hipgetdevicecount Interface Reference

hipgetdevicecount Interface Reference#

HIPFORT API Reference: hipfort::hipgetdevicecount Interface Reference
hipfort::hipgetdevicecount Interface Reference

Return number of compute-capable devices. More...

Public Member Functions

integer(kind(hipsuccess)) function hipgetdevicecount_ (count)

Detailed Description

Return number of compute-capable devices.

[output]count Returns number of compute-capable devices.
hipSuccess, hipErrorNoDevice

Returns in *count the number of devices that have ability to run compute commands. If there are no such devices, then hipGetDeviceCount will return hipErrorNoDevice. If 1 or more devices can be found, then hipGetDeviceCount returns hipSuccess.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ hipgetdevicecount_()

integer(kind(hipsuccess)) function hipfort::hipgetdevicecount::hipgetdevicecount_ ( integer(c_int)  count)

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