Generic Block Sort#
template<class Key, unsigned int BlockSizeX, unsigned int ItemsPerThread = 1, class Value = empty_type, block_sort_algorithm Algorithm = block_sort_algorithm::default_algorithm, unsigned int BlockSizeY = 1, unsigned int BlockSizeZ = 1>
class block_sort# The block_sort class is a block level parallel primitive which provides methods sorting items (keys or key-value pairs) partitioned across threads in a block using comparison-based sort algorithm.
- Overview
Accepts custom compare_functions for sorting across a block.
Performance notes:
It is generally better if
are powers of two.The overloaded functions with
are generally slower.
- Examples
In the examples sort is performed on a block of 256 threads, each thread provides 8
values, results are returned using the same variable as for input.__global__ void example_kernel(...) { // specialize block_sort for int, block of 256 threads, and 8 items per thread // key-only sort using block_sort_int = rocprim::block_sort<int, 256, 8>; // allocate storage in shared memory __shared__ block_sort_int::storage_type storage; int input[8] = ...; // execute block sort (ascending) block_sort_int().sort( input, storage ); ... }
- Template Parameters:
Key – the key type.
BlockSize – the number of threads in a block.
ItemsPerThread – number of items processed by each thread. The total range will be BlockSize * ItemsPerThread long
Value – the value type. Default type empty_type indicates a keys-only sort.
Algorithm – selected sort algorithm. The available algorithms and default choice are documented in block_sort_algorithm.
Public Types
using storage_type = typename base_type::storage_type#
Struct used to allocate a temporary memory that is required for thread communication during operations provided by related parallel primitive.
Depending on the implemention the operations exposed by parallel primitive may require a temporary storage for thread communication. The storage should be allocated using keywords
. It can be aliased to an externally allocated memory, or be a part of a union type with other storage types to increase shared memory reusability.
Public Functions
template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>>
__device__ inline void sort(Key &thread_key, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction())# Block sort for any data type.
- Template Parameters:
BinaryFunction – type of binary function used for sort. Default type is rocprim::less<T>.
- Parameters:
thread_key – [inout] reference to a key provided by a thread.
compare_function – [in] comparison function object which returns true if the first argument is is ordered before the second. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following:
bool f(const T &a, const T &b);
. The signature does not need to haveconst &
, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it.
template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>>
__device__ inline void sort(Key (&thread_keys)[ItemsPerThread], BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction())# This overload allows an array of
keys to be passed in so that each thread can process multiple items.
template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>>
__device__ inline void sort(Key &thread_key, storage_type &storage, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction())# Block sort for any data type.
- Storage reusage
Synchronization barrier should be placed before
is reused or repurposed:__syncthreads()
.- Examples
In the examples sort is performed on a block of 256 threads, each thread provides one
value, results are returned using the same variable as for input.__global__ void example_kernel(...) { // specialize block_sort for int, block of 256 threads // key-only sort using block_sort_int = rocprim::block_sort<int, 256>; // allocate storage in shared memory __shared__ block_sort_int::storage_type storage; int input = ...; // execute block sort (ascending) block_sort_int().sort( input, storage ); ... }
- Template Parameters:
BinaryFunction – type of binary function used for sort. Default type is rocprim::less<T>.
- Parameters:
thread_key – [inout] reference to a key provided by a thread.
storage – [in] reference to a temporary storage object of type storage_type.
compare_function – [in] comparison function object which returns true if the first argument is is ordered before the second. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following:
bool f(const T &a, const T &b);
. The signature does not need to haveconst &
, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it.
template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>>
__device__ inline void sort(Key (&thread_keys)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction())# This overload allows arrays of
keys to be passed in so that each thread can process multiple items.
template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>>
__device__ inline void sort(Key &thread_key, Value &thread_value, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction())# Block sort by key for any data type.
- Template Parameters:
BinaryFunction – type of binary function used for sort. Default type is rocprim::less<T>.
- Parameters:
thread_key – [inout] reference to a key provided by a thread.
thread_value – [inout] reference to a value provided by a thread.
compare_function – [in] comparison function object which returns true if the first argument is is ordered before the second. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following:
bool f(const T &a, const T &b);
. The signature does not need to haveconst &
, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it.
template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>>
__device__ inline void sort(Key (&thread_keys)[ItemsPerThread], Value (&thread_values)[ItemsPerThread], BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction())# This overload allows an array of
keys and values to be passed in so that each thread can process multiple items.
template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>>
__device__ inline void sort(Key &thread_key, Value &thread_value, storage_type &storage, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction())# Block sort by key for any data type.
In the examples sort is performed on a block of 256 threads, each thread provides 8
keys and oneint
value, results are returned using the same variable as for input.__global__ void example_kernel(...) { // specialize block_sort for int, block of 256 threads, and 8 items per thread using block_sort_int = rocprim::block_sort<int, 256, 8, int>; // allocate storage in shared memory __shared__ block_sort_int::storage_type storage; int key[8] = ...; int value = ...; // execute block sort (ascending) block_sort_int().sort( key, value, storage ); ... }
- Storage reusage
Synchronization barrier should be placed before
is reused or repurposed:__syncthreads()
- Template Parameters:
BinaryFunction – type of binary function used for sort. Default type is rocprim::less<T>.
- Parameters:
thread_key – [inout] reference to a key provided by a thread.
thread_value – [inout] reference to a value provided by a thread.
storage – [in] reference to a temporary storage object of type storage_type.
compare_function – [in] comparison function object which returns true if the first argument is is ordered before the second. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following:
bool f(const T &a, const T &b);
. The signature does not need to haveconst &
, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it.
template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>>
__device__ inline void sort(Key (&thread_keys)[ItemsPerThread], Value (&thread_values)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction())# This overload allows an array of
keys and values to be passed in so that each thread can process multiple items.
template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>>
__device__ inline void sort(Key &thread_key, storage_type &storage, const unsigned int size, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction())# Block sort for any data type. This function sorts up to
elements blocked across threads.- Template Parameters:
BinaryFunction – type of binary function used for sort. Default type is rocprim::less<T>.
- Parameters:
thread_key – [inout] reference to a key provided by a thread.
storage – [in] reference to a temporary storage object of type storage_type.
size – [in] custom size of block to be sorted.
compare_function – [in] comparison function object which returns true if the first argument is is ordered before the second. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following:
bool f(const T &a, const T &b);
. The signature does not need to haveconst &
, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it.
template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>>
__device__ inline void sort(Key (&thread_keys)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, const unsigned int size, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction())# Block sort for any data type. This function sorts up to
elements blocked across threads.- Template Parameters:
BinaryFunction – type of binary function used for sort. Default type is rocprim::less<T>.
- Parameters:
thread_keys – [inout] reference to keys provided by a thread.
storage – [in] reference to a temporary storage object of type storage_type.
size – [in] custom size of block to be sorted.
compare_function – [in] comparison function object which returns true if the first argument is is ordered before the second. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following:
bool f(const T &a, const T &b);
. The signature does not need to haveconst &
, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it.
template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>>
__device__ inline void sort(Key &thread_key, Value &thread_value, storage_type &storage, const unsigned int size, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction())# Block sort by key for any data type. This function sorts up to
elements blocked across threads.- Template Parameters:
BinaryFunction – type of binary function used for sort. Default type is rocprim::less<T>.
- Parameters:
thread_key – [inout] reference to a key provided by a thread.
thread_value – [inout] reference to a value provided by a thread.
storage – [in] reference to a temporary storage object of type storage_type.
size – [in] custom size of block to be sorted.
compare_function – [in] comparison function object which returns true if the first argument is is ordered before the second. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following:
bool f(const T &a, const T &b);
. The signature does not need to haveconst &
, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it.
template<class BinaryFunction = ::rocprim::less<Key>>
__device__ inline void sort(Key (&thread_keys)[ItemsPerThread], Value (&thread_values)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, const unsigned int size, BinaryFunction compare_function = BinaryFunction())# Block sort by key for any data type. This function sorts up to
elements blocked across threads.- Template Parameters:
BinaryFunction – type of binary function used for sort. Default type is rocprim::less<T>.
- Parameters:
thread_keys – [inout] reference to keys provided by a thread.
thread_values – [inout] reference to values provided by a thread.
storage – [in] reference to a temporary storage object of type storage_type.
size – [in] custom size of block to be sorted.
compare_function – [in] comparison function object which returns true if the first argument is is ordered before the second. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following:
bool f(const T &a, const T &b);
. The signature does not need to haveconst &
, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it.
enum class rocprim::block_sort_algorithm#
Available algorithms for block_sort primitive.
enumerator bitonic_sort#
A bitonic sort based algorithm.
\par Stability \p bitonic_sort is <b>not stable</b>: it doesn't necessarily preserve the relative ordering of equivalent keys. That is, given two keys \p a and \p b and a binary boolean operation \p op such that: * \p a precedes \p b in the input keys, and * op(a, b) and op(b, a) are both false, then it is <b>not guaranteed</b> that \p a will precede \p b as well in the output (ordered) keys.
enumerator merge_sort#
A merge sort based algorithm.
\par Stability \p merge_sort <b>may</b> use \p stable_merge_sort as the underlying implementation. However, \p merge_sort is <b>not guaranteed to be stable</b>: it doesn't necessarily preserve the relative ordering of equivalent keys. That is, given two keys \p a and \p b and a binary boolean operation \p op such that: * \p a precedes \p b in the input keys, and * op(a, b) and op(b, a) are both false, then it is <b>not guaranteed</b> that \p a will precede \p b as well in the output (ordered) keys.
enumerator stable_merge_sort#
A merged sort based algorithm which sorts stably.
\par Stability \p stable_merge_sort is \b stable: it preserves the relative ordering of equivalent keys. That is, given two keys \p a and \p b and a binary boolean operation \p op such that: * \p a precedes \p b in the input keys, and * op(a, b) and op(b, a) are both false, then it is \b guaranteed that \p a will precede \p b as well in the output (ordered) keys.
enumerator default_algorithm#
Default block_sort algorithm.
enumerator bitonic_sort#
Radix sort#
template<class Key, unsigned int BlockSizeX, unsigned int ItemsPerThread, class Value = empty_type, unsigned int BlockSizeY = 1, unsigned int BlockSizeZ = 1, unsigned int RadixBitsPerPass = (BlockSizeX * BlockSizeY * BlockSizeZ) % device_warp_size() == 0 ? 8 : 4, block_radix_rank_algorithm RadixRankAlgorithm = (BlockSizeX * BlockSizeY * BlockSizeZ) % device_warp_size() == 0 ? block_radix_rank_algorithm::match : block_radix_rank_algorithm::basic_memoize, block_padding_hint PaddingHint = block_padding_hint::lds_occupancy_bound>
class block_radix_sort# The block_radix_sort class is a block level parallel primitive which provides methods for sorting of items (keys or key-value pairs) partitioned across threads in a block using radix sort algorithm.
- Overview
type must be an arithmetic type (that is, an integral type or a floating-point type).Performance depends on
.It is usually better for
to be a multiple of the size of the hardware warp.It is usually increased when
is greater than one. However, when there are too many items per thread, each thread may need so much registers and/or shared memory that occupancy will fall too low, decreasing the performance.If
is an integer type and the range of keys is known in advance, the performance can be improved by settingbegin_bit
, for example if all keys are in range [100, 10000],begin_bit = 0
andend_bit = 14
will cover the whole range.
- Stability
is stable: it preserves the relative ordering of equivalent keys. That is, given two keysa
and a binary boolean operationop
such that:a
in the input keys, andop(a, b) and op(b, a) are both false, then it is guaranteed that
will precedeb
as well in the output (ordered) keys.
- Examples
In the examples radix sort is performed on a block of 256 threads, each thread provides eight
value, results are returned using the same array as for input.__global__ void example_kernel(...) { // specialize block_radix_sort for int, block of 256 threads, // and eight items per thread; key-only sort using block_rsort_int = rocprim::block_radix_sort<int, 256, 8>; // allocate storage in shared memory __shared__ block_rsort_int::storage_type storage; int input[8] = ...; // execute block radix sort (ascending) block_rsort_int().sort( input, storage ); ... }
- Template Parameters:
Key – the key type.
BlockSize – the number of threads in a block.
ItemsPerThread – the number of items contributed by each thread.
Value – the value type. Default type empty_type indicates a keys-only sort.
RadixBitsPerPass – amount of bits to sort per pass. The Default is 4.
RadixRankAlgorithm – the rank algorithm used.
Public Types
using storage_type = storage_type_#
Struct used to allocate a temporary memory that is required for thread communication during operations provided by related parallel primitive.
Depending on the implemention the operations exposed by parallel primitive may require a temporary storage for thread communication. The storage should be allocated using keywords
. It can be aliased to an externally allocated memory, or be a part of a union type with other storage types to increase shared memory reusability.
Public Functions
template<class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs ascending radix sort over keys partitioned across threads in a block.
- Storage reusage
Synchronization barrier should be placed before
is reused or repurposed:__syncthreads()
.- Examples
In the examples radix sort is performed on a block of 128 threads, each thread provides two
value, results are returned using the same array as for input.__global__ void example_kernel(...) { // specialize block_radix_sort for float, block of 128 threads, // and two items per thread; key-only sort using block_rsort_float = rocprim::block_radix_sort<float, 128, 2>; // allocate storage in shared memory __shared__ block_rsort_float::storage_type storage; float input[2] = ...; // execute block radix sort (ascending) block_rsort_float().sort( input, storage ); ... }
If the
values across threads in a block are{[256, 255], ..., [4, 3], [2, 1]}}
, then then after sort they will be equal{[1, 2], [3, 4] ..., [255, 256]}
- Template Parameters:
Decomposer – The type of the decomposer argument. Defaults to the identity decomposer.
- Parameters:
keys – [inout] reference to an array of keys provided by a thread.
storage – [in] reference to a temporary storage object of type storage_type.
begin_bit – [in] [optional] index of the first (least significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
[0; 8 * sizeof(Key))
. Default value:0
.end_bit – [in] [optional] past-the-end index (most significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
(begin_bit; 8 * sizeof(Key)]
. Default value:* sizeof(Key)
.decomposer – [in] [optional] If
is not an arithmetic type (integral, floating point), a custom decomposer functor should be passed that produces arocprim::tuple
of references to fundamental types from this custom type.
template<class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs ascending radix sort over keys partitioned across threads in a block.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
This overload does not accept storage argument. Required shared memory is allocated by the method itself.
- Parameters:
keys – [inout] reference to an array of keys provided by a thread.
begin_bit – [in] [optional] index of the first (least significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
[0; 8 * sizeof(Key))
. Default value:0
.end_bit – [in] [optional] past-the-end index (most significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
(begin_bit; 8 * sizeof(Key)]
. Default value:* sizeof(Key)
.decomposer – [in] [optional] If
is not an arithmetic type (integral, floating point), a custom decomposer functor should be passed that produces arocprim::tuple
of references to fundamental types from this custom type.
template<class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_desc(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs descending radix sort over keys partitioned across threads in a block.
- Storage reusage
Synchronization barrier should be placed before
is reused or repurposed:__syncthreads()
.- Examples
In the examples radix sort is performed on a block of 128 threads, each thread provides two
value, results are returned using the same array as for input.__global__ void example_kernel(...) { // specialize block_radix_sort for float, block of 128 threads, // and two items per thread; key-only sort using block_rsort_float = rocprim::block_radix_sort<float, 128, 2>; // allocate storage in shared memory __shared__ block_rsort_float::storage_type storage; float input[2] = ...; // execute block radix sort (descending) block_rsort_float().sort_desc( input, storage ); ... }
If the
values across threads in a block are{[1, 2], [3, 4] ..., [255, 256]}
, then after sort they will be equal{[256, 255], ..., [4, 3], [2, 1]}
- Template Parameters:
Decomposer – The type of the decomposer argument. Defaults to the identity decomposer.
- Parameters:
keys – [inout] reference to an array of keys provided by a thread.
storage – [in] reference to a temporary storage object of type storage_type.
begin_bit – [in] [optional] index of the first (least significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
[0; 8 * sizeof(Key))
. Default value:0
.end_bit – [in] [optional] past-the-end index (most significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
(begin_bit; 8 * sizeof(Key)]
. Default value:* sizeof(Key)
.decomposer – [in] [optional] If
is not an arithmetic type (integral, floating point), a custom decomposer functor should be passed that produces arocprim::tuple
of references to fundamental types from this custom type.
template<class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_desc(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs descending radix sort over keys partitioned across threads in a block.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
This overload does not accept storage argument. Required shared memory is allocated by the method itself.
- Template Parameters:
Decomposer – The type of the decomposer argument. Defaults to the identity decomposer.
- Parameters:
keys – [inout] reference to an array of keys provided by a thread.
begin_bit – [in] [optional] index of the first (least significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
[0; 8 * sizeof(Key))
. Default value:0
.end_bit – [in] [optional] past-the-end index (most significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
(begin_bit; 8 * sizeof(Key)]
. Default value:* sizeof(Key)
.decomposer – [in] [optional] If
is not an arithmetic type (integral, floating point), a custom decomposer functor should be passed that produces arocprim::tuple
of references to fundamental types from this custom type.
template<bool WithValues = with_values, class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], typename std::enable_if<WithValues, Value>::type (&values)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs ascending radix sort over key-value pairs partitioned across threads in a block.
- Storage reusage
Synchronization barrier should be placed before
is reused or repurposed:__syncthreads()
.- Examples
In the examples radix sort is performed on a block of 128 threads, each thread provides two key-value
pairs, results are returned using the same arrays as for input.__global__ void example_kernel(...) { // specialize block_radix_sort for int-float pairs, block of 128 // threads, and two items per thread using block_rsort_ii = rocprim::block_radix_sort<int, 128, 2, int>; // allocate storage in shared memory __shared__ block_rsort_ii::storage_type storage; int keys[2] = ...; float values[2] = ...; // execute block radix sort-by-key (ascending) block_rsort_ii().sort( keys, values, storage ); ... }
If the
across threads in a block are{[256, 255], ..., [4, 3], [2, 1]}
and thevalues
are{[1, 1], [2, 2] ..., [128, 128]}
, then after sort thekeys
will be equal{[1, 2], [3, 4] ..., [255, 256]}
and thevalues
will be equal{[128, 128], [127, 127] ..., [2, 2], [1, 1]}
- Template Parameters:
Decomposer – The type of the decomposer argument. Defaults to the identity decomposer.
- Parameters:
keys – [inout] reference to an array of keys provided by a thread.
values – [inout] reference to an array of values provided by a thread.
storage – [in] reference to a temporary storage object of type storage_type.
begin_bit – [in] [optional] index of the first (least significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
[0; 8 * sizeof(Key))
. Default value:0
.end_bit – [in] [optional] past-the-end index (most significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
(begin_bit; 8 * sizeof(Key)]
. Default value:* sizeof(Key)
.decomposer – [in] [optional] If
is not an arithmetic type (integral, floating point), a custom decomposer functor should be passed that produces arocprim::tuple
of references to fundamental types from this custom type.
- Pre:
Method is enabled only if
type is different than empty_type.
template<bool WithValues = with_values, class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], typename std::enable_if<WithValues, Value>::type (&values)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs ascending radix sort over key-value pairs partitioned across threads in a block.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
This overload does not accept storage argument. Required shared memory is allocated by the method itself.
- Template Parameters:
Decomposer – The type of the decomposer argument. Defaults to the identity decomposer.
- Parameters:
keys – [inout] reference to an array of keys provided by a thread.
values – [inout] reference to an array of values provided by a thread.
begin_bit – [in] [optional] index of the first (least significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
[0; 8 * sizeof(Key))
. Default value:0
.end_bit – [in] [optional] past-the-end index (most significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
(begin_bit; 8 * sizeof(Key)]
. Default value:* sizeof(Key)
.decomposer – [in] [optional] If
is not an arithmetic type (integral, floating point), a custom decomposer functor should be passed that produces arocprim::tuple
of references to fundamental types from this custom type.
- Pre:
Method is enabled only if
type is different than empty_type.
template<bool WithValues = with_values, class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_desc(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], typename std::enable_if<WithValues, Value>::type (&values)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs descending radix sort over key-value pairs partitioned across threads in a block.
- Storage reusage
Synchronization barrier should be placed before
is reused or repurposed:__syncthreads()
.- Examples
In the examples radix sort is performed on a block of 128 threads, each thread provides two key-value
pairs, results are returned using the same arrays as for input.__global__ void example_kernel(...) { // specialize block_radix_sort for int-float pairs, block of 128 // threads, and two items per thread using block_rsort_ii = rocprim::block_radix_sort<int, 128, 2, int>; // allocate storage in shared memory __shared__ block_rsort_ii::storage_type storage; int keys[2] = ...; float values[2] = ...; // execute block radix sort-by-key (descending) block_rsort_ii().sort_desc( keys, values, storage ); ... }
If the
across threads in a block are{[1, 2], [3, 4] ..., [255, 256]}
and thevalues
are{[128, 128], [127, 127] ..., [2, 2], [1, 1]}
, then after sort thekeys
will be equal{[256, 255], ..., [4, 3], [2, 1]}
and thevalues
will be equal{[1, 1], [2, 2] ..., [128, 128]}
- Template Parameters:
Decomposer – The type of the decomposer argument. Defaults to the identity decomposer.
- Parameters:
keys – [inout] reference to an array of keys provided by a thread.
values – [inout] reference to an array of values provided by a thread.
storage – [in] reference to a temporary storage object of type storage_type.
begin_bit – [in] [optional] index of the first (least significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
[0; 8 * sizeof(Key))
. Default value:0
.end_bit – [in] [optional] past-the-end index (most significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
(begin_bit; 8 * sizeof(Key)]
. Default value:* sizeof(Key)
.decomposer – [in] [optional] If
is not an arithmetic type (integral, floating point), a custom decomposer functor should be passed that produces arocprim::tuple
of references to fundamental types from this custom type.
- Pre:
Method is enabled only if
type is different than empty_type.
template<bool WithValues = with_values, class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_desc(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], typename std::enable_if<WithValues, Value>::type (&values)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs descending radix sort over key-value pairs partitioned across threads in a block.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
This overload does not accept storage argument. Required shared memory is allocated by the method itself.
- Template Parameters:
Decomposer – The type of the decomposer argument. Defaults to the identity decomposer.
- Parameters:
keys – [inout] reference to an array of keys provided by a thread.
values – [inout] reference to an array of values provided by a thread.
begin_bit – [in] [optional] index of the first (least significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
[0; 8 * sizeof(Key))
. Default value:0
.end_bit – [in] [optional] past-the-end index (most significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
(begin_bit; 8 * sizeof(Key)]
. Default value:* sizeof(Key)
.decomposer – [in] [optional] If
is not an arithmetic type (integral, floating point), a custom decomposer functor should be passed that produces arocprim::tuple
of references to fundamental types from this custom type.
- Pre:
Method is enabled only if
type is different than empty_type.
template<class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_to_striped(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs ascending radix sort over keys partitioned across threads in a block, results are saved in a striped arrangement.
- Storage reusage
Synchronization barrier should be placed before
is reused or repurposed:__syncthreads()
.- Examples
In the examples radix sort is performed on a block of 128 threads, each thread provides two
value, results are returned using the same array as for input.__global__ void example_kernel(...) { // specialize block_radix_sort for float, block of 128 threads, // and two items per thread; key-only sort using block_rsort_float = rocprim::block_radix_sort<float, 128, 2>; // allocate storage in shared memory __shared__ block_rsort_float::storage_type storage; float keys[2] = ...; // execute block radix sort (ascending) block_rsort_float().sort_to_striped( keys, storage ); ... }
If the
values across threads in a block are{[256, 255], ..., [4, 3], [2, 1]}}
, then then after sort they will be equal{[1, 129], [2, 130] ..., [128, 256]}
- Template Parameters:
Decomposer – The type of the decomposer argument. Defaults to the identity decomposer.
- Parameters:
keys – [inout] reference to an array of keys provided by a thread.
storage – [in] reference to a temporary storage object of type storage_type.
begin_bit – [in] [optional] index of the first (least significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
[0; 8 * sizeof(Key))
. Default value:0
.end_bit – [in] [optional] past-the-end index (most significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
(begin_bit; 8 * sizeof(Key)]
. Default value:* sizeof(Key)
.decomposer – [in] [optional] If
is not an arithmetic type (integral, floating point), a custom decomposer functor should be passed that produces arocprim::tuple
of references to fundamental types from this custom type.
template<class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_to_striped(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs ascending radix sort over keys partitioned across threads in a block, results are saved in a striped arrangement.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
This overload does not accept storage argument. Required shared memory is allocated by the method itself.
- Template Parameters:
Decomposer – The type of the decomposer argument. Defaults to the identity decomposer.
- Parameters:
keys – [inout] reference to an array of keys provided by a thread.
begin_bit – [in] [optional] index of the first (least significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
[0; 8 * sizeof(Key))
. Default value:0
.end_bit – [in] [optional] past-the-end index (most significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
(begin_bit; 8 * sizeof(Key)]
. Default value:* sizeof(Key)
.decomposer – [in] [optional] If
is not an arithmetic type (integral, floating point), a custom decomposer functor should be passed that produces arocprim::tuple
of references to fundamental types from this custom type.
template<class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_desc_to_striped(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs descending radix sort over keys partitioned across threads in a block, results are saved in a striped arrangement.
- Storage reusage
Synchronization barrier should be placed before
is reused or repurposed:__syncthreads()
.- Examples
In the examples radix sort is performed on a block of 128 threads, each thread provides two
value, results are returned using the same array as for input.__global__ void example_kernel(...) { // specialize block_radix_sort for float, block of 128 threads, // and two items per thread; key-only sort using block_rsort_float = rocprim::block_radix_sort<float, 128, 2>; // allocate storage in shared memory __shared__ block_rsort_float::storage_type storage; float input[2] = ...; // execute block radix sort (descending) block_rsort_float().sort_desc_to_striped( input, storage ); ... }
If the
values across threads in a block are{[1, 2], [3, 4] ..., [255, 256]}
, then after sort they will be equal{[256, 128], ..., [130, 2], [129, 1]}
- Template Parameters:
Decomposer – The type of the decomposer argument. Defaults to the identity decomposer.
- Parameters:
keys – [inout] reference to an array of keys provided by a thread.
storage – [in] reference to a temporary storage object of type storage_type.
begin_bit – [in] [optional] index of the first (least significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
[0; 8 * sizeof(Key))
. Default value:0
.end_bit – [in] [optional] past-the-end index (most significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
(begin_bit; 8 * sizeof(Key)]
. Default value:* sizeof(Key)
.decomposer – [in] [optional] If
is not an arithmetic type (integral, floating point), a custom decomposer functor should be passed that produces arocprim::tuple
of references to fundamental types from this custom type.
template<class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_desc_to_striped(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs descending radix sort over keys partitioned across threads in a block, results are saved in a striped arrangement.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
This overload does not accept storage argument. Required shared memory is allocated by the method itself.
- Template Parameters:
Decomposer – The type of the decomposer argument. Defaults to the identity decomposer.
- Parameters:
keys – [inout] reference to an array of keys provided by a thread.
begin_bit – [in] [optional] index of the first (least significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
[0; 8 * sizeof(Key))
. Default value:0
.end_bit – [in] [optional] past-the-end index (most significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
(begin_bit; 8 * sizeof(Key)]
. Default value:* sizeof(Key)
.decomposer – [in] [optional] If
is not an arithmetic type (integral, floating point), a custom decomposer functor should be passed that produces arocprim::tuple
of references to fundamental types from this custom type.
template<bool WithValues = with_values, class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_to_striped(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], typename std::enable_if<WithValues, Value>::type (&values)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs ascending radix sort over key-value pairs partitioned across threads in a block, results are saved in a striped arrangement.
- Storage reusage
Synchronization barrier should be placed before
is reused or repurposed:__syncthreads()
.- Examples
In the examples radix sort is performed on a block of 4 threads, each thread provides two key-value
pairs, results are returned using the same arrays as for input.__global__ void example_kernel(...) { // specialize block_radix_sort for int-float pairs, block of 4 // threads, and two items per thread using block_rsort_ii = rocprim::block_radix_sort<int, 4, 2, int>; // allocate storage in shared memory __shared__ block_rsort_ii::storage_type storage; int keys[2] = ...; float values[2] = ...; // execute block radix sort-by-key (ascending) block_rsort_ii().sort_to_striped( keys, values, storage ); ... }
If the
across threads in a block are{[8, 7], [6, 5], [4, 3], [2, 1]}
and thevalues
are{[-1, -2], [-3, -4], [-5, -6], [-7, -8]}
, then after sort thekeys
will be equal{[1, 5], [2, 6], [3, 7], [4, 8]}
and thevalues
will be equal{[-8, -4], [-7, -3], [-6, -2], [-5, -1]}
- Template Parameters:
Decomposer – The type of the decomposer argument. Defaults to the identity decomposer.
- Parameters:
keys – [inout] reference to an array of keys provided by a thread.
values – [inout] reference to an array of values provided by a thread.
storage – [in] reference to a temporary storage object of type storage_type.
begin_bit – [in] [optional] index of the first (least significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
[0; 8 * sizeof(Key))
. Default value:0
.end_bit – [in] [optional] past-the-end index (most significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
(begin_bit; 8 * sizeof(Key)]
. Default value:* sizeof(Key)
.decomposer – [in] [optional] If
is not an arithmetic type (integral, floating point), a custom decomposer functor should be passed that produces arocprim::tuple
of references to fundamental types from this custom type.
- Pre:
Method is enabled only if
type is different than empty_type.
template<bool WithValues = with_values, class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_to_striped(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], typename std::enable_if<WithValues, Value>::type (&values)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs ascending radix sort over key-value pairs partitioned across threads in a block, results are saved in a striped arrangement.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
This overload does not accept storage argument. Required shared memory is allocated by the method itself.
- Template Parameters:
Decomposer – The type of the decomposer argument. Defaults to the identity decomposer.
- Parameters:
keys – [inout] reference to an array of keys provided by a thread.
values – [inout] reference to an array of values provided by a thread.
begin_bit – [in] [optional] index of the first (least significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
[0; 8 * sizeof(Key))
. Default value:0
.end_bit – [in] [optional] past-the-end index (most significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
(begin_bit; 8 * sizeof(Key)]
. Default value:* sizeof(Key)
.decomposer – [in] [optional] If
is not an arithmetic type (integral, floating point), a custom decomposer functor should be passed that produces arocprim::tuple
of references to fundamental types from this custom type.
template<bool WithValues = with_values, class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_desc_to_striped(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], typename std::enable_if<WithValues, Value>::type (&values)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs descending radix sort over key-value pairs partitioned across threads in a block, results are saved in a striped arrangement.
- Storage reusage
Synchronization barrier should be placed before
is reused or repurposed:__syncthreads()
.- Examples
In the examples radix sort is performed on a block of 4 threads, each thread provides two key-value
pairs, results are returned using the same arrays as for input.__global__ void example_kernel(...) { // specialize block_radix_sort for int-float pairs, block of 4 // threads, and two items per thread using block_rsort_ii = rocprim::block_radix_sort<int, 4, 2, int>; // allocate storage in shared memory __shared__ block_rsort_ii::storage_type storage; int keys[2] = ...; float values[2] = ...; // execute block radix sort-by-key (descending) block_rsort_ii().sort_desc_to_striped( keys, values, storage ); ... }
If the
across threads in a block are{[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]}
and thevalues
are{[80, 70], [60, 50], [40, 30], [20, 10]}
, then after sort thekeys
will be equal{[8, 4], [7, 3], [6, 2], [5, 1]}
and thevalues
will be equal{[10, 50], [20, 60], [30, 70], [40, 80]}
- Template Parameters:
Decomposer – The type of the decomposer argument. Defaults to the identity decomposer.
- Parameters:
keys – [inout] reference to an array of keys provided by a thread.
values – [inout] reference to an array of values provided by a thread.
storage – [in] reference to a temporary storage object of type storage_type.
begin_bit – [in] [optional] index of the first (least significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
[0; 8 * sizeof(Key))
. Default value:0
.end_bit – [in] [optional] past-the-end index (most significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
(begin_bit; 8 * sizeof(Key)]
. Default value:* sizeof(Key)
.decomposer – [in] [optional] If
is not an arithmetic type (integral, floating point), a custom decomposer functor should be passed that produces arocprim::tuple
of references to fundamental types from this custom type.
- Pre:
Method is enabled only if
type is different than empty_type.
template<bool WithValues = with_values, class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_desc_to_striped(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], typename std::enable_if<WithValues, Value>::type (&values)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs descending radix sort over key-value pairs partitioned across threads in a block, results are saved in a striped arrangement.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
This overload does not accept storage argument. Required shared memory is allocated by the method itself.
- Template Parameters:
Decomposer – The type of the decomposer argument. Defaults to the identity decomposer.
- Parameters:
keys – [inout] reference to an array of keys provided by a thread.
values – [inout] reference to an array of values provided by a thread.
begin_bit – [in] [optional] index of the first (least significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
[0; 8 * sizeof(Key))
. Default value:0
.end_bit – [in] [optional] past-the-end index (most significant) bit used in key comparison. Must be in range
(begin_bit; 8 * sizeof(Key)]
. Default value:* sizeof(Key)
.decomposer – [in] [optional] If
is not an arithmetic type (integral, floating point), a custom decomposer functor should be passed that produces arocprim::tuple
of references to fundamental types from this custom type.
template<bool WithValues = with_values, class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_warp_striped_to_striped(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], typename std::enable_if<WithValues, Value>::type (&values)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs ascending radix sort over key-value pairs in a warp-striped order partitioned across threads in a block, results are saved in a striped arrangement.
See also
template<bool WithValues = with_values, class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_warp_striped_to_striped(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], typename std::enable_if<WithValues, Value>::type (&values)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs ascending radix sort over key-value pairs in a warp-striped order
See also
block_radix_sort::sort_to_striped partitioned across threads in a block, results are saved in a striped arrangement.
template<bool WithValues = with_values, class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_warp_striped_to_striped(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs ascending radix sort over key-value pairs in a warp-striped order partitioned across threads in a block, results are saved in a striped arrangement.
See also
template<bool WithValues = with_values, class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_warp_striped_to_striped(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs ascending radix sort over key-value pairs in a warp-striped order partitioned across threads in a block, results are saved in a striped arrangement.
See also
template<bool WithValues = with_values, class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_desc_warp_striped_to_striped(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], typename std::enable_if<WithValues, Value>::type (&values)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs descending radix sort over key-value pairs in a warp-striped order partitioned across threads in a block, results are saved in a striped arrangement.
template<bool WithValues = with_values, class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_desc_warp_striped_to_striped(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], typename std::enable_if<WithValues, Value>::type (&values)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs descending radix sort over key-value pairs in a warp-striped order partitioned across threads in a block, results are saved in a striped arrangement.
template<bool WithValues = with_values, class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_desc_warp_striped_to_striped(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type &storage, unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs descending radix sort over key-value pairs in a warp-striped order partitioned across threads in a block, results are saved in a striped arrangement.
template<bool WithValues = with_values, class Decomposer = ::rocprim::identity_decomposer>
__device__ inline void sort_desc_warp_striped_to_striped(Key (&keys)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int begin_bit = 0, unsigned int end_bit = 8 * sizeof(Key), Decomposer decomposer = {})# Performs descending radix sort over key-value pairs in a warp-striped order partitioned across threads in a block, results are saved in a striped arrangement.