XGMI Functions

XGMI Functions#

ROCmSMI: XGMI Functions
XGMI Functions


rsmi_status_t rsmi_dev_xgmi_error_status (uint32_t dv_ind, rsmi_xgmi_status_t *status)
 Retrieve the XGMI error status for a device. More...
rsmi_status_t rsmi_dev_xgmi_error_reset (uint32_t dv_ind)
 Reset the XGMI error status for a device. More...
rsmi_status_t rsmi_dev_xgmi_hive_id_get (uint32_t dv_ind, uint64_t *hive_id)
 Retrieve the XGMI hive id for a device. More...

Detailed Description

These functions are used to configure, query and control XGMI.

Function Documentation

◆ rsmi_dev_xgmi_error_status()

rsmi_status_t rsmi_dev_xgmi_error_status ( uint32_t  dv_ind,
rsmi_xgmi_status_t status 

Retrieve the XGMI error status for a device.

Given a device index dv_ind, and a pointer to an rsmi_xgmi_status_t status, this function will write the current XGMI error state rsmi_xgmi_status_t for the device dv_ind to the memory pointed to by status.

[in]dv_inda device index
[in,out]statusA pointer to an rsmi_xgmi_status_t to which the XGMI error state should be written If this parameter is nullptr, this function will return RSMI_STATUS_INVALID_ARGS if the function is supported with the provided, arguments and RSMI_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED if it is not supported with the provided arguments.
Return values
RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESScall was successful
RSMI_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDinstalled software or hardware does not support this function with the given arguments
RSMI_STATUS_INVALID_ARGSthe provided arguments are not valid

◆ rsmi_dev_xgmi_error_reset()

rsmi_status_t rsmi_dev_xgmi_error_reset ( uint32_t  dv_ind)

Reset the XGMI error status for a device.

Given a device index dv_ind, this function will reset the current XGMI error state rsmi_xgmi_status_t for the device dv_ind to rsmi_xgmi_status_t::RSMI_XGMI_STATUS_NO_ERRORS

[in]dv_inda device index
Return values
RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESSis returned upon successful call.

◆ rsmi_dev_xgmi_hive_id_get()

rsmi_status_t rsmi_dev_xgmi_hive_id_get ( uint32_t  dv_ind,
uint64_t *  hive_id 

Retrieve the XGMI hive id for a device.

Given a device index dv_ind, and a pointer to an uint64_t hive_id, this function will write the current XGMI hive id for the device dv_ind to the memory pointed to by hive_id.

[in]dv_inda device index
[in,out]hive_idA pointer to an uint64_t to which the XGMI hive id should be written
Return values
RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESScall was successful
RSMI_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDinstalled software or hardware does not support this function with the given arguments
RSMI_STATUS_INVALID_ARGSthe provided arguments are not valid