
template<class Key, unsigned int WarpSize = device_warp_size(), class Value = empty_type>
class warp_sort : private rocprim::detail::warp_sort_shuffle<Key, device_warp_size(), empty_type>#

The warp_sort class provides warp-wide methods for computing a parallel sort of items across thread warps. This class currently implements parallel bitonic sort, and only accepts warp sizes that are powers of two.


  • WarpSize must be power of two.

  • WarpSize must be equal to or less than the size of hardware warp (see rocprim::device_warp_size()). If it is less, sort is performed separately within groups determined by WarpSize. For example, if WarpSize is 4, hardware warp is 64, sort will be performed in logical warps grouped like this: { {0, 1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6, 7 }, ..., {60, 61, 62, 63} } (thread is represented here by its id within hardware warp).

  • Accepts custom compare_functions for sorting across a warp.

  • Number of threads executing warp_sort’s function must be a multiple of WarpSize.


warp_sort is not stable: it doesn’t necessarily preserve the relative ordering of equivalent keys. That is, given two keys a and b and a binary boolean operation op such that:

  • a precedes b in the input keys, and

  • op(a, b) and op(b, a) are both false, then it is not guaranteed that a will precede b as well in the output (ordered) keys.


Every thread within the warp uses the warp_sort class by first specializing the warp_sort type, and instantiating an object that will be used to invoke a member function.

__global__ void example_kernel(...)
    const unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

    int value = input[i];
    rocprim::warp_sort<int, 64> wsort;
    input[i] = value;

Below is a snippet demonstrating how to pass a custom compare function:

__device__ bool customCompare(const int& a, const int& b)
    return a < b;
__global__ void example_kernel(...)
    const unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

    int value = input[i];
    rocprim::warp_sort<int, 64> wsort;
    wsort.sort(value, customCompare);
    input[i] = value;

Template Parameters:
  • Key – Data type for parameter Key

  • WarpSize – [optional] The number of threads in a warp

  • Value – [optional] Data type for parameter Value. By default, it’s empty_type

Public Types

using storage_type = typename base_type::storage_type#

Struct used to allocate a temporary memory that is required for thread communication during operations provided by related parallel primitive.

Depending on the implemention the operations exposed by parallel primitive may require a temporary storage for thread communication. The storage should be allocated using keywords . It can be aliased to an externally allocated memory, or be a part of a union with other storage types to increase shared memory reusability.

Public Functions

template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>, unsigned int FunctionWarpSize = WarpSize>
__device__ inline auto sort(Key &thread_key, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction()) -> typename std::enable_if<(FunctionWarpSize <= device_warp_size()), void>::type#

Warp sort for any data type.

Template Parameters:

BinaryFunction – type of binary function used for sort. Default type is rocprim::less<T>.

  • thread_key – input/output to pass to other threads

  • compare_function – binary operation function object that will be used for sort. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following: bool f(const T &a, const T &b);. The signature does not need to have const &, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it.

template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>, unsigned int FunctionWarpSize = WarpSize>
__device__ inline auto sort(Key&, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction()) -> typename std::enable_if<(FunctionWarpSize > device_warp_size()), void>::type#

Warp sort for any data type. Invalid Warp Size.

template<unsigned int ItemsPerThread, class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>, unsigned int FunctionWarpSize = WarpSize>
__device__ inline auto sort(Key (&thread_keys)[ItemsPerThread], BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction()) -> typename std::enable_if<(FunctionWarpSize <= device_warp_size()), void>::type#

Warp sort for any data type.

Template Parameters:

BinaryFunction – type of binary function used for sort. Default type is rocprim::less<T>.

  • thread_keys – input/output keys to pass to other threads

  • compare_function – binary operation function object that will be used for sort. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following: bool f(const T &a, const T &b);. The signature does not need to have const &, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it.

template<unsigned int ItemsPerThread, class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>, unsigned int FunctionWarpSize = WarpSize>
__device__ inline auto sort(Key (&thread_keys)[ItemsPerThread], BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction()) -> typename std::enable_if<(FunctionWarpSize > device_warp_size()), void>::type#

Warp sort for any data type. Invalid Warp Size.

template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>, unsigned int FunctionWarpSize = WarpSize>
__device__ inline auto sort(Key &thread_key, storage_type &storage, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction()) -> typename std::enable_if<(FunctionWarpSize <= device_warp_size()), void>::type#

Warp sort for any data type using temporary storage.

Storage reusage

Synchronization barrier should be placed before storage is reused or repurposed: __syncthreads() or rocprim::syncthreads().

__global__ void example_kernel(...)
    int value = ...;
    using warp_sort_int = rp::warp_sort<int, 64>;
    warp_sort_int wsort;
    __shared__ typename warp_sort_int::storage_type storage;
    wsort.sort(value, storage);

Template Parameters:

BinaryFunction – type of binary function used for sort. Default type is rocprim::less<T>.

  • thread_key – input/output to pass to other threads

  • storage – temporary storage for inputs

  • compare_function – binary operation function object that will be used for sort. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following: bool f(const T &a, const T &b);. The signature does not need to have const &, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it.

template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>, unsigned int FunctionWarpSize = WarpSize>
__device__ inline auto sort(Key&, storage_type&, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction()) -> typename std::enable_if<(FunctionWarpSize > device_warp_size()), void>::type#

Warp sort for any data type using temporary storage. Invalid Warp Size.

template<unsigned int ItemsPerThread, class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>, unsigned int FunctionWarpSize = WarpSize>
__device__ inline auto sort(Key (&thread_keys)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction()) -> typename std::enable_if<(FunctionWarpSize <= device_warp_size()), void>::type#

Warp sort for any data type using temporary storage.

Storage reusage

Synchronization barrier should be placed before storage is reused or repurposed: __syncthreads() or rocprim::syncthreads().

__global__ void example_kernel(...)
    int value = ...;
    using warp_sort_int = rp::warp_sort<int, 64>;
    warp_sort_int wsort;
    __shared__ typename warp_sort_int::storage_type storage;
    wsort.sort(value, storage);

Template Parameters:

BinaryFunction – type of binary function used for sort. Default type is rocprim::less<T>.

  • thread_keys – input/output keys to pass to other threads

  • storage – temporary storage for inputs

  • compare_function – binary operation function object that will be used for sort. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following: bool f(const T &a, const T &b);. The signature does not need to have const &, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it.

template<unsigned int ItemsPerThread, class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>, unsigned int FunctionWarpSize = WarpSize>
__device__ inline auto sort(Key (&thread_keys)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type&, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction()) -> typename std::enable_if<(FunctionWarpSize > device_warp_size()), void>::type#

Warp sort for any data type using temporary storage. Invalid Warp Size.

template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>, unsigned int FunctionWarpSize = WarpSize>
__device__ inline auto sort(Key &thread_key, Value &thread_value, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction()) -> typename std::enable_if<(FunctionWarpSize <= device_warp_size()), void>::type#

Warp sort by key for any data type.

Template Parameters:

BinaryFunction – type of binary function used for sort. Default type is rocprim::less<T>.

  • thread_key – input/output key to pass to other threads

  • thread_value – input/output value to pass to other threads

  • compare_function – binary operation function object that will be used for sort. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following: bool f(const T &a, const T &b);. The signature does not need to have const &, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it.

template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>, unsigned int FunctionWarpSize = WarpSize>
__device__ inline auto sort(Key&, Value&, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction()) -> typename std::enable_if<(FunctionWarpSize > device_warp_size()), void>::type#

Warp sort by key for any data type. Invalid Warp Size.

template<unsigned int ItemsPerThread, class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>, unsigned int FunctionWarpSize = WarpSize>
__device__ inline auto sort(Key (&thread_keys)[ItemsPerThread], Value (&thread_values)[ItemsPerThread], BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction()) -> typename std::enable_if<(FunctionWarpSize <= device_warp_size()), void>::type#

Warp sort by key for any data type.

Template Parameters:

BinaryFunction – type of binary function used for sort. Default type is rocprim::less<T>.

  • thread_keys – input/output keys to pass to other threads

  • thread_values – input/outputs values to pass to other threads

  • compare_function – binary operation function object that will be used for sort. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following: bool f(const T &a, const T &b);. The signature does not need to have const &, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it.

template<unsigned int ItemsPerThread, class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>, unsigned int FunctionWarpSize = WarpSize>
__device__ inline auto sort(Key (&thread_keys)[ItemsPerThread], Value (&thread_values)[ItemsPerThread], BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction()) -> typename std::enable_if<(FunctionWarpSize > device_warp_size()), void>::type#

Warp sort by key for any data type. Invalid Warp Size.

template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>, unsigned int FunctionWarpSize = WarpSize>
__device__ inline auto sort(Key &thread_key, Value &thread_value, storage_type &storage, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction()) -> typename std::enable_if<(FunctionWarpSize <= device_warp_size()), void>::type#

Warp sort by key for any data type using temporary storage.

Storage reusage

Synchronization barrier should be placed before storage is reused or repurposed: __syncthreads() or rocprim::syncthreads().

__global__ void example_kernel(...)
    int value = ...;
    using warp_sort_int = rp::warp_sort<int, 64>;
    warp_sort_int wsort;
    __shared__ typename warp_sort_int::storage_type storage;
    wsort.sort(key, value, storage);

Template Parameters:

BinaryFunction – type of binary function used for sort. Default type is rocprim::less<T>.

  • thread_key – input/output key to pass to other threads

  • thread_value – input/output value to pass to other threads

  • storage – temporary storage for inputs

  • compare_function – binary operation function object that will be used for sort. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following: bool f(const T &a, const T &b);. The signature does not need to have const &, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it.

template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>, unsigned int FunctionWarpSize = WarpSize>
__device__ inline auto sort(Key&, Value&, storage_type&, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction()) -> typename std::enable_if<(FunctionWarpSize > device_warp_size()), void>::type#

Warp sort by key for any data type using temporary storage. Invalid Warp Size.

template<unsigned int ItemsPerThread, class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>, unsigned int FunctionWarpSize = WarpSize>
__device__ inline auto sort(Key (&thread_keys)[ItemsPerThread], Value (&thread_values)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction()) -> typename std::enable_if<(FunctionWarpSize <= device_warp_size()), void>::type#

Warp sort by key for any data type using temporary storage.

Storage reusage

Synchronization barrier should be placed before storage is reused or repurposed: __syncthreads() or rocprim::syncthreads().

__global__ void example_kernel(...)
    int value = ...;
    using warp_sort_int = rp::warp_sort<int, 64>;
    warp_sort_int wsort;
    __shared__ typename warp_sort_int::storage_type storage;
    wsort.sort(key, value, storage);

Template Parameters:

BinaryFunction – type of binary function used for sort. Default type is rocprim::less<T>.

  • thread_keys – input/output keys to pass to other threads

  • thread_values – input/output values to pass to other threads

  • storage – temporary storage for inputs

  • compare_function – binary operation function object that will be used for sort. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following: bool f(const T &a, const T &b);. The signature does not need to have const &, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it.

template<unsigned int ItemsPerThread, class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>, unsigned int FunctionWarpSize = WarpSize>
__device__ inline auto sort(Key (&thread_keys)[ItemsPerThread], Value (&thread_values)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type&, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction()) -> typename std::enable_if<(FunctionWarpSize > device_warp_size()), void>::type#

Warp sort by key for any data type using temporary storage. Invalid Warp Size.