Data Structures#
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
Camdgpu_xcp_metrics_t | The following structures hold the gpu statistics for a device |
Cid | This union holds the value of an rsmi_func_id_iter_handle_t. The value may be a function name, or an ennumerated variant value of types such as rsmi_memory_type_t, rsmi_temperature_metric_t, etc |
Cmetrics_table_header_t | The following structures hold the gpu metrics values for a device |
Crsmi_activity_metric_counter_t | This structure holds information about the possible activity averages. Specifically, the utilization counters |
Crsmi_counter_value_t | |
Crsmi_error_count_t | This structure holds error counts |
Crsmi_evt_notification_data_t | |
Crsmi_freq_volt_region_t | This structure holds 2 rsmi_range_t's, one for frequency and one for voltage. These 2 ranges indicate the range of possible values for the corresponding rsmi_od_vddc_point_t |
Crsmi_frequencies_t | This structure holds information about clock frequencies |
Crsmi_gpu_metrics_t | |
Crsmi_od_vddc_point_t | This structure represents a point on the frequency-voltage plane |
Crsmi_od_volt_curve_t | |
Crsmi_od_volt_freq_data_t | This structure holds the frequency-voltage values for a device |
Crsmi_pcie_bandwidth_t | This structure holds information about the possible PCIe bandwidths. Specifically, the possible transfer rates and their associated numbers of lanes are stored here |
Crsmi_power_profile_status_t | This structure contains information about which power profiles are supported by the system for a given device, and which power profile is currently active |
Crsmi_process_info_t | This structure contains information specific to a process |
Crsmi_range_t | This structure represents a range (e.g., frequencies or voltages) |
Crsmi_retired_page_record_t | Reserved Memory Page Record |
Crsmi_utilization_counter_t | The utilization counter data |
Crsmi_version_t | This structure holds version information |