Data Fields - Variables#
Here is a list of all variables with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- p -
- pageableMemoryAccess : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- pageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- params : hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams, hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams
- paramsArray : hipExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams, hipExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams
- pciBusID : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- pciDeviceID : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- pciDomainID : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- persistingL2CacheMaxSize : hipDeviceProp_t
- pitch : HIP_MEMSET_NODE_PARAMS, hipMemsetParams, hipPitchedPtr
- pitch2D : HIP_RESOURCE_DESC, hipResourceDesc
- pitchInBytes : HIP_RESOURCE_DESC, hipResourceDesc
- poolProps : hipMemAllocNodeParams
- preferredShmemCarveout : hipFuncAttributes
- priority : hipKernelNodeAttrValue
- ptr : hipPitchedPtr
- ptxVersion : hipFuncAttributes