rocfft_cache_serialize Interface Reference

rocfft_cache_serialize Interface Reference#

HIPFORT API Reference: hipfort_rocfft::rocfft_cache_serialize Interface Reference
hipfort_rocfft::rocfft_cache_serialize Interface Reference

Serialize compiled kernel cache. More...

Public Member Functions

integer(kind(rocfft_status_success)) function rocfft_cache_serialize_ (buffer, buffer_len_bytes)

Detailed Description

Serialize compiled kernel cache.

Serialize rocFFT's cache of compiled kernels into a buffer. This buffer is allocated by rocFFT and must be freed with a call to rocfft_cache_buffer_free. The length of the buffer in bytes is written to 'buffer_len_bytes'.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ rocfft_cache_serialize_()

integer(kind(rocfft_status_success)) function hipfort_rocfft::rocfft_cache_serialize::rocfft_cache_serialize_ ( type(c_ptr)  buffer,
type(c_ptr), value  buffer_len_bytes 

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