HIP porting guide#

HIP is designed to ease the porting of existing CUDA code into the HIP environment. This page describes the available tools and provides practical suggestions on how to port CUDA code and work through common issues.

Porting a CUDA Project#

Mixing HIP and CUDA code results in valid CUDA code. This enables users to incrementally port CUDA to HIP, and still compile and test the code during the transition.

The only notable exception is hipError_t, which is not just an alias to cudaError_t. In these cases HIP provides functions to convert between the error code spaces:

  • hipErrorToCudaError()

  • hipErrorToCUResult()

  • hipCUDAErrorTohipError()

  • hipCUResultTohipError()

General Tips#

  • Starting to port on an NVIDIA machine is often the easiest approach, as the code can be tested for functionality and performance even if not fully ported to HIP.

  • Once the CUDA code is ported to HIP and is running on the CUDA machine, compile the HIP code for an AMD machine.

  • You can handle platform-specific features through conditional compilation or by adding them to the open-source HIP infrastructure.

  • Use the HIPIFY tools to automatically convert CUDA code to HIP, as described in the following section.


HIPIFY is a collection of tools that automatically translate CUDA to HIP code. There are two flavours available, hipfiy-clang and hipify-perl.

hipify-clang is, as the name implies, a Clang-based tool, and actually parses the code, translates it into an Abstract Syntax Tree, from which it then generates the HIP source. For this, hipify-clang needs to be able to actually compile the code, so the CUDA code needs to be correct, and a CUDA install with all necessary headers must be provided.

hipify-perl uses pattern matching, to translate the CUDA code to HIP. It does not require a working CUDA installation, and can also convert CUDA code, that is not syntactically correct. It is therefore easier to set up and use, but is not as powerful as hipfiy-clang.

Scanning existing CUDA code to scope the porting effort#

The --examine option, supported by the clang and perl version, tells hipify to do a test-run, without changing the files, but instead scan CUDA code to determine which files contain CUDA code and how much of that code can automatically be hipified.

There also are hipexamine-perl.sh or hipexamine.sh (for hipify-clang) scripts to automatically scan directories.

For example, the following is a scan of one of the cuda-samples:

> cd Samples/2_Concepts_and_Techniques/convolutionSeparable/
> hipexamine-perl.sh
[HIPIFY] info: file './convolutionSeparable.cu' statistics:
  CONVERTED refs count: 2
  TOTAL lines of code: 214
[HIPIFY] info: CONVERTED refs by names:
  cooperative_groups.h => hip/hip_cooperative_groups.h: 1
  cudaMemcpyToSymbol => hipMemcpyToSymbol: 1

[HIPIFY] info: file './main.cpp' statistics:
  CONVERTED refs count: 13
  TOTAL lines of code: 174
[HIPIFY] info: CONVERTED refs by names:
  cudaDeviceSynchronize => hipDeviceSynchronize: 2
  cudaFree => hipFree: 3
  cudaMalloc => hipMalloc: 3
  cudaMemcpy => hipMemcpy: 2
  cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost => hipMemcpyDeviceToHost: 1
  cudaMemcpyHostToDevice => hipMemcpyHostToDevice: 1
  cuda_runtime.h => hip/hip_runtime.h: 1

[HIPIFY] info: file 'GLOBAL' statistics:
  CONVERTED refs count: 15
  TOTAL lines of code: 512
[HIPIFY] info: CONVERTED refs by names:
  cooperative_groups.h => hip/hip_cooperative_groups.h: 1
  cudaDeviceSynchronize => hipDeviceSynchronize: 2
  cudaFree => hipFree: 3
  cudaMalloc => hipMalloc: 3
  cudaMemcpy => hipMemcpy: 2
  cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost => hipMemcpyDeviceToHost: 1
  cudaMemcpyHostToDevice => hipMemcpyHostToDevice: 1
  cudaMemcpyToSymbol => hipMemcpyToSymbol: 1
  cuda_runtime.h => hip/hip_runtime.h: 1

hipexamine-perl.sh reports how many CUDA calls are going to be converted to HIP (e.g. CONVERTED refs count: 2), and lists them by name together with their corresponding HIP-version (see the lines following [HIPIFY] info: CONVERTED refs by names:). It also lists the total lines of code for the file and potential warnings. In the end it prints a summary for all files.

Automatically converting a CUDA project#

To directly replace the files, the --inplace option of hipify-perl or hipify-clang can be used. This creates a backup of the original files in a <filename>.prehip file and overwrites the existing files, keeping their file endings. If the --inplace option is not given, the scripts print the hipified code to stdout.

hipconvertinplace.sh``or  ``hipconvertinplace-perl.sh operate on whole directories.

Library Equivalents#

ROCm provides libraries to ease porting of code relying on CUDA libraries. Most CUDA libraries have a corresponding HIP library.

There are two flavours of libraries provided by ROCm, ones prefixed with hip and ones prefixed with roc. While both are written using HIP, in general only the hip-libraries are portable. The libraries with the roc-prefix might also run on CUDA-capable GPUs, however they have been optimized for AMD GPUs and might use assembly code or a different API, to achieve the best performance.


If the application is only required to run on AMD GPUs, it is recommended to use the roc-libraries.

In the case where a library provides a roc- and a hip- version, the hip version is a marshalling library, which is just a thin layer that is redirecting the function calls to either the roc-library or the corresponding CUDA library, depending on the platform, to provide compatibility.

CUDA Library

hip Library

roc Library





Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines



Linear Algebra Subroutines, lightweight and new flexible API




Fast Fourier Transfer Library




Sparse BLAS + SPMV




Lapack library



Sparse iterative solvers and preconditioners with algebraic multigrid



C++ parallel algorithms library




Low Level Optimized Parallel Primitives



Deep learning Solver Library




Random Number Generator Library



Communications Primitives Library based on the MPI equivalents RCCL is a drop-in replacement for NCCL

Distinguishing compilers and platforms#

Identifying the HIP Target Platform#

HIP projects can target either the AMD or NVIDIA platform. The platform affects which backend-headers are included and which libraries are used for linking. The created binaries are not portable between AMD and NVIDIA platforms.

To write code that is specific to a platform the C++-macros specified in the following section can be used.

Compiler Defines: Summary#

This section lists macros that are defined by compilers and the HIP/CUDA APIs, and what compiler/platform combinations they are defined for.

The following table lists the macros that can be used when compiling HIP. Most of these macros are not directly defined by the compilers, but in hip_common.h, which is included by hip_runtime.h.

HIP-related defines#



nvcc when used as backend for hipcc

Other (GCC, ICC, Clang, etc.)




Undefined, needs to be set explicitly




Undefined, needs to be set explicitly


Defined when compiling .hip files or specifying -x hip

Defined when compiling .hip files or specifying -x hip



1 if compiling for device undefined if compiling for host

1 if compiling for device undefined if compiling for host



0 or 1 depending on feature support of targeted hardware (see Identifying Device Architecture Features)

0 or 1 depending on feature support of targeted hardware



Defined when compiling .hip files or specifying -x hip



The following table lists macros related to nvcc and CUDA as HIP backend.

NVCC-related defines#



nvcc when used as backend for hipcc

Other (GCC, ICC, Clang, etc.)




Undefined (Clang defines this when explicitly compiling CUDA code)





__CUDA_ARCH__ [1]


Defined in device code Integer representing compute capability Must not be used in host code


Identifying the compilation target platform#

Despite HIP’s portability, it can be necessary to tailor code to a specific platform, in order to provide platform-specific code, or aid in platform-specific performance improvements.

For this, the __HIP_PLATFORM_AMD__ and __HIP_PLATFORM_NVIDIA__ macros can be used, e.g.:

  // This code path is compiled when amdclang++ is used for compilation
  // This code path is compiled when nvcc is used for compilation
  //  Could be compiling with CUDA language extensions enabled (for example, a ".cu file)
  //  Could be in pass-through mode to an underlying host compiler (for example, a .cpp file)

When using hipcc, the environment variable HIP_PLATFORM specifies the runtime to use. When an AMD graphics driver and an AMD GPU is detected, HIP_PLATFORM is set to amd. If both runtimes are installed, and a specific one should be used, or hipcc can’t detect the runtime, the environment variable has to be set manually.

To explicitly use the CUDA compilation path, use:

export HIP_PLATFORM=nvidia
hipcc main.cpp

Identifying Host or Device Compilation Pass#

amdclang++ makes multiple passes over the code: one for the host code, and one each for the device code for every GPU architecture to be compiled for. nvcc makes two passes over the code: one for host code and one for device code.

The __HIP_DEVICE_COMPILE__-macro is defined when the compiler is compiling for the device.

__HIP_DEVICE_COMPILE__ is a portable check that can replace the __CUDA_ARCH__.

#include "hip/hip_runtime.h"
#include <iostream>

__host__ __device__ void call_func(){
    std::cout << "host" << std::endl;

__global__ void test_kernel(){

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  test_kernel<<<1, 1, 0, 0>>>();


Identifying Device Architecture Features#

GPUs of different generations and architectures do not all provide the same level of hardware feature support. To guard device-code using these architecture dependent features, the __HIP_ARCH_<FEATURE>__ C++-macros can be used.

Device Code Feature Identification#

Some CUDA code tests __CUDA_ARCH__ for a specific value to determine whether the GPU supports a certain architectural feature, depending on its compute capability. This requires knowledge about what __CUDA_ARCH__ supports what feature set.

HIP simplifies this, by replacing these macros with feature-specific macros, not architecture specific.

For instance,

//#if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 130 // does not properly specify, what feature is required, not portable
#if __HIP_ARCH_HAS_DOUBLES__ == 1 // explicitly specifies, what feature is required, portable between AMD and NVIDIA GPUs
  // device code

For host code, the __HIP_ARCH_<FEATURE>__ defines are set to 0, if hip_runtime.h is included, and undefined otherwise. It should not be relied upon in host code.

Host Code Feature Identification#

Host code must not rely on the __HIP_ARCH_<FEATURE>__ macros, as the GPUs available to a system can not be known during compile time, and their architectural features differ.

Host code can query architecture feature flags during runtime, by using hipGetDeviceProperties() or hipDeviceGetAttribute().

#include <hip/hip_runtime.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

#define HIP_CHECK(expression) {                           \
  const hipError_t err = expression;                      \
  if (err != hipSuccess){                                 \
    std::cout << "HIP Error: " << hipGetErrorString(err)) \
              << " at line " << __LINE__ << std::endl;    \
    std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                              \
  }                                                       \

int main(){
  int deviceCount;

  int device = 0; // Query first available GPU. Can be replaced with any
                  // integer up to, not including, deviceCount
  hipDeviceProp_t deviceProp;
  HIP_CHECK(hipGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, device));

  std::cout << "The queried device ";
  if (deviceProp.arch.hasSharedInt32Atomics) // portable HIP feature query
    std::cout << "supports";
    std::cout << "does not support";
  std::cout << " shared int32 atomic operations" << std::endl;

Table of Architecture Properties#

The table below shows the full set of architectural properties that HIP supports, together with the corresponding macros and device properties.

Macro (for device code)

Device Property (host runtime query)




32-bit integer atomics for global memory



32-bit float atomic exchange for global memory



32-bit integer atomics for shared memory



32-bit float atomic exchange for shared memory



32-bit float atomic add in global and shared memory



64-bit integer atomics for global memory



64-bit integer atomics for shared memory



Double-precision floating-point operations



Warp vote instructions (any, all)



Warp ballot instructions



Warp shuffle operations (shfl_*)



Funnel shift two input words into one






syncthreads_count(), syncthreads_and(), syncthreads_or()



Supports surface functions.



Grids and groups are 3D



Ability to launch a kernel from within a kernel


hipcc is a portable compiler driver that calls nvcc or amdclang++ and forwards the appropriate options. It passes options through to the target compiler. Tools that call hipcc must ensure the compiler options are appropriate for the target compiler.

hipconfig is a helpful tool in identifying the current systems platform, compiler and runtime. It can also help set options appropriately.

As an example, it can provide a path to HIP, in Makefiles for example:

HIP_PATH ?= $(shell hipconfig --path)

HIP Headers#

The hip_runtime.h headers define all the necessary types, functions, macros, etc., needed to compile a HIP program, this includes host as well as device code. hip_runtime_api.h is a subset of hip_runtime.h.

CUDA has slightly different contents for these two files. In some cases you may need to convert hipified code to include the richer hip_runtime.h instead of hip_runtime_api.h.

Using a Standard C++ Compiler#

You can compile hip_runtime_api.h using a standard C or C++ compiler (e.g., gcc or icc). A source file that is only calling HIP APIs but neither defines nor launches any kernels can be compiled with a standard host compiler (e.g. gcc or icc) even when hip_runtime_api.h or hip_runtime.h are included.

The HIP include paths and platform macros (__HIP_PLATFORM_AMD__ or __HIP_PLATFORM_NVIDIA__) must be passed to the compiler.

hipconfig can help in finding the necessary options, for example on an AMD platform:

hipconfig --cpp_config
 -D__HIP_PLATFORM_AMD__= -I/opt/rocm/include

nvcc includes some headers by default. hipcc does not include default headers, and instead all required files must be explicitly included.

The hipify tool automatically converts cuda_runtime.h to hip_runtime.h, and it converts cuda_runtime_api.h to hip_runtime_api.h, but it may miss nested headers or macros.


Code should not assume a warp size of 32 or 64, as that is not portable between platforms and architectures. The warpSize built-in should be used in device code, while the host can query it during runtime via the device properties. See the HIP language extension for warpSize for information on how to write portable wave-aware code.

Porting from CUDA __launch_bounds__#

CUDA also defines a __launch_bounds__ qualifier which works similar to HIP’s implementation, however it uses different parameters:


The first parameter is the same as HIP’s implementation, but MIN_BLOCKS_PER_MULTIPROCESSOR must be converted to MIN_WARPS_PER_EXECUTION, which uses warps and execution units rather than blocks and multiprocessors. This conversion is performed automatically by HIPIFY, or can be done manually with the following equation.


Directly controlling the warps per execution unit makes it easier to reason about the occupancy, unlike with blocks, where the occupancy depends on the block size.

The use of execution units rather than multiprocessors also provides support for architectures with multiple execution units per multiprocessor. For example, the AMD GCN architecture has 4 execution units per multiprocessor.


Unlike nvcc, amdclang++ does not support the --maxregcount option. Instead, users are encouraged to use the __launch_bounds__ directive since the parameters are more intuitive and portable than micro-architecture details like registers. The directive allows per-kernel control.