Using ROCm SMI with Python#

This tool acts as a command line interface for manipulating and monitoring the amdgpu kernel, and is intended to replace and deprecate the existing CLI tool. It uses Ctypes to call the rocm_smi_lib API.

To use ROCm SMI, you must have ROCm SMI library (librocm_smi64) installed and should have at least one AMD GPU with the ROCm driver installed.


Follow the installation procedure for rocm_smi_lib. Refer to Installing ROCm SMI.


hipcc and other compilers will not automatically link in the librocm_smi64 dynamic library. To ensure the can be located, you must either set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to the directory containing (usually /opt/rocm/lib or pass the -lrocm_smi64 flag to the compiler.


The SMI will report two “versions”: the ROCM-SMI version and the ROCM-SMI-LIB version.

  • ROCM-SMI version is the CLI/tool version number with commit ID appended after + sign.

  • ROCM-SMI-LIB version is the library package version number.

ROCM-SMI version: 2.0.0+8e78352
ROCM-SMI-LIB version: 6.1.0


For detailed and up to date usage information, consult the help.

/opt/rocm/bin/rocm-smi -h

The following is the output from the -h flag:

$ /opt/rocm/bin/rocm-smi -h
usage: rocm-smi [-h] [-V] [-d DEVICE [DEVICE ...]] [--alldevices] [--showhw] [-a] [-i] [-v] [-e [EVENT [EVENT ...]]]
                [--showdriverversion] [--showtempgraph] [--showfwinfo [BLOCK [BLOCK ...]]] [--showmclkrange]
                [--showmemvendor] [--showsclkrange] [--showproductname] [--showserial] [--showuniqueid]
                [--showvoltagerange] [--showbus] [--showpagesinfo] [--showpendingpages] [--showretiredpages]
                [--showunreservablepages] [-f] [-P] [-t] [-u] [--showmemuse] [--showvoltage] [-b] [-c] [-g] [-l] [-M]
                [-m] [-o] [-p] [-S] [-s] [--showmeminfo TYPE [TYPE ...]] [--showpids [VERBOSE]]
                [--showpidgpus [SHOWPIDGPUS [SHOWPIDGPUS ...]]] [--showreplaycount]
                [--showrasinfo [SHOWRASINFO [SHOWRASINFO ...]]] [--showvc] [--showxgmierr] [--showtopo]
                [--showtopoaccess] [--showtopoweight] [--showtopohops] [--showtopotype] [--showtoponuma]
                [--showenergycounter] [--shownodesbw] [--showcomputepartition] [--showmemorypartition] [-r]
                [--resetfans] [--resetprofile] [--resetpoweroverdrive] [--resetxgmierr] [--resetperfdeterminism]
                [--resetcomputepartition] [--resetmemorypartition] [--setclock TYPE LEVEL] [--setsclk LEVEL [LEVEL ...]]
                [--setmclk LEVEL [LEVEL ...]] [--setpcie LEVEL [LEVEL ...]] [--setslevel SCLKLEVEL SCLK SVOLT]
                [--setmlevel MCLKLEVEL MCLK MVOLT] [--setvc POINT SCLK SVOLT] [--setsrange SCLKMIN SCLKMAX]
                [--setextremum min|max sclk|mclk CLK] [--setmrange MCLKMIN MCLKMAX] [--setfan LEVEL]
                [--setperflevel LEVEL] [--setoverdrive %] [--setmemoverdrive %] [--setpoweroverdrive WATTS]
                [--setprofile SETPROFILE] [--setperfdeterminism SCLK]
                [--setcomputepartition {CPX,SPX,DPX,TPX,QPX,cpx,spx,dpx,tpx,qpx}]
                [--setmemorypartition {NPS1,NPS2,NPS4,NPS8,nps1,nps2,nps4,nps8}] [--rasenable BLOCK ERRTYPE]
                [--rasdisable BLOCK ERRTYPE] [--rasinject BLOCK] [--gpureset] [--load FILE | --save FILE]
                [--autorespond RESPONSE] [--loglevel LEVEL] [--json] [--csv]

AMD ROCm System Management Interface | ROCM-SMI version: 2.0.0+8e78352

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                                                       show this help message and exit
  --gpureset                                                       Reset specified GPU (One GPU must be specified)
  --load FILE                                                      Load Clock, Fan, Performance and Profile settings
                                                                   from FILE
  --save FILE                                                      Save Clock, Fan, Performance and Profile settings to

  -V, --version                                                    Show version information

  -d DEVICE [DEVICE ...], --device DEVICE [DEVICE ...]             Execute command on specified device

Display Options:
  --showhw                                                         Show Hardware details
  -a, --showallinfo                                                Show Temperature, Fan and Clock values

  -i, --showid                                                     Show DEVICE ID
  -v, --showvbios                                                  Show VBIOS version
  -e [EVENT [EVENT ...]], --showevents [EVENT [EVENT ...]]         Show event list
  --showdriverversion                                              Show kernel driver version
  --showtempgraph                                                  Show Temperature Graph
  --showfwinfo [BLOCK [BLOCK ...]]                                 Show FW information
  --showmclkrange                                                  Show mclk range
  --showmemvendor                                                  Show GPU memory vendor
  --showsclkrange                                                  Show sclk range
  --showproductname                                                Show SKU/Vendor name
  --showserial                                                     Show GPU's Serial Number
  --showuniqueid                                                   Show GPU's Unique ID
  --showvoltagerange                                               Show voltage range
  --showbus                                                        Show PCI bus number

Pages information:
  --showpagesinfo                                                  Show retired, pending and unreservable pages
  --showpendingpages                                               Show pending retired pages
  --showretiredpages                                               Show retired pages
  --showunreservablepages                                          Show unreservable pages

Hardware-related information:
  -f, --showfan                                                    Show current fan speed
  -P, --showpower                                                  Show current Average or Socket Graphics Package Power
  -t, --showtemp                                                   Show current temperature
  -u, --showuse                                                    Show current GPU use
  --showmemuse                                                     Show current GPU memory used
  --showvoltage                                                    Show current GPU voltage

Software-related/controlled information:
  -b, --showbw                                                     Show estimated PCIe use
  -c, --showclocks                                                 Show current clock frequencies
  -g, --showgpuclocks                                              Show current GPU clock frequencies
  -l, --showprofile                                                Show Compute Profile attributes
  -M, --showmaxpower                                               Show maximum graphics package power this GPU will
  -m, --showmemoverdrive                                           Show current GPU Memory Clock OverDrive level
  -o, --showoverdrive                                              Show current GPU Clock OverDrive level
  -p, --showperflevel                                              Show current DPM Performance Level
  -S, --showclkvolt                                                Show supported GPU and Memory Clocks and Voltages
  -s, --showclkfrq                                                 Show supported GPU and Memory Clock
  --showmeminfo TYPE [TYPE ...]                                    Show Memory usage information for given block(s) TYPE
  --showpids [VERBOSE]                                             Show current running KFD PIDs (pass details to
                                                                   VERBOSE for detailed information)
  --showpidgpus [SHOWPIDGPUS [SHOWPIDGPUS ...]]                    Show GPUs used by specified KFD PIDs (all if no arg
  --showreplaycount                                                Show PCIe Replay Count
  --showrasinfo [SHOWRASINFO [SHOWRASINFO ...]]                    Show RAS enablement information and error counts for
                                                                   the specified block(s) (all if no arg given)
  --showvc                                                         Show voltage curve
  --showxgmierr                                                    Show XGMI error information since last read
  --showtopo                                                       Show hardware topology information
  --showtopoaccess                                                 Shows the link accessibility between GPUs
  --showtopoweight                                                 Shows the relative weight between GPUs
  --showtopohops                                                   Shows the number of hops between GPUs
  --showtopotype                                                   Shows the link type between GPUs
  --showtoponuma                                                   Shows the numa nodes
  --showenergycounter                                              Energy accumulator that stores amount of energy
  --shownodesbw                                                    Shows the numa nodes
  --showcomputepartition                                           Shows current compute partitioning
  --showmemorypartition                                            Shows current memory partition

Set options:
  --setclock TYPE LEVEL                                            Set Clock Frequency Level(s) for specified clock
                                                                   (requires manual Perf level)
  --setsclk LEVEL [LEVEL ...]                                      Set GPU Clock Frequency Level(s) (requires manual
                                                                   Perf level)
  --setmclk LEVEL [LEVEL ...]                                      Set GPU Memory Clock Frequency Level(s) (requires
                                                                   manual Perf level)
  --setpcie LEVEL [LEVEL ...]                                      Set PCIE Clock Frequency Level(s) (requires manual
                                                                   Perf level)
  --setslevel SCLKLEVEL SCLK SVOLT                                 Change GPU Clock frequency (MHz) and Voltage (mV) for
                                                                   a specific Level
  --setmlevel MCLKLEVEL MCLK MVOLT                                 Change GPU Memory clock frequency (MHz) and Voltage
                                                                   for (mV) a specific Level
  --setvc POINT SCLK SVOLT                                         Change SCLK Voltage Curve (MHz mV) for a specific
  --setsrange SCLKMIN SCLKMAX                                      Set min and max SCLK speed
  --setextremum min|max sclk|mclk CLK                              Set min/max of SCLK/MCLK speed
  --setmrange MCLKMIN MCLKMAX                                      Set min and max MCLK speed
  --setfan LEVEL                                                   Set GPU Fan Speed (Level or %)
  --setperflevel LEVEL                                             Set Performance Level
  --setoverdrive %                                                 Set GPU OverDrive level (requires manual|high Perf
  --setmemoverdrive %                                              Set GPU Memory Overclock OverDrive level (requires
                                                                   manual|high Perf level)
  --setpoweroverdrive WATTS                                        Set the maximum GPU power using Power OverDrive in
  --setprofile SETPROFILE                                          Specify Power Profile level (#) or a quoted string of
                                                                   CUSTOM Profile attributes "# # # #..." (requires
                                                                   manual Perf level)
  --setperfdeterminism SCLK                                        Set clock frequency limit to get minimal performance
  --setcomputepartition {CPX,SPX,DPX,TPX,QPX,cpx,spx,dpx,tpx,qpx}  Set compute partition
  --setmemorypartition {NPS1,NPS2,NPS4,NPS8,nps1,nps2,nps4,nps8}   Set memory partition
  --rasenable BLOCK ERRTYPE                                        Enable RAS for specified block and error type
  --rasdisable BLOCK ERRTYPE                                       Disable RAS for specified block and error type
  --rasinject BLOCK                                                Inject RAS poison for specified block (ONLY WORKS ON
                                                                    UNSECURE BOARDS)

Reset options:
  -r, --resetclocks                                                Reset clocks and OverDrive to default
  --resetfans                                                      Reset fans to automatic (driver) control
  --resetprofile                                                   Reset Power Profile back to default
  --resetpoweroverdrive                                            Set the maximum GPU power back to the device deafult
  --resetxgmierr                                                   Reset XGMI error count
  --resetperfdeterminism                                           Disable performance determinism
  --resetcomputepartition                                          Resets to boot compute partition state
  --resetmemorypartition                                           Resets to boot memory partition state

Auto-response options:
  --autorespond RESPONSE                                           Response to automatically provide for all prompts
                                                                   (NOT RECOMMENDED)

Output options:
  --loglevel LEVEL                                                 How much output will be printed for what program is
                                                                   doing, one of debug/info/warning/error/critical
  --json                                                           Print output in JSON format
  --csv                                                            Print output in CSV format

Detailed option descriptions#

--setextremum <[min or max] [sclk or mclk] [value in MHz to set to]>

Provided ASIC support, users can now set a maximum or minimum sclk or mclk value through our Python CLI tool (rocm-smi –setextremum max sclk 1500). See example below.

$ sudo /opt/rocm/bin/rocm-smi --setextremum max sclk 2100

============================ ROCm System Management Interface ============================


          Operating your AMD GPU outside of official AMD specifications or outside of
          factory settings, including but not limited to the conducting of overclocking,
          over-volting or under-volting (including use of this interface software,
          even if such software has been directly or indirectly provided by AMD or otherwise
          affiliated in any way with AMD), may cause damage to your AMD GPU, system components
          and/or result in system failure, as well as cause other problems.
          Use this utility with caution.

Do you accept these terms? [y/N] y
================================ Set Valid sclk Extremum =================================
GPU[0]          : Successfully set max sclk to 2100(MHz)
GPU[1]          : Successfully set max sclk to 2100(MHz)
GPU[2]          : Successfully set max sclk to 2100(MHz)
GPU[3]          : Successfully set max sclk to 2100(MHz)
================================== End of ROCm SMI Log ===================================
--setsclk, --setmclk <# [# # …]>

This allows you to set a mask for the levels. For example, if a GPU has 8 clock levels, you can set a mask to use levels 0, 5, 6 and 7 with –setsclk 0 5 6 7 . This will only use the base level, and the top 3 clock levels. This will allow you to keep the GPU at base level when there is no GPU load, and the top 3 levels when the GPU load increases.


The clock levels will change dynamically based on GPU load based on the default Compute and Graphics profiles. The thresholds and delays for a custom mask cannot be controlled through the SMI tool.

This flag automatically sets the Performance Level to manual as the mask is not applied when the Performance level is set to auto.

--setfan <LEVEL>

This sets the fan speed to a value ranging from 0 to maxlevel, or from 0%-100%.

If the level ends with a %, the fan speed is calculated as pct*maxlevel/100 (maxlevel is usually 255, but is determined by the ASIC).


While the hardware is usually capable of overriding this value when required, it is recommended to not set the fan level lower than the default value for extended periods of time.

--setperflevel <LEVEL>

This lets you use the pre-defined Performance Level values for clocks and power profile, which can include:

  • auto (Automatically change values based on GPU workload)

  • low (Keep values low, regardless of workload)

  • high (Keep values high, regardless of workload)

  • manual (Only use values defined by --setsclk and --setmclk)

--setoverdrive, --setmemoverdrive <#>


DEPRECATED IN NEWER KERNEL VERSIONS. Use --setslevel or --setmlevel instead.

This sets the percentage above maximum for the max Performance Level. For example, --setoverdrive 20 will increase the top sclk level by 20%, similarly --setmemoverdrive 20 will increase the top mclk level by 20%. Thus if the maximum clock level is 1000MHz, then --setoverdrive 20 will increase the maximum clock to 1200MHz.


This option can be used in conjunction with the --setsclk/--setmclk mask.

Operating the GPU outside of specifications can cause irreparable damage to your hardware Observe the warning displayed when using this option.

This flag automatically sets the clock to the highest level, as only the highest level is increased by the OverDrive value.

--setpoweroverdrive, --resetpoweroverdrive <#>

This allows users to change the maximum power available to a GPU package. The input value is in Watts. This limit is enforced by the hardware, and some cards allow users to set it to a higher value than the default that ships with the GPU. This Power OverDrive mode allows the GPU to run at higher frequencies for longer periods of time, though this may mean the GPU uses more power than it is allowed to use per power supply specifications. Each GPU has a model-specific maximum Power OverDrive that is will take; attempting to set a higher limit than that will cause this command to fail.


Operating the GPU outside of specifications can cause irreparable damage to your hardware. Observe the warning displayed when using this option.

--setprofile <SETPROFILE>

The Compute Profile accepts 1 or n parameters, either the Profile to select (see --showprofile for a list of preset Power Profiles) or a quoted string of values for the CUSTOM profile. These values can vary based on the ASIC, and may include:

| Setting             | Description                                                                                |
| SCLK_PROFILE_ENABLE | Whether or not to apply the 3 following SCLK settings (0=disable,1=enable)                 |
|                     | **NOTE: This is a hidden field. If set to 0, the following 3 values are displayed as '-’** |
| SCLK_UP_HYST        | Delay before sclk is increased (in milliseconds)                                           |
| SCLK_DOWN_HYST      | Delay before sclk is decresed (in milliseconds)                                            |
| SCLK_ACTIVE_LEVEL   | Workload required before sclk levels change (in %)                                         |
| MCLK_PROFILE_ENABLE | Whether or not to apply the 3 following MCLK settings (0=disable,1=enable)                 |
|                     | **NOTE: This is a hidden field. If set to 0, the following 3 values are displayed as '-'** |
| MCLK_UP_HYST        | Delay before mclk is increased (in milliseconds)                                           |
| MCLK_DOWN_HYST      | Delay before mclk is decresed (in milliseconds)                                            |
| MCLK_ACTIVE_LEVEL   | Workload required before mclk levels change (in %)                                         |

Other settings#

| Setting          | Description                                                               |
| BUSY_SET_POINT   | Threshold for raw activity level before levels change                     |
| FPS              | Frames Per Second                                                         |
| USE_RLC_BUSY     | When set to 1, DPM is switched up as long as RLC busy message is received |
| MIN_ACTIVE_LEVEL | Workload required before levels change (in %)                             |


When a compute queue is detected, the COMPUTE Power Profile values will be automatically applied to the system, provided that the Perf Level is set to auto.

The CUSTOM Power Profile is only applied when the Performance Level is set to manual so using this flag will automatically set the performance level to manual.

It is not possible to modify the non-CUSTOM Profiles. These are hard-coded by the kernel.

-P, --showpower

Show average or instantaneous socket graphics package power consumption.

“Graphics Package” refers to the GPU plus any HBM (High-Bandwidth memory) modules, if present.

-M, --showmaxpower

Show the maximum Graphics Package power that the GPU will attempt to consume.

This limit is enforced by the hardware.


This will allow the user to set a logging level for the SMI’s actions. Currently this is only implemented for sysfs writes, but can easily be expanded upon in the future to log other things from the SMI.


This allows the user to see the amount of used and total memory for a given block (vram, vis_vram, gtt). It returns the number of bytes used and total number of bytes for each block all can be passed as a field to return all blocks, otherwise a quoted-string is used for multiple values (such as vram vis_vram).

vram refers to the Video RAM, or graphics memory, on the specified device vis_vram refers to Visible VRAM, which is the CPU-accessible video memory on the device gtt refers to the Graphics Translation Table

-b, --showbw

This shows an approximation of the number of bytes received and sent by the GPU over the last second through the PCIe bus. Note that this will not work for APUs since data for the GPU portion of the APU goes through the memory fabric and does not ‘enter/exit’ the chip via the PCIe interface, thus no accesses are generated, and the performance counters can’t count accesses that are not generated.


It is not possible to easily grab the size of every packet that is transmitted in real time, so the kernel estimates the bandwidth by taking the maximum payload size (mps), which is the max size that a PCIe packet can be. and multiplies it by the number of packets received and sent. This means that the SMI will report the maximum estimated bandwidth, the actual usage could (and likely will be) less.


This shows the RAS information for a given block. This includes enablement of the block (currently GFX, SDMA and UMC are the only supported blocks) and the number of errors.

  • ue - Uncorrectable errors

  • ce - Correctable errors

Clock type descriptions#

| Clock type | Description                                                                                  |
| ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| DCEFCLK    | DCE (Display)                                                                                |
| FCLK       | Data fabric (VG20 and later) - Data flow from XGMI, Memory, PCIe                             |
| SCLK       | GFXCLK (Graphics core)                                                                       |
|            | **Note - SOCCLK split from SCLK as of Vega10. Pre-Vega10 they were both controlled by SCLK** |
| MCLK       | GPU Memory (VRAM)                                                                            |
| PCLK       | PCIe bus                                                                                     |
|            | **Note - This gives 2 speeds, PCIe Gen1 x1 and the highest available based on the hardware** |
| SOCCLK     | System clock (VG10 and later) - Data Fabric (DF), MM HUB, AT HUB, SYSTEM HUB, OSS, DFD       |
|            | **Note - DF split from SOCCLK as of Vega20. Pre-Vega20 they were both controlled by SOCCLK** |

This flag will attempt to reset the GPU for a specified device. This will invoke the GPU reset through the kernel debugfs file amdgpu_gpu_recover. Note that GPU reset will not always work, depending on the manner in which the GPU is hung.


This flag will print out the AMDGPU module version for amdgpu-pro or ROCm kernels. For other kernels, it will simply print out the name of the kernel (uname -r).


This flag will print out the serial number for the graphics card.


This is currently only supported on Vega20 server cards that support it. Consumer cards and cards older than Vega20 will not support this feature.


This uses the pci.ids file to print out more information regarding the GPUs on the system. update-pciids may need to be executed on the machine to get the latest PCI ID snapshot, as certain newer GPUs will not be present in the stock pci.ids file, and the file may even be absent on certain OS installation types.

--showpagesinfo, --showretiredpages, --showpendingpages, --showunreservablepages

These flags display the different “bad pages” as reported by the kernel. The three types of pages are:

  • Retired pages (reserved pages) - These pages are reserved and are unable to be used.

  • Pending pages - These pages are pending for reservation, and will be reserved/retired.

  • Unreservable pages - These pages are not reservable for some reason.

--showmemuse, --showuse, --showmeminfo

--showuse and --showmemuse are used to indicate how busy the respective blocks are. For example, for --showuse (gpu_busy_percent sysfs file), the SMU samples every ms or so to see if any GPU block (RLC, MEC, PFP, CP) is busy. If so, that’s 1 (or high). If not, that’s 0 (low). If we have 5 high and 5 low samples, that means 50% utilization (50% GPU busy, or 50% GPU use). The windows and sampling vary from generation to generation, but that is how GPU and VRAM use is calculated in a generic sense. --showmeminfo (and VRAM% in concise output) will show the amount of VRAM used (visible, total, GTT), as well as the total available for those partitions. The percentage shown there indicates the amount of used memory in terms of current allocations.

OverDrive settings#

Enabling OverDrive requires both a card that support OverDrive and a driver parameter that enables its use. Because OverDrive features can damage your card, most workstation and server GPUs cannot use OverDrive. Consumer GPUs that can use OverDrive must enable this feature by setting bit 14 in the amdgpu driver’s ppfeaturemask module parameter

For OverDrive functionality, the OverDrive bit (bit 14) must be enabled (by default, the OverDrive bit is disabled on the ROCK and upstream kernels). This can be done by setting amdgpu.ppfeaturemask accordingly in the kernel parameters, or by changing the default value inside amdgpu_drv.c (if building your own kernel).

As an example, if the ppfeaturemask is set to 0xffffbfff (11111111111111111011111111111111), then enabling the OverDrive bit would make it 0xffffffff (11111111111111111111111111111111).

These are the flags that require OverDrive functionality to be enabled for the flag to work:

  • --showclkvolt

  • --showvoltagerange

  • --showvc

  • --showsclkrange

  • --showmclkrange

  • --setslevel

  • --setmlevel

  • --setoverdrive

  • --setpoweroverdrive

  • --resetpoweroverdrive

  • --setvc

  • --setsrange

  • --setmrange