Error handling

Error handling#

HIP provides functionality to detect, report, and manage errors that occur during the execution of HIP runtime functions or when launching kernels. Every HIP runtime function, apart from launching kernels, has hipError_t as return type. hipGetLastError() and hipPeekAtLastError() can be used for catching errors from kernel launches, as kernel launches don’t return an error directly. HIP maintains an internal state, that includes the last error code. hipGetLastError() returns and resets that error to hipSuccess, while hipPeekAtLastError() just returns the error without changing it. To get a human readable version of the errors, hipGetErrorString() and hipGetErrorName() can be used.


hipGetLastError() returns the returned error code of the last HIP runtime API call even if it’s hipSuccess, while cudaGetLastError returns the error returned by any of the preceding CUDA APIs in the same host thread. hipGetLastError() behavior will be matched with cudaGetLastError in ROCm release 7.0.

Best practices of HIP error handling:

  1. Check errors after each API call - Avoid error propagation.

  2. Use macros for error checking - Check HIP check macros.

  3. Handle errors gracefully - Free resources and provide meaningful error messages to the user.

For more details on the error handling functions, see error handling functions reference page.

HIP check macros#

HIP uses check macros to simplify error checking and reduce code duplication. The HIP_CHECK macros are mainly used to detect and report errors. It can also exit from application with exit(1); function call after the error print. The HIP_CHECK macro example:

#define HIP_CHECK(expression)                  \
{                                              \
    const hipError_t status = expression;      \
    if(status != hipSuccess){                  \
        std::cerr << "HIP error "              \
                  << status << ": "            \
                  << hipGetErrorString(status) \
                  << " at " << __FILE__ << ":" \
                  << __LINE__ << std::endl;    \
    }                                          \

Complete example#

A complete example to demonstrate the error handling with a simple addition of two values kernel:

#include <hip/hip_runtime.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

#define HIP_CHECK(expression)                  \
{                                              \
    const hipError_t status = expression;      \
    if(status != hipSuccess){                  \
        std::cerr << "HIP error "              \
                  << status << ": "            \
                  << hipGetErrorString(status) \
                  << " at " << __FILE__ << ":" \
                  << __LINE__ << std::endl;    \
    }                                          \

// Addition of two values.
__global__ void add(int *a, int *b, int *c, size_t size) {
    const size_t index = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
    if(index < size) {
        c[index] += a[index] + b[index];

int main() {
    constexpr int numOfBlocks = 256;
    constexpr int threadsPerBlock = 256;
    constexpr size_t arraySize = 1U << 16;

    std::vector<int> a(arraySize), b(arraySize), c(arraySize);
    int *d_a, *d_b, *d_c;

    // Setup input values.
    std::fill(a.begin(), a.end(), 1);
    std::fill(b.begin(), b.end(), 2);

    // Allocate device copies of a, b and c.
    HIP_CHECK(hipMalloc(&d_a, arraySize * sizeof(*d_a)));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMalloc(&d_b, arraySize * sizeof(*d_b)));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMalloc(&d_c, arraySize * sizeof(*d_c)));

    // Copy input values to device.
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpy(d_a, &a, arraySize * sizeof(*d_a), hipMemcpyHostToDevice));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpy(d_b, &b, arraySize * sizeof(*d_b), hipMemcpyHostToDevice));

    // Launch add() kernel on GPU.
    hipLaunchKernelGGL(add, dim3(numOfBlocks), dim3(threadsPerBlock), 0, 0, d_a, d_b, d_c, arraySize);
    // Check the kernel launch
    // Check for kernel execution error

    // Copy the result back to the host.
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpy(&c, d_c, arraySize * sizeof(*d_c), hipMemcpyDeviceToHost));

    // Cleanup allocated memory.

    // Print the result.
    std::cout << a[0] << " + " << b[0] << " = " << c[0] << std::endl;

    return 0;