Using the rocDecode FFmpeg demultiplexer

Using the rocDecode FFmpeg demultiplexer#

The rocDecode FFmpeg demultiplexer (demuxer) extracts coded picture data from digital media files.

To use the rocDecode FFmpeg demuxer , import the video_demuxer.h header file.

#include "video_demuxer.h"

Instantiate a VideoDemuxer with the path to the video file. The GetCodecId and GetBitDepth functions can be used to obtain the video stream’s codec ID and bit depth. The AVCodec2RocDecVideoCodec utility function converts the codec ID returned from the demuxer to its corresponding rocDecVideoCodec_enum value.

VideoDemuxer *demuxer;
demuxer = new VideoDemuxer(input_file_path.c_str());
rocdec_codec_id = AVCodec2RocDecVideoCodec(demuxer->GetCodecID());
bit_depth = demuxer->GetBitDepth();

Call Demux to extract frame data from the stream:

demuxer->Demux(&pvideo, &n_video_bytes, &pts);

The demuxer will demultiplex frames sequentially starting at the beginning of the stream. To start the demultiplexing and decoding process from a different frame, create a seek context that specifies a seek criteria and a seek mode.

The seek criteria describes whether the demuxer needs to seek to a specific frame or seek to a specific timestamp. The seek mode indicates whether the demuxer should seek to the exact frame or to the previous keyframe.

The seek criteria is defined by the SeekCriteriaEnum enum and the seek mode is defined by the SeekModeEnum enum. Both the SeekCriteriaEnum and the SeekModeEnum are defined in video_demuxer.h.

Set the seek criteria to SEEK_CRITERIA_FRAME_NUM to seek to a frame or to SEEK_CRITERIA_TIME_STAMP to seek to a timestamp. Set the seek mode to SEEK_MODE_EXACT_FRAME to seek to the exact frame or to SEEK_MODE_PREV_KEY_FRAME to seek to the previous keyframe.

From videodecode.cpp:

VideoSeekContext video_seek_ctx;
do {
  if (seek_criteria == 1 && first_frame) {
    // use VideoSeekContext class to seek to given frame number
    video_seek_ctx.seek_frame_ = seek_to_frame;
    video_seek_ctx.seek_crit_ = SEEK_CRITERIA_FRAME_NUM;
    video_seek_ctx.seek_mode_ = (seek_mode ? SEEK_MODE_EXACT_FRAME : SEEK_MODE_PREV_KEY_FRAME);
    demuxer->Seek(video_seek_ctx, &pvideo, &n_video_bytes);
    pts = video_seek_ctx.out_frame_pts_;
    std::cout << "info: Number of frames that were decoded during seek - " << video_seek_ctx.num_frames_decoded_ << std::endl;
    first_frame = false;
  } else if (seek_criteria == 2 && first_frame) {
    // use VideoSeekContext class to seek to given timestamp
    video_seek_ctx.seek_frame_ = seek_to_frame;
    video_seek_ctx.seek_crit_ = SEEK_CRITERIA_TIME_STAMP;
    video_seek_ctx.seek_mode_ = (seek_mode ? SEEK_MODE_EXACT_FRAME : SEEK_MODE_PREV_KEY_FRAME);
    demuxer->Seek(video_seek_ctx, &pvideo, &n_video_bytes);
    pts = video_seek_ctx.out_frame_pts_;
    std::cout << "info: Duration of frame found after seek - " << video_seek_ctx.out_frame_duration_ << " ms" << std::endl;
    first_frame = false;
  } else {
    demuxer->Demux(&pvideo, &n_video_bytes, &pts);
} while (n_video_bytes);

Delete the demuxer once demultiplexing is complete.

delete demuxer;