Understanding the rocDecode videodecode sample

Understanding the rocDecode videodecode sample#

The videodecode.cpp sample in the rocDecode GitHub repository samples folder demonstrates how to decode a video stream.

As with the other rocDecode samples, videodecode.cpp uses the utility classes in the rocDecode repository’s utils folder.

rocDecode provides two ways to decode a video stream: using the rocDecode RocVideoDecoder on GPU or using the FFMpeg video decoder on CPU.

The videodecode.cpp sample lets the user choose which method to use through the --backend argument.

videodecode.cpp takes the following arguments:





Input file path

Required. The path to the input video stream.


Output file path

Optional. The file to which to write the decoded frames, including those that remain in the decoded frame buffer pool when the RocVideoDecoder is being reconfigured.


GPU device ID

Optional. Set it to 0 for the first device, 1 for the second device, 2 for the third device, and so on for each subsequent device. Set to 0 by default.


The backend to use for decoding

Optional. Set it to 0 to use RocVideoDecode on GPU, 1 to use the FFMpeg decoder on CPU, or 2 to use the FFMpeg decoder with no multithreading on CPU. Uses RocVideoDecode on GPU by default.


Number of frames to decode

Optional. Decodes the entire stream by default.


Force zero latency

Optional. When set to true forces decoded frames to be flushed out for display immediately. false by default.


Display delay

Optional. The number of frames to decode before displaying the results. Set to 1 by default.


Extract Supplemental Enhancement Information (SEI)

Optional. Set to true to extract SEI. false by default.


Generate MD5 message digest

Optional. Set to true to generate the MD5 message digest for the decoded YUV image sequence. false by default.


Compare the generated MD5 with a provided MD5 string

Optional. When a file containing an MD5 string is passed to this argument, the MD5 message is compared to the string in the file.


Crop rectangle

Optional. Takes four integers defining the crop rectangle to use with the output. This argument is ignored when using interopped decoded frame. See the documentation for the Rect struct for more information. There is no cropping by default.


The output surface memory type

Optional. The memory type where the surface data, such as the decoded frames, resides. Set this to 0 for intermediate GPU memory, to 1 for GPU memory, and to 2 for CPU memory. See Surface data memory locations for more information. Uses intermediate GPU memory by default.


Seek criteria and seek starting point

Optional. Set to 1 and the frame number to start demultiplexing from that specific frame. Set to 2 and the timestamp to start demultiplexing from that specific timestamp. The seek criteria and starting point must be comma-separated (,). Demultiplexing begins at the first frame by default.


Seek mode

Optional. Set to 0 to seek to the previous keyframe. Set to 1 to seek to the exact frame. Seeks to previous keyframe by default.


Don’t use the FFMpeg demultiplexer

Optional. Set to true to use the RocDecode bitstream reader to obtain picture data. The bitstream reader can only be used with an elementary stream. The FFmpeg demultiplexer is used by default.

Because the videodecode.cpp example can use the RocDecode RocVideoDecoder, the FFMpeg decoder, the FFmpeg demultiplexer (demuxer), or the RocDecode bitstream reader, it imports the roc_video_dec.h, video_demuxer.h, and ffmpeg_video_dec.h header files. These headers contain the convenience classes and functions for decoding and demultiplexing video.

The FFMpeg demuxer is used to demultiplex the input stream unless the -no_ffmpeg_demux argument was set to true.

VideoDemuxer *demuxer;
demuxer = new VideoDemuxer(input_file_path.c_str());

The GetCodecId and GetBitDepth functions are used to obtain the video stream’s codec and bit depth. The AVCodec2RocDecVideoCodec utility function converts the codec returned from the demuxer to its corresponding rocDecVideoCodec_enum value.

rocdec_codec_id = AVCodec2RocDecVideoCodec(demuxer->GetCodecID());
bit_depth = demuxer->GetBitDepth();

The codec ID and bit depth are used to instantiate the video decoder. If the GPU backend was selected, the RocVideoDecoder is instantiated:

RocVideoDecoder *viddec;
viddec = new RocVideoDecoder(device_id, mem_type, rocdec_codec_id, b_force_zero_latency, p_crop_rect, b_extract_sei_messages, disp_delay);

For more information about the rocDecode RocVideoDecoder, see Using the rocDecode RocVideoDecoder.

If the CPU backend was selected, the FFMpeg decoder is instantiated:

viddec = new FFMpegVideoDecoder(device_id, mem_type, rocdec_codec_id, b_force_zero_latency, p_crop_rect, b_extract_sei_messages, disp_delay);

The decoder instance is reused when there is a change to the video resolution without a change in the codec. When the video stream resolution changes, the decoder is reconfigured for the new resolution and the pool of frame buffers that the decoder maintains is deleted.

The ReconfigParams_t struct is used to store information on how to handle the frames that remain in the buffers at the time of reconfiguration. A callback, a user-defined flush mode, and a user-defined struct are passed to ReconfigParams_t. The reconfiguration parameters are then passed to the decoder using SetReconfigParams.

The reconfiguration structs are defined in common.h in the rocDecode samples. Three possibilities for the remaining frames in the decoded frame buffer pool are provided:

  • RECONFIG_FLUSH_MODE_NONE: delete the frames along with the buffers.

  • RECONFIG_FLUSH_MODE_DUMP_TO_FILE: write the frames to the specified output file before deleting the buffers.

  • RECONFIG_FLUSH_MODE_CALCULATE_MD5: calculate the MD5 of the frames before deleting the buffers.

typedef enum ReconfigFlushMode_enum {
  RECONFIG_FLUSH_MODE_NONE = 0,               /**<  Just flush to get the frame count */
    RECONFIG_FLUSH_MODE_DUMP_TO_FILE = 1,       /**<  The remaining frames will be dumped to file in this mode */
    RECONFIG_FLUSH_MODE_CALCULATE_MD5 = 2,      /**<  Calculate the MD5 of the flushed frames */
} ReconfigFlushMode;

typedef struct ReconfigDumpFileStruct_t {
  bool b_dump_frames_to_file;
  std::string output_file_name;
  void *md5_generator_handle;
} ReconfigDumpFileStruct;

If the -o output file path argument was set, the remaining frames in the decoded frame buffer pool will be written to the output file upon reconfiguration. If the -md5 argument was set to true, the MD5 of the frames in the decoded frame buffer pool will be calculated before they’re flushed or written to file. If neither option was selected, the frames in the decoded frame buffer pool will be deleted along with the buffers without being saved or processed.

reconfig_params.p_fn_reconfigure_flush = ReconfigureFlushCallback;
reconfig_user_struct.b_dump_frames_to_file = dump_output_frames;
reconfig_user_struct.output_file_name = output_file_path;
if (dump_output_frames) {
  reconfig_params.reconfig_flush_mode = RECONFIG_FLUSH_MODE_DUMP_TO_FILE;
} else if (b_generate_md5) {
  reconfig_params.reconfig_flush_mode = RECONFIG_FLUSH_MODE_CALCULATE_MD5;
} else {
  reconfig_params.reconfig_flush_mode = RECONFIG_FLUSH_MODE_NONE;
reconfig_params.p_reconfig_user_struct = &reconfig_user_struct;

The reconfiguration parameters need to be defined prior to entering the decoding loop.

In the decode loop, the video stream is demultiplexed before being decoded.

The demuxer will demultiplex frames sequentially starting at the beginning of the stream unless -seek_criteria was set to either 1 or 2.

If the -seek_criteria argument was set to 1 and -seek_mode was set to 1, the demuxer will start demultiplexing the video at the frame provided.

If the -seek_criteria argument was set to 1 and -seek_mode wasn’t set or was set to 0, the demuxer will start demultiplexing the video at the first keyframe before the frame provided.

If the -seek_criteria argument was set to 2 the demuxer will start demultiplexing the video at the timestamp provided.

The seek criteria is defined by the SeekCriteriaEnum enum and the seek mode is defined by the SeekModeEnum enum. Both the SeekCriteriaEnum and the SeekModeEnum are defined in video_demuxer.h.

From videodecode.cpp:

VideoSeekContext video_seek_ctx;
do {
  if (seek_criteria == 1 && first_frame) {
    // use VideoSeekContext class to seek to given frame number
    video_seek_ctx.seek_frame_ = seek_to_frame;
    video_seek_ctx.seek_crit_ = SEEK_CRITERIA_FRAME_NUM;
    video_seek_ctx.seek_mode_ = (seek_mode ? SEEK_MODE_EXACT_FRAME : SEEK_MODE_PREV_KEY_FRAME);
    demuxer->Seek(video_seek_ctx, &pvideo, &n_video_bytes);
    pts = video_seek_ctx.out_frame_pts_;
    std::cout << "info: Number of frames that were decoded during seek - " << video_seek_ctx.num_frames_decoded_ << std::endl;
    first_frame = false;
  } else if (seek_criteria == 2 && first_frame) {
    // use VideoSeekContext class to seek to given timestamp
    video_seek_ctx.seek_frame_ = seek_to_frame;
    video_seek_ctx.seek_crit_ = SEEK_CRITERIA_TIME_STAMP;
    video_seek_ctx.seek_mode_ = (seek_mode ? SEEK_MODE_EXACT_FRAME : SEEK_MODE_PREV_KEY_FRAME);
    demuxer->Seek(video_seek_ctx, &pvideo, &n_video_bytes);
    pts = video_seek_ctx.out_frame_pts_;
    std::cout << "info: Duration of frame found after seek - " << video_seek_ctx.out_frame_duration_ << " ms" << std::endl;
    first_frame = false;
  } else {
    demuxer->Demux(&pvideo, &n_video_bytes, &pts);

The video can now be decoded using the DecodeFrame function.

If the -md5 argument was set to true, MD5 is calculated for the file. If an output file path was provided, the decoded frames will be written to file.

The frame is released with ReleaseFrame once processing is complete.

n_frame_returned = viddec->DecodeFrame(pvideo, n_video_bytes, pkg_flags, pts, &decoded_pics);


for (int i = 0; i < n_frame_returned; i++) {
  pframe = viddec->GetFrame(&pts);
  if (b_generate_md5) {
    md5_generator->UpdateMd5ForFrame(pframe, surf_info);
  if (dump_output_frames && mem_type != OUT_SURFACE_MEM_NOT_MAPPED) {
    viddec->SaveFrameToFile(output_file_path, pframe, surf_info);


The demuxer is deleted once decoding is done.

delete demuxer;