Search N#
Configuring the kernel#
template<unsigned int BlockSize, unsigned int ItemsPerThread>
struct search_n_config : public rocprim::detail::search_n_config_params# Configuration of device-level search_n.
- Template Parameters:
BlockSize – number of threads in a block.
ItemsPerThread – number of items processed by each thread.
template<class Config = default_config, class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class BinaryPredicate = rocprim::equal_to<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>>
inline hipError_t rocprim::search_n(void *temporary_storage, size_t &storage_size, InputIterator input, OutputIterator output, const size_t size, const size_t count, const typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type *value, const BinaryPredicate binary_predicate = BinaryPredicate(), const hipStream_t stream = static_cast<hipStream_t>(0), const bool debug_synchronous = false)# Searches for the first occurrence of a sequence of
elements all equal tovalue
.The equality of the elements of the sequence and the given value is determined according to a given comparison function. If found, the index of the first item of the found sequence in the input is returned. Otherwise, returns the size of the input.
- Overview
The contents of the inputs are not altered by the function.
Returns the required size of
is a null pointer.Accepts custom compare_functions for search across the device.
Streams in graph capture mode are supported
- Template Parameters:
Config – [optional] configuration of the primitive. It must be
.InputIterator – [inferred] random-access iterator type of the input range. Must meet the requirements of a C++ InputIterator concept. It can be a simple pointer type.
OutputIterator – [inferred] random-access iterator type of the input range. Must meet the requirements of a C++ InputIterator concept. It can be a simple pointer type.
BinaryPredicate – [inferred] Type of binary function that accepts two arguments of type
and returns a value convertible to bool. Default type isrocprim::equal_to<>.
- Parameters:
temporary_storage – [in] pointer to a device-accessible temporary storage. When a null pointer is passed, the required allocation size (in bytes) is written to
and function returns without performing the search.storage_size – [inout] reference to a size (in bytes) of
.input – [in] iterator to the input range.
output – [out] iterator to the output range. The output is one element.
size – [in] number of elements in the input range.
count – [in] number of elements in the sequence. Must be less or equal than
, otherwisehipErrorInvalidValue
will be returned.value – [in] value of the elements to search for.
binary_predicate – [in] binary operation function object that will be used for comparison. The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following:
bool f(const T &a, const T &b);
. The signature does not need to haveconst &
, but function object must not modify the objects passed to it. The comparator must meet the C++ requirements of BinaryPredicate. The default value isBinaryPredicate()
.stream – [in] [optional] HIP stream object. Default is
(default stream).debug_synchronous – [in] [optional] If true, synchronization after every kernel launch is forced in order to check for errors. Default value is
- Returns:
) after successful search; otherwise a HIP runtime error of typehipError_t