Contributing guide#

What do I need to know to help?#

If you are looking to help to with a code contribution, hipfort uses the following languages and tools :

In addition to code contribtutions, there are other ways you can help. If you’re a hipfort user and have feature requests or bugs to report, open an issue to start a discussion with the maintainers.

We are also in need of example use cases and additional documentation to make use of hipfort.

hipfort branching model#


hipfort versioning model#


How do I make a contribution?#

Opening Issues#

If you believe you have found a bug or would like to make a request for a new feature, we would like to hear from you! Before opening a new issue, first take some time to review this repository’s issue collector to see if a similar issue has already been opened.

Issue templates?

Create a fork#

Testing your contributions#

This repository comes with a few example/test programs, available underneath the test/ subdirectory. Need instructions for running tests and validating results

If your new feature or bugfix is not currently covered by the current suite of tests, we ask that you include a new test with your contribution. This way, we can ensure that we test for this bug you’ve resolved or make sure your new feature is well supported.

It’s ok if you don’t have access to all possible GPU hardware for testing. Before changes are merged into our develop and master branches

Opening a Pull Request#

Once you have verified, on your systems

Code of Conduct#