Building and installing ROCm Performance Primitives

Building and installing ROCm Performance Primitives#

ROCm Performance Primitives (RPP) supports HIP and OpenCL backends running on accelerators based on the CDNA architecture, and supports CPU-only backends on CPUs that support PCIe™ atomics.

On OpenCL and HIP backends, RPP requires ROCm installed with the AMDGPU installer and the rocm usecase:

sudo amdgpu-install --usecase=rocm

Clone the source code from the RPP GitHub repository, then use the following commands to build and install RPP:

mkdir build-hip
cd build-hip
cmake ../
make -j8
sudo make install
mkdir build-ocl
cd build-ocl
make -j8
sudo make install
mkdir build-cpu
cd build-cpu
cmake -DBACKEND=CPU ../
make -j8
sudo make install