Data Structures

Data Structures#

HIP Runtime API Reference: Data Structures
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Ctiled_partition_internal< size, thread_block >
 Ccoalesced_groupThe coalesced_group cooperative group type
 Cgrid_groupThe grid cooperative group type
 Cmulti_grid_groupThe multi-grid cooperative group type
 Cparent_group_infoUser exposed API that captures the state of the parent group pre-partition
 Cthread_blockThe workgroup (thread-block in CUDA terminology) cooperative group type
 Cthread_block_tileGroup type - thread_block_tile
 Cthread_block_tile< size, void >
 Cthread_block_tile_typeGroup type - thread_block_tile
 Cthread_block_tile_type< tileSize, void >
 Cthread_groupThe base type of all cooperative group types
 Ctiled_groupThe tiled_group cooperative group type
 Chsa_amd_barrier_value_packet_tAMD barrier value packet. Halts packet processing and waits for (signal_value & mask) cond value to be satisfied, where signal_value is the value of the signal signal
 Chsa_amd_event_tAMD GPU event data passed to event handler
 Chsa_amd_gpu_hw_exception_info_tAMD GPU HW Exception event data
 Chsa_amd_gpu_memory_fault_info_tAMD GPU memory fault event data
 Chsa_amd_image_descriptor_tEncodes an opaque vendor specific image format. The length of data depends on the underlying format. This structure must not be copied as its true length can not be determined
 Chsa_amd_ipc_memory_t256-bit process independent identifier for a ROCr shared memory allocation
 Chsa_amd_memory_pool_link_info_tLink properties when accessing the memory pool from the specified agent
 Chsa_amd_memory_pool_tA memory pool encapsulates physical storage on an agent along with a memory access model
 Chsa_amd_pointer_info_tDescribes a memory allocation known to ROCr. Within a ROCr major version this structure can only grow
 Chsa_amd_profiling_async_copy_time_tStructure containing profiling async copy time information
 Chsa_amd_profiling_dispatch_time_tStructure containing profiling dispatch time information
 Chsa_amd_vendor_packet_header_tAMD vendor specific AQL packet header
 Chsa_amd_vmem_alloc_handle_tStruct containing an opaque handle to a memory allocation handle