Tuning Guides

Tuning Guides#

Applies to Linux and Windows


6 min read time

Use case-specific system setup and tuning guides.

High Performance Computing#

High Performance Computing (HPC) workloads have unique requirements. The default hardware and BIOS configurations for OEM platforms may not provide optimal performance for HPC workloads. To enable optimal HPC settings on a per-platform and per-workload level, this guide calls out:

  • BIOS settings that can impact performance

  • Hardware configuration best practices

  • Supported versions of operating systems

  • Workload-specific recommendations for optimal BIOS and operating system settings

There is also a discussion on the AMD Instinct™ software development environment, including information on how to install and run the DGEMM, STREAM, HPCG, and HPL benchmarks. This guidance provides a good starting point but is not exhaustively tested across all compilers.

Prerequisites to understanding this document and to performing tuning of HPC applications include:

  • Experience in configuring servers

  • Administrative access to the server’s Management Interface (BMC)

  • Administrative access to the operating system

  • Familiarity with the OEM server’s BMC (strongly recommended)

  • Familiarity with the OS specific tools for configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting (strongly recommended)

This document provides guidance on tuning systems with various AMD Instinct™ accelerators for HPC workloads. This document is not an all-inclusive guide, and some items referred to may have similar, but different, names in various OEM systems (for example, OEM-specific BIOS settings). This document also provides suggestions on items that should be the initial focus of additional, application-specific tuning.

This document is based on the AMD EPYC™ 7003-series processor family (former codename “Milan”).

While this guide is a good starting point, developers are encouraged to perform their own performance testing for additional tuning.

AMD Instinct™ MI200

This chapter goes through how to configure your AMD Instinct™ MI200 accelerated compute nodes to get the best performance out of them.

AMD Instinct™ MI100

This chapter briefly reviews hardware aspects of the AMD Instinct™ MI100 accelerators and the CDNA™ 1 architecture that is the foundation of these GPUs.


Workstation workloads, much like High Performance Computing have a unique set of requirements, a blend of both graphics and compute, certification, stability and the list continues.

The document covers specific software requirements and processes needed to use these GPUs for Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) and Machine Learning (ML).

The main purpose of this document is to help users utilize the RDNA 2 GPUs to their full potential.

AMD Radeon™ PRO W6000 and V620

This chapter describes the AMD GPUs with RDNA™ 2 architecture, namely AMD Radeon PRO W6800 and AMD Radeon PRO V620