hip_Memcpy2D Struct Reference

hip_Memcpy2D Struct Reference#

HIP Runtime API Reference: hip_Memcpy2D Struct Reference
hip_Memcpy2D Struct Reference

#include <driver_types.h>

Data Fields

size_t srcXInBytes
 Source width in bytes.
size_t srcY
 Source height.
hipMemoryType srcMemoryType
 Source memory type.
const void * srcHost
 Source pointer.
hipDeviceptr_t srcDevice
 Source device.
hipArray_t srcArray
 Source array.
size_t srcPitch
 Source pitch.
size_t dstXInBytes
 Destination width in bytes.
size_t dstY
 Destination height.
hipMemoryType dstMemoryType
 Destination memory type.
void * dstHost
 Destination pointer.
hipDeviceptr_t dstDevice
 Destination device.
hipArray_t dstArray
 Destination array.
size_t dstPitch
 Destination pitch.
size_t WidthInBytes
 Width in bytes of the 2D memory copy.
size_t Height
 Height of the 2D memory copy.

Detailed Description

HIP 2D memory copy parameters

Field Documentation

◆ dstArray

hipArray_t hip_Memcpy2D::dstArray

Destination array.

◆ dstDevice

hipDeviceptr_t hip_Memcpy2D::dstDevice

Destination device.

◆ dstHost

void* hip_Memcpy2D::dstHost

Destination pointer.

◆ dstMemoryType

hipMemoryType hip_Memcpy2D::dstMemoryType

Destination memory type.

◆ dstPitch

size_t hip_Memcpy2D::dstPitch

Destination pitch.

◆ dstXInBytes

size_t hip_Memcpy2D::dstXInBytes

Destination width in bytes.

◆ dstY

size_t hip_Memcpy2D::dstY

Destination height.

◆ Height

size_t hip_Memcpy2D::Height

Height of the 2D memory copy.

◆ srcArray

hipArray_t hip_Memcpy2D::srcArray

Source array.

◆ srcDevice

hipDeviceptr_t hip_Memcpy2D::srcDevice

Source device.

◆ srcHost

const void* hip_Memcpy2D::srcHost

Source pointer.

◆ srcMemoryType

hipMemoryType hip_Memcpy2D::srcMemoryType

Source memory type.

◆ srcPitch

size_t hip_Memcpy2D::srcPitch

Source pitch.

◆ srcXInBytes

size_t hip_Memcpy2D::srcXInBytes

Source width in bytes.

◆ srcY

size_t hip_Memcpy2D::srcY

Source height.

◆ WidthInBytes

size_t hip_Memcpy2D::WidthInBytes

Width in bytes of the 2D memory copy.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/advanced-micro-devices-hip/checkouts/docs-6.3.3/include/hip/driver_types.h