Data movement functions#

Direct Blocked#


template<class InputIterator, class T, unsigned int ItemsPerThread>
__device__ inline void rocprim::block_load_direct_blocked(unsigned int flat_id, InputIterator block_input, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread])#

Loads data from continuous memory into a blocked arrangement of items across the thread block.

The block arrangement is assumed to be (block-threads * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to load a range of ItemsPerThread into items.

Template Parameters:
  • InputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer

  • T – [inferred] the data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_input – the input iterator from the thread block to load from

  • items – array that data is loaded to

template<class InputIterator, class T, unsigned int ItemsPerThread>
__device__ inline void rocprim::block_load_direct_blocked(unsigned int flat_id, InputIterator block_input, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int valid)#

Loads data from continuous memory into a blocked arrangement of items across the thread block, which is guarded by range valid.

The block arrangement is assumed to be (block-threads * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to load a range of ItemsPerThread into items.

Template Parameters:
  • InputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer

  • T – [inferred] the data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_input – the input iterator from the thread block to load from

  • items – array that data is loaded to

  • valid – maximum range of valid numbers to load

template<class InputIterator, class T, unsigned int ItemsPerThread, class Default>
__device__ inline void rocprim::block_load_direct_blocked(unsigned int flat_id, InputIterator block_input, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int valid, Default out_of_bounds)#

Loads data from continuous memory into a blocked arrangement of items across the thread block, which is guarded by range with a fall-back value for out-of-bound elements.

The block arrangement is assumed to be (block-threads * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to load a range of ItemsPerThread into items.

Template Parameters:
  • InputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer

  • T – [inferred] the data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • Default – [inferred] The data type of the default value

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_input – the input iterator from the thread block to load from

  • items – array that data is loaded to

  • valid – maximum range of valid numbers to load

  • out_of_bounds – default value assigned to out-of-bound items


template<class OutputIterator, class T, unsigned int ItemsPerThread>
__device__ inline void rocprim::block_store_direct_blocked(unsigned int flat_id, OutputIterator block_output, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread])#

Stores a blocked arrangement of items from across the thread block into a blocked arrangement on continuous memory.

The block arrangement is assumed to be (block-threads * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to store a range of ItemsPerThread items to the thread block.

Template Parameters:
  • OutputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer

  • T – [inferred] the data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_output – the input iterator from the thread block to store to

  • items – array that data is stored to thread block

template<class OutputIterator, class T, unsigned int ItemsPerThread>
__device__ inline void rocprim::block_store_direct_blocked(unsigned int flat_id, OutputIterator block_output, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int valid)#

Stores a blocked arrangement of items from across the thread block into a blocked arrangement on continuous memory, which is guarded by range valid.

The block arrangement is assumed to be (block-threads * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to store a range of ItemsPerThread items to the thread block.

Template Parameters:
  • OutputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer

  • T – [inferred] the data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_output – the input iterator from the thread block to store to

  • items – array that data is stored to thread block

  • valid – maximum range of valid numbers to store

Direct Blocked Vectorized#


template<class T, class U, unsigned int ItemsPerThread>
__device__ inline auto rocprim::block_load_direct_blocked_vectorized(unsigned int flat_id, T *block_input, U (&items)[ItemsPerThread]) -> typename std::enable_if<detail::is_vectorizable<T, ItemsPerThread>::value>::type#

Loads data from continuous memory into a blocked arrangement of items across the thread block.

The block arrangement is assumed to be (block-threads * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to load a range of ItemsPerThread into items.

The input offset (block_input + offset) must be quad-item aligned.

The following conditions will prevent vectorization and switch to default block_load_direct_blocked:

  • ItemsPerThread is odd.

  • The datatype T is not a primitive or a HIP vector type (e.g. int2, int4, etc.

The type T must be such that it can be implicitly converted to U.

Template Parameters:
  • T – [inferred] the input data type

  • U – [inferred] the output data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_input – the input iterator from the thread block to load from

  • items – array that data is loaded to


template<class T, class U, unsigned int ItemsPerThread>
__device__ inline auto rocprim::block_store_direct_blocked_vectorized(unsigned int flat_id, T *block_output, U (&items)[ItemsPerThread]) -> typename std::enable_if<detail::is_vectorizable<T, ItemsPerThread>::value>::type#

Stores a blocked arrangement of items from across the thread block into a blocked arrangement on continuous memory.

The block arrangement is assumed to be (block-threads * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to store a range of ItemsPerThread items to the thread block.

The input offset (block_output + offset) must be quad-item aligned.

The following conditions will prevent vectorization and switch to default block_load_direct_blocked:

  • ItemsPerThread is odd.

  • The datatype T is not a primitive or a HIP vector type (e.g. int2, int4, etc.

The type U must be such that it can be implicitly converted to T.

Template Parameters:
  • T – [inferred] the output data type

  • U – [inferred] the input data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_output – the input iterator from the thread block to load from

  • items – array that data is loaded to

Direct Striped#


template<unsigned int BlockSize, class InputIterator, class T, unsigned int ItemsPerThread>
__device__ inline void rocprim::block_load_direct_striped(unsigned int flat_id, InputIterator block_input, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread])#

Loads data from continuous memory into a striped arrangement of items across the thread block.

The striped arrangement is assumed to be (BlockSize * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to load a range of ItemsPerThread into items.

Template Parameters:
  • BlockSize – the number of threads in a block

  • InputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer

  • T – [inferred] the data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_input – the input iterator from the thread block to load from

  • items – array that data is loaded to

template<unsigned int BlockSize, class InputIterator, class T, unsigned int ItemsPerThread>
__device__ inline void rocprim::block_load_direct_striped(unsigned int flat_id, InputIterator block_input, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int valid)#

Loads data from continuous memory into a striped arrangement of items across the thread block, which is guarded by range valid.

The striped arrangement is assumed to be (BlockSize * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to load a range of ItemsPerThread into items.

Template Parameters:
  • BlockSize – the number of threads in a block

  • InputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer

  • T – [inferred] the data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_input – the input iterator from the thread block to load from

  • items – array that data is loaded to

  • valid – maximum range of valid numbers to load

template<unsigned int BlockSize, class InputIterator, class T, unsigned int ItemsPerThread, class Default>
__device__ inline void rocprim::block_load_direct_striped(unsigned int flat_id, InputIterator block_input, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int valid, Default out_of_bounds)#

Loads data from continuous memory into a striped arrangement of items across the thread block, which is guarded by range with a fall-back value for out-of-bound elements.

The striped arrangement is assumed to be (BlockSize * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to load a range of ItemsPerThread into items.

Template Parameters:
  • BlockSize – the number of threads in a block

  • InputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer

  • T – [inferred] the data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • Default – [inferred] The data type of the default value

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_input – the input iterator from the thread block to load from

  • items – array that data is loaded to

  • valid – maximum range of valid numbers to load

  • out_of_bounds – default value assigned to out-of-bound items


template<unsigned int BlockSize, class OutputIterator, class T, unsigned int ItemsPerThread>
__device__ inline void rocprim::block_store_direct_striped(unsigned int flat_id, OutputIterator block_output, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread])#

Stores a striped arrangement of items from across the thread block into a blocked arrangement on continuous memory.

The striped arrangement is assumed to be (BlockSize * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to store a range of ItemsPerThread items to the thread block.

Template Parameters:
  • BlockSize – the number of threads in a block

  • OutputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer

  • T – [inferred] the data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_output – the input iterator from the thread block to store to

  • items – array that data is stored to thread block

template<unsigned int BlockSize, class OutputIterator, class T, unsigned int ItemsPerThread>
__device__ inline void rocprim::block_store_direct_striped(unsigned int flat_id, OutputIterator block_output, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int valid)#

Stores a striped arrangement of items from across the thread block into a blocked arrangement on continuous memory, which is guarded by range valid.

The striped arrangement is assumed to be (BlockSize * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to store a range of ItemsPerThread items to the thread block.

Template Parameters:
  • BlockSize – the number of threads in a block

  • OutputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer

  • T – [inferred] the data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_output – the input iterator from the thread block to store to

  • items – array that data is stored to thread block

  • valid – maximum range of valid numbers to store

Direct Warp Striped#


template<unsigned int WarpSize = device_warp_size(), class InputIterator, class T, unsigned int ItemsPerThread>
__device__ inline void block_load_direct_warp_striped(unsigned int flat_id, InputIterator block_input, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread])#

Loads data from continuous memory into a warp-striped arrangement of items across the thread block.

The warp-striped arrangement is assumed to be (WarpSize * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to load a range of ItemsPerThread into items.

  • The number of threads in the block must be a multiple of WarpSize.

  • The default WarpSize is a hardware warpsize and is an optimal value.

  • WarpSize must be a power of two and equal or less than the size of hardware warp.

  • Using WarpSize smaller than hardware warpsize could result in lower performance.

Template Parameters:
  • WarpSize – [optional] the number of threads in a warp

  • InputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer

  • T – [inferred] the data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_input – the input iterator from the thread block to load from

  • items – array that data is loaded to

template<unsigned int WarpSize = device_warp_size(), class InputIterator, class T, unsigned int ItemsPerThread>
__device__ inline void block_load_direct_warp_striped(unsigned int flat_id, InputIterator block_input, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int valid)#

Loads data from continuous memory into a warp-striped arrangement of items across the thread block, which is guarded by range valid.

The warp-striped arrangement is assumed to be (WarpSize * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to load a range of ItemsPerThread into items.

  • The number of threads in the block must be a multiple of WarpSize.

  • The default WarpSize is a hardware warpsize and is an optimal value.

  • WarpSize must be a power of two and equal or less than the size of hardware warp.

  • Using WarpSize smaller than hardware warpsize could result in lower performance.

Template Parameters:
  • WarpSize – [optional] the number of threads in a warp

  • InputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer

  • T – [inferred] the data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_input – the input iterator from the thread block to load from

  • items – array that data is loaded to

  • valid – maximum range of valid numbers to load

template<unsigned int WarpSize = device_warp_size(), class InputIterator, class T, unsigned int ItemsPerThread, class Default>
__device__ inline void block_load_direct_warp_striped(unsigned int flat_id, InputIterator block_input, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int valid, Default out_of_bounds)#

Loads data from continuous memory into a warp-striped arrangement of items across the thread block, which is guarded by range with a fall-back value for out-of-bound elements.

The warp-striped arrangement is assumed to be (WarpSize * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to load a range of ItemsPerThread into items.

  • The number of threads in the block must be a multiple of WarpSize.

  • The default WarpSize is a hardware warpsize and is an optimal value.

  • WarpSize must be a power of two and equal or less than the size of hardware warp.

  • Using WarpSize smaller than hardware warpsize could result in lower performance.

Template Parameters:
  • WarpSize – [optional] the number of threads in a warp

  • InputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer

  • T – [inferred] the data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • Default – [inferred] The data type of the default value

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_input – the input iterator from the thread block to load from

  • items – array that data is loaded to

  • valid – maximum range of valid numbers to load

  • out_of_bounds – default value assigned to out-of-bound items


template<unsigned int WarpSize = device_warp_size(), class OutputIterator, class T, unsigned int ItemsPerThread>
__device__ inline void block_store_direct_warp_striped(unsigned int flat_id, OutputIterator block_output, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread])#

Stores a warp-striped arrangement of items from across the thread block into a blocked arrangement on continuous memory.

The warp-striped arrangement is assumed to be (WarpSize * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to store a range of ItemsPerThread items to the thread block.

  • The number of threads in the block must be a multiple of WarpSize.

  • The default WarpSize is a hardware warpsize and is an optimal value.

  • WarpSize must be a power of two and equal or less than the size of hardware warp.

  • Using WarpSize smaller than hardware warpsize could result in lower performance.

Template Parameters:
  • WarpSize – [optional] the number of threads in a warp

  • OutputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer

  • T – [inferred] the data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_output – the input iterator from the thread block to store to

  • items – array that data is stored to thread block

template<unsigned int WarpSize = device_warp_size(), class OutputIterator, class T, unsigned int ItemsPerThread>
__device__ inline void block_store_direct_warp_striped(unsigned int flat_id, OutputIterator block_output, T (&items)[ItemsPerThread], unsigned int valid)#

Stores a warp-striped arrangement of items from across the thread block into a blocked arrangement on continuous memory, which is guarded by range valid.

The warp-striped arrangement is assumed to be (WarpSize * ItemsPerThread) items across a thread block. Each thread uses a flat_id to store a range of ItemsPerThread items to the thread block.

  • The number of threads in the block must be a multiple of WarpSize.

  • The default WarpSize is a hardware warpsize and is an optimal value.

  • WarpSize must be a power of two and equal or less than the size of hardware warp.

  • Using WarpSize smaller than hardware warpsize could result in lower performance.

Template Parameters:
  • WarpSize – [optional] the number of threads in a warp

  • OutputIterator – [inferred] an iterator type for input (can be a simple pointer

  • T – [inferred] the data type

  • ItemsPerThread – [inferred] the number of items to be processed by each thread

  • flat_id – a local flat 1D thread id in a block (tile) for the calling thread

  • block_output – the input iterator from the thread block to store to

  • items – array that data is stored to thread block

  • valid – maximum range of valid numbers to store