Unified memory management#

In conventional architectures CPUs and attached devices have their own memory space and dedicated physical memory backing it up, for example normal RAM for CPUs and VRAM on GPUs. This way each device can have physical memory optimized for its use case. GPUs usually have specialized memory whose bandwidth is a magnitude higher than the RAM attached to CPUs.

While providing exceptional performance, this setup typically requires explicit memory management, as memory needs to be allocated, copied and freed on the used devices and on the host. Additionally, this makes using more than the physically available memory on the devices complicated.

Modern GPUs circumvent the problem of having to explicitly manage the memory, while still keeping the benefits of the dedicated physical memories, by supporting the concept of unified memory. This enables the CPU and the GPUs in the system to access host and other GPUs’ memory without explicit memory management.

Unified memory#

Unified Memory is a single memory address space accessible from any processor within a system. This setup simplifies memory management and enables applications to allocate data that can be read or written on both CPUs and GPUs without explicitly copying it to the specific CPU or GPU. The Unified memory model is shown in the following figure.


Unified memory enables the access to memory located on other devices via several methods, depending on whether hardware support is available or has to be managed by the driver.

Hardware supported on-demand page migration#

When a kernel on the device tries to access a memory address that is not in its memory, a page-fault is triggered. The GPU then in turn requests the page from the host or another device, on which the memory is located. The page is then unmapped from the source, sent to the device and mapped to the device’s memory. The requested memory is then available to the processes running on the device.

In case the device’s memory is at capacity, a page is unmapped from the device’s memory first and sent and mapped to host memory. This enables more memory to be allocated and used for a GPU, than the GPU itself has physically available.

This level of unified memory support can be very beneficial for sparse accesses to an array, that is not often used on the device.

Driver managed page migration#

If the hardware does not support on-demand page migration, then all the pages accessed by a kernel have to be resident on the device, so they have to be migrated before the kernel is running. Since the driver can not know beforehand, what parts of an array are going to be accessed, all pages of all accessed arrays have to be migrated. This can lead to significant delays on the first run of a kernel, on top of possibly copying more memory than is actually accessed by the kernel.

System requirements#

Unified memory is supported on Linux by all modern AMD GPUs from the Vega series onward, as shown in the following table. Unified memory management can be achieved by explicitly allocating managed memory using hipMallocManaged() or marking variables with the __managed__ attribute. For the latest GPUs, with a Linux kernel that supports Heterogeneous Memory Management (HMM), the normal system allocator can be used.

Supported Unified Memory Allocators by GPU architecture#


hipMallocManaged(), __managed__

new, malloc()









✅: Supported

❌: Unsupported

1 Works only with HSA_XNACK=1 and kernels with HMM support. First GPU access causes recoverable page-fault.


On specific GPU architectures (referenced in the previous table), there is an option to automatically migrate pages of memory between host and device. This is important for managed memory, where the locality of the data is important for performance. Depending on the system, page migration may be disabled by default in which case managed memory will act like pinned host memory and suffer degraded performance.

XNACK describes the GPU’s ability to retry memory accesses that failed due to a page fault (which normally would lead to a memory access error), and instead retrieve the missing page. To enable this behavior, set the environment variable HSA_XNACK=1.

This also affects memory allocated by the system as indicated by the first table in Unified memory allocators.

Below is a small example that demonstrates an explicit page fault and how XNACK affects the page fault behavior.

#include <hip/hip_runtime.h>
#include <iostream>

#define HIP_CHECK(expression)              \
{                                          \
    const hipError_t err = expression;     \
    if(err != hipSuccess){                 \
        std::cerr << "HIP error: "         \
            << hipGetErrorString(err)      \
            << " at " << __LINE__ << "\n"; \
        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                \
    }                                      \

__global__ void write_to_memory(int* data, int size)
    int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (idx < size)
        // Writing to memory that may not have been allocated in GPU memory
        data[idx] = idx * 2; // Triggers a page fault if not resident

int main()
    const int N = 1024; // 1K elements
    const int blocksize = 256;
    int* data;

    // Allocate unified memory
    HIP_CHECK(hipMallocManaged(&data, N * sizeof(int)));

    // Intentionally don't initialize or prefetch any part of the data
    // No initialization: data is uninitialized but accessible

    // Launch kernel that writes to all elements
    dim3 threads(blocksize);
    dim3 blocks(N / blocksize);
    hipLaunchKernelGGL(write_to_memory, blocks, threads, 0, 0, data, N);

    // Synchronize to ensure kernel completion/termination and fault resolution

    // Check results
    bool pass = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
        if (data[i] != (i * 2))
            pass = false;
            std::cout << "Failed at position" << i << " with value " << data[i] <<std::endl;

    if (pass)
        std::cout << "Passed" << std::endl;

    // Free memory
    return 0;

The key behaviors in the example above are as follows:-

  1. No Prefetch or Initialization: The memory is allocated using hipMallocManaged, but
    it’s not initialized or explicitly prefetched to the GPU.
  2. Kernel Write: The kernel writes to the entire array, including memory locations
    that haven’t been allocated in GPU memory yet. This triggers page faults for pages
    not currently mapped to the GPU.
  3. If XNACK is enabled, page faults are handled gracefully: the runtime allocates
    or fetches the missing pages as needed, ensuring correct execution. If XNACK is
    disabled, the GPU would not handle the page faults, leading to undefined behavior.

To check if page migration is available on a platform, use rocminfo:

$ rocminfo | grep xnack
Name:                    amdgcn-amd-amdhsa--gfx90a:sramecc+:xnack-

Here, xnack- means that XNACK is available but is disabled by default. Turning on XNACK by setting the environment variable HSA_XNACK=1 gives the expected result, xnack+:

$ HSA_XNACK=1 rocminfo | grep xnack
Name:                    amdgcn-amd-amdhsa--gfx90a:sramecc+:xnack+

hipcc by default generates code that runs correctly with both XNACK enabled or disabled. Setting the --offload-arch=-option with xnack+ or xnack- forces code to be only run with XNACK enabled or disabled respectively.

# Compiled kernels will run regardless if XNACK is enabled or is disabled.
hipcc --offload-arch=gfx90a

# Compiled kernels will only run with XNACK enabled (HSA_XNACK=1)
# If XNACK is disabled, execution will fail because no compatible kernel is available.
hipcc --offload-arch=gfx90a:xnack+

# Compiled kernels will only run with XNACK disabled (HSA_XNACK=0)
# If XNACK is enabled, execution will fail because no compatible kernel is available.
hipcc --offload-arch=gfx90a:xnack-

Unified memory allocators#

Support for the different unified memory allocators depends on the GPU architecture and on the system. For more information, see System requirements and Checking unified memory support.

  • HIP allocated managed memory and variables

    hipMallocManaged() is a dynamic memory allocator available on all GPUs with unified memory support. For more details, visit Managed memory.

    The __managed__ declaration specifier, which serves as its counterpart, can be utilized for static allocation.

  • System allocated unified memory

    Starting with CDNA2, the new and malloc() system allocators allow you to reserve unified memory. The system allocator is more versatile and offers an easy transition for code written for CPUs to HIP code as the same system allocation API is used.

To ensure the proper functioning of system allocated unified memory on supported GPUs, it is essential to configure the environment variable HSA_XNACK=1 and use a kernel that supports HMM. Without this configuration, the behavior will be similar to that of systems without HMM support.

The table below illustrates the expected behavior of managed and unified memory functions on ROCm and CUDA, both with and without HMM support.

Comparison of expected behavior of managed and unified memory functions in ROCm#


Allocation origin without HMM or HSA_XNACK=0

Access outside the origin without HMM or HSA_XNACK=0

Allocation origin with HMM and HSA_XNACK=1

Access outside the origin with HMM and HSA_XNACK=1

new, malloc()


not accessible on device


page-fault migration



zero copy [zc]


zero copy [zc]

hipMallocManaged(), __managed__

pinned host

zero copy [zc]


page-fault migration


undefined behavior

undefined behavior


page-fault migration


pinned host

zero copy [zc]

pinned host

zero copy [zc]

Comparison of expected behavior of managed and unified memory functions in CUDA#


Allocation origin without HMM

Access outside the origin without HMM

Allocation origin with HMM

Access outside the origin with HMM

new, malloc()


not accessible on device

first touch

page-fault migration



not accessible on host


page-fault migration

cudaMallocManaged(), __managed__


page-fault migration

first touch

page-fault migration



page-fault migration


page-fault migration


pinned host

zero copy [zc]

pinned host

zero copy [zc]

[zc] (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

Zero copy is a feature, where the memory is pinned to either the device or the host, and won’t be transferred when accessed by another device or the host. Instead only the requested memory is transferred, without making an explicit copy, like a normal memory access, hence the term “zero copy”.

Checking unified memory support#

The following device attributes can offer information about which Unified memory allocators are supported. The attribute value is 1 if the functionality is supported, and 0 if it is not supported.

Device attributes for unified memory management#




Device supports allocating managed memory on this system


Device supports coherently accessing pageable memory without calling hipHostRegister() on it.


Full unified memory support. Device can coherently access managed memory concurrently with the CPU

For details on how to get the attributes of a specific device see hipDeviceGetAttribute().

Example for unified memory management#

The following example shows how to use unified memory with hipMallocManaged() for dynamic allocation, the __managed__ attribute for static allocation and the standard new allocation. For comparison, the explicit memory management example is presented in the last tab.

#include <hip/hip_runtime.h>
#include <iostream>

#define HIP_CHECK(expression)              \
{                                          \
    const hipError_t err = expression;     \
    if(err != hipSuccess){                 \
        std::cerr << "HIP error: "         \
            << hipGetErrorString(err)      \
            << " at " << __LINE__ << "\n"; \
    }                                      \

// Addition of two values.
__global__ void add(int *a, int *b, int *c) {
    *c = *a + *b;

int main() {
    int *a, *b, *c;

    // Allocate memory for a, b and c that is accessible to both device and host codes.
    HIP_CHECK(hipMallocManaged(&a, sizeof(*a)));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMallocManaged(&b, sizeof(*b)));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMallocManaged(&c, sizeof(*c)));

    // Setup input values.
    *a = 1;
    *b = 2;

    // Launch add() kernel on GPU.
    hipLaunchKernelGGL(add, dim3(1), dim3(1), 0, 0, a, b, c);

    // Wait for GPU to finish before accessing on host.

    // Print the result.
    std::cout << *a << " + " << *b << " = " << *c << std::endl;

    // Cleanup allocated memory.

    return 0;
#include <hip/hip_runtime.h>
#include <iostream>

#define HIP_CHECK(expression)              \
{                                          \
    const hipError_t err = expression;     \
    if(err != hipSuccess){                 \
        std::cerr << "HIP error: "         \
            << hipGetErrorString(err)      \
            << " at " << __LINE__ << "\n"; \
    }                                      \

// Addition of two values.
__global__ void add(int *a, int *b, int *c) {
    *c = *a + *b;

// Declare a, b and c as static variables.
__managed__ int a, b, c;

int main() {
    // Setup input values.
    a = 1;
    b = 2;

    // Launch add() kernel on GPU.
    hipLaunchKernelGGL(add, dim3(1), dim3(1), 0, 0, &a, &b, &c);

    // Wait for GPU to finish before accessing on host.

    // Prints the result.
    std::cout << a << " + " << b << " = " << c << std::endl;

    return 0;
#include <hip/hip_runtime.h>
#include <iostream>

#define HIP_CHECK(expression)              \
{                                          \
    const hipError_t err = expression;     \
    if(err != hipSuccess){                 \
        std::cerr << "HIP error: "         \
            << hipGetErrorString(err)      \
            << " at " << __LINE__ << "\n"; \
    }                                      \

// Addition of two values.
__global__ void add(int* a, int* b, int* c) {
    *c = *a + *b;

// This example requires HMM support and the environment variable HSA_XNACK needs to be set to 1
int main() {
    // Allocate memory for a, b, and c.
    int *a = new int[1];
    int *b = new int[1];
    int *c = new int[1];

    // Setup input values.
    *a = 1;
    *b = 2;

    // Launch add() kernel on GPU.
    hipLaunchKernelGGL(add, dim3(1), dim3(1), 0, 0, a, b, c);

    // Wait for GPU to finish before accessing on host.

    // Prints the result.
    std::cout << *a << " + " << *b << " = " << *c << std::endl;

    // Cleanup allocated memory.
    delete[] a;
    delete[] b;
    delete[] c;

    return 0;
#include <hip/hip_runtime.h>
#include <iostream>

#define HIP_CHECK(expression)              \
{                                          \
    const hipError_t err = expression;     \
    if(err != hipSuccess){                 \
        std::cerr << "HIP error: "         \
            << hipGetErrorString(err)      \
            << " at " << __LINE__ << "\n"; \
    }                                      \

// Addition of two values.
__global__ void add(int *a, int *b, int *c) {
    *c = *a + *b;

int main() {
    int a, b, c;
    int *d_a, *d_b, *d_c;

    // Setup input values.
    a = 1;
    b = 2;

    // Allocate device copies of a, b and c.
    HIP_CHECK(hipMalloc(&d_a, sizeof(*d_a)));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMalloc(&d_b, sizeof(*d_b)));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMalloc(&d_c, sizeof(*d_c)));

    // Copy input values to device.
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpy(d_a, &a, sizeof(*d_a), hipMemcpyHostToDevice));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpy(d_b, &b, sizeof(*d_b), hipMemcpyHostToDevice));

    // Launch add() kernel on GPU.
    hipLaunchKernelGGL(add, dim3(1), dim3(1), 0, 0, d_a, d_b, d_c);

    // Copy the result back to the host.
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpy(&c, d_c, sizeof(*d_c), hipMemcpyDeviceToHost));

    // Cleanup allocated memory.

    // Prints the result.
    std::cout << a << " + " << b << " = " << c << std::endl;

    return 0;

Using unified memory#

Unified memory can simplify the complexities of memory management in GPU computing, by not requiring explicit copies between the host and the devices. It can be particularly useful in use cases with sparse memory accesses from both the CPU and the GPU, as only the parts of the memory region that are actually accessed need to be transferred to the corresponding processor, not the whole memory region. This reduces the amount of memory sent over the PCIe bus or other interfaces.

In HIP, pinned memory allocations are coherent by default. Pinned memory is host memory mapped into the address space of all GPUs, meaning that the pointer can be used on both host and device. Additionally, using pinned memory instead of pageable memory on the host can improve bandwidth for transfers between the host and the GPUs.

While unified memory can provide numerous benefits, it’s important to be aware of the potential performance overhead associated with unified memory. You must thoroughly test and profile your code to ensure it’s the most suitable choice for your use case.

Performance optimizations for unified memory#

There are several ways, in which the developer can guide the runtime to reduce copies between devices, in order to improve performance.

Data prefetching#

Data prefetching is a technique used to improve the performance of your application by moving data to the desired device before it’s actually needed. hipCpuDeviceId is a special constant to specify the CPU as target.

#include <hip/hip_runtime.h>
#include <iostream>

#define HIP_CHECK(expression)              \
{                                          \
    const hipError_t err = expression;     \
    if(err != hipSuccess){                 \
        std::cerr << "HIP error: "         \
            << hipGetErrorString(err)      \
            << " at " << __LINE__ << "\n"; \
    }                                      \

// Addition of two values.
__global__ void add(int *a, int *b, int *c) {
    *c = *a + *b;

int main() {
    int *a, *b, *c;
    int deviceId;
    HIP_CHECK(hipGetDevice(&deviceId)); // Get the current device ID

    // Allocate memory for a, b and c that is accessible to both device and host codes.
    HIP_CHECK(hipMallocManaged(&a, sizeof(*a)));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMallocManaged(&b, sizeof(*b)));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMallocManaged(&c, sizeof(*c)));

    // Setup input values.
    *a = 1;
    *b = 2;

    // Prefetch the data to the GPU device.
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemPrefetchAsync(a, sizeof(*a), deviceId, 0));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemPrefetchAsync(b, sizeof(*b), deviceId, 0));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemPrefetchAsync(c, sizeof(*c), deviceId, 0));

    // Launch add() kernel on GPU.
    hipLaunchKernelGGL(add, dim3(1), dim3(1), 0, 0, a, b, c);

    // Prefetch the result back to the CPU.
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemPrefetchAsync(c, sizeof(*c), hipCpuDeviceId, 0));

    // Wait for the prefetch operations to complete.

    // Prints the result.
    std::cout << *a << " + " << *b << " = " << *c << std::endl;

    // Cleanup allocated memory.

    return 0;

Memory advice#

Unified memory runtime hints can be set with hipMemAdvise() to help improve the performance of your code if you know the memory usage pattern. There are several different types of hints as specified in the enum hipMemoryAdvise, for example, whether a certain device mostly reads the memory region, where it should ideally be located, and even whether that specific memory region is accessed by a specific device.

For the best performance, profile your application to optimize the utilization of HIP runtime hints.

The effectiveness of hipMemAdvise() comes from its ability to inform the runtime of the developer’s intentions regarding memory usage. When the runtime has knowledge of the expected memory access patterns, it can make better decisions about data placement, leading to less transfers via the interconnect and thereby reduced latency and bandwidth requirements. However, the actual impact on performance can vary based on the specific use case and the system.

The following is the updated version of the example above with memory advice instead of prefetching.

#include <hip/hip_runtime.h>
#include <iostream>

#define HIP_CHECK(expression)              \
{                                          \
    const hipError_t err = expression;     \
    if(err != hipSuccess){                 \
        std::cerr << "HIP error: "         \
            << hipGetErrorString(err)      \
            << " at " << __LINE__ << "\n"; \
    }                                      \

// Addition of two values.
__global__ void add(int *a, int *b, int *c) {
    *c = *a + *b;

int main() {
    int deviceId;
    int *a, *b, *c;

    // Allocate memory for a, b, and c accessible to both device and host codes.
    HIP_CHECK(hipMallocManaged(&a, sizeof(*a)));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMallocManaged(&b, sizeof(*b)));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMallocManaged(&c, sizeof(*c)));

    // Set memory advice for a and b to be read, located on and accessed by the GPU.
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemAdvise(a, sizeof(*a), hipMemAdviseSetPreferredLocation, deviceId));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemAdvise(a, sizeof(*a), hipMemAdviseSetAccessedBy, deviceId));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemAdvise(a, sizeof(*a), hipMemAdviseSetReadMostly, deviceId));

    HIP_CHECK(hipMemAdvise(b, sizeof(*b), hipMemAdviseSetPreferredLocation, deviceId));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemAdvise(b, sizeof(*b), hipMemAdviseSetAccessedBy, deviceId));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemAdvise(b, sizeof(*b), hipMemAdviseSetReadMostly, deviceId));

    // Set memory advice for c to be read, located on and accessed by the CPU.
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemAdvise(c, sizeof(*c), hipMemAdviseSetPreferredLocation, hipCpuDeviceId));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemAdvise(c, sizeof(*c), hipMemAdviseSetAccessedBy, hipCpuDeviceId));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMemAdvise(c, sizeof(*c), hipMemAdviseSetReadMostly, hipCpuDeviceId));

    // Setup input values.
    *a = 1;
    *b = 2;

    // Launch add() kernel on GPU.
    hipLaunchKernelGGL(add, dim3(1), dim3(1), 0, 0, a, b, c);

    // Wait for GPU to finish before accessing on host.

    // Prints the result.
    std::cout << *a << " + " << *b << " = " << *c << std::endl;

    // Cleanup allocated memory.

    return 0;

Memory range attributes#

hipMemRangeGetAttribute() allows you to query attributes of a given memory range. The attributes are given in hipMemRangeAttribute.

#include <hip/hip_runtime.h>
#include <iostream>

#define HIP_CHECK(expression)              \
{                                          \
    const hipError_t err = expression;     \
    if(err != hipSuccess){                 \
        std::cerr << "HIP error: "         \
            << hipGetErrorString(err)      \
            << " at " << __LINE__ << "\n"; \
    }                                      \

// Addition of two values.
__global__ void add(int *a, int *b, int *c) {
    *c = *a + *b;

int main() {
    int *a, *b, *c;
    unsigned int attributeValue;
    constexpr size_t attributeSize = sizeof(attributeValue);

    int deviceId;

    // Allocate memory for a, b and c that is accessible to both device and host codes.
    HIP_CHECK(hipMallocManaged(&a, sizeof(*a)));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMallocManaged(&b, sizeof(*b)));
    HIP_CHECK(hipMallocManaged(&c, sizeof(*c)));

    // Setup input values.
    *a = 1;
    *b = 2;

    HIP_CHECK(hipMemAdvise(a, sizeof(*a), hipMemAdviseSetReadMostly, deviceId));

    // Launch add() kernel on GPU.
    hipLaunchKernelGGL(add, dim3(1), dim3(1), 0, 0, a, b, c);

    // Wait for GPU to finish before accessing on host.

    // Query an attribute of the memory range.

    // Prints the result.
    std::cout << *a << " + " << *b << " = " << *c << std::endl;
    std::cout << "The array a is" << (attributeValue == 1 ? "" : " NOT") << " set to hipMemRangeAttributeReadMostly" << std::endl;

    // Cleanup allocated memory.

    return 0;

Asynchronously attach memory to a stream#

The hipStreamAttachMemAsync() function attaches memory to a stream, which can reduce the amount of memory transferred, when managed memory is used. When the memory is attached to a stream using this function, it only gets transferred between devices, when a kernel that is launched on this stream needs access to the memory.