template<class T, unsigned int ItemsPerThread, unsigned int WarpSize = ::rocprim::device_warp_size(), warp_load_method Method = warp_load_method::warp_load_direct>
class warp_load# The
class is a warp level parallel primitive which provides methods for loading data from continuous memory into a blocked arrangement of items across a warp.- Overview
class has a number of different methods to load data:
- Example:
In the example a load operation is performed on a warp of 8 threads, using type
and 4 items per thread.__global__ void example_kernel(int * input, ...) { constexpr unsigned int threads_per_block = 128; constexpr unsigned int threads_per_warp = 8; constexpr unsigned int items_per_thread = 4; constexpr unsigned int warps_per_block = threads_per_block / threads_per_warp; const unsigned int warp_id = hipThreadIdx_x / threads_per_warp; const int offset = blockIdx.x * threads_per_block * items_per_thread + warp_id * threads_per_warp * items_per_thread; int items[items_per_thread]; rocprim::warp_load<int, items_per_thread, threads_per_warp, load_method> warp_load; warp_load.load(input + offset, items); ... }
- Template Parameters:
T – the input/output type.
ItemsPerThread – the number of items to be processed by each thread.
WarpSize – the number of threads in the warp. It must be a divisor of the kernel block size.
Method – the method to load data.
Public Types
using storage_type = storage_type_#
Struct used to allocate a temporary memory that is required for thread communication during operations provided by related parallel primitive.
Depending on the implemention the operations exposed by parallel primitive may require a temporary storage for thread communication. The storage should be allocated using keywords
. It can be aliased to an externally allocated memory, or be a part of a union with other storage types to increase shared memory reusability.
Public Functions
template<class InputIterator>
__device__ inline void load(InputIterator input, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread], storage_type&)# Loads data from continuous memory into an arrangement of items across the warp.
- Overview
The type
must be such that an object of typeInputIterator
can be dereferenced and then implicitly converted toT
- Template Parameters:
InputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer.
- Parameters:
input – [in] the input iterator to load from.
items – [out] array that data is loaded to.
- – [in] temporary storage for inputs.
template<class InputIterator>
__device__ inline void load(InputIterator input, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int valid, storage_type&)# Loads data from continuous memory into an arrangement of items across the warp.
- Overview
The type
must be such that an object of typeInputIterator
can be dereferenced and then implicitly converted toT
- Template Parameters:
InputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer.
- Parameters:
input – [in] the input iterator to load from.
items – [out] array that data is loaded to.
valid – [in] maximum range of valid numbers to load.
- – [in] temporary storage for inputs.
template<class InputIterator, class Default>
__device__ inline void load(InputIterator input, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int valid, Default out_of_bounds, storage_type&)# Loads data from continuous memory into an arrangement of items across the warp.
- Overview
The type
must be such that an object of typeInputIterator
can be dereferenced and then implicitly converted toT
- Template Parameters:
InputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer.
- Parameters:
input – [in] the input iterator to load from.
items – [out] array that data is loaded to.
valid – [in] maximum range of valid numbers to load.
out_of_bounds – [in] default value assigned to out-of-bound items.
- – [in] temporary storage for inputs.
enum class rocprim::warp_load_method#
enumerates the methods available to load data from continuous memory into a blocked/striped arrangement of items across the warpValues:
enumerator warp_load_direct#
Data from continuous memory is loaded into a blocked arrangement of items.
- Performance Notes:
Performance decreases with increasing number of items per thread (stride between reads), because of reduced memory coalescing.
enumerator warp_load_striped#
A striped arrangement of data is read directly from memory.
enumerator warp_load_vectorize#
Data from continuous memory is loaded into a blocked arrangement of items using vectorization as an optimization.
- Performance Notes:
Performance remains high due to increased memory coalescing, provided that vectorization requirements are fulfilled. Otherwise, performance will default to
- Requirements:
The input offset (
) must be quad-item aligned.The following conditions will prevent vectorization and switch to default
is odd.The datatype
is not a primitive or a HIP vector type (e.g. int2, int4, etc.
enumerator warp_load_transpose#
A striped arrangement of data from continuous memory is locally transposed into a blocked arrangement of items.
- Performance Notes:
Performance remains high due to increased memory coalescing, regardless of the number of items per thread.
Performance may be better compared to
due to reordering on local memory.
enumerator default_method#
Defaults to
enumerator warp_load_direct#