Data Fields - Variables#
Here is a list of all variables with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- c -
- cacheModeCA : hipFuncAttributes
- canMapHostMemory : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- canUseHostPointerForRegisteredMem : hipDeviceProp_t
- channelDesc : textureReference
- clockInstructionRate : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- clockRate : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- clusterLaunch : hipDeviceProp_t
- compressionType : hipMemAllocationProp
- computeMode : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- computePreemptionSupported : hipDeviceProp_t
- concurrentKernels : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- concurrentManagedAccess : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- constSizeBytes : hipFuncAttributes
- cooperative : hipKernelNodeAttrValue
- cooperativeLaunch : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- cooperativeMultiDeviceLaunch : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedBlockDim : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedFunc : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedGridDim : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedSharedMem : hipDeviceProp_t, hipDeviceProp_tR0000
- copyParams : hipMemcpyNodeParams