Release Notes#

Applies to Linux and Windows


20 min read time

The release notes for the ROCm platform.

ROCm 5.7.0#

Release Highlights for ROCm v5.7#

ROCm 5.7.0 includes many new features. These include: a new library (hipTensor), and optimizations for rocRAND and MIVisionX. Address sanitizer for host and device code (GPU) is now available as a beta. Note that ROCm 5.7.0 is EOS for MI50. 5.7 versions of ROCm are the last major release in the ROCm 5 series. This release is Linux-only.

Important: The next major ROCm release (ROCm 6.0) will not be backward compatible with the ROCm 5 series. Changes will include: splitting LLVM packages into more manageable sizes, changes to the HIP runtime API, splitting rocRAND and hipRAND into separate packages, and reorganizing our file structure.

AMD Instinct™ MI50 End of Support Notice#

AMD Instinct MI50, Radeon Pro VII, and Radeon VII products (collectively gfx906 GPUs) will enter maintenance mode starting Q3 2023.

As outlined in 5.6.0, ROCm 5.7 will be the final release for gfx906 GPUs to be in a fully supported state.

  • ROCm 6.0 release will show MI50s as “under maintenance” mode for Linux and Windows

  • No new features and performance optimizations will be supported for the gfx906 GPUs beyond this major release (ROCm 5.7).

  • Bug fixes / critical security patches will continue to be supported for the gfx906 GPUs till Q2 2024 (EOM (End of Maintenance) will be aligned with the closest ROCm release).

  • Bug fixes during the maintenance will be made to the next ROCm point release.

  • Bug fixes will not be backported to older ROCm releases for gfx906.

  • Distro / Operating system updates will continue as per the ROCm release cadence for gfx906 GPUs till EOM.

Feature Updates#

Non-hostcall HIP Printf#

Current behavior

The current version of HIP printf relies on hostcalls, which, in turn, rely on PCIe atomics. However, PCle atomics are unavailable in some environments, and, as a result, HIP-printf does not work in those environments. Users may see the following error from runtime (with AMD_LOG_LEVEL 1 and above),

    Pcie atomics not enabled, hostcall not supported


The ROCm 5.7 release introduces an alternative to the current hostcall-based implementation that leverages an older OpenCL-based printf scheme, which does not rely on hostcalls/PCIe atomics. Note: This option is less robust than hostcall-based implementation and is intended to be a workaround when hostcalls do not work.

The printf variant is now controlled via a new compiler option -mprintf-kind=. This is supported only for HIP programs and takes the following values,

  • “hostcall” – This currently available implementation relies on hostcalls, which require the system to support PCIe atomics. It is the default scheme.

  • “buffered” – This implementation leverages the older printf scheme used by OpenCL; it relies on a memory buffer where printf arguments are stored during the kernel execution, and then the runtime handles the actual printing once the kernel finishes execution.

NOTE: With the new workaround,

  • The printf buffer is fixed size and non-circular. After the buffer is filled, calls to printf will not result in additional output.

  • The printf call returns either 0 (on success) or -1 (on failure, due to full buffer), unlike the hostcall scheme that returns the number of characters printed.

Beta Release of LLVM Address Sanitizer (ASAN) with the GPU#

The ROCm v5.7 release introduces the beta release of LLVM Address Sanitizer (ASAN) with the GPU. The LLVM Address Sanitizer provides a process that allows developers to detect runtime addressing errors in applications and libraries. The detection is achieved using a combination of compiler-added instrumentation and runtime techniques, including function interception and replacement. Until now, the LLVM Address Sanitizer process was only available for traditional purely CPU applications. However, ROCm has extended this mechanism to additionally allow the detection of some addressing errors on the GPU in heterogeneous applications. Ideally, developers should treat heterogeneous HIP and OpenMP applications like pure CPU applications. However, this simplicity has not been achieved yet.

Refer to the documentation on LLVM Address Sanitizer with the GPU at LLVM Address Sanitizer User Guide.

Note: The beta release of LLVM Address Sanitizer for ROCm is currently tested and validated on Ubuntu 20.04.

Fixed Defects#

The following defects are fixed in ROCm v5.7,

  • Test hangs observed in HMM RCCL

  • NoGpuTst test of Catch2 fails with Docker

  • Failures observed with non-HMM HIP directed catch2 tests with XNACK+

  • Multiple test failures and test hangs observed in hip-directed catch2 tests with xnack+

HIP 5.7.0#

  • Added meta_group_size/rank for getting the number of tiles and rank of a tile in the partition

  • Added new APIs supporting Windows only, under development on Linux

    • hipMallocMipmappedArray for allocating a mipmapped array on the device

    • hipFreeMipmappedArray for freeing a mipmapped array on the device

    • hipGetMipmappedArrayLevel for getting a mipmap level of a HIP mipmapped array

    • hipMipmappedArrayCreate for creating a mipmapped array

    • hipMipmappedArrayDestroy for destroy a mipmapped array

    • hipMipmappedArrayGetLevel for getting a mipmapped array on a mipmapped level

Known Issues#
  • HIP memory type enum values currently don’t support equivalent value to cudaMemoryTypeUnregistered, due to HIP functionality backward compatibility.

  • HIP API hipPointerGetAttributes could return invalid value in case the input memory pointer was not allocated through any HIP API on device or host.

Upcoming changes for HIP in ROCm 6.0 release#
  • Removal of gcnarch from hipDeviceProp_t structure

  • Addition of new fields in hipDeviceProp_t structure

    • maxTexture1D

    • maxTexture2D

    • maxTexture1DLayered

    • maxTexture2DLayered

    • sharedMemPerMultiprocessor

    • deviceOverlap

    • asyncEngineCount

    • surfaceAlignment

    • unifiedAddressing

    • computePreemptionSupported

    • hostRegisterSupported

    • uuid

  • Removal of deprecated code -hip-hcc codes from hip code tree

  • Correct hipArray usage in HIP APIs such as hipMemcpyAtoH and hipMemcpyHtoA

  • HIPMEMCPY_3D fields correction to avoid truncation of “size_t” to “unsigned int” inside hipMemcpy3D()

  • Renaming of ‘memoryType’ in hipPointerAttribute_t structure to ‘type’

  • Correct hipGetLastError to return the last error instead of last API call’s return code

  • Update hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc to add “unsigned int reserved[16]”

  • Correct handling of flag values in hipIpcOpenMemHandle for hipIpcMemLazyEnablePeerAccess

  • Remove hiparray* and make it opaque with hipArray_t

Library Changes in ROCM 5.7.0#







































hipBLAS 1.1.0#

hipBLAS 1.1.0 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • updated documentation requirements

  • dependency rocSOLVER now depends on rocSPARSE

hipCUB 2.13.1#

hipCUB 2.13.1 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • CUB backend references CUB and Thrust version 2.0.1.

  • Fixed DeviceSegmentedReduce::ArgMin and DeviceSegmentedReduce::ArgMax by returning the segment-relative index instead of the absolute one.

  • Fixed DeviceSegmentedReduce::ArgMin for inputs where the segment minimum is smaller than the value returned for empty segments. An equivalent fix is applied to DeviceSegmentedReduce::ArgMax.

Known Issues#
  • debug_synchronous no longer works on CUDA platform. CUB_DEBUG_SYNC should be used to enable those checks.

  • DeviceReduce::Sum does not compile on CUDA platform for mixed extended-floating-point/floating-point InputT and OutputT types.

  • DeviceHistogram::HistogramEven fails on CUDA platform for [LevelT, SampleIteratorT] = [int, int].

  • DeviceHistogram::MultiHistogramEven fails on CUDA platform for [LevelT, SampleIteratorT] = [int, int/unsigned short/float/double] and [LevelT, SampleIteratorT] = [float, double].

hipFFT 1.0.12#

hipFFT 1.0.12 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • Implemented the hipfftXtMakePlanMany, hipfftXtGetSizeMany, hipfftXtExec APIs, to allow requesting half-precision transforms.

  • Added –precision argument to benchmark/test clients. –double is still accepted but is deprecated as a method to request a double-precision transform.

hipSOLVER 1.8.1#

hipSOLVER 1.8.1 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • Changed hipsolver-test sparse input data search paths to be relative to the test executable

hipSPARSE 2.3.8#

hipSPARSE 2.3.8 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • Fix compilation failures when using cusparse 12.1.0 backend

  • Fix compilation failures when using cusparse 12.0.0 backend

  • Fix compilation failures when using cusparse 10.1 (non-update versions) as backend

  • Minor improvements

MIOpen 2.19.0#

MIOpen 2.19.0 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • ROCm 5.5 support for gfx1101 (Navi32)

  • Tuning results for MLIR on ROCm 5.5

  • Bumping MLIR commit to 5.5.0 release tag

  • Fix 3d convolution Host API bug

  • [HOTFIX][MI200][FP16] Disabled ConvHipImplicitGemmBwdXdlops when FP16_ALT is required.

RCCL 2.17.1-1#

RCCL 2.17.1-1 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • Compatibility with NCCL 2.17.1-1

  • Performance tuning for some collective operations

  • Minor improvements to MSCCL codepath


  • Improved compilation performance

  • Support for gfx94x

  • Potential race-condition during ncclSocketClose()

rocALUTION 2.1.11#

rocALUTION 2.1.11 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • Added support for gfx940, gfx941 and gfx942

  • Fixed OpenMP runtime issue with Windows toolchain

rocBLAS 3.1.0#

rocBLAS 3.1.0 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • yaml lock step argument scanning for rocblas-bench and rocblas-test clients. See Programmers Guide for details.

  • rocblas-gemm-tune is used to find the best performing GEMM kernel for each of a given set of GEMM problems.

  • make offset calculations for rocBLAS functions 64 bit safe. Fixes for very large leading dimensions or increments potentially causing overflow:

    • Level 1: axpy, copy, rot, rotm, scal, swap, asum, dot, iamax, iamin, nrm2

    • Level 2: gemv, symv, hemv, trmv, ger, syr, her, syr2, her2, trsv

    • Level 3: gemm, symm, hemm, trmm, syrk, herk, syr2k, her2k, syrkx, herkx, trsm, trtri, dgmm, geam

    • General: set_vector, get_vector, set_matrix, get_matrix

    • Related fixes: internal scalar loads with > 32bit offsets

    • fix in-place functionality for all trtri sizes

  • dot when using rocblas_pointer_mode_host is now synchronous to match legacy BLAS as it stores results in host memory

  • enhanced reporting of installation issues caused by runtime libraries (Tensile)

  • standardized internal rocblas C++ interface across most functions

  • Removal of STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_TYPES_EXT define in future release

  • optional use of AOCL BLIS 4.0 on Linux for clients

  • optional build tool only dependency on python psutil

rocFFT 1.0.24#

rocFFT 1.0.24 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • Improved performance of complex forward/inverse 1D FFTs (2049 <= length <= 131071) that use Bluestein’s algorithm.

  • Implemented a solution map version converter and finish the first conversion from ver.0 to ver.1. Where version 1 removes some incorrect kernels (sbrc/sbcr using half_lds)

  • Moved rocfft_rtc_helper executable to lib/rocFFT directory on Linux.

  • Moved library kernel cache to lib/rocFFT directory.

rocm-cmake 0.10.0#

rocm-cmake 0.10.0 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • Added ROCMTest module

  • ROCMCreatePackage: Added support for ASAN packages

rocPRIM 2.13.1#

rocPRIM 2.13.1 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • Deprecated configuration radix_sort_config for device-level radix sort as it no longer matches the algorithm’s parameters. New configuration radix_sort_config_v2 is preferred instead.

  • Removed erroneous implementation of device-level inclusive_scan and exclusive_scan. The prior default implementation using lookback-scan now is the only available implementation.

  • The benchmark metric indicating the bytes processed for exclusive_scan_by_key and inclusive_scan_by_key has been changed to incorporate the key type. Furthermore, the benchmark log has been changed such that these algorithms are reported as scan and scan_by_key instead of scan_exclusive and scan_inclusive.

  • Deprecated configurations scan_config and scan_by_key_config for device-level scans, as they no longer match the algorithm’s parameters. New configurations scan_config_v2 and scan_by_key_config_v2 are preferred instead.

  • Fixed build issue caused by missing header in thread/thread_search.hpp.

rocRAND 2.10.17#

rocRAND 2.10.17 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • MT19937 pseudo random number generator based on M. Matsumoto and T. Nishimura, 1998, Mersenne Twister: A 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform pseudorandom number generator.

  • New benchmark for the device API using Google Benchmark, benchmark_rocrand_device_api, replacing benchmark_rocrand_kernel. benchmark_rocrand_kernel is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Likewise, benchmark_curand_host_api is added to replace benchmark_curand_generate and benchmark_curand_device_api is added to replace benchmark_curand_kernel.

  • experimental HIP-CPU feature

  • ThreeFry pseudorandom number generator based on Salmon et al., 2011, “Parallel random numbers: as easy as 1, 2, 3”.

  • Python 2.7 is no longer officially supported.

rocSOLVER 3.23.0#

rocSOLVER 3.23.0 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • LU factorization without pivoting for block tridiagonal matrices:

    • GEBLTTRF_NPVT now supports interleaved_batched format

  • Linear system solver without pivoting for block tridiagonal matrices:

    • GEBLTTRS_NPVT now supports interleaved_batched format

  • Fixed stack overflow in sparse tests on Windows

  • Changed rocsolver-test sparse input data search paths to be relative to the test executable

  • Changed build scripts to default to compressed debug symbols in Debug builds

rocSPARSE 2.5.4#

rocSPARSE 2.5.4 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • Added more mixed precisions for SpMV, (matrix: float, vectors: double, calculation: double) and (matrix: rocsparse_float_complex, vectors: rocsparse_double_complex, calculation: rocsparse_double_complex)

  • Added support for gfx940, gfx941 and gfx942

  • Fixed a bug in csrsm and bsrsm

Known Issues#

In csritlu0, the algorithm rocsparse_itilu0_alg_sync_split_fusion has some accuracy issues to investigate with XNACK enabled. The fallback is rocsparse_itilu0_alg_sync_split.

rocThrust 2.18.0#

rocThrust 2.18.0 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • lower_bound, upper_bound, and binary_search failed to compile for certain types.

  • Fixed issue where transform_iterator would not compile with __device__-only operators.

  • Updated docs directory structure to match the standard of rocm-docs-core.

  • Removed references to and workarounds for deprecated hcc

rocWMMA 1.2.0#

rocWMMA 1.2.0 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • Fixed a bug with synchronization

  • Updated rocWMMA cmake versioning

Tensile 4.38.0#

Tensile 4.38.0 for ROCm 5.7.0

  • Added support for FP16 Alt Round Near Zero Mode (this feature allows the generation of alternate kernels with intermediate rounding instead of truncation)

  • Added user-driven solution selection feature

  • Enabled LocalSplitU with MFMA for I8 data type

  • Optimized K mask code in mfmaIter

  • Enabled TailLoop code in NoLoadLoop to prefetch global/local read

  • Enabled DirectToVgpr in TailLoop for NN, TN, and TT matrix orientations

  • Optimized DirectToLds test cases to reduce the test duration

  • Removed DGEMM NT custom kernels and related test cases

  • Changed noTailLoop logic to apply noTailLoop only for NT

  • Changed the range of AssertFree0ElementMultiple and Free1

  • Unified aStr, bStr generation code in mfmaIter

  • Fixed LocalSplitU mismatch issue for SGEMM

  • Fixed BufferStore=0 and Ldc != Ldd case

  • Fixed mismatch issue with TailLoop + MatrixInstB > 1