RPP common definitions

RPP common definitions#

RPP: RPP common definitions
RPP common definitions

RPP definitions for all common HOST/GPU typedefs, enums and structures. More...

Data Structures

struct  RppPointPolar
 RPP polar point. More...
struct  RppLayoutParams
 RPP layout params. More...
struct  Rpp32f6
 RPP 6 float vector. More...
struct  Rpp32f9
 RPP 9 float vector. More...
struct  Rpp32s24
 RPP 24 signed int vector. More...
struct  Rpp32f24
 RPP 24 float vector. More...
struct  RppiSize
 RPPI Image size(Width/Height dimensions) type struct. More...
struct  RppiPoint
 RPPI Image 2D cartesian point type struct. More...
struct  RppiPoint3D
 RPPI Image 3D point type struct. More...
struct  RppiRect
 RPPI Image 2D Rectangle (XYWH format) type struct. More...
struct  RppiROI
 RPPI Image 2D ROI (XYWH format) type struct. More...
struct  RpptRoiLtrb
 RPPT Tensor 2D ROI LTRB struct. More...
struct  RpptChannelOffsets
 RPPT Tensor Channel Offsets struct. More...
struct  RpptRoiLtfrbb
 RPPT Tensor 3D ROI LTFRBB struct. More...
struct  RpptRoiXywh
 RPPT Tensor 2D ROI XYWH struct. More...
struct  RpptRoiXyzwhd
 RPPT Tensor 3D ROI XYZWHD struct. More...
union  RpptROI
 RPPT Tensor 2D ROI union. More...
union  RpptROI3D
 RPPT Tensor 3D ROI union. More...
struct  RpptStrides
 RPPT Tensor strides type struct. More...
struct  RpptDesc
 RPPT Tensor descriptor type struct. More...
struct  RpptGenericDesc
 RPPT Tensor Generic descriptor type struct. More...
struct  RpptRGB
 RPPT Tensor 8-bit uchar RGB type struct. More...
struct  RpptFloatRGB
 RPPT Tensor 32-bit float RGB type struct. More...
struct  RpptUintVector2D
 RPPT Tensor 2D 32-bit uint vector type struct. More...
struct  RpptFloatVector2D
 RPPT Tensor 2D 32-bit float vector type struct. More...
struct  RpptImagePatch
 RPPT Tensor 2D image patch dimensions type struct. More...
struct  RpptXorwowState
 RPPT Tensor random number generator state (xorwow state) type struct. More...
struct  RpptXorwowStateBoxMuller
 RPPT Tensor random number generator state (xorwow box muller state) type struct. More...
struct  RpptBilinearNbhoodLocsVecLen8
 RPPT Tensor 2D bilinear neighborhood 32-bit signed int 8-length-vectors type struct. More...
struct  RpptBilinearNbhoodValsVecLen8
 RPPT Tensor 2D bilinear neighborhood 32-bit float 8-length-vectors type struct. More...
struct  GenericFilter
 RPPT Tensor GenericFilter type struct. More...
struct  RpptResamplingWindow
 RPPT Tensor RpptResamplingWindow type struct. More...
struct  BaseMelScale
 Base class for Mel scale conversions. More...
struct  HtkMelScale
 Derived class for HTK Mel scale conversions. More...
struct  SlaneyMelScale
 Derived class for Slaney Mel scale conversions. More...
struct  memRpp32f
 RPP HOST 32-bit float memory. More...
struct  memRpp64f
 RPP HOST 64-bit double memory. More...
struct  memRpp32u
 RPP HOST 32-bit unsigned int memory. More...
struct  memRpp32s
 RPP HOST 32-bit signed int memory. More...
struct  memRpp8u
 RPP HOST 8-bit unsigned char memory. More...
struct  memRpp8s
 RPP HOST 8-bit signed char memory. More...
struct  memRpptRGB
 RPP HOST RGB memory. More...
struct  memSize
 RPP HOST 2D dimensions memory. More...
struct  memROI
 RPP HOST 2D ROI memory. More...
struct  memCPU
 RPP HOST memory type struct. More...
struct  hipMemRpp32f
 RPP HIP 32-bit float memory. More...
struct  hipMemRpp64f
 RPP HIP 64-bit double memory. More...
struct  hipMemRpp32u
 RPP HIP 32-bit unsigned int memory. More...
struct  hipMemRpp32s
 RPP HIP 32-bit signed int memory. More...
struct  hipMemRpp8u
 RPP HIP 8-bit unsigned char memory. More...
struct  hipMemRpp8s
 RPP HIP 8-bit signed char memory. More...
struct  hipMemRpptRGB
 RPP HIP RGB memory. More...
struct  hipMemSize
 RPP HIP 2D dimensions memory. More...
struct  hipMemROI
 RPP HIP 2D ROI memory. More...
struct  memGPU
 RPP OCL memory management type struct. More...
struct  memMgmt
 RPP HIP-HOST memory management. More...
struct  InitHandle
 RPP initialize handle. More...


#define RPP_MIN_8U   ( 0 )
 8 bit unsigned char minimum \
#define RPP_MAX_8U   ( 255 )
 8 bit unsigned char maximum \
#define RPPT_MAX_DIMS   ( 5 )
 RPP maximum dimensions in tensor .
#define RPPT_MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS   ( 16 )
 RPP maximum channels in audio tensor .


typedef unsigned char Rpp8u
 8 bit unsigned char
typedef signed char Rpp8s
 8 bit signed char
typedef unsigned short Rpp16u
 16 bit unsigned short
typedef short Rpp16s
 16 bit signed short
typedef unsigned int Rpp32u
 32 bit unsigned int
typedef int Rpp32s
 32 bit signed int
typedef unsigned long long Rpp64u
 64 bit unsigned long long
typedef long long Rpp64s
 64 bit long long
typedef float Rpp32f
 32 bit float
typedef double Rpp64f
 64 bit double
typedef void * RppPtr_t
 void pointer
typedef size_t RppSize_t
typedef struct GenericFilter GenericFilter
 RPPT Tensor GenericFilter type struct.
typedef struct RpptResamplingWindow RpptResamplingWindow
 RPPT Tensor RpptResamplingWindow type struct.


enum  RppStatus {
  RPP_ERROR = -1 ,
 RPP RppStatus type enums. More...
enum  RppBackend {
 RPP RppBackend type enums.
enum  rppStatus_t {
  rppStatusSuccess = 0 ,
  rppStatusBadParm = -1 ,
  rppStatusUnknownError = -2 ,
  rppStatusNotInitialized = -3 ,
  rppStatusInvalidValue = -4 ,
  rppStatusAllocFailed = -5 ,
  rppStatusInternalError = -6 ,
  rppStatusNotImplemented = -7 ,
  rppStatusUnsupportedOp = -8
 RPP rppStatus_t type enums.
enum  RppOp {
 RPP Operations type enum.
enum  RppConvertBitDepthMode {
  U8_S8 ,
 RPP BitDepth Conversion type enum.
enum  RppiColorConvertMode {
  RGB_HSV = 1 ,
 RPPI Image color convert mode type enum.
enum  RppiFuzzyLevel {
 RPPI Image fuzzy level type enum.
enum  RppiChnFormat {
 RPPI Image channel format type enum.
enum  RppiAxis {
 RPP Image axis type enum.
enum  RppiBlur {
  GAUSS3 ,
  GAUSS5 ,
  GAUSS3x1 ,
  GAUSS1x3 ,
  AVG3 = 10 ,
 RPPI Image blur type enum.
enum  RppiPad {
 RPPI Image pad type enum.
enum  RppiFormat {
  RGB ,
 RPPI Image format type enum.
enum  RpptDataType {
  U8 ,
  F32 ,
  F16 ,
 RPPT Tensor datatype enum.
enum  RpptLayout {
  NCHW ,
  NHWC ,
  NHW ,
  NFT ,
 RPPT Tensor layout type enum.
enum  RpptRoiType {
  LTRB ,
 RPPT Tensor 2D ROI type enum.
enum  RpptRoi3DType {
 RPPT Tensor 3D ROI type enum.
enum  RpptSubpixelLayout {
  RGBtype ,
 RPPT Tensor subpixel layout type enum.
enum  RpptInterpolationType {
 RPPT Tensor interpolation type enum.
enum  RpptAudioBorderType {
  ZERO = 0 ,
 RPPT Audio Border Type.
enum  RpptMelScaleFormula {
  SLANEY = 0 ,
 RPPT Mel Scale Formula.

Detailed Description

RPP definitions for all common HOST/GPU typedefs, enums and structures.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ RppStatus

enum RppStatus

RPP RppStatus type enums.


No error.


Unspecified error.


One or more arguments invalid. (Needs to adhere to function specification.)


Low tensor offsetInBytes provided for src/dst tensor.


Arguments provided will result in zero division error.


Src tensor / src ROI dimension too high. (Needs to adhere to function specification.)


Function variant requested is not implemented / unsupported.


Invalid src tensor number of channels. (Needs to adhere to function specification.)


Invalid dst tensor number of channels. (Needs to adhere to function specification.)


Invalid src tensor layout. (Needs to adhere to function specification.)


Invalid dst tensor layout. (Needs to adhere to function specification.)


Invalid src tensor datatype. (Needs to adhere to function specification.)


Invalid dst tensor datatype. (Needs to adhere to function specification.)


Invalid src/dst tensor datatype. (Needs to adhere to function specification.)


Insufficient dst buffer length provided. (Needs to adhere to function specification.)


Invalid datatype.


Not enough memory to write outputs, as per dim-lengths and strides set in descriptor.


Out of bound source ROI.


src and dst layout mismatch


Number of channels is invalid. (Needs to adhere to function specification.)


Invalid output tile length (Needs to adhere to function specification.)


Shared memory size needed is beyond the bounds (Needs to adhere to function specification.)


Scratch memory size needed is beyond the bounds (Needs to adhere to function specification.)


Number of src dims is invalid. (Needs to adhere to function specification.)


Number of dst dims is invalid. (Needs to adhere to function specification.)