ROCm documentation toolchain#


3 min read time

Applies to Linux and Windows

The ROCm documentation relies on several open source toolchains and sites.


rocm-docs-core is an AMD-maintained project that applies customizations for the ROCm documentation. This project is the tool most ROCm repositories use as part of their documentation build pipeline. It is available as a pip package on PyPI.

See the user and developer guides for rocm-docs-core at rocm-docs-core documentation.


Sphinx is a documentation generator originally used for Python. It is now widely used in the open source community.

Sphinx External ToC#

Sphinx External ToC is a Sphinx extension used for ROCm documentation navigation. This tool generates a navigation menu on the left based on a YAML file ( that contains the table of contents.


Sphinx-book-theme is a Sphinx theme that defines the base appearance for ROCm documentation. ROCm documentation applies some customization, such as a custom header and footer, on top of the Sphinx Book Theme.

Sphinx Design#

Sphinx design is a Sphinx extension that adds design functionality. ROCm documentation uses Sphinx Design for grids, cards, and synchronized tabs.


Doxygen is a documentation generator that extracts information from in-code comments. It is used for API documentation.


Breathe is a Sphinx plugin for integrating Doxygen content.

Read the Docs#

Read the Docs is the service that builds and hosts the HTML version of the ROCm documentation.