverzhegvj | |
Chipsolverdncreateparams | |
Chipsolverdndestroyparams | |
Chipsolverdnsetadvoptions | |
Chipsolverdnxgetrf_buffersize | |
Chipsolverdnxgetrf | |
Chipsolverdnxgetrs | |
Chipsolverspcreate | |
Chipsolverspdestroy | |
Chipsolverspsetstream | |
Chipsolverspscsrlsvchol | |
Chipsolverspdcsrlsvchol | |
Chipsolverspscsrlsvcholhost | |
Chipsolverspdscrlsvcholhost | |
Chipsolverrfcreate | |
Chipsolverrfdestroy | |
Chipsolverrfsetupdevice | |
Chipsolverrfsetuphost | |
Chipsolverrfaccessbundledfactorsdevice | |
Chipsolverrfanalyze | |
Chipsolverrfextractbundledfactorshost | |
Chipsolverrfextractsplitfactorshost | |
Chipsolverrfget_algs | |
Chipsolverrfgetmatrixformat | |
Chipsolverrfgetnumericboostreport | |
Chipsolverrfgetnumericproperties | |
Chipsolverrfgetresetvaluesfastmode | |
Chipsolverrfrefactor | |
Chipsolverrfresetvalues | |
Chipsolverrfsetalgs | |
Chipsolverrfsetmatrixformat | |
Chipsolverrfsetnumericproperties | |
Chipsolverrfsetresetvaluesfastmode | |
Chipsolverrfsolve | |
Chipsolverrfbatchsetuphost | |
Chipsolverrfbatchanalyze | |
Chipsolverrfbatchrefactor | |
Chipsolverrfbatchresetvalues | |
Chipsolverrfbatchsolve | |
Chipsolverrfbatchzeropivot | |
►Nhipfort_hipsparse | |
Chipsparsecreate | Create a hipsparse handle |
Chipsparsedestroy | Destroy a hipsparse handle |
Chipsparsegetversion | Get hipSPARSE version |
Chipsparsegetgitrevision | Get hipSPARSE git revision |
Chipsparsesetstream | Specify user defined HIP stream |
Chipsparsegetstream | Get current stream from library context |
Chipsparsesetpointermode | Specify pointer mode |
Chipsparsegetpointermode | Get current pointer mode from library context |
Chipsparsecreatematdescr | Create a matrix descriptor |
Chipsparsedestroymatdescr | Destroy a matrix descriptor |
Chipsparsecopymatdescr | Copy a matrix descriptor |
Chipsparsesetmattype | Specify the matrix type of a matrix descriptor |
Chipsparsesetmatfillmode | Specify the matrix fill mode of a matrix descriptor |
Chipsparsesetmatdiagtype | Specify the matrix diagonal type of a matrix descriptor |
Chipsparsesetmatindexbase | Specify the index base of a matrix descriptor |
Chipsparsecreatehybmat | |
Chipsparsedestroyhybmat | |
Chipsparsecreatebsrsv2info | Create a bsrsv2 info structure |
Chipsparsedestroybsrsv2info | Destroy a bsrsv2 info structure |
Chipsparsecreatebsrsm2info | Create a bsrsm2 info structure |
Chipsparsedestroybsrsm2info | Destroy a bsrsm2 info structure |
Chipsparsecreatebsrilu02info | Create a bsrilu02 info structure |
Chipsparsedestroybsrilu02info | Destroy a bsrilu02 info structure |
Chipsparsecreatebsric02info | Create a bsric02 info structure |
Chipsparsedestroybsric02info | Destroy a bsric02 info structure |
Chipsparsecreatecsrsv2info | Create a csrsv2 info structure |
Chipsparsedestroycsrsv2info | Destroy a csrsv2 info structure |
Chipsparsecreatecsrsm2info | Create a csrsm2 info structure |
Chipsparsedestroycsrsm2info | Destroy a csrsm2 info structure |
Chipsparsecreatecsrilu02info | Create a csrilu02 info structure |
Chipsparsedestroycsrilu02info | Destroy a csrilu02 info structure |
Chipsparsecreatecsric02info | Create a csric02 info structure |
Chipsparsedestroycsric02info | Destroy a csric02 info structure |
Chipsparsecreatecsru2csrinfo | Create a csru2csr info structure |
Chipsparsedestroycsru2csrinfo | Destroy a csru2csr info structure |
Chipsparsecreatecolorinfo | Create a color info structure |
Chipsparsedestroycolorinfo | Destroy a color info structure |
Chipsparsecreatecsrgemm2info | |
Chipsparsedestroycsrgemm2info | |
Chipsparsecreatepruneinfo | Create a prune info structure |
Chipsparsedestroypruneinfo | Destroy a prune info structure |
Chipsparsesaxpyi | |
Chipsparsedaxpyi | |
Chipsparsecaxpyi | |
Chipsparsezaxpyi | |
Chipsparsesdoti | |
Chipsparseddoti | |
Chipsparsecdoti | |
Chipsparsezdoti | |
Chipsparsecdotci | |
Chipsparsezdotci | |
Chipsparsesgthr | |
Chipsparsedgthr | |
Chipsparsecgthr | |
Chipsparsezgthr | |
Chipsparsesgthrz | |
Chipsparsedgthrz | |
Chipsparsecgthrz | |
Chipsparsezgthrz | |
Chipsparsesroti | |
Chipsparsedroti | |
Chipsparsessctr | |
Chipsparsedsctr | |
Chipsparsecsctr | |
Chipsparsezsctr | |
Chipsparsescsrmv | |
Chipsparsedcsrmv | |
Chipsparseccsrmv | |
Chipsparsezcsrmv | |
Chipsparsexcsrsv2_zeropivot | Sparse triangular solve using CSR storage format |
Chipsparsescsrsv2_buffersize | |
Chipsparsedcsrsv2_buffersize | |
Chipsparseccsrsv2_buffersize | |
Chipsparsezcsrsv2_buffersize | |
Chipsparsescsrsv2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsedcsrsv2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparseccsrsv2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsezcsrsv2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsescsrsv2_analysis | |
Chipsparsedcsrsv2_analysis | |
Chipsparseccsrsv2_analysis | |
Chipsparsezcsrsv2_analysis | |
Chipsparsescsrsv2_solve | |
Chipsparsedcsrsv2_solve | |
Chipsparseccsrsv2_solve | |
Chipsparsezcsrsv2_solve | |
Chipsparseshybmv | |
Chipsparsedhybmv | |
Chipsparsechybmv | |
Chipsparsezhybmv | |
Chipsparsesbsrmv | |
Chipsparsedbsrmv | |
Chipsparsecbsrmv | |
Chipsparsezbsrmv | |
Chipsparsesbsrxmv | |
Chipsparsedbsrxmv | |
Chipsparsecbsrxmv | |
Chipsparsezbsrxmv | |
Chipsparsexbsrsv2_zeropivot | Sparse triangular solve using BSR storage format |
Chipsparsesbsrsv2_buffersize | |
Chipsparsedbsrsv2_buffersize | |
Chipsparsecbsrsv2_buffersize | |
Chipsparsezbsrsv2_buffersize | |
Chipsparsesbsrsv2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsedbsrsv2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsecbsrsv2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsezbsrsv2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsesbsrsv2_analysis | |
Chipsparsedbsrsv2_analysis | |
Chipsparsecbsrsv2_analysis | |
Chipsparsezbsrsv2_analysis | |
Chipsparsesbsrsv2_solve | |
Chipsparsedbsrsv2_solve | |
Chipsparsecbsrsv2_solve | |
Chipsparsezbsrsv2_solve | |
Chipsparsesgemvi_buffersize | |
Chipsparsedgemvi_buffersize | |
Chipsparsecgemvi_buffersize | |
Chipsparsezgemvi_buffersize | |
Chipsparsesgemvi | |
Chipsparsedgemvi | |
Chipsparsecgemvi | |
Chipsparsezgemvi | |
Chipsparsesbsrmm | |
Chipsparsedbsrmm | |
Chipsparsecbsrmm | |
Chipsparsezbsrmm | |
Chipsparsescsrmm | |
Chipsparsedcsrmm | |
Chipsparseccsrmm | |
Chipsparsezcsrmm | |
Chipsparsescsrmm2 | |
Chipsparsedcsrmm2 | |
Chipsparseccsrmm2 | |
Chipsparsezcsrmm2 | |
Chipsparsexbsrsm2_zeropivot | Sparse triangular system solve using BSR storage format |
Chipsparsesbsrsm2_buffersize | |
Chipsparsedbsrsm2_buffersize | |
Chipsparsecbsrsm2_buffersize | |
Chipsparsezbsrsm2_buffersize | |
Chipsparsesbsrsm2_analysis | |
Chipsparsedbsrsm2_analysis | |
Chipsparsecbsrsm2_analysis | |
Chipsparsezbsrsm2_analysis | |
Chipsparsesbsrsm2_solve | |
Chipsparsedbsrsm2_solve | |
Chipsparsecbsrsm2_solve | |
Chipsparsezbsrsm2_solve | |
Chipsparsexcsrsm2_zeropivot | Sparse triangular system solve using CSR storage format |
Chipsparsescsrsm2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsedcsrsm2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparseccsrsm2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsezcsrsm2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsescsrsm2_analysis | |
Chipsparsedcsrsm2_analysis | |
Chipsparseccsrsm2_analysis | |
Chipsparsezcsrsm2_analysis | |
Chipsparsescsrsm2_solve | |
Chipsparsedcsrsm2_solve | |
Chipsparseccsrsm2_solve | |
Chipsparsezcsrsm2_solve | |
Chipsparsesgemmi | |
Chipsparsedgemmi | |
Chipsparsecgemmi | |
Chipsparsezgemmi | |
Chipsparsexcsrgeamnnz | |
Chipsparsescsrgeam | |
Chipsparsedcsrgeam | |
Chipsparseccsrgeam | |
Chipsparsezcsrgeam | |
Chipsparsescsrgeam2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsedcsrgeam2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparseccsrgeam2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsezcsrgeam2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsexcsrgeam2nnz | Sparse matrix sparse matrix addition using CSR storage format |
Chipsparsescsrgeam2 | |
Chipsparsedcsrgeam2 | |
Chipsparseccsrgeam2 | |
Chipsparsezcsrgeam2 | |
Chipsparsexcsrgemmnnz | |
Chipsparsescsrgemm | |
Chipsparsedcsrgemm | |
Chipsparseccsrgemm | |
Chipsparsezcsrgemm | |
Chipsparsescsrgemm2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsedcsrgemm2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparseccsrgemm2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsezcsrgemm2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsexcsrgemm2nnz | |
Chipsparsescsrgemm2 | |
Chipsparsedcsrgemm2 | |
Chipsparseccsrgemm2 | |
Chipsparsezcsrgemm2 | |
Chipsparsexbsrilu02_zeropivot | Incomplete LU factorization with 0 fill-ins and no pivoting using BSR storage format |
Chipsparsesbsrilu02_numericboost | |
Chipsparsedbsrilu02_numericboost | |
Chipsparsecbsrilu02_numericboost | |
Chipsparsezbsrilu02_numericboost | |
Chipsparsesbsrilu02_buffersize | |
Chipsparsedbsrilu02_buffersize | |
Chipsparsecbsrilu02_buffersize | |
Chipsparsezbsrilu02_buffersize | |
Chipsparsesbsrilu02_analysis | |
Chipsparsedbsrilu02_analysis | |
Chipsparsecbsrilu02_analysis | |
Chipsparsezbsrilu02_analysis | |
Chipsparsesbsrilu02 | |
Chipsparsedbsrilu02 | |
Chipsparsecbsrilu02 | |
Chipsparsezbsrilu02 | |
Chipsparsexcsrilu02_zeropivot | Incomplete LU factorization with 0 fill-ins and no pivoting using CSR storage format |
Chipsparsescsrilu02_numericboost | |
Chipsparsedcsrilu02_numericboost | |
Chipsparseccsrilu02_numericboost | |
Chipsparsezcsrilu02_numericboost | |
Chipsparsescsrilu02_buffersize | |
Chipsparsedcsrilu02_buffersize | |
Chipsparseccsrilu02_buffersize | |
Chipsparsezcsrilu02_buffersize | |
Chipsparsescsrilu02_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsedcsrilu02_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparseccsrilu02_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsezcsrilu02_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsescsrilu02_analysis | |
Chipsparsedcsrilu02_analysis | |
Chipsparseccsrilu02_analysis | |
Chipsparsezcsrilu02_analysis | |
Chipsparsescsrilu02 | |
Chipsparsedcsrilu02 | |
Chipsparseccsrilu02 | |
Chipsparsezcsrilu02 | |
Chipsparsexbsric02_zeropivot | Incomplete Cholesky factorization with 0 fill-ins and no pivoting using BSR storage format |
Chipsparsesbsric02_buffersize | |
Chipsparsedbsric02_buffersize | |
Chipsparsecbsric02_buffersize | |
Chipsparsezbsric02_buffersize | |
Chipsparsesbsric02_analysis | |
Chipsparsedbsric02_analysis | |
Chipsparsecbsric02_analysis | |
Chipsparsezbsric02_analysis | |
Chipsparsesbsric02 | |
Chipsparsedbsric02 | |
Chipsparsecbsric02 | |
Chipsparsezbsric02 | |
Chipsparsexcsric02_zeropivot | Incomplete Cholesky factorization with 0 fill-ins and no pivoting using CSR storage format |
Chipsparsescsric02_buffersize | |
Chipsparsedcsric02_buffersize | |
Chipsparseccsric02_buffersize | |
Chipsparsezcsric02_buffersize | |
Chipsparsescsric02_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsedcsric02_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparseccsric02_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsezcsric02_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsescsric02_analysis | |
Chipsparsedcsric02_analysis | |
Chipsparseccsric02_analysis | |
Chipsparsezcsric02_analysis | |
Chipsparsescsric02 | |
Chipsparsedcsric02 | |
Chipsparseccsric02 | |
Chipsparsezcsric02 | |
Chipsparsesgtsv2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsedgtsv2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsecgtsv2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsezgtsv2_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsesgtsv2 | |
Chipsparsedgtsv2 | |
Chipsparsecgtsv2 | |
Chipsparsezgtsv2 | |
Chipsparsesgtsv2_nopivot_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsedgtsv2_nopivot_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsecgtsv2_nopivot_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsezgtsv2_nopivot_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsesgtsv2_nopivot | |
Chipsparsedgtsv2_nopivot | |
Chipsparsecgtsv2_nopivot | |
Chipsparsezgtsv2_nopivot | |
Chipsparsesgtsv2stridedbatch_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsedgtsv2stridedbatch_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsecgtsv2stridedbatch_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsezgtsv2stridedbatch_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsesgtsv2stridedbatch | |
Chipsparsedgtsv2stridedbatch | |
Chipsparsecgtsv2stridedbatch | |
Chipsparsezgtsv2stridedbatch | |
Chipsparsesnnz | |
Chipsparsednnz | |
Chipsparsecnnz | |
Chipsparseznnz | |
Chipsparsesdense2csr | |
Chipsparseddense2csr | |
Chipsparsecdense2csr | |
Chipsparsezdense2csr | |
Chipsparsesprunedense2csr_buffersize | |
Chipsparsedprunedense2csr_buffersize | |
Chipsparsesprunedense2csr_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsedprunedense2csr_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsesprunedense2csrnnz | |
Chipsparsedprunedense2csrnnz | |
Chipsparsesprunedense2csr | |
Chipsparsedprunedense2csr | |
Chipsparsesprunedense2csrbypercentage_buffersize | |
Chipsparsedprunedense2csrbypercentage_buffersize | |
Chipsparsesprunedense2csrbypercentage_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsedprunedense2csrbypercentage_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsesprunedense2csrnnzbypercentage | |
Chipsparsedprunedense2csrnnzbypercentage | |
Chipsparsesprunedense2csrbypercentage | |
Chipsparsedprunedense2csrbypercentage | |
Chipsparsesdense2csc | |
Chipsparseddense2csc | |
Chipsparsecdense2csc | |
Chipsparsezdense2csc | |
Chipsparsescsr2dense | |
Chipsparsedcsr2dense | |
Chipsparseccsr2dense | |
Chipsparsezcsr2dense | |
Chipsparsescsc2dense | |
Chipsparsedcsc2dense | |
Chipsparseccsc2dense | |
Chipsparsezcsc2dense | |
Chipsparsexcsr2bsrnnz | This function computes the number of nonzero block columns per row and the total number of nonzero blocks in a sparse BSR matrix given a sparse CSR matrix as input |
Chipsparsesnnz_compress | |
Chipsparsednnz_compress | |
Chipsparsecnnz_compress | |
Chipsparseznnz_compress | |
Chipsparsexcsr2coo | Convert a sparse CSR matrix into a sparse COO matrix |
Chipsparsescsr2csc | |
Chipsparsedcsr2csc | |
Chipsparseccsr2csc | |
Chipsparsezcsr2csc | |
Chipsparsescsr2hyb | |
Chipsparsedcsr2hyb | |
Chipsparseccsr2hyb | |
Chipsparsezcsr2hyb | |
Chipsparsesgebsr2gebsc_buffersize | |
Chipsparsedgebsr2gebsc_buffersize | |
Chipsparsecgebsr2gebsc_buffersize | |
Chipsparsezgebsr2gebsc_buffersize | |
Chipsparsesgebsr2gebsc | |
Chipsparsedgebsr2gebsc | |
Chipsparsecgebsr2gebsc | |
Chipsparsezgebsr2gebsc | |
Chipsparsescsr2gebsr_buffersize | |
Chipsparsedcsr2gebsr_buffersize | |
Chipsparseccsr2gebsr_buffersize | |
Chipsparsezcsr2gebsr_buffersize | |
Chipsparsexcsr2gebsrnnz | This function computes the number of nonzero block columns per row and the total number of nonzero blocks in a sparse GEneral BSR matrix given a sparse CSR matrix as input |
Chipsparsescsr2gebsr | |
Chipsparsedcsr2gebsr | |
Chipsparseccsr2gebsr | |
Chipsparsezcsr2gebsr | |
Chipsparsescsr2bsr | |
Chipsparsedcsr2bsr | |
Chipsparseccsr2bsr | |
Chipsparsezcsr2bsr | |
Chipsparsesbsr2csr | |
Chipsparsedbsr2csr | |
Chipsparsecbsr2csr | |
Chipsparsezbsr2csr | |
Chipsparsesgebsr2csr | |
Chipsparsedgebsr2csr | |
Chipsparsecgebsr2csr | |
Chipsparsezgebsr2csr | |
Chipsparsescsr2csr_compress | |
Chipsparsedcsr2csr_compress | |
Chipsparseccsr2csr_compress | |
Chipsparsezcsr2csr_compress | |
Chipsparsesprunecsr2csr_buffersize | |
Chipsparsedprunecsr2csr_buffersize | |
Chipsparsesprunecsr2csr_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsedprunecsr2csr_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsesprunecsr2csrnnz | |
Chipsparsedprunecsr2csrnnz | |
Chipsparsesprunecsr2csr | |
Chipsparsedprunecsr2csr | |
Chipsparsesprunecsr2csrbypercentage_buffersize | |
Chipsparsedprunecsr2csrbypercentage_buffersize | |
Chipsparsesprunecsr2csrbypercentage_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsedprunecsr2csrbypercentage_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsesprunecsr2csrnnzbypercentage | |
Chipsparsedprunecsr2csrnnzbypercentage | |
Chipsparsesprunecsr2csrbypercentage | |
Chipsparsedprunecsr2csrbypercentage | |
Chipsparseshyb2csr | |
Chipsparsedhyb2csr | |
Chipsparsechyb2csr | |
Chipsparsezhyb2csr | |
Chipsparsexcoo2csr | Convert a sparse COO matrix into a sparse CSR matrix |
Chipsparsecreateidentitypermutation | Create the identity map |
Chipsparsexcsrsort_buffersizeext | Sort a sparse CSR matrix |
Chipsparsexcsrsort | Sort a sparse CSR matrix |
Chipsparsexcscsort_buffersizeext | Sort a sparse CSC matrix |
Chipsparsexcscsort | Sort a sparse CSC matrix |
Chipsparsexcoosort_buffersizeext | Sort a sparse COO matrix |
Chipsparsexcoosortbyrow | Sort a sparse COO matrix by row |
Chipsparsexcoosortbycolumn | Sort a sparse COO matrix by column |
Chipsparsesgebsr2gebsr_buffersize | |
Chipsparsedgebsr2gebsr_buffersize | |
Chipsparsecgebsr2gebsr_buffersize | |
Chipsparsezgebsr2gebsr_buffersize | |
Chipsparsexgebsr2gebsrnnz | This function is used when converting a general BSR sparse matrix A to another general BSR sparse matrix C |
Chipsparsesgebsr2gebsr | |
Chipsparsedgebsr2gebsr | |
Chipsparsecgebsr2gebsr | |
Chipsparsezgebsr2gebsr | |
Chipsparsescsru2csr_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsedcsru2csr_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparseccsru2csr_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsezcsru2csr_buffersizeext | |
Chipsparsescsru2csr | |
Chipsparsedcsru2csr | |
Chipsparseccsru2csr | |
Chipsparsezcsru2csr | |
Chipsparsescsr2csru | |
Chipsparsedcsr2csru | |
Chipsparseccsr2csru | |
Chipsparsezcsr2csru | |
Chipsparsescsrcolor | |
Chipsparsedcsrcolor | |
Chipsparseccsrcolor | |
Chipsparsezcsrcolor | |
Chipsparsecreatespvec | |
Chipsparsedestroyspvec | |
Chipsparsespvecget | |
Chipsparsespvecgetindexbase | |
Chipsparsespvecgetvalues | |
Chipsparsespvecsetvalues | |
Chipsparsecreatecoo | |
Chipsparsecreatecooaos | |
Chipsparsecreatecsr | |
Chipsparsecreatecsc | |
Chipsparsecreateblockedell | |
Chipsparsedestroyspmat | |
Chipsparsecooget | |
Chipsparsecooaosget | |
Chipsparsecsrget | |
Chipsparseblockedellget | |
Chipsparsecsrsetpointers | |
Chipsparsecscsetpointers | |
Chipsparsecoosetpointers | |
Chipsparsespmatgetsize | |
Chipsparsespmatgetformat | |
Chipsparsespmatgetindexbase | |
Chipsparsespmatgetvalues | |
Chipsparsespmatsetvalues | |
Chipsparsecreatednvec | |
Chipsparsedestroydnvec | |
Chipsparsednvecget | |
Chipsparsednvecgetvalues | |
Chipsparsednvecsetvalues | |
Chipsparsecreatednmat | |
Chipsparsedestroydnmat | |
Chipsparsednmatget | |
Chipsparsednmatgetvalues | |
Chipsparsednmatsetvalues | |
Chipsparsespmatgetattribute | |
Chipsparsespmatsetattribute | |
Chipsparseaxpby | |
Chipsparsegather | |
Chipsparsescatter | |
Chipsparserot | |
Chipsparsesparsetodense_buffersize | |
Chipsparsesparsetodense | |
Chipsparsedensetosparse_buffersize | |
Chipsparsedensetosparse_analysis | |
Chipsparsedensetosparse_convert | |
Chipsparsespvv_buffersize | |
Chipsparsespvv | |
Chipsparsespmv_buffersize | |
Chipsparsespmv | |
Chipsparsespmm_buffersize | |
Chipsparsespmm_preprocess | Description: Preprocess step of the sparse matrix multiplication with a dense matrix |
Chipsparsespmm | Description: Compute the sparse matrix multiplication with a dense matrix |
Chipsparsespgemm_createdescr | |
Chipsparsespgemm_destroydescr | |
Chipsparsespgemm_workestimation | |
Chipsparsespgemm_compute | |
Chipsparsespgemm_copy | |
Chipsparsesddmm | |
Chipsparsesddmm_buffersize | |
Chipsparsesddmm_preprocess | |
Chipsparsespsv_createdescr | |
Chipsparsespsv_destroydescr | |
Chipsparsespsv_buffersize | |
Chipsparsespsv_analysis | Description: Analysis step of solution of triangular linear system op(A) * Y = alpha * X, where A is a sparse matrix in CSR storage format, x and Y are dense vectors |
Chipsparsespsv_solve | Description: Solve step of solution of triangular linear system op(A) * Y = alpha * X, where A is a sparse matrix in CSR storage format, x and Y are dense vectors |
Chipsparsespsm_createdescr | |
Chipsparsespsm_destroydescr | |
Chipsparsespsm_buffersize | |
Chipsparsespsm_analysis | Description: Analysis step of solution of triangular linear system op(A) * C = alpha * op(B), where A is a sparse matrix in CSR storage format, B and C are dense vectors |
Chipsparsespsm_solve | Description: Solve step of solution of triangular linear system op(A) * C = alpha * op(B), where A is a sparse matrix in CSR storage format, B and C are dense vectors |
►Nhipfort_rocblas | |
Crocblas_sscal | =========================================================================== |
Crocblas_dscal | |
Crocblas_cscal | |
Crocblas_zscal | |
Crocblas_csscal | |
Crocblas_zdscal | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_sscal_batched | |
Crocblas_dscal_batched | |
Crocblas_cscal_batched | |
Crocblas_zscal_batched | |
Crocblas_csscal_batched | |
Crocblas_zdscal_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_sscal_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dscal_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_cscal_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zscal_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_csscal_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zdscal_strided_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_scopy | |
Crocblas_dcopy | |
Crocblas_ccopy | |
Crocblas_zcopy | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_scopy_batched | |
Crocblas_dcopy_batched | |
Crocblas_ccopy_batched | |
Crocblas_zcopy_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_scopy_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dcopy_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ccopy_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zcopy_strided_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_sdot | |
Crocblas_ddot | |
Crocblas_hdot | |
Crocblas_bfdot | |
Crocblas_cdotu | |
Crocblas_zdotu | |
Crocblas_cdotc | |
Crocblas_zdotc | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_sdot_batched | |
Crocblas_ddot_batched | |
Crocblas_hdot_batched | |
Crocblas_bfdot_batched | |
Crocblas_cdotu_batched | |
Crocblas_zdotu_batched | |
Crocblas_cdotc_batched | |
Crocblas_zdotc_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_sdot_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ddot_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_hdot_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_bfdot_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_cdotu_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zdotu_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_cdotc_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zdotc_strided_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_sswap | |
Crocblas_dswap | |
Crocblas_cswap | |
Crocblas_zswap | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_sswap_batched | |
Crocblas_dswap_batched | |
Crocblas_cswap_batched | |
Crocblas_zswap_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_sswap_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dswap_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_cswap_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zswap_strided_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_saxpy | |
Crocblas_daxpy | |
Crocblas_haxpy | |
Crocblas_caxpy | |
Crocblas_zaxpy | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_haxpy_batched | |
Crocblas_saxpy_batched | |
Crocblas_daxpy_batched | |
Crocblas_caxpy_batched | |
Crocblas_zaxpy_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_haxpy_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_saxpy_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_daxpy_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_caxpy_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zaxpy_strided_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_sasum | |
Crocblas_dasum | |
Crocblas_scasum | |
Crocblas_dzasum | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_sasum_batched | |
Crocblas_dasum_batched | |
Crocblas_scasum_batched | |
Crocblas_dzasum_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_sasum_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dasum_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_scasum_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dzasum_strided_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_snrm2 | |
Crocblas_dnrm2 | |
Crocblas_scnrm2 | |
Crocblas_dznrm2 | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_snrm2_batched | |
Crocblas_dnrm2_batched | |
Crocblas_scnrm2_batched | |
Crocblas_dznrm2_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_snrm2_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dnrm2_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_scnrm2_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dznrm2_strided_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_isamax | |
Crocblas_idamax | |
Crocblas_icamax | |
Crocblas_izamax | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_isamax_batched | |
Crocblas_idamax_batched | |
Crocblas_icamax_batched | |
Crocblas_izamax_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_isamax_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_idamax_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_icamax_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_izamax_strided_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_isamin | |
Crocblas_idamin | |
Crocblas_icamin | |
Crocblas_izamin | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_isamin_batched | |
Crocblas_idamin_batched | |
Crocblas_icamin_batched | |
Crocblas_izamin_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_isamin_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_idamin_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_icamin_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_izamin_strided_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_srot | |
Crocblas_drot | |
Crocblas_crot | |
Crocblas_csrot | |
Crocblas_zrot | |
Crocblas_zdrot | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_srot_batched | |
Crocblas_drot_batched | |
Crocblas_crot_batched | |
Crocblas_csrot_batched | |
Crocblas_zrot_batched | |
Crocblas_zdrot_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_srot_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_drot_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_crot_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_csrot_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zrot_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zdrot_strided_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_srotg | |
Crocblas_drotg | |
Crocblas_crotg | |
Crocblas_zrotg | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_srotg_batched | |
Crocblas_drotg_batched | |
Crocblas_crotg_batched | |
Crocblas_zrotg_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_srotg_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_drotg_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_crotg_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zrotg_strided_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_srotm | |
Crocblas_drotm | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_srotm_batched | |
Crocblas_drotm_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_srotm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_drotm_strided_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_srotmg | |
Crocblas_drotmg | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_srotmg_batched | |
Crocblas_drotmg_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_srotmg_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_drotmg_strided_batched | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_sgbmv | =========================================================================== |
Crocblas_dgbmv | |
Crocblas_cgbmv | |
Crocblas_zgbmv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sgbmv_batched | |
Crocblas_dgbmv_batched | |
Crocblas_cgbmv_batched | |
Crocblas_zgbmv_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sgbmv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dgbmv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_cgbmv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zgbmv_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sgemv | |
Crocblas_dgemv | |
Crocblas_cgemv | |
Crocblas_zgemv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sgemv_batched | |
Crocblas_dgemv_batched | |
Crocblas_cgemv_batched | |
Crocblas_zgemv_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sgemv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dgemv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_cgemv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zgemv_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_chbmv | |
Crocblas_zhbmv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_chbmv_batched | |
Crocblas_zhbmv_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_chbmv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zhbmv_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_chemv | |
Crocblas_zhemv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_chemv_batched | |
Crocblas_zhemv_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_chemv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zhemv_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_cher | |
Crocblas_zher | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_cher_batched | |
Crocblas_zher_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_cher_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zher_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_cher2 | |
Crocblas_zher2 | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_cher2_batched | |
Crocblas_zher2_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_cher2_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zher2_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_chpmv | |
Crocblas_zhpmv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_chpmv_batched | |
Crocblas_zhpmv_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_chpmv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zhpmv_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_chpr | |
Crocblas_zhpr | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_chpr_batched | |
Crocblas_zhpr_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_chpr_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zhpr_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_chpr2 | |
Crocblas_zhpr2 | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_chpr2_batched | |
Crocblas_zhpr2_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_chpr2_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zhpr2_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_strmv | |
Crocblas_dtrmv | |
Crocblas_ctrmv | |
Crocblas_ztrmv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_strmv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dtrmv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ctrmv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ztrmv_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_stpmv | |
Crocblas_dtpmv | |
Crocblas_ctpmv | |
Crocblas_ztpmv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_stpmv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dtpmv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ctpmv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ztpmv_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_stbmv | |
Crocblas_dtbmv | |
Crocblas_ctbmv | |
Crocblas_ztbmv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_stbmv_batched | |
Crocblas_dtbmv_batched | |
Crocblas_ctbmv_batched | |
Crocblas_ztbmv_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_stbmv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dtbmv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ctbmv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ztbmv_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_stbsv | |
Crocblas_dtbsv | |
Crocblas_ctbsv | |
Crocblas_ztbsv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_stbsv_batched | |
Crocblas_dtbsv_batched | |
Crocblas_ctbsv_batched | |
Crocblas_ztbsv_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_stbsv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dtbsv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ctbsv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ztbsv_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_strsv | |
Crocblas_dtrsv | |
Crocblas_ctrsv | |
Crocblas_ztrsv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_strsv_batched | |
Crocblas_dtrsv_batched | |
Crocblas_ctrsv_batched | |
Crocblas_ztrsv_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_strsv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dtrsv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ctrsv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ztrsv_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_stpsv | |
Crocblas_dtpsv | |
Crocblas_ctpsv | |
Crocblas_ztpsv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_stpsv_batched | |
Crocblas_dtpsv_batched | |
Crocblas_ctpsv_batched | |
Crocblas_ztpsv_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_stpsv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dtpsv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ctpsv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ztpsv_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_ssymv | |
Crocblas_dsymv | |
Crocblas_csymv | |
Crocblas_zsymv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_ssymv_batched | |
Crocblas_dsymv_batched | |
Crocblas_csymv_batched | |
Crocblas_zsymv_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_ssymv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dsymv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_csymv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zsymv_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sspmv | |
Crocblas_dspmv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sspmv_batched | |
Crocblas_dspmv_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sspmv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dspmv_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_ssbmv | |
Crocblas_dsbmv | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_dsbmv_batched | |
Crocblas_ssbmv_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_ssbmv_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dsbmv_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sger | |
Crocblas_dger | |
Crocblas_cgeru | |
Crocblas_zgeru | |
Crocblas_cgerc | |
Crocblas_zgerc | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sger_batched | |
Crocblas_dger_batched | |
Crocblas_cgeru_batched | |
Crocblas_zgeru_batched | |
Crocblas_cgerc_batched | |
Crocblas_zgerc_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sger_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dger_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_cgeru_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zgeru_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_cgerc_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zgerc_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sspr | |
Crocblas_dspr | |
Crocblas_cspr | |
Crocblas_zspr | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sspr_batched | |
Crocblas_dspr_batched | |
Crocblas_cspr_batched | |
Crocblas_zspr_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sspr_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dspr_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_cspr_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zspr_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sspr2 | |
Crocblas_dspr2 | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sspr2_batched | |
Crocblas_dspr2_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_sspr2_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dspr2_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_ssyr | |
Crocblas_dsyr | |
Crocblas_csyr | |
Crocblas_zsyr | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_ssyr_batched | |
Crocblas_dsyr_batched | |
Crocblas_csyr_batched | |
Crocblas_zsyr_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_ssyr_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dsyr_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_csyr_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zsyr_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_ssyr2 | |
Crocblas_dsyr2 | |
Crocblas_csyr2 | |
Crocblas_zsyr2 | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_ssyr2_batched | |
Crocblas_dsyr2_batched | |
Crocblas_csyr2_batched | |
Crocblas_zsyr2_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_ssyr2_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dsyr2_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_csyr2_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zsyr2_strided_batched | BLAS Level 2 API |
Crocblas_chemm | =========================================================================== |
Crocblas_zhemm | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_chemm_batched | |
Crocblas_zhemm_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_chemm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zhemm_strided_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_cherk | |
Crocblas_zherk | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_cherk_batched | |
Crocblas_zherk_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_cherk_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zherk_strided_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_cher2k | |
Crocblas_zher2k | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_cher2k_batched | |
Crocblas_zher2k_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_cher2k_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zher2k_strided_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_cherkx | |
Crocblas_zherkx | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_cherkx_batched | |
Crocblas_zherkx_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_cherkx_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zherkx_strided_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_ssymm | |
Crocblas_dsymm | |
Crocblas_csymm | |
Crocblas_zsymm | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_ssymm_batched | |
Crocblas_dsymm_batched | |
Crocblas_csymm_batched | |
Crocblas_zsymm_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_ssymm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dsymm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_csymm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zsymm_strided_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_ssyrk | |
Crocblas_dsyrk | |
Crocblas_csyrk | |
Crocblas_zsyrk | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_ssyrk_batched | |
Crocblas_dsyrk_batched | |
Crocblas_csyrk_batched | |
Crocblas_zsyrk_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_ssyrk_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dsyrk_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_csyrk_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zsyrk_strided_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_ssyr2k | |
Crocblas_dsyr2k | |
Crocblas_csyr2k | |
Crocblas_zsyr2k | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_ssyr2k_batched | |
Crocblas_dsyr2k_batched | |
Crocblas_csyr2k_batched | |
Crocblas_zsyr2k_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_ssyr2k_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dsyr2k_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_csyr2k_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zsyr2k_strided_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_ssyrkx | |
Crocblas_dsyrkx | |
Crocblas_csyrkx | |
Crocblas_zsyrkx | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_ssyrkx_batched | |
Crocblas_dsyrkx_batched | |
Crocblas_csyrkx_batched | |
Crocblas_zsyrkx_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_ssyrkx_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dsyrkx_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_csyrkx_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zsyrkx_strided_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_strmm | |
Crocblas_dtrmm | |
Crocblas_ctrmm | |
Crocblas_ztrmm | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_strmm_batched | |
Crocblas_dtrmm_batched | |
Crocblas_ctrmm_batched | |
Crocblas_ztrmm_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_strmm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dtrmm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ctrmm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ztrmm_strided_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_strtri | |
Crocblas_dtrtri | |
Crocblas_ctrtri | |
Crocblas_ztrtri | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_strtri_batched | |
Crocblas_dtrtri_batched | |
Crocblas_ctrtri_batched | |
Crocblas_ztrtri_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_strtri_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dtrtri_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ctrtri_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ztrtri_strided_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_strsm | |
Crocblas_dtrsm | |
Crocblas_ctrsm | |
Crocblas_ztrsm | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_strsm_batched | |
Crocblas_dtrsm_batched | |
Crocblas_ctrsm_batched | |
Crocblas_ztrsm_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_strsm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dtrsm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ctrsm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ztrsm_strided_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_sgemm | |
Crocblas_dgemm | |
Crocblas_hgemm | |
Crocblas_cgemm | |
Crocblas_zgemm | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_sgemm_batched | |
Crocblas_dgemm_batched | |
Crocblas_hgemm_batched | |
Crocblas_cgemm_batched | |
Crocblas_zgemm_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_sgemm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dgemm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_hgemm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_hgemm_kernel_name | |
Crocblas_sgemm_kernel_name | |
Crocblas_dgemm_kernel_name | |
Crocblas_cgemm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zgemm_strided_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_sdgmm | |
Crocblas_ddgmm | |
Crocblas_cdgmm | |
Crocblas_zdgmm | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_sdgmm_batched | |
Crocblas_ddgmm_batched | |
Crocblas_cdgmm_batched | |
Crocblas_zdgmm_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_sdgmm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_ddgmm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_cdgmm_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zdgmm_strided_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_sgeam | |
Crocblas_dgeam | |
Crocblas_cgeam | |
Crocblas_zgeam | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_sgeam_batched | |
Crocblas_dgeam_batched | |
Crocblas_cgeam_batched | |
Crocblas_zgeam_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_sgeam_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_dgeam_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_cgeam_strided_batched | |
Crocblas_zgeam_strided_batched | BLAS Level 3 API |
Crocblas_gemm_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_gemm_batched_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_gemm_strided_batched_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_gemm_ext2 | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_trsm_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_trsm_batched_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_trsm_strided_batched_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_axpy_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_axpy_batched_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_axpy_strided_batched_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_dot_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_dotc_ex | |
Crocblas_dot_batched_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_dotc_batched_ex | |
Crocblas_dot_strided_batched_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_dotc_strided_batched_ex | |
Crocblas_nrm2_ex | BLAS_EX API |
Crocblas_nrm2_batched_ex | BLAS_EX API |
Crocblas_nrm2_strided_batched_ex | BLAS_EX API |
Crocblas_rot_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_rot_batched_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_rot_strided_batched_ex | BLAS Level 1 API |
Crocblas_scal_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_scal_batched_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_scal_strided_batched_ex | BLAS EX API |
Crocblas_get_version_string | Loads char* buf with the rocblas library version |
Crocblas_get_version_string_size | Queries the minimum buffer size for a successful call to rocblas_get_version_string |
Crocblas_start_device_memory_size_query | |
Crocblas_stop_device_memory_size_query | |
Crocblas_device_malloc_ptr | |
Crocblas_device_malloc_get | |
Crocblas_device_malloc_free | |
Crocblas_get_device_memory_size | |
Crocblas_set_device_memory_size | |
Crocblas_set_workspace | |
Crocblas_create_handle | Create handle |
Crocblas_destroy_handle | Destroy handle |
Crocblas_set_stream | Set stream for handle |
Crocblas_get_stream | Get stream [0] from handle |
Crocblas_set_pointer_mode | Set rocblas_pointer_mode |
Crocblas_get_pointer_mode | Get rocblas_pointer_mode |
Crocblas_set_atomics_mode | Set rocblas_atomics_mode |
Crocblas_get_atomics_mode | Get rocblas_atomics_mode |
Crocblas_query_int8_layout_flag | Query the preferable supported int8 input layout for gemm |
Crocblas_set_start_stop_events | Function to set start/stop event handlers (for internal use only) |
Crocblas_set_solution_fitness_query | |
Crocblas_set_performance_metric | Performance metric that solution selection uses |
Crocblas_get_performance_metric | Returns the performance metric being used for solution selection |
►Nhipfort_rocblas_auxiliary | |
Crocblas_set_vector | |
Crocblas_get_vector | |
Crocblas_set_matrix | |
Crocblas_get_matrix | |
Crocblas_set_vector_async | |
Crocblas_get_vector_async | |
Crocblas_set_matrix_async | |
Crocblas_get_matrix_async | |
►Nhipfort_rocfft | |
Crocfft_setup | Library setup function, called once in program before start of library use |
Crocfft_cleanup | Library cleanup function, called once in program after end of library use |
Crocfft_plan_create | Create an FFT plan |
Crocfft_execute | Execute an FFT plan |
Crocfft_plan_destroy | Destroy an FFT plan |
Crocfft_plan_description_set_scale_float | Set scaling factor in single precision |
Crocfft_plan_description_set_scale_double | Set scaling factor in double precision |
Crocfft_plan_description_set_data_layout | Set advanced data layout parameters on a plan description |
Crocfft_get_version_string | Get library version string |
Crocfft_plan_description_set_devices | Set devices in plan description |
Crocfft_plan_get_work_buffer_size | Get work buffer size |
Crocfft_plan_get_print | Print all plan information |
Crocfft_plan_description_create | Create plan description |
Crocfft_plan_description_destroy | Destroy a plan description |
Crocfft_execution_info_create | Create execution info |
Crocfft_execution_info_destroy | Destroy an execution info |
Crocfft_execution_info_set_work_buffer | Set work buffer in execution info |
Crocfft_execution_info_set_mode | Set execution mode in execution info |
Crocfft_execution_info_set_stream | Set stream in execution info |
Crocfft_execution_info_set_load_callback | Set a load callback for a plan execution (experimental) |
Crocfft_execution_info_set_store_callback | Set a store callback for a plan execution (experimental) |
Crocfft_execution_info_get_events | Get events from execution info |
Crocfft_cache_serialize | Serialize compiled kernel cache |
Crocfft_cache_buffer_free | Free cache serialization buffer |
Crocfft_cache_deserialize | Deserialize a buffer into the compiled kernel cache |
►Nhipfort_rocrand | |
Crocrand_create_generator | Creates a new random number generator |
Crocrand_destroy_generator | Destroys random number generator |
Crocrand_generate | Generates uniformly distributed 32-bit unsigned integers |
Crocrand_generate_char | Generates uniformly distributed 8-bit unsigned integers |
Crocrand_generate_short | Generates uniformly distributed 16-bit unsigned integers |
Crocrand_generate_uniform | Generates uniformly distributed float values |
Crocrand_generate_uniform_double | Generates uniformly distributed double-precision floating-point values |
Crocrand_generate_normal | Generates normally distributed float values |
Crocrand_generate_normal_double | Generates normally distributed double values |
Crocrand_generate_log_normal | Generates log-normally distributed float values |
Crocrand_generate_log_normal_double | Generates log-normally distributed double values |
Crocrand_generate_poisson | Generates Poisson-distributed 32-bit unsigned integers |
Crocrand_initialize_generator | Initializes the generator's state on GPU or host |
Crocrand_set_stream | Sets the current stream for kernel launches |
Crocrand_set_seed | Sets the seed of a pseudo-random number generator |
Crocrand_set_offset | Sets the offset of a random number generator |
Crocrand_set_quasi_random_generator_dimensions | Set the number of dimensions of a quasi-random number generator |
Crocrand_get_version | Returns the version number of the library |
Crocrand_create_poisson_distribution | Construct the histogram for a Poisson distribution |
Crocrand_create_discrete_distribution | Construct the histogram for a custom discrete distribution |
Crocrand_destroy_discrete_distribution | Destroy the histogram array for a discrete distribution |
►Nhipfort_rocsolver | |
Crocsolver_create_handle | |
Crocsolver_destroy_handle | |
Crocsolver_set_stream | |
Crocsolver_get_stream | |
Crocsolver_set_matrix | |
Crocsolver_get_matrix | |
Crocsolver_get_version_string | GET_VERSION_STRING Queries the library version |
Crocsolver_get_version_string_size | GET_VERSION_STRING_SIZE Queries the minimum buffer size for a successful call to rocsolver_get_version_string |
Crocsolver_log_begin | LOG_BEGIN begins a rocSOLVER multi-level logging session |
Crocsolver_log_end | LOG_END ends the multi-level rocSOLVER logging session |
Crocsolver_log_set_layer_mode | LOG_SET_LAYER_MODE sets the logging mode for the rocSOLVER multi-level logging environment |
Crocsolver_log_set_max_levels | LOG_SET_MAX_LEVELS sets the maximum trace log depth for the rocSOLVER multi-level logging environment |
Crocsolver_log_restore_defaults | LOG_RESTORE_DEFAULTS restores the default values of the rocSOLVER multi-level logging environment |
Crocsolver_log_write_profile | LOG_WRITE_PROFILE prints the profile logging results |
Crocsolver_log_flush_profile | LOG_FLUSH_PROFILE prints the profile logging results and clears the profile record |
Crocsolver_clacgv | LACGV conjugates the complex vector x |
Crocsolver_zlacgv | |
Crocsolver_slaswp | LASWP performs a series of row interchanges on the matrix A |
Crocsolver_dlaswp | |
Crocsolver_claswp | |
Crocsolver_zlaswp | |
Crocsolver_slarfg | LARFG generates a Householder reflector H of order n |
Crocsolver_dlarfg | |
Crocsolver_clarfg | |
Crocsolver_zlarfg | |
Crocsolver_slarft | LARFT generates the triangular factor T of a block reflector H of order n |
Crocsolver_dlarft | |
Crocsolver_clarft | |
Crocsolver_zlarft | |
Crocsolver_slarf | LARF applies a Householder reflector H to a general matrix A |
Crocsolver_dlarf | |
Crocsolver_clarf | |
Crocsolver_zlarf | |
Crocsolver_slarfb | LARFB applies a block reflector H to a general m-by-n matrix A |
Crocsolver_dlarfb | |
Crocsolver_clarfb | |
Crocsolver_zlarfb | |
Crocsolver_slabrd | LABRD computes the bidiagonal form of the first k rows and columns of a general m-by-n matrix A, as well as the matrices X and Y needed to reduce the remaining part of A |
Crocsolver_dlabrd | |
Crocsolver_clabrd | |
Crocsolver_zlabrd | |
Crocsolver_slatrd | LATRD computes the tridiagonal form of k rows and columns of a symmetric/hermitian matrix A, as well as the matrix W needed to update the remaining part of A |
Crocsolver_dlatrd | |
Crocsolver_clatrd | |
Crocsolver_zlatrd | |
Crocsolver_slasyf | LASYF computes a partial factorization of a symmetric matrix \(A\) using Bunch-Kaufman diagonal pivoting |
Crocsolver_dlasyf | |
Crocsolver_clasyf | |
Crocsolver_zlasyf | |
Crocsolver_sorg2r | ORG2R generates an m-by-n Matrix Q with orthonormal columns |
Crocsolver_dorg2r | |
Crocsolver_cung2r | UNG2R generates an m-by-n complex Matrix Q with orthonormal columns |
Crocsolver_zung2r | |
Crocsolver_sorgqr | ORGQR generates an m-by-n Matrix Q with orthonormal columns |
Crocsolver_dorgqr | |
Crocsolver_cungqr | UNGQR generates an m-by-n complex Matrix Q with orthonormal columns |
Crocsolver_zungqr | |
Crocsolver_sorgl2 | ORGL2 generates an m-by-n Matrix Q with orthonormal rows |
Crocsolver_dorgl2 | |
Crocsolver_cungl2 | UNGL2 generates an m-by-n complex Matrix Q with orthonormal rows |
Crocsolver_zungl2 | |
Crocsolver_sorglq | ORGLQ generates an m-by-n Matrix Q with orthonormal rows |
Crocsolver_dorglq | |
Crocsolver_cunglq | UNGLQ generates an m-by-n complex Matrix Q with orthonormal rows |
Crocsolver_zunglq | |
Crocsolver_sorg2l | ORG2L generates an m-by-n Matrix Q with orthonormal columns |
Crocsolver_dorg2l | |
Crocsolver_cung2l | UNG2L generates an m-by-n complex Matrix Q with orthonormal columns |
Crocsolver_zung2l | |
Crocsolver_sorgql | ORGQL generates an m-by-n Matrix Q with orthonormal columns |
Crocsolver_dorgql | |
Crocsolver_cungql | UNGQL generates an m-by-n complex Matrix Q with orthonormal columns |
Crocsolver_zungql | |
Crocsolver_sorgbr | ORGBR generates an m-by-n Matrix Q with orthonormal rows or columns |
Crocsolver_dorgbr | |
Crocsolver_cungbr | UNGBR generates an m-by-n complex Matrix Q with orthonormal rows or columns |
Crocsolver_zungbr | |
Crocsolver_sorgtr | ORGTR generates an n-by-n orthogonal Matrix Q |
Crocsolver_dorgtr | |
Crocsolver_cungtr | UNGTR generates an n-by-n unitary Matrix Q |
Crocsolver_zungtr | |
Crocsolver_sorm2r | ORM2R multiplies a matrix Q with orthonormal columns by a general m-by-n matrix C |
Crocsolver_dorm2r | |
Crocsolver_cunm2r | UNM2R multiplies a complex matrix Q with orthonormal columns by a general m-by-n matrix C |
Crocsolver_zunm2r | |
Crocsolver_sormqr | ORMQR multiplies a matrix Q with orthonormal columns by a general m-by-n matrix C |
Crocsolver_dormqr | |
Crocsolver_cunmqr | UNMQR multiplies a complex matrix Q with orthonormal columns by a general m-by-n matrix C |
Crocsolver_zunmqr | |
Crocsolver_sorml2 | ORML2 multiplies a matrix Q with orthonormal rows by a general m-by-n matrix C |
Crocsolver_dorml2 | |
Crocsolver_cunml2 | UNML2 multiplies a complex matrix Q with orthonormal rows by a general m-by-n matrix C |
Crocsolver_zunml2 | |
Crocsolver_sormlq | ORMLQ multiplies a matrix Q with orthonormal rows by a general m-by-n matrix C |
Crocsolver_dormlq | |
Crocsolver_cunmlq | UNMLQ multiplies a complex matrix Q with orthonormal rows by a general m-by-n matrix C |
Crocsolver_zunmlq | |
Crocsolver_sorm2l | ORM2L multiplies a matrix Q with orthonormal columns by a general m-by-n matrix C |
Crocsolver_dorm2l | |
Crocsolver_cunm2l | UNM2L multiplies a complex matrix Q with orthonormal columns by a general m-by-n matrix C |
Crocsolver_zunm2l | |
Crocsolver_sormql | ORMQL multiplies a matrix Q with orthonormal columns by a general m-by-n matrix C |
Crocsolver_dormql | |
Crocsolver_cunmql | UNMQL multiplies a complex matrix Q with orthonormal columns by a general m-by-n matrix C |
Crocsolver_zunmql | |
Crocsolver_sormbr | ORMBR multiplies a matrix Q with orthonormal rows or columns by a general m-by-n matrix C |
Crocsolver_dormbr | |
Crocsolver_cunmbr | UNMBR multiplies a complex matrix Q with orthonormal rows or columns by a general m-by-n matrix C |
Crocsolver_zunmbr | |
Crocsolver_sormtr | ORMTR multiplies an orthogonal matrix Q by a general m-by-n matrix C |
Crocsolver_dormtr | |
Crocsolver_cunmtr | UNMTR multiplies a unitary matrix Q by a general m-by-n matrix C |
Crocsolver_zunmtr | |
Crocsolver_sbdsqr | BDSQR computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of an n-by-n bidiagonal matrix B, using the implicit QR algorithm |
Crocsolver_dbdsqr | |
Crocsolver_cbdsqr | |
Crocsolver_zbdsqr | |
Crocsolver_ssterf | STERF computes the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix |
Crocsolver_dsterf | |
Crocsolver_ssteqr | STEQR computes the eigenvalues and (optionally) eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix |
Crocsolver_dsteqr | |
Crocsolver_csteqr | |
Crocsolver_zsteqr | |
Crocsolver_sstedc | STEDC computes the eigenvalues and (optionally) eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix |
Crocsolver_dstedc | |
Crocsolver_cstedc | |
Crocsolver_zstedc | |
Crocsolver_sgetf2_npvt | GETF2_NPVT computes the LU factorization of a general m-by-n matrix A without partial pivoting |
Crocsolver_dgetf2_npvt | |
Crocsolver_cgetf2_npvt | |
Crocsolver_zgetf2_npvt | |
Crocsolver_sgetf2_npvt_batched | GETF2_NPVT_BATCHED computes the LU factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices without partial pivoting |
Crocsolver_dgetf2_npvt_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetf2_npvt_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetf2_npvt_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetf2_npvt_strided_batched | GETF2_NPVT_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the LU factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices without partial pivoting |
Crocsolver_dgetf2_npvt_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetf2_npvt_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetf2_npvt_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetrf_npvt | GETRF_NPVT computes the LU factorization of a general m-by-n matrix A without partial pivoting |
Crocsolver_dgetrf_npvt | |
Crocsolver_cgetrf_npvt | |
Crocsolver_zgetrf_npvt | |
Crocsolver_sgetrf_npvt_batched | GETRF_NPVT_BATCHED computes the LU factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices without partial pivoting |
Crocsolver_dgetrf_npvt_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetrf_npvt_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetrf_npvt_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetrf_npvt_strided_batched | GETRF_NPVT_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the LU factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices without partial pivoting |
Crocsolver_dgetrf_npvt_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetrf_npvt_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetrf_npvt_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetf2 | GETF2 computes the LU factorization of a general m-by-n matrix A using partial pivoting with row interchanges |
Crocsolver_dgetf2 | |
Crocsolver_cgetf2 | |
Crocsolver_zgetf2 | |
Crocsolver_sgetf2_batched | GETF2_BATCHED computes the LU factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices using partial pivoting with row interchanges |
Crocsolver_dgetf2_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetf2_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetf2_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetf2_strided_batched | GETF2_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the LU factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices using partial pivoting with row interchanges |
Crocsolver_dgetf2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetf2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetf2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetrf | GETRF computes the LU factorization of a general m-by-n matrix A using partial pivoting with row interchanges |
Crocsolver_dgetrf | |
Crocsolver_cgetrf | |
Crocsolver_zgetrf | |
Crocsolver_sgetrf_batched | GETRF_BATCHED computes the LU factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices using partial pivoting with row interchanges |
Crocsolver_dgetrf_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetrf_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetrf_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetrf_strided_batched | GETRF_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the LU factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices using partial pivoting with row interchanges |
Crocsolver_dgetrf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetrf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetrf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgeqr2 | GEQR2 computes a QR factorization of a general m-by-n matrix A |
Crocsolver_dgeqr2 | |
Crocsolver_cgeqr2 | |
Crocsolver_zgeqr2 | |
Crocsolver_sgeqr2_batched | GEQR2_BATCHED computes the QR factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgeqr2_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgeqr2_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgeqr2_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgeqr2_strided_batched | GEQR2_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the QR factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgeqr2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgeqr2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgeqr2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgerq2 | GERQ2 computes a RQ factorization of a general m-by-n matrix A |
Crocsolver_dgerq2 | |
Crocsolver_cgerq2 | |
Crocsolver_zgerq2 | |
Crocsolver_sgerq2_batched | GERQ2_BATCHED computes the RQ factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgerq2_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgerq2_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgerq2_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgerq2_strided_batched | GERQ2_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the RQ factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgerq2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgerq2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgerq2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgeql2 | GEQL2 computes a QL factorization of a general m-by-n matrix A |
Crocsolver_dgeql2 | |
Crocsolver_cgeql2 | |
Crocsolver_zgeql2 | |
Crocsolver_sgeql2_batched | GEQL2_BATCHED computes the QL factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgeql2_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgeql2_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgeql2_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgeql2_strided_batched | GEQL2_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the QL factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgeql2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgeql2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgeql2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgelq2 | GELQ2 computes a LQ factorization of a general m-by-n matrix A |
Crocsolver_dgelq2 | |
Crocsolver_cgelq2 | |
Crocsolver_zgelq2 | |
Crocsolver_sgelq2_batched | GELQ2_BATCHED computes the LQ factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgelq2_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgelq2_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgelq2_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgelq2_strided_batched | GELQ2_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the LQ factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgelq2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgelq2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgelq2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgeqrf | GEQRF computes a QR factorization of a general m-by-n matrix A |
Crocsolver_dgeqrf | |
Crocsolver_cgeqrf | |
Crocsolver_zgeqrf | |
Crocsolver_sgeqrf_batched | GEQRF_BATCHED computes the QR factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgeqrf_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgeqrf_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgeqrf_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgeqrf_strided_batched | GEQRF_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the QR factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgeqrf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgeqrf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgeqrf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgerqf | GERQF computes a RQ factorization of a general m-by-n matrix A |
Crocsolver_dgerqf | |
Crocsolver_cgerqf | |
Crocsolver_zgerqf | |
Crocsolver_sgerqf_batched | GERQF_BATCHED computes the RQ factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgerqf_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgerqf_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgerqf_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgerqf_strided_batched | GERQF_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the RQ factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgerqf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgerqf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgerqf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgeqlf | GEQLF computes a QL factorization of a general m-by-n matrix A |
Crocsolver_dgeqlf | |
Crocsolver_cgeqlf | |
Crocsolver_zgeqlf | |
Crocsolver_sgeqlf_batched | GEQLF_BATCHED computes the QL factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgeqlf_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgeqlf_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgeqlf_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgeqlf_strided_batched | GEQLF_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the QL factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgeqlf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgeqlf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgeqlf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgelqf | GELQF computes a LQ factorization of a general m-by-n matrix A |
Crocsolver_dgelqf | |
Crocsolver_cgelqf | |
Crocsolver_zgelqf | |
Crocsolver_sgelqf_batched | GELQF_BATCHED computes the LQ factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgelqf_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgelqf_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgelqf_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgelqf_strided_batched | GELQF_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the LQ factorization of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgelqf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgelqf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgelqf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgebd2 | GEBD2 computes the bidiagonal form of a general m-by-n matrix A |
Crocsolver_dgebd2 | |
Crocsolver_cgebd2 | |
Crocsolver_zgebd2 | |
Crocsolver_sgebd2_batched | GEBD2_BATCHED computes the bidiagonal form of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgebd2_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgebd2_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgebd2_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgebd2_strided_batched | GEBD2_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the bidiagonal form of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgebd2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgebd2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgebd2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgebrd | GEBRD computes the bidiagonal form of a general m-by-n matrix A |
Crocsolver_dgebrd | |
Crocsolver_cgebrd | |
Crocsolver_zgebrd | |
Crocsolver_sgebrd_batched | GEBRD_BATCHED computes the bidiagonal form of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgebrd_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgebrd_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgebrd_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgebrd_strided_batched | GEBRD_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the bidiagonal form of a batch of general m-by-n matrices |
Crocsolver_dgebrd_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgebrd_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgebrd_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetrs | GETRS solves a system of n linear equations on n variables in its factorized form |
Crocsolver_dgetrs | |
Crocsolver_cgetrs | |
Crocsolver_zgetrs | |
Crocsolver_sgetrs_batched | GETRS_BATCHED solves a batch of systems of n linear equations on n variables in its factorized forms |
Crocsolver_dgetrs_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetrs_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetrs_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetrs_strided_batched | GETRS_STRIDED_BATCHED solves a batch of systems of n linear equations on n variables in its factorized forms |
Crocsolver_dgetrs_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetrs_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetrs_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgesv | GESV solves a general system of n linear equations on n variables |
Crocsolver_dgesv | |
Crocsolver_cgesv | |
Crocsolver_zgesv | |
Crocsolver_sgesv_batched | GESV_BATCHED solves a batch of general systems of n linear equations on n variables |
Crocsolver_dgesv_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgesv_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgesv_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgesv_strided_batched | GESV_STRIDED_BATCHED solves a batch of general systems of n linear equations on n variables |
Crocsolver_dgesv_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgesv_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgesv_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetri | GETRI inverts a general n-by-n matrix A using the LU factorization computed by GETRF |
Crocsolver_dgetri | |
Crocsolver_cgetri | |
Crocsolver_zgetri | |
Crocsolver_sgetri_batched | GETRI_BATCHED inverts a batch of general n-by-n matrices using the LU factorization computed by GETRF_BATCHED |
Crocsolver_dgetri_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetri_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetri_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetri_strided_batched | GETRI_STRIDED_BATCHED inverts a batch of general n-by-n matrices using the LU factorization computed by GETRF_STRIDED_BATCHED |
Crocsolver_dgetri_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetri_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetri_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetri_npvt | GETRI_NPVT inverts a general n-by-n matrix A using the LU factorization computed by GETRF_NPVT |
Crocsolver_dgetri_npvt | |
Crocsolver_cgetri_npvt | |
Crocsolver_zgetri_npvt | |
Crocsolver_sgetri_npvt_batched | GETRI_NPVT_BATCHED inverts a batch of general n-by-n matrices using the LU factorization computed by GETRF_NPVT_BATCHED |
Crocsolver_dgetri_npvt_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetri_npvt_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetri_npvt_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetri_npvt_strided_batched | GETRI_NPVT_STRIDED_BATCHED inverts a batch of general n-by-n matrices using the LU factorization computed by GETRF_NPVT_STRIDED_BATCHED |
Crocsolver_dgetri_npvt_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetri_npvt_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetri_npvt_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgels | GELS solves an overdetermined (or underdetermined) linear system defined by an m-by-n matrix A, and a corresponding matrix B, using the QR factorization computed by GEQRF (or the LQ factorization computed by GELQF) |
Crocsolver_dgels | |
Crocsolver_cgels | |
Crocsolver_zgels | |
Crocsolver_sgels_batched | GELS_BATCHED solves a batch of overdetermined (or underdetermined) linear systems defined by a set of m-by-n matrices \(A_i\), and corresponding matrices \(B_i\), using the QR factorizations computed by GEQRF_BATCHED (or the LQ factorizations computed by GELQF_BATCHED) |
Crocsolver_dgels_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgels_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgels_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgels_strided_batched | GELS_STRIDED_BATCHED solves a batch of overdetermined (or underdetermined) linear systems defined by a set of m-by-n matrices \(A_i\), and corresponding matrices \(B_i\), using the QR factorizations computed by GEQRF_STRIDED_BATCHED (or the LQ factorizations computed by GELQF_STRIDED_BATCHED) |
Crocsolver_dgels_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgels_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgels_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_spotf2 | POTF2 computes the Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric (complex Hermitian) positive definite matrix A |
Crocsolver_dpotf2 | |
Crocsolver_cpotf2 | |
Crocsolver_zpotf2 | |
Crocsolver_spotf2_batched | POTF2_BATCHED computes the Cholesky factorization of a batch of real symmetric (complex Hermitian) positive definite matrices |
Crocsolver_dpotf2_batched | |
Crocsolver_cpotf2_batched | |
Crocsolver_zpotf2_batched | |
Crocsolver_spotf2_strided_batched | POTF2_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the Cholesky factorization of a batch of real symmetric (complex Hermitian) positive definite matrices |
Crocsolver_dpotf2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cpotf2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zpotf2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_spotrf | POTRF computes the Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric (complex Hermitian) positive definite matrix A |
Crocsolver_dpotrf | |
Crocsolver_cpotrf | |
Crocsolver_zpotrf | |
Crocsolver_spotrf_batched | POTRF_BATCHED computes the Cholesky factorization of a batch of real symmetric (complex Hermitian) positive definite matrices |
Crocsolver_dpotrf_batched | |
Crocsolver_cpotrf_batched | |
Crocsolver_zpotrf_batched | |
Crocsolver_spotrf_strided_batched | POTRF_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the Cholesky factorization of a batch of real symmetric (complex Hermitian) positive definite matrices |
Crocsolver_dpotrf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cpotrf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zpotrf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_spotrs | POTRS solves a symmetric/hermitian system of n linear equations on n variables in its factorized form |
Crocsolver_dpotrs | |
Crocsolver_cpotrs | |
Crocsolver_zpotrs | |
Crocsolver_spotrs_batched | POTRS_BATCHED solves a batch of symmetric/hermitian systems of n linear equations on n variables in its factorized forms |
Crocsolver_dpotrs_batched | |
Crocsolver_cpotrs_batched | |
Crocsolver_zpotrs_batched | |
Crocsolver_spotrs_strided_batched | POTRS_STRIDED_BATCHED solves a batch of symmetric/hermitian systems of n linear equations on n variables in its factorized forms |
Crocsolver_dpotrs_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cpotrs_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zpotrs_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sposv | POSV solves a symmetric/hermitian system of n linear equations on n variables |
Crocsolver_dposv | |
Crocsolver_cposv | |
Crocsolver_zposv | |
Crocsolver_sposv_batched | POSV_BATCHED solves a batch of symmetric/hermitian systems of n linear equations on n variables |
Crocsolver_dposv_batched | |
Crocsolver_cposv_batched | |
Crocsolver_zposv_batched | |
Crocsolver_sposv_strided_batched | POSV_STRIDED_BATCHED solves a batch of symmetric/hermitian systems of n linear equations on n variables |
Crocsolver_dposv_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cposv_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zposv_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_spotri | POTRI inverts a symmetric/hermitian positive definite matrix A |
Crocsolver_dpotri | |
Crocsolver_cpotri | |
Crocsolver_zpotri | |
Crocsolver_spotri_batched | POTRI_BATCHED inverts a batch of symmetric/hermitian positive definite matrices \(A_i\) |
Crocsolver_dpotri_batched | |
Crocsolver_cpotri_batched | |
Crocsolver_zpotri_batched | |
Crocsolver_spotri_strided_batched | POTRI_STRIDED_BATCHED inverts a batch of symmetric/hermitian positive definite matrices \(A_i\) |
Crocsolver_dpotri_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cpotri_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zpotri_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgesvd | GESVD computes the singular values and optionally the singular vectors of a general m-by-n matrix A (Singular Value Decomposition) |
Crocsolver_dgesvd | |
Crocsolver_cgesvd | |
Crocsolver_zgesvd | |
Crocsolver_sgesvd_batched | GESVD_BATCHED computes the singular values and optionally the singular vectors of a batch of general m-by-n matrix A (Singular Value Decomposition) |
Crocsolver_dgesvd_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgesvd_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgesvd_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgesvd_strided_batched | GESVD_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the singular values and optionally the singular vectors of a batch of general m-by-n matrix A (Singular Value Decomposition) |
Crocsolver_dgesvd_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgesvd_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgesvd_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssytd2 | SYTD2 computes the tridiagonal form of a real symmetric matrix A |
Crocsolver_dsytd2 | |
Crocsolver_chetd2 | HETD2 computes the tridiagonal form of a complex hermitian matrix A |
Crocsolver_zhetd2 | |
Crocsolver_ssytd2_batched | SYTD2_BATCHED computes the tridiagonal form of a batch of real symmetric matrices A_j |
Crocsolver_dsytd2_batched | |
Crocsolver_chetd2_batched | HETD2_BATCHED computes the tridiagonal form of a batch of complex hermitian matrices A_j |
Crocsolver_zhetd2_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssytd2_strided_batched | SYTD2_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the tridiagonal form of a batch of real symmetric matrices A_j |
Crocsolver_dsytd2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_chetd2_strided_batched | HETD2_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the tridiagonal form of a batch of complex hermitian matrices A_j |
Crocsolver_zhetd2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssytrd | SYTRD computes the tridiagonal form of a real symmetric matrix A |
Crocsolver_dsytrd | |
Crocsolver_chetrd | HETRD computes the tridiagonal form of a complex hermitian matrix A |
Crocsolver_zhetrd | |
Crocsolver_ssytrd_batched | SYTRD_BATCHED computes the tridiagonal form of a batch of real symmetric matrices A_j |
Crocsolver_dsytrd_batched | |
Crocsolver_chetrd_batched | HETRD_BATCHED computes the tridiagonal form of a batch of complex hermitian matrices A_j |
Crocsolver_zhetrd_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssytrd_strided_batched | SYTRD_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the tridiagonal form of a batch of real symmetric matrices A_j |
Crocsolver_dsytrd_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_chetrd_strided_batched | HETRD_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the tridiagonal form of a batch of complex hermitian matrices A_j |
Crocsolver_zhetrd_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssygs2 | SYGS2 reduces a real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblem to standard form |
Crocsolver_dsygs2 | |
Crocsolver_chegs2 | HEGS2 reduces a hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem to standard form |
Crocsolver_zhegs2 | |
Crocsolver_ssygs2_batched | SYGS2_BATCHED reduces a batch of real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblems to standard form |
Crocsolver_dsygs2_batched | |
Crocsolver_chegs2_batched | HEGS2_BATCHED reduces a batch of hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblems to standard form |
Crocsolver_zhegs2_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssygs2_strided_batched | SYGS2_STRIDED_BATCHED reduces a batch of real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblems to standard form |
Crocsolver_dsygs2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_chegs2_strided_batched | HEGS2_STRIDED_BATCHED reduces a batch of hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblems to standard form |
Crocsolver_zhegs2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssygst | SYGST reduces a real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblem to standard form |
Crocsolver_dsygst | |
Crocsolver_chegst | HEGST reduces a hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem to standard form |
Crocsolver_zhegst | |
Crocsolver_ssygst_batched | SYGST_BATCHED reduces a batch of real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblems to standard form |
Crocsolver_dsygst_batched | |
Crocsolver_chegst_batched | HEGST_BATCHED reduces a batch of hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblems to standard form |
Crocsolver_zhegst_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssygst_strided_batched | SYGST_STRIDED_BATCHED reduces a batch of real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblems to standard form |
Crocsolver_dsygst_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_chegst_strided_batched | HEGST_STRIDED_BATCHED reduces a batch of hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblems to standard form |
Crocsolver_zhegst_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssyev | SYEV computes the eigenvalues and optionally the eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix A |
Crocsolver_dsyev | |
Crocsolver_cheev | HEEV computes the eigenvalues and optionally the eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix A |
Crocsolver_zheev | |
Crocsolver_ssyev_batched | SYEV_BATCHED computes the eigenvalues and optionally the eigenvectors of a batch of real symmetric matrices A_j |
Crocsolver_dsyev_batched | |
Crocsolver_cheev_batched | HEEV_BATCHED computes the eigenvalues and optionally the eigenvectors of a batch of Hermitian matrices A_j |
Crocsolver_zheev_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssyev_strided_batched | SYEV_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the eigenvalues and optionally the eigenvectors of a batch of real symmetric matrices A_j |
Crocsolver_dsyev_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cheev_strided_batched | HEEV_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the eigenvalues and optionally the eigenvectors of a batch of Hermitian matrices A_j |
Crocsolver_zheev_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssyevd | SYEVD computes the eigenvalues and optionally the eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix A |
Crocsolver_dsyevd | |
Crocsolver_cheevd | HEEVD computes the eigenvalues and optionally the eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix A |
Crocsolver_zheevd | |
Crocsolver_ssyevd_batched | SYEVD_BATCHED computes the eigenvalues and optionally the eigenvectors of a batch of real symmetric matrices A_j |
Crocsolver_dsyevd_batched | |
Crocsolver_cheevd_batched | HEEVD_BATCHED computes the eigenvalues and optionally the eigenvectors of a batch of Hermitian matrices A_j |
Crocsolver_zheevd_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssyevd_strided_batched | SYEVD_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the eigenvalues and optionally the eigenvectors of a batch of real symmetric matrices A_j |
Crocsolver_dsyevd_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cheevd_strided_batched | HEEVD_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the eigenvalues and optionally the eigenvectors of a batch of Hermitian matrices A_j |
Crocsolver_zheevd_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssygv | SYGV computes the eigenvalues and (optionally) eigenvectors of a real generalized symmetric-definite eigenproblem |
Crocsolver_dsygv | |
Crocsolver_chegv | HEGV computes the eigenvalues and (optionally) eigenvectors of a complex generalized hermitian-definite eigenproblem |
Crocsolver_zhegv | |
Crocsolver_ssygv_batched | SYGV_BATCHED computes the eigenvalues and (optionally) eigenvectors of a batch of real generalized symmetric-definite eigenproblems |
Crocsolver_dsygv_batched | |
Crocsolver_chegv_batched | HEGV_BATCHED computes the eigenvalues and (optionally) eigenvectors of a batch of complex generalized hermitian-definite eigenproblems |
Crocsolver_zhegv_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssygv_strided_batched | SYGV_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the eigenvalues and (optionally) eigenvectors of a batch of real generalized symmetric-definite eigenproblems |
Crocsolver_dsygv_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_chegv_strided_batched | HEGV_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the eigenvalues and (optionally) eigenvectors of a batch of complex generalized hermitian-definite eigenproblems |
Crocsolver_zhegv_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssygvd | SYGVD computes the eigenvalues and (optionally) eigenvectors of a real generalized symmetric-definite eigenproblem |
Crocsolver_dsygvd | |
Crocsolver_chegvd | HEGVD computes the eigenvalues and (optionally) eigenvectors of a complex generalized hermitian-definite eigenproblem |
Crocsolver_zhegvd | |
Crocsolver_ssygvd_batched | SYGVD_BATCHED computes the eigenvalues and (optionally) eigenvectors of a batch of real generalized symmetric-definite eigenproblems |
Crocsolver_dsygvd_batched | |
Crocsolver_chegvd_batched | HEGVD_BATCHED computes the eigenvalues and (optionally) eigenvectors of a batch of complex generalized hermitian-definite eigenproblems |
Crocsolver_zhegvd_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssygvd_strided_batched | SYGVD_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the eigenvalues and (optionally) eigenvectors of a batch of real generalized symmetric-definite eigenproblems |
Crocsolver_dsygvd_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_chegvd_strided_batched | HEGVD_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the eigenvalues and (optionally) eigenvectors of a batch of complex generalized hermitian-definite eigenproblems |
Crocsolver_zhegvd_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetri_outofplace | GETRI_OUTOFPLACE computes the inverse \(C = A^{-1}\) of a general n-by-n matrix A |
Crocsolver_dgetri_outofplace | |
Crocsolver_cgetri_outofplace | |
Crocsolver_zgetri_outofplace | |
Crocsolver_sgetri_outofplace_batched | GETRI_OUTOFPLACE_BATCHED computes the inverse \(C_j = A_j^{-1}\) of a batch of general n-by-n matrices \(A_j\) |
Crocsolver_dgetri_outofplace_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetri_outofplace_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetri_outofplace_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetri_outofplace_strided_batched | GETRI_OUTOFPLACE_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the inverse \(C_j = A_j^{-1}\) of a batch of general n-by-n matrices \(A_j\) |
Crocsolver_dgetri_outofplace_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetri_outofplace_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetri_outofplace_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetri_npvt_outofplace | GETRI_NPVT_OUTOFPLACE computes the inverse \(C = A^{-1}\) of a general n-by-n matrix A without partial pivoting |
Crocsolver_dgetri_npvt_outofplace | |
Crocsolver_cgetri_npvt_outofplace | |
Crocsolver_zgetri_npvt_outofplace | |
Crocsolver_sgetri_npvt_outofplace_batched | GETRI_NPVT_OUTOFPLACE_BATCHED computes the inverse \(C_j = A_j^{-1}\) of a batch of general n-by-n matrices \(A_j\) without partial pivoting |
Crocsolver_dgetri_npvt_outofplace_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetri_npvt_outofplace_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetri_npvt_outofplace_batched | |
Crocsolver_sgetri_npvt_outofplace_strided_batched | GETRI_NPVT_OUTOFPLACE_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the inverse \(C_j = A_j^{-1}\) of a batch of general n-by-n matrices \(A_j\) without partial pivoting |
Crocsolver_dgetri_npvt_outofplace_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_cgetri_npvt_outofplace_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zgetri_npvt_outofplace_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_strtri | TRTRI inverts a triangular n-by-n matrix A |
Crocsolver_dtrtri | |
Crocsolver_ctrtri | |
Crocsolver_ztrtri | |
Crocsolver_strtri_batched | TRTRI_BATCHED inverts a batch of triangular n-by-n matrices \(A_j\) |
Crocsolver_dtrtri_batched | |
Crocsolver_ctrtri_batched | |
Crocsolver_ztrtri_batched | |
Crocsolver_strtri_strided_batched | TRTRI_STRIDED_BATCHED inverts a batch of triangular n-by-n matrices \(A_j\) |
Crocsolver_dtrtri_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_ctrtri_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_ztrtri_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssytf2 | SYTF2 computes the factorization of a symmetric indefinite matrix \(A\) using Bunch-Kaufman diagonal pivoting |
Crocsolver_dsytf2 | |
Crocsolver_csytf2 | |
Crocsolver_zsytf2 | |
Crocsolver_ssytf2_batched | SYTF2_BATCHED computes the factorization of a batch of symmetric indefinite matrices using Bunch-Kaufman diagonal pivoting |
Crocsolver_dsytf2_batched | |
Crocsolver_csytf2_batched | |
Crocsolver_zsytf2_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssytf2_strided_batched | SYTF2_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the factorization of a batch of symmetric indefinite matrices using Bunch-Kaufman diagonal pivoting |
Crocsolver_dsytf2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_csytf2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zsytf2_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssytrf | SYTRF computes the factorization of a symmetric indefinite matrix \(A\) using Bunch-Kaufman diagonal pivoting |
Crocsolver_dsytrf | |
Crocsolver_csytrf | |
Crocsolver_zsytrf | |
Crocsolver_ssytrf_batched | SYTRF_BATCHED computes the factorization of a batch of symmetric indefinite matrices using Bunch-Kaufman diagonal pivoting |
Crocsolver_dsytrf_batched | |
Crocsolver_csytrf_batched | |
Crocsolver_zsytrf_batched | |
Crocsolver_ssytrf_strided_batched | SYTRF_STRIDED_BATCHED computes the factorization of a batch of symmetric indefinite matrices using Bunch-Kaufman diagonal pivoting |
Crocsolver_dsytrf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_csytrf_strided_batched | |
Crocsolver_zsytrf_strided_batched | |