Installation Using the Command Line Interface

Installation Using the Command Line Interface#

Applies to Windows


5 min read time

The steps to install the HIP SDK for Windows are described in this document.

System Requirements#

The HIP SDK is supported on Windows 10 and 11. The HIP SDK may be installed on a system without AMD GPUs to use the build toolchains. To run HIP applications, a compatible GPU is required. Please see the supported GPU guide for more details.

HIP SDK Installation#

The command line installer is the same executable which is used by the graphical front-end. Download the installer from the HIP-SDK download page. The options supported by the command line interface are summarized in Table 9.

Table 8 HIP SDK Command Line Options#

Install Option



Command used to install packages, both driver and applications. No output to the screen.

-install -boot

Silent install with auto reboot.

-install -log <absolute path>

Write install result code to the specified log file. The specified log file must be on a local machine. Double quotes are needed if there are spaces in the log file path.


Command to uninstall all packages installed by this installer on the system. There is no option to specify which packages to uninstall.

-uninstall -boot

Silent uninstall with auto reboot.

/? or /help

Shows a brief description of all switch commands.


Unlike the graphical installer, the command line interface doesn’t support selectively installing parts of the SDK bundle. It’s all or nothing.

Launching the Installer From the Command Line#

The installer is still a graphical application with a WinMain entry point, even when called on the command line. This means that the application lifetime is tied to a window, even on headless systems where that window may not be visible. To launch the installer from PowerShell that will block until the installer exits, one may use the following pattern:

Start-Process $InstallerExecutable -ArgumentList $InstallerArgs -NoNewWindow -Wait


Running the installer requires Administrator Privileges.

For example, installing all components and

Start-Process ~\Downloads\Setup.exe -ArgumentList '-install','-log',"${env:USERPROFILE}\installer_log.txt" -NoNewWindow -Wait