Execution control#

hipError_t hipFuncSetAttribute(const void *func, hipFuncAttribute attr, int value)#

Set attribute for a specific function.

Note: AMD devices and some Nvidia GPUS do not support shared cache banking, and the hint is ignored on those architectures.

  • func[in] Pointer of the function

  • attr[in] Attribute to set

  • value[in] Value to set


hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidDeviceFunction, hipErrorInvalidValue

hipError_t hipFuncSetCacheConfig(const void *func, hipFuncCache_t config)#

Set Cache configuration for a specific function.

  • func[in] Pointer of the function.

  • config[in] Configuration to set.


hipSuccess, hipErrorNotInitialized Note: AMD devices and some Nvidia GPUS do not support reconfigurable cache. This hint is ignored on those architectures.

hipError_t hipFuncSetSharedMemConfig(const void *func, hipSharedMemConfig config)#

Set shared memory configuation for a specific function.

Note: AMD devices and some Nvidia GPUS do not support shared cache banking, and the hint is ignored on those architectures.

  • func[in] Pointer of the function

  • config[in] Configuration


hipSuccess, hipErrorInvalidDeviceFunction, hipErrorInvalidValue