Uninstallation Using the Graphical Interface


Uninstallation Using the Graphical Interface#

Applies to Windows


4 min read time

The steps to uninstall the HIP SDK for Windows are described in this document.


All components, except visual studio plug-in should be uninstalled through control panel -> Add/Remove Program. For visual studio extension uninstallation, please refer to ROCm-Developer-Tools/HIP-VS. Uninstallation of the HIP SDK components can be done through the Windows Settings app. Navigate to “Apps > Installed apps”, click the “…” on the far right next to the component to uninstall, and click “Uninstall”.

Installed apps section of the Setting app showing installed HIP SDK components.

Fig. 27 Removing the SDK via the Setting app#

Installed apps section of the Setting app showing installed HIP SDK components.

Fig. 28 Removing the SDK via the Setting app#