- group thread_reduce
template<int LENGTH, typename T, typename ReductionOp, bool NoPrefix = false>
__device__ inline auto thread_reduce(T *input, ReductionOp reduction_op, T prefix = T(0)) -> std::enable_if_t<!rocprim::detail::is_tuple<T>::value, T># Carry out a reduction on an array of elements in one thread.
- Template Parameters:
LENGTH – Length of the array to be reduced
T – the input/output type
ReductionOp – Binary Operation that used to carry out the reduction
NoPrefix – Boolean, determining whether to have a initialization value for the reduction accumulator
- Parameters:
input – [in] Pointer to the first element of the array to be reduced
reduction_op – [in] Instance of the reduction operator functor
prefix – [in] Value to be used as prefix, if NoPrefix is false
- Returns:
Value obtained from reduction of input array
template<int LENGTH, typename T, typename ReductionOp>
__device__ inline T thread_reduce(T (&input)[LENGTH], ReductionOp reduction_op, T prefix)# Carry out a reduction on an array of elements in one thread.
- Template Parameters:
LENGTH – Length of the array to be reduced
T – the input/output type
ReductionOp – Binary Operation that used to carry out the reduction
- Parameters:
input – [in] Pointer to the first element of the array to be reduced
reduction_op – [in] Instance of the reduction operator functor
prefix – [in] Value to be used as prefix
- Returns:
Value obtained from reduction of input array
template<int LENGTH, typename T, typename ReductionOp>
__device__ inline T thread_reduce(T (&input)[LENGTH], ReductionOp reduction_op)# Carry out a reduction on an array of elements in one thread.
- Template Parameters:
LENGTH – Length of the array to be reduced
T – the input/output type
ReductionOp – Binary Operation that used to carry out the reduction
- Parameters:
input – [in] Pointer to the first element of the array to be reduced
reduction_op – [in] Instance of the reduction operator functor
- Returns:
Value obtained from reduction of input array
template<int LENGTH, typename T, typename ReductionOp, bool NoPrefix = false>