C++ language support#

The ROCm platform enables the power of combined C++ and HIP (Heterogeneous-computing Interface for Portability) code. This code is compiled with a clang or clang++ compiler. The official compilers support the HIP platform, or you can use the amdclang or amdclang++ included in the ROCm installation, which are a wrapper for the official versions.

The source code is compiled according to the C++03, C++11, C++14, C++17, and C++20 standards, along with HIP-specific extensions, but is subject to restrictions. The key restriction is the reduced support of standard library in device code. This is due to the fact that by default a function is considered to run on host, except for constexpr functions, which can run on host and device as well.

Modern C++ support#

C++ is considered a modern programming language as of C++11. This section describes how HIP supports these new C++ features.

C++11 support#

The C++11 standard introduced many new features. These features are supported in HIP host code, with some notable omissions on the device side. The rule of thumb here is that constexpr functions work on device, the rest doesn’t. This means that some important functionality like std::function is missing on the device, but unfortunately the standard library wasn’t designed with HIP in mind, which means that the support is in a state of “works as-is”.

Certain features have restrictions and clarifications. For example, any functions using the constexpr qualifier or the new initializer lists, std::move or std::forward features are implicitly considered to have the __host__ and __device__ execution space specifier. Also, constexpr variables that are static members or namespace scoped can be used from both host and device, but only for read access. Dereferencing a static constexpr outside its specified execution space causes an error.

Lambdas are supported, but there are some extensions and restrictions on their usage. For more information, see the Extended lambdas section below.

C++14 support#

The C++14 language features are supported.

C++17 support#

All C++17 language features are supported.

C++20 support#

All C++20 language features are supported, but extensions and restrictions apply. C++20 introduced coroutines and modules, which fundamentally changed how programs are written. HIP doesn’t support these features. However, consteval functions can be called from host and device, even if specified for host use only.

The three-way comparison operator (spaceship operator <=>) works with host and device code.

Extensions and restrictions#

In addition to the deviations from the standard, there are some general extensions and restrictions to consider.

Global functions#

Functions that serve as an entry point for device execution are called kernels and are specified with the __global__ qualifier. To call a kernel function, use the triple chevron operator: <<< >>>. Kernel functions must have a void return type. These functions can’t:

  • have a constexpr specifier

  • have a parameter of type std::initializer_list or va_list

  • use an rvalue reference as a parameter.

  • use parameters having different sizes in host and device code, e.g. long double arguments, or structs containing long double members.

  • use struct-type arguments which have different layout in host and device code.

Kernels can have variadic template parameters, but only one parameter pack, which must be the last item in the template parameter list.

Device space memory specifiers#

HIP includes device space memory specifiers to indicate whether a variable is allocated in host or device memory and how its memory should be allocated. HIP supports the __device__, __shared__, __managed__, and __constant__ specifiers.

The __device__ and __constant__ specifiers define global variables, which are allocated within global memory on the HIP devices. The only difference is that __constant__ variables can’t be changed after allocation. The __shared__ specifier allocates the variable within shared memory, which is available for all threads in a block.

The __managed__ variable specifier creates global variables that are initially undefined and unaddressed within the global symbol table. The HIP runtime allocates managed memory and defines the symbol when it loads the device binary. A managed variable can be accessed in both device and host code.

It’s important to know where a variable is stored because it is only available from certain locations. Generally, variables allocated in the host memory are not accessible from the device code, while variables allocated in the device memory are not directly accessible from the host code. Dereferencing a pointer to device memory on the host results in a segmentation fault. Accessing device variables in host code should be done through kernel execution or HIP functions like hipMemCpyToSymbol.

Exception handling#

An important difference between the host and device code is exception handling. In device code, this control flow isn’t available due to the hardware architecture. The device code must use return codes to handle errors.

Kernel parameters#

There are some restrictions on kernel function parameters. They cannot be passed by reference, because these functions are called from the host but run on the device. Also, a variable number of arguments is not allowed.


Classes work on both the host and device side, but there are some constraints. The static member functions can’t be __global__. Virtual member functions work, but a virtual function must not be called from the host if the parent object was created on the device, or the other way around, because this behavior is undefined. Another minor restriction is that __device__ variables, that are global scoped must have trivial constructors.

Polymorphic function wrappers#

HIP doesn’t support the polymorphic function wrapper std::function, which was introduced in C++11.

Extended lambdas#

HIP supports Lambdas, which by default work as expected.

Lambdas have implicit host device attributes. This means that they can be executed by both host and device code, and works the way you would expect. To make a lambda callable only by host or device code, users can add __host__ or __device__ attribute. The only restriction is that host variables can only be accessed through copy on the device. Accessing through reference will cause undefined behavior.

Inline namespaces#

Inline namespaces are supported, but with a few exceptions. The following entities can’t be declared in namespace scope within an inline unnamed namespace:

  • __managed__, __device__, __shared__ and __constant__ variables

  • __global__ function and function templates

  • variables with surface or texture type