ROCm documentation toolchain#

Applies to Linux and Windows


4 min read time

The ROCm documentation relies on several open source toolchains and sites.


rocm-docs-core is an AMD-maintained project that applies customizations for the ROCm documentation. This project is the tool most ROCm repositories use as part of their documentation build pipeline. It is available as a pip package on PyPI.

See the user and developer guides for rocm-docs-core at rocm-docs-core documentation.


Sphinx is a documentation generator originally used for Python. It is now widely used in the open source community.

Sphinx External ToC#

Sphinx External ToC is a Sphinx extension used for ROCm documentation navigation. This tool generates a navigation menu on the left based on a YAML file ( that contains the table of contents.


Sphinx-book-theme is a Sphinx theme that defines the base appearance for ROCm documentation. ROCm documentation applies some customization, such as a custom header and footer, on top of the Sphinx Book Theme.

Sphinx Design#

Sphinx design is a Sphinx extension that adds design functionality. ROCm documentation uses Sphinx Design for grids, cards, and synchronized tabs.


Doxygen is a documentation generator that extracts information from in-code comments. It is used for API documentation.


Breathe is a Sphinx plugin for integrating Doxygen content.


Markedly Structured Text (MyST) is an extended flavor of Markdown (CommonMark) influenced by reStructuredText (rst) and Sphinx. It is integrated into the ROCm documentation with the myst-parser Sphinx extension.

See the MyST syntax cheat sheet at the Jupyter Book site.

Read the Docs#

Read the Docs is the service that builds and hosts the HTML version of the ROCm documentation.