AMD rocAL - Meta Data API

AMD rocAL - Meta Data API#

rocAL: API: AMD rocAL - Meta Data API
API: AMD rocAL - Meta Data API

The AMD rocAL meta data functions. More...


RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateLabelReader (RocalContext rocal_context, const char *source_path, const char *file_list_path="")
 creates label reader More...
RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateVideoLabelReader (RocalContext rocal_context, const char *source_path, unsigned sequence_length, unsigned frame_step, unsigned frame_stride, bool file_list_frame_num=true)
 creates video label reader More...
RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateTFReader (RocalContext rocal_context, const char *source_path, bool is_output, const char *user_key_for_label, const char *user_key_for_filename)
 create tf reader More...
RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateTFReaderDetection (RocalContext rocal_context, const char *source_path, bool is_output, const char *user_key_for_label, const char *user_key_for_text, const char *user_key_for_xmin, const char *user_key_for_ymin, const char *user_key_for_xmax, const char *user_key_for_ymax, const char *user_key_for_filename)
 create tf reader detection More...
RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateCOCOReader (RocalContext rocal_context, const char *source_path, bool is_output, bool mask=false, bool ltrb=true, bool is_box_encoder=false, bool avoid_class_remapping=false, bool aspect_ratio_grouping=false, bool is_box_iou_matcher=false)
 create coco reader More...
RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateCOCOReaderKeyPoints (RocalContext rocal_context, const char *source_path, bool is_output, float sigma=0.0, unsigned pose_output_width=0, unsigned pose_output_height=0)
 create coco reader key points More...
RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateTextFileBasedLabelReader (RocalContext rocal_context, const char *source_path)
 create text file based label reader More...
RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateCaffeLMDBLabelReader (RocalContext rocal_context, const char *source_path)
 create caffe LMDB label reader More...
RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateCaffeLMDBReaderDetection (RocalContext rocal_context, const char *source_path)
 create caffe LMDB label reader for object detection More...
RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateCaffe2LMDBLabelReader (RocalContext rocal_context, const char *source_path, bool is_output)
 create caffe2 LMDB label reader More...
RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateCaffe2LMDBReaderDetection (RocalContext rocal_context, const char *source_path, bool is_output)
 create caffe2 LMDB label reader for object detection More...
RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateMXNetReader (RocalContext rocal_context, const char *source_path, bool is_output)
 create MXNet reader More...
void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetImageName (RocalContext rocal_context, char *buf)
 get image name More...
unsigned ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetImageNameLen (RocalContext rocal_context, int *buf)
 get image name lengths More...
RocalTensorList ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetImageLabels (RocalContext rocal_context)
 get image labels More...
unsigned ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetBoundingBoxCount (RocalContext rocal_context)
 get bounding box count More...
unsigned ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetMaskCount (RocalContext p_context, int *buf)
 get mask count More...
RocalTensorList ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetMaskCoordinates (RocalContext p_context, int *bufcount)
 get mask coordinates More...
RocalTensorList ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetBoundingBoxLabel (RocalContext rocal_context)
 get bounding box label More...
RocalTensorList ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetBoundingBoxCords (RocalContext rocal_context)
 get bounding box coordinates More...
void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetImageSizes (RocalContext rocal_context, int *buf)
 get image sizes More...
void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetROIImageSizes (RocalContext rocal_context, int *buf)
 get ROI image sizes More...
RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateTextCifar10LabelReader (RocalContext rocal_context, const char *source_path, const char *file_prefix)
 create text cifar10 label reader More...
void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetOneHotImageLabels (RocalContext rocal_context, void *buf, int numOfClasses, RocalOutputMemType output_mem_type)
 get one hot image labels More...
void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetSequenceStartFrameNumber (RocalContext rocal_context, unsigned int *buf)
 get sequence starting frame number More...
void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetSequenceFrameTimestamps (RocalContext rocal_context, float *buf)
 get sequence time stamps More...
void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalBoxEncoder (RocalContext p_context, std::vector< float > &anchors, float criteria, std::vector< float > &means, std::vector< float > &stds, bool offset=false, float scale=1.0)
 rocal box encoder More...
void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCopyEncodedBoxesAndLables (RocalContext p_context, float *boxes_buf, int *labels_buf)
 copy encoded boxes and labels More...
RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetEncodedBoxesAndLables (RocalContext p_context, int num_encoded_boxes)
void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetImageId (RocalContext p_context, int *buf)
 get image id More...
void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetJointsDataPtr (RocalContext p_context, RocalJointsData **joints_data)
 get joints data pointer More...
void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalBoxIouMatcher (RocalContext p_context, std::vector< float > &anchors, float high_threshold, float low_threshold, bool allow_low_quality_matches=true)
 API to enable box IOU matcher and pass required params to pipeline. More...
RocalTensorList ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetMatchedIndices (RocalContext p_context)
 API to return the matched indices for the bounding box and anchors. More...

Detailed Description

The AMD rocAL meta data functions.

Function Documentation

◆ rocalBoxEncoder()

void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalBoxEncoder ( RocalContext  p_context,
std::vector< float > &  anchors,
float  criteria,
std::vector< float > &  means,
std::vector< float > &  stds,
bool  offset = false,
float  scale = 1.0 

rocal box encoder

[in]anchorsAnchors to be used for encoding, as the array of floats is in the ltrb format.
[in]criteriaThreshold IoU for matching bounding boxes with anchors. The value needs to be between 0 and 1.
[in]offsetReturns normalized offsets ((encoded_bboxes*scale - anchors*scale) - mean) / stds in EncodedBBoxes that use std and the mean and scale arguments
[in]means[x y w h] mean values for normalization.
[in]stds[x y w h] standard deviations for offset normalization.
[in]scaleRescales the box and anchor values before the offset is calculated (for example, to return to the absolute values).

◆ rocalBoxIouMatcher()

void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalBoxIouMatcher ( RocalContext  p_context,
std::vector< float > &  anchors,
float  high_threshold,
float  low_threshold,
bool  allow_low_quality_matches = true 

API to enable box IOU matcher and pass required params to pipeline.

[in]p_contextrocAL context
[in]anchorsThe anchors / ground truth bounding box coordinates
[in]high_thresholdThe max threshold for IOU
[in]low_thresholdThe min threshold for IOU
[in]allow_low_quality_matchesbool value when set to true allows low quality matches

◆ rocalCopyEncodedBoxesAndLables()

void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCopyEncodedBoxesAndLables ( RocalContext  p_context,
float *  boxes_buf,
int *  labels_buf 

copy encoded boxes and labels

[in]p_contextrocal context
[out]boxes_bufuser's buffer that will be filled with encoded bounding boxes . Its needs to be at least of size batch_size.
[out]labels_bufuser's buffer that will be filled with encoded labels . Its needs to be at least of size batch_size.

◆ rocalCreateCaffe2LMDBLabelReader()

RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateCaffe2LMDBLabelReader ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
const char *  source_path,
bool  is_output 

create caffe2 LMDB label reader

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[in]source_pathpath to the Caffe2LMDB records for Classification
RocalMetaData object, can be used to inquire about the rocal's output (processed) tensors

◆ rocalCreateCaffe2LMDBReaderDetection()

RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateCaffe2LMDBReaderDetection ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
const char *  source_path,
bool  is_output 

create caffe2 LMDB label reader for object detection

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[in]source_pathpath to the Caffe2LMDB records for Object Detection
RocalMetaData object - can be used to inquire about the rocal's output (processed) tensors

◆ rocalCreateCaffeLMDBLabelReader()

RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateCaffeLMDBLabelReader ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
const char *  source_path 

create caffe LMDB label reader

[in]source_pathpath to the Caffe LMDB records for Classification
RocalMetaData object, can be used to inquire about the rocal's output (processed) tensors

◆ rocalCreateCaffeLMDBReaderDetection()

RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateCaffeLMDBReaderDetection ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
const char *  source_path 

create caffe LMDB label reader for object detection

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[in]source_pathpath to the Caffe LMDB records for Object Detection
RocalMetaData object, can be used to inquire about the rocal's output (processed) tensors

◆ rocalCreateCOCOReader()

RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateCOCOReader ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
const char *  source_path,
bool  is_output,
bool  mask = false,
bool  ltrb = true,
bool  is_box_encoder = false,
bool  avoid_class_remapping = false,
bool  aspect_ratio_grouping = false,
bool  is_box_iou_matcher = false 

create coco reader

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[in]source_pathpath to the coco json file
[in]maskenable polygon masks
[in]ltrbIf set to True, bboxes are returned as [left, top, right, bottom]. If set to False, the bboxes are returned as [x, y, width, height]
[in]is_box_encoderIf set to True, bboxes are returned as encoded bboxes using the anchors
[in]avoid_class_remappingIf set to True, classes are returned directly. Otherwise, classes are mapped to consecutive values
[in]aspect_ratio_groupingIf set to True, images are sorted by their aspect ratio and returned
[in]is_box_iou_matcherIf set to True, box iou matcher which returns matched indices is enabled in the pipeline
RocalMetaData object, can be used to inquire about the rocal's output (processed) tensors

◆ rocalCreateCOCOReaderKeyPoints()

RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateCOCOReaderKeyPoints ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
const char *  source_path,
bool  is_output,
float  sigma = 0.0,
unsigned  pose_output_width = 0,
unsigned  pose_output_height = 0 

create coco reader key points

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[in]source_pathpath to the coco json file
[in]sigmasigma used for gaussian distribution (needed for HRNet Pose estimation)
[in]pose_output_widthoutput image width (needed for HRNet Pose estimation)
[in]pose_output_widthoutput image height (needed for HRNet Pose estimation)
RocalMetaData object, can be used to inquire about the rocal's output (processed) tensors

◆ rocalCreateLabelReader()

RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateLabelReader ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
const char *  source_path,
const char *  file_list_path = "" 

creates label reader

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[in]source_pathpath to the folder that contains the dataset or metadata file
file_list_pathis the path to file list that contains the file names and its corresponding labels
RocalMetaData object, can be used to inquire about the rocal's output (processed) tensors

◆ rocalCreateMXNetReader()

RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateMXNetReader ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
const char *  source_path,
bool  is_output 

create MXNet reader

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[in]source_pathpath to the MXNet recordio files for Classification
RocalMetaData object - can be used to inquire about the rocal's output (processed) tensors

◆ rocalCreateTextCifar10LabelReader()

RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateTextCifar10LabelReader ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
const char *  source_path,
const char *  file_prefix 

create text cifar10 label reader

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[in]source_pathpath to the file that contains the metadata file
[in]filename_prefixlook only files with prefix ( needed for cifar10)
RocalMetaData object, can be used to inquire about the rocal's output (processed) tensors

◆ rocalCreateTextFileBasedLabelReader()

RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateTextFileBasedLabelReader ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
const char *  source_path 

create text file based label reader

[in]source_pathpath to the file that contains the metadata file
RocalMetaData object, can be used to inquire about the rocal's output (processed) tensors

◆ rocalCreateTFReader()

RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateTFReader ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
const char *  source_path,
bool  is_output,
const char *  user_key_for_label,
const char *  user_key_for_filename 

create tf reader

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[in]source_pathpath to the coco json file
RocalMetaData object, can be used to inquire about the rocal's output (processed) tensors

◆ rocalCreateTFReaderDetection()

RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateTFReaderDetection ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
const char *  source_path,
bool  is_output,
const char *  user_key_for_label,
const char *  user_key_for_text,
const char *  user_key_for_xmin,
const char *  user_key_for_ymin,
const char *  user_key_for_xmax,
const char *  user_key_for_ymax,
const char *  user_key_for_filename 

create tf reader detection

[in]source_pathpath to the coco json file
RocalMetaData object, can be used to inquire about the rocal's output (processed) tensors

◆ rocalCreateVideoLabelReader()

RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalCreateVideoLabelReader ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
const char *  source_path,
unsigned  sequence_length,
unsigned  frame_step,
unsigned  frame_stride,
bool  file_list_frame_num = true 

creates video label reader

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[in]source_pathpath to the folder that contains the dataset or metadata file
[in]sequence_lengthThe number of frames in a sequence.
[in]frame_stepFrame interval between each sequence.
[in]frame_strideFrame interval between frames in a sequence.
[in]file_list_frame_numTrue : when the inputs from text file is to be considered as frame numbers. False : when the inputs from text file is to considered as timestamps.
RocalMetaData object, can be used to inquire about the rocal's output (processed) tensors

◆ rocalGetBoundingBoxCords()

RocalTensorList ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetBoundingBoxCords ( RocalContext  rocal_context)

get bounding box coordinates

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[out]bufThe user's buffer that will be filled with bounding box coords info for the images in the output batch. It needs to be of size returned by a call to the rocalGetBoundingBoxCords
RocalTensorList of bounding box co-ordinates

◆ rocalGetBoundingBoxCount()

unsigned ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetBoundingBoxCount ( RocalContext  rocal_context)

get bounding box count

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[out]bufThe user's buffer that will be filled with number of object in the images.
The size of the buffer needs to be provided by user to get bounding box info for all images in the output batch.

◆ rocalGetBoundingBoxLabel()

RocalTensorList ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetBoundingBoxLabel ( RocalContext  rocal_context)

get bounding box label

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[out]bufThe user's buffer that will be filled with bounding box label info for the images in the output batch. It needs to be of size returned by a call to the rocalGetBoundingBoxCount
RocalTensorList of labels associated with bounding box coordinates

◆ rocalGetEncodedBoxesAndLables()

RocalMetaData ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetEncodedBoxesAndLables ( RocalContext  p_context,
int  num_encoded_boxes 
boxes_bufptr to user's buffer that will be filled with encoded bounding boxes . Its needs to be at least of size batch_size.
labels_bufuser's buffer that will be filled with encoded labels . Its needs to be at least of size batch_size.

◆ rocalGetImageId()

void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetImageId ( RocalContext  p_context,
int *  buf 

get image id

rocal_contextrocal context
bufThe user's buffer that will be filled with image id info for the images in the output batch.

◆ rocalGetImageLabels()

RocalTensorList ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetImageLabels ( RocalContext  rocal_context)

get image labels

[in]meta_dataRocalMetaData object that contains info about the images and labels
[out]bufuser's buffer that will be filled with labels. Its needs to be at least of size batch_size.
RocalTensorList of labels associated with image

◆ rocalGetImageName()

void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetImageName ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
char *  buf 

get image name

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[out]bufuser buffer provided to be filled with output image names for images in the output batch.

◆ rocalGetImageNameLen()

unsigned ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetImageNameLen ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
int *  buf 

get image name lengths

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[out]bufuserbuffer provided to be filled with the length of the image names in the output batch
The size of the buffer needs to be provided by user to get the image names of the output batch

◆ rocalGetImageSizes()

void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetImageSizes ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
int *  buf 

get image sizes

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[out]bufThe user's buffer that will be filled with images sizes info for the images in the output batch

◆ rocalGetJointsDataPtr()

void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetJointsDataPtr ( RocalContext  p_context,
RocalJointsData **  joints_data 

get joints data pointer

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[out]joints_dataThe user's RocalJointsData pointer that will be pointed to JointsDataBatch pointer

◆ rocalGetMaskCoordinates()

RocalTensorList ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetMaskCoordinates ( RocalContext  p_context,
int *  bufcount 

get mask coordinates

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[out]bufcountThe user's buffer that will be filled with polygon size for the mask info
The tensorlist with the mask coordinates

◆ rocalGetMaskCount()

unsigned ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetMaskCount ( RocalContext  p_context,
int *  buf 

get mask count

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[out]bufthe imageIdx in the output batch
The size of the buffer needs to be provided by user to get mask box info associated with image_idx in the output batch.

◆ rocalGetMatchedIndices()

RocalTensorList ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetMatchedIndices ( RocalContext  p_context)

API to return the matched indices for the bounding box and anchors.

[in]p_contextrocAL context
RocalTensorList of matched indices

◆ rocalGetOneHotImageLabels()

void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetOneHotImageLabels ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
void *  buf,
int  numOfClasses,
RocalOutputMemType  output_mem_type 

get one hot image labels

[in]meta_dataRocalMetaData object that contains info about the images and labels
[in]numOfClassesthe number of classes for a image dataset
[out]bufuser's buffer that will be filled with labels. Its needs to be at least of size batch_size.
[in]destdestination can be host=0 / device=1

◆ rocalGetROIImageSizes()

void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetROIImageSizes ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
int *  buf 

get ROI image sizes

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[out]bufThe user's buffer that will be filled with ROI image size info for the images in the output batch

◆ rocalGetSequenceFrameTimestamps()

void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetSequenceFrameTimestamps ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
float *  buf 

get sequence time stamps

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[out]bufThe user's buffer that will be filled with frame timestamps of each of the frames in output batch sequences.

◆ rocalGetSequenceStartFrameNumber()

void ROCAL_API_CALL rocalGetSequenceStartFrameNumber ( RocalContext  rocal_context,
unsigned int *  buf 

get sequence starting frame number

[in]rocal_contextrocal context
[out]bufThe user's buffer that will be filled with starting frame numbers of the output batch sequences.