Building HIP from Source#


HIP code can be developed either on AMD ROCm platform using HIP-Clang compiler, or a CUDA platform with nvcc installed. Before build and run HIP, make sure drivers and pre-build packages are installed properly on the platform.

AMD platform#

Install ROCm packages or pre-built binary packages using the package manager. Refer to the ROCm Installation Guide at for more information on installing ROCm.

sudo apt install mesa-common-dev
sudo apt install clang
sudo apt install comgr
sudo apt-get -y install rocm-dkms
sudo apt-get install -y libelf-dev

NVIDIA platform#

Install Nvidia driver and pre-build packages (see HIP Installation Guide at for the release)

Branch of repository#

Before get HIP source code, set the expected branch of repository at the variable ROCM_BRANCH. For example, for ROCm6.0 release branch, set

export ROCM_BRANCH=rocm-6.0.x

ROCm5.7 release branch, set

export ROCM_BRANCH=rocm-5.7.x

Similiar format for future branches.

ROCM_PATH is path where ROCM is installed. BY default ROCM_PATH is at /opt/rocm.

Build HIP on AMD platform#

Get HIP source code#

git clone -b "$ROCM_BRANCH"
git clone -b "$ROCM_BRANCH"
git clone -b "$ROCM_BRANCH"

Set the environment variables#

export CLR_DIR="$(readlink -f clr)"
export HIP_DIR="$(readlink -f hip)"
export HIPCC_DIR="$(readlink -f HIPCC)"

Note, starting from ROCM 5.6 release, clr is a new repository including the previous ROCclr, HIPAMD and OpenCl repositories. ROCclr is defined on AMD platform that HIP uses Radeon Open Compute Common Language Runtime (ROCclr), which is a virtual device interface that HIP runtimes interact with different backends. HIPAMD provides implementation specifically for AMD platform. OpenCL provides headers that ROCclr runtime currently depends on.

Build the HIPCC runtime#

mkdir -p build; cd build
cmake ..
make -j4

Build HIP#

cd "$CLR_DIR"
mkdir -p build; cd build

make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

Note, if CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is not specified, hip runtime will be installed to <ROCM_PATH>/hip. By default, release version of HIP is built.

Default paths and environment variables#

  • By default HIP looks for HSA in <ROCM_PATH>/hsa (can be overridden by setting HSA_PATH environment variable).

  • By default HIP is installed into <ROCM_PATH>/hip.

  • By default HIP looks for clang in <ROCM_PATH>/llvm/bin (can be overridden by setting HIP_CLANG_PATH environment variable)

  • By default HIP looks for device library in <ROCM_PATH>/lib (can be overridden by setting DEVICE_LIB_PATH environment variable).

  • Optionally, consider adding <ROCM_PATH>/bin to your PATH to make it easier to use the tools.

  • Optionally, set HIPCC_VERBOSE=7 to output the command line for compilation.

Generating profiling header after adding/changing a HIP API#

When you add or change a HIP API, you must generate a new hip_prof_str.h header. ROCm tools like ROCProfiler and ROCTracer use this header to track HIP APIs. To generate the header after your change, use the tool present in hipamd/src.

Usage: [-v] <input HIP API .h file> <patched srcs path> <previous output> [<output>]


  • -v - verbose messages

  • -r - process source directory recursively

  • -t - API types matching check

  • –priv - private API check

  • -e - on error exit mode

  • -p - HIP_INIT_API macro patching mode

Example Usage: -v -p -t --priv <hip>/include/hip/hip_runtime_api.h \
<hipamd>/src <hipamd>/include/hip/amd_detail/hip_prof_str.h         \

Build HIP tests#

HIP catch tests, with new architectured Catch2, are official seperated from HIP project, exist in HIP tests repository, can be built via the following instructions.

Get HIP tests source code#

git clone -b "$ROCM_BRANCH"

Build HIP tests from source#

export HIPTESTS_DIR="$(readlink -f hip-tests)"
mkdir -p build; cd build
cmake ../catch -DHIP_PLATFORM=amd -DHIP_PATH=$CLR_DIR/build/install # or any path where HIP is installed, for example, /opt/rocm.
make -j$(nproc) build_tests # build tests
cd build/catch_tests && ctest # to run all tests.

HIP catch tests are built under the folder $HIPTESTS_DIR/build. Note that when using ctest, you can use different ctest options, for example, to run all tests with the keyword hipMemset,

ctest -R hipMemset

Use the below option will print test failures for failed tests,

ctest --output-on-failure

For more information, refer to

To run any single catch test, the following is an example,

cd $HIPTESTS_DIR/build/catch_tests/unit/texture

Build HIP Catch2 standalone test#

HIP Catch2 supports build a standalone test, for example,

hipcc $HIPTESTS_DIR/catch/unit/memory/ -I ./catch/include ./catch/hipTestMain/ -I ./catch/external/Catch2 -o hipPointerGetAttributes

All tests passed

Build HIP on NVIDIA platform#

Get HIP source code#

git clone -b "$ROCM_BRANCH"
git clone -b "$ROCM_BRANCH"
git clone -b "$ROCM_BRANCH"

Set the environment variables#

export HIP_DIR="$(readlink -f hip)"
export CLR_DIR="$(readlink -f hipamd)"
export HIPCC_DIR="$(readlink -f hipcc)"

Build the HIPCC runtime#

mkdir -p build; cd build
cmake ..
make -j4

Build HIP#

cd "$CLR_DIR"
mkdir -p build; cd build
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

Build HIP tests#

Build HIP tests commands on NVIDIA platform are basically the same as AMD, except set -DHIP_PLATFORM=nvidia.

Run HIP#

Compile and run the square sample.