Application Deployment Guidelines for Windows

Application Deployment Guidelines for Windows#

Applies to Linux and Windows


7 min read time

ISVs deploying applications using the HIP SDK depend on the AMD GPU Drivers, HIP Runtime Library and HIP SDK Libraries. A compatibility matrix table provides details on AMD’s support model. AMD GPU Drivers are distributed with a HIP Runtime included. Each HIP Runtime is associated with a HIP compiler version. Applications built with a particular HIP compiler should document its associated HIP Runtime version and AMD GPU Driver as minimum version requirements for its end users. Applications do not distribute the HIP Runtime. Instead, end users will use the HIP Runtime provided by an AMD GPU Driver. AMD provides backward compatibility for applications dynamically linked to the HIP Runtime based on our Driver and HIP support policy. ISV applications using the HIP SDK Libraries, for example hipBLAS, should distribute the HIP SDK Library as part of its installer package. It is recommended not to require end users to install the HIP SDK. AMD provides backward compatibility for AMD Driver and HIP Runtime for the HIP SDK Libraries based on our support policy. AMD support policy for Visual Studio and other third-party compilers are documented here.

Usage Scenario#

This guide is intended for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and other software developers intending to build applications with the HIP SDK for Windows. The HIP SDK is intended for developer distribution in contrast to the AMD GPU driver which is intended for all end users. The guide discusses how to use and distribute components from the HIP SDK. The HIP SDK is the collection of the AMD GPU Driver, HIP Runtime and the HIP Libraries. These three parts are distributed in the HIP SDK installer. The compatibility and versioning relation between these three parts is documented here. AMD’s support policies for the developer tools allows the ISVs the stability to plan the usage of a tool chain.