Release Notes


Release Notes#

Applies to Linux and Windows


201 min read time

The release notes for the ROCm platform.

ROCm 5.6.0#

Release Highlights#

ROCm 5.6 consists of several AI software ecosystem improvements to our fast-growing user base. A few examples include:

  • New documentation portal at

  • Ongoing software enhancements for LLMs, ensuring full compliance with the HuggingFace unit test suite

  • OpenAI Triton, CuPy, HIP Graph support, and many other library performance enhancements

  • Improved ROCm deployment and development tools, including CPU-GPU (rocGDB) debugger, profiler, and docker containers

  • New pseudorandom generators are available in rocRAND. Added support for half-precision transforms in hipFFT/rocFFT. Added LU refactorization and linear system solver for sparse matrices in rocSOLVER.

OS and GPU Support Changes#

  • SLES15 SP5 support was added this release. SLES15 SP3 support was dropped.

  • AMD Instinct MI50, Radeon Pro VII, and Radeon VII products (collectively referred to as gfx906 GPUs) will be entering the maintenance mode starting Q3 2023. This will be aligned with ROCm 5.7 GA release date.

    • No new features and performance optimizations will be supported for the gfx906 GPUs beyond ROCm 5.7

    • Bug fixes / critical security patches will continue to be supported for the gfx906 GPUs till Q2 2024 (End of Maintenance [EOM])(will be aligned with the closest ROCm release)

    • Bug fixes during the maintenance will be made to the next ROCm point release

    • Bug fixes will not be back ported to older ROCm releases for this SKU

    • Distro / Operating system updates will continue as per the ROCm release cadence for gfx906 GPUs till EOM.



  • AMDSMI CLI tool enabled for Linux Bare Metal & Guest

  • Package: amd-smi-lib

Known Issues#

  • not all Error Correction Code (ECC) fields are currently supported

  • RHEL 8 & SLES 15 have extra install steps

Kernel Modules (DKMS)#


  • Stability fix for multi GPU system reproducilble via ROCm_Bandwidth_Test as reported in Issue 2198.

HIP 5.6 (For ROCm 5.6)#


  • Consolidation of hipamd, rocclr and OpenCL projects in clr

  • Optimized lock for graph global capture mode


  • Added hipRTC support for amd_hip_fp16

  • Added hipStreamGetDevice implementation to get the device associated with the stream

  • Added HIP_AD_FORMAT_SIGNED_INT16 in hipArray formats

  • hipArrayGetInfo for getting information about the specified array

  • hipArrayGetDescriptor for getting 1D or 2D array descriptor

  • hipArray3DGetDescriptor to get 3D array descriptor


  • hipMallocAsync to return success for zero size allocation to match hipMalloc

  • Separation of hipcc perl binaries from HIP project to hipcc project. hip-devel package depends on newly added hipcc package

  • Consolidation of hipamd, ROCclr, and OpenCL repositories into a single repository called clr. Instructions are updated to build HIP from sources in the HIP Installation guide

  • Removed hipBusBandwidth and hipCommander samples from hip-tests


  • Fixed regression in hipMemCpyParam3D when offset is applied

Known Issues#

  • Limited testing on xnack+ configuration

    • Multiple HIP tests failures (gpuvm fault or hangs)

  • hipSetDevice and hipSetDeviceFlags APIs return hipErrorInvalidDevice instead of hipErrorNoDevice, on a system without GPU

  • Known memory leak when code object files are loaded/unloaded via hipModuleLoad/hipModuleUnload APIs. Issue will be fixed in a future ROCm release

Upcoming changes in future release#

  • Removal of gcnarch from hipDeviceProp_t structure

  • Addition of new fields in hipDeviceProp_t structure

    • maxTexture1D

    • maxTexture2D

    • maxTexture1DLayered

    • maxTexture2DLayered

    • sharedMemPerMultiprocessor

    • deviceOverlap

    • asyncEngineCount

    • surfaceAlignment

    • unifiedAddressing

    • computePreemptionSupported

    • uuid

  • Removal of deprecated code

    • hip-hcc codes from hip code tree

  • Correct hipArray usage in HIP APIs such as hipMemcpyAtoH and hipMemcpyHtoA

  • HIPMEMCPY_3D fields correction (unsigned int -> size_t)

  • Renaming of ‘memoryType’ in hipPointerAttribute_t structure to ‘type’

ROCgdb-13 (For ROCm 5.6.0)#


  • Improved performances when handling the end of a process with a large number of threads.

Known Issues

  • On certain configurations, ROCgdb can show the following warning message:

    warning: Probes-based dynamic linker interface failed. Reverting to original interface.

    This does not affect ROCgdb’s functionalities.

ROCprofiler (For ROCm 5.6.0)#

In ROCm 5.6 the rocprofilerv1 and rocprofilerv2 include and library files of ROCm 5.5 are split into separate files. The rocmtools files that were deprecated in ROCm 5.5 have been removed.

ROCm 5.6



Tool script



API include



API library



The ROCm Profiler Tool that uses rocprofilerV1 can be invoked using the following command:

$ rocprof 

To write a custom tool based on the rocprofilerV1 API do the following:

#include <rocprofiler/rocprofiler.h> // Use the rocprofilerV1 API
int main() {
  // Use the rocprofilerV1 API
  return 0;

This can be built in the following manner:

$ gcc main.c -I/opt/rocm-5.6.0/include -L/opt/rocm-5.6.0/lib -lrocprofiler64

The resulting a.out will depend on /opt/rocm-5.6.0/lib/

The ROCm Profiler that uses rocprofilerV2 API can be invoked using the following command:

$ rocprofv2 

To write a custom tool based on the rocprofilerV2 API do the following:

#include <rocprofiler/v2/rocprofiler.h> // Use the rocprofilerV2 API
int main() {
  // Use the rocprofilerV2 API
  return 0;

This can be built in the following manner:

$ gcc main.c -I/opt/rocm-5.6.0/include -L/opt/rocm-5.6.0/lib -lrocprofiler64-v2

The resulting a.out will depend on /opt/rocm-5.6.0/lib/


  • Improved Test Suite


  • ‘end_time’ need to be disabled in roctx_trace.txt


  • rocprof in ROcm/5.4.0 gpu selector broken.

  • rocprof in ROCm/5.4.1 fails to generate kernel info.

  • rocprof clobbers LD_PRELOAD.

Library Changes in ROCM 5.6.0#







































hipBLAS 1.0.0#

hipBLAS 1.0.0 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • added const qualifier to hipBLAS functions (swap, sbmv, spmv, symv, trsm) where missing

  • removed support for deprecated hipblasInt8Datatype_t enum

  • removed support for deprecated hipblasSetInt8Datatype and hipblasGetInt8Datatype functions

  • in-place trmm is deprecated. It will be replaced by trmm which includes both in-place and out-of-place functionality

hipCUB 2.13.1#

hipCUB 2.13.1 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • Benchmarks for BlockShuffle, BlockLoad, and BlockStore.

  • CUB backend references CUB and Thrust version 1.17.2.

  • Improved benchmark coverage of BlockScan by adding ExclusiveScan, benchmark coverage of BlockRadixSort by adding SortBlockedToStriped, and benchmark coverage of WarpScan by adding Broadcast.

  • Updated docs directory structure to match the standard of rocm-docs-core.

Known Issues#
  • BlockRadixRankMatch is currently broken under the rocPRIM backend.

  • BlockRadixRankMatch with a warp size that does not exactly divide the block size is broken under the CUB backend.

hipFFT 1.0.12#

hipFFT 1.0.12 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • Implemented the hipfftXtMakePlanMany, hipfftXtGetSizeMany, hipfftXtExec APIs, to allow requesting half-precision transforms.

  • Added –precision argument to benchmark/test clients. –double is still accepted but is deprecated as a method to request a double-precision transform.

hipSOLVER 1.8.0#

hipSOLVER 1.8.0 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • Added compatibility API with hipsolverRf prefix

hipSPARSE 2.3.6#

hipSPARSE 2.3.6 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • Added SpGEMM algorithms

  • For hipsparseXbsr2csr and hipsparseXcsr2bsr, blockDim == 0 now returns HIPSPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_SIZE

MIOpen 2.19.0#

MIOpen 2.19.0 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • ROCm 5.5 support for gfx1101 (Navi32)

  • Tuning results for MLIR on ROCm 5.5

  • Bumping MLIR commit to 5.5.0 release tag

  • Fix 3d convolution Host API bug

  • [HOTFIX][MI200][FP16] Disabled ConvHipImplicitGemmBwdXdlops when FP16_ALT is required.

rccl 2.15.5#

RCCL 2.15.5 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • Compatibility with NCCL 2.15.5

  • Unit test executable renamed to rccl-UnitTests

  • HW-topology aware binary tree implementation

  • Experimental support for MSCCL

  • New unit tests for hipGraph support

  • NPKit integration

  • rocm-smi ID conversion

  • Support for HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES for unit tests

  • Support for p2p transfers to non (HIP) visible devices

  • Removed TransferBench from tools. Exists in standalone repo:

rocALUTION 2.1.9#

rocALUTION 2.1.9 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • Fixed synchronization issues in level 1 routines

rocBLAS 3.0.0#

rocBLAS 3.0.0 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • Improved performance of Level 2 rocBLAS GEMV on gfx90a GPU for non-transposed problems having small matrices and larger batch counts. Performance enhanced for problem sizes when m and n <= 32 and batch_count >= 256.

  • Improved performance of rocBLAS syr2k for single, double, and double-complex precision, and her2k for double-complex precision. Slightly improved performance for general sizes on gfx90a.

  • Added bf16 inputs and f32 compute support to Level 1 rocBLAS Extension functions axpy_ex, scal_ex and nrm2_ex.

  • trmm inplace is deprecated. It will be replaced by trmm that has both inplace and out-of-place functionality

  • rocblas_query_int8_layout_flag() is deprecated and will be removed in a future release

  • rocblas_gemm_flags_pack_int8x4 enum is deprecated and will be removed in a future release

  • rocblas_set_device_memory_size() is deprecated and will be replaced by a future function rocblas_increase_device_memory_size()

  • rocblas_is_user_managing_device_memory() is deprecated and will be removed in a future release

  • is_complex helper was deprecated and now removed. Use rocblas_is_complex instead.

  • The enum truncate_t and the value truncate was deprecated and now removed from. It was replaced by rocblas_truncate_t and rocblas_truncate, respectively.

  • rocblas_set_int8_type_for_hipblas was deprecated and is now removed.

  • rocblas_get_int8_type_for_hipblas was deprecated and is now removed.

  • build only dependency on python joblib added as used by Tensile build

  • fix for cmake install on some OS when performed by -d –cmake_install

  • make trsm offset calculations 64 bit safe

  • refactor rotg test code

rocFFT 1.0.23#

rocFFT 1.0.23 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • Implemented half-precision transforms, which can be requested by passing rocfft_precision_half to rocfft_plan_create.

  • Implemented a hierarchical solution map which saves how to decompose a problem and the kernels to be used.

  • Implemented a first version of offline-tuner to support tuning kernels for C2C/Z2Z problems.

  • Replaced std::complex with hipComplex data types for data generator.

  • FFT plan dimensions are now sorted to be row-major internally where possible, which produces better plans if the dimensions were accidentally specified in a different order (column-major, for example).

  • Added –precision argument to benchmark/test clients. –double is still accepted but is deprecated as a method to request a double-precision transform.

  • Fixed over-allocation of LDS in some real-complex kernels, which was resulting in kernel launch failure.

rocm-cmake 0.9.0#

rocm-cmake 0.9.0 for ROCm 5.6.0


    • Compile-time C macro in the wrapper headers causes errors to be emitted instead of warnings.

    • Configure-time CMake option sets the default for the C macro.

rocPRIM 2.13.0#

rocPRIM 2.13.0 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • New block level radix_rank primitive.

  • New block level radix_rank_match primitive.

  • Added a stable block sorting implementation. This be used with block_sort by using the block_sort_algorithm::stable_merge_sort algorithm.

  • Improved the performance of block_radix_sort and device_radix_sort.

  • Improved the performance of device_merge_sort.

  • Updated docs directory structure to match the standard of rocm-docs-core. Contributed by: v01dXYZ.

Known Issues#
  • Disabled GPU error messages relating to incorrect warp operation usage with Navi GPUs on Windows, due to GPU printf performance issues on Windows.

  • When ROCPRIM_DISABLE_LOOKBACK_SCAN is set, device_scan fails for input sizes bigger than scan_config::size_limit, which defaults to std::numeric_limits&lt;unsigned int&gt;::max().

rocRAND 2.10.17#

rocRAND 2.10.17 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • MT19937 pseudo random number generator based on M. Matsumoto and T. Nishimura, 1998, Mersenne Twister: A 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform pseudorandom number generator.

  • New benchmark for the device API using Google Benchmark, benchmark_rocrand_device_api, replacing benchmark_rocrand_kernel. benchmark_rocrand_kernel is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Likewise, benchmark_curand_host_api is added to replace benchmark_curand_generate and benchmark_curand_device_api is added to replace benchmark_curand_kernel.

  • experimental HIP-CPU feature

  • ThreeFry pseudorandom number generator based on Salmon et al., 2011, “Parallel random numbers: as easy as 1, 2, 3”.

  • Python 2.7 is no longer officially supported.

rocSOLVER 3.22.0#

rocSOLVER 3.22.0 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • LU refactorization for sparse matrices





  • Linear system solver for sparse matrices


  • Added type rocsolver_rfinfo for use with sparse matrix routines

  • Improved the performance of BDSQR and GESVD when singular vectors are requested

  • BDSQR and GESVD should no longer hang when the input contains NaN or Inf

rocSPARSE 2.5.2#

rocSPARSE 2.5.2 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • Fixed a memory leak in csritsv

  • Fixed a bug in csrsm and bsrsm

rocThrust 2.18.0#

rocThrust 2.18.0 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • lower_bound, upper_bound, and binary_search failed to compile for certain types.

  • Updated docs directory structure to match the standard of rocm-docs-core.

rocWMMA 1.1.0#

rocWMMA 1.1.0 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • Added cross-lane operation backends (Blend, Permute, Swizzle and Dpp)

  • Added GPU kernels for rocWMMA unit test pre-process and post-process operations (fill, validation)

  • Added performance gemm samples for half, single and double precision

  • Added rocWMMA cmake versioning

  • Added vectorized support in coordinate transforms

  • Included ROCm smi for runtime clock rate detection

  • Added fragment transforms for transpose and change data layout

  • Default to GPU rocBLAS validation against rocWMMA

  • Re-enabled int8 gemm tests on gfx9

  • Upgraded to C++17

  • Restructured unit test folder for consistency

  • Consolidated rocWMMA samples common code

Tensile 4.37.0#

Tensile 4.37.0 for ROCm 5.6.0

  • Added user driven tuning API

  • Added decision tree fallback feature

  • Added SingleBuffer + AtomicAdd option for GlobalSplitU

  • DirectToVgpr support for fp16 and Int8 with TN orientation

  • Added new test cases for various functions

  • Added SingleBuffer algorithm for ZGEMM/CGEMM

  • Added joblib for parallel map calls

  • Added support for MFMA + LocalSplitU + DirectToVgprA+B

  • Added asmcap check for MIArchVgpr

  • Added support for MFMA + LocalSplitU

  • Added frequency, power, and temperature data to the output

  • Improved the performance of GlobalSplitU with SingleBuffer algorithm

  • Reduced the running time of the extended and pre_checkin tests

  • Optimized the Tailloop section of the assembly kernel

  • Optimized complex GEMM (fixed vgpr allocation, unified CGEMM and ZGEMM code in MulMIoutAlphaToArch)

  • Improved the performance of the second kernel of MultipleBuffer algorithm

  • Updated custom kernels with 64-bit offsets

  • Adapted 64-bit offset arguments for assembly kernels

  • Improved temporary register re-use to reduce max sgpr usage

  • Removed some restrictions on VectorWidth and DirectToVgpr

  • Updated the dependency requirements for Tensile

  • Changed the range of AssertSummationElementMultiple

  • Modified the error messages for more clarity

  • Changed DivideAndReminder to vectorStaticRemainder in case quotient is not used

  • Removed dummy vgpr for vectorStaticRemainder

  • Removed tmpVgpr parameter from vectorStaticRemainder/Divide/DivideAndReminder

  • Removed qReg parameter from vectorStaticRemainder

  • Fixed tmp sgpr allocation to avoid over-writing values (alpha)

  • 64-bit offset parameters for post kernels

  • Fixed gfx908 CI test failures

  • Fixed offset calculation to prevent overflow for large offsets

  • Fixed issues when BufferLoad and BufferStore are equal to zero

  • Fixed StoreCInUnroll + DirectToVgpr + no useInitAccVgprOpt mismatch

  • Fixed DirectToVgpr + LocalSplitU + FractionalLoad mismatch

  • Fixed the memory access error related to StaggerU + large stride

  • Fixed ZGEMM 4x4 MatrixInst mismatch

  • Fixed DGEMM 4x4 MatrixInst mismatch

  • Fixed ASEM + GSU + NoTailLoop opt mismatch

  • Fixed AssertSummationElementMultiple + GlobalSplitU issues

  • Fixed ASEM + GSU + TailLoop inner unroll

ROCm 5.5.1#

What’s New in This Release#

HIP SDK for Windows#

AMD is pleased to announce the availability of the HIP SDK for Windows as part of the ROCm platform. The HIP SDK OS and GPU support page lists the versions of Windows and GPUs validated by AMD. HIP SDK features on Windows are described in detail in our What is ROCm? page and differs from the Linux feature set. Visit Quick Start page to get started. Known issues are tracked on GitHub.

HIP API Change#

The following HIP API is updated in the ROCm 5.5.1 release:

  • The return value for hipDeviceSetCacheConfig is updated from hipErrorNotSupported to hipSuccess

Library Changes in ROCM 5.5.1#







































ROCm 5.5.0#

What’s New in This Release#

HIP Enhancements#

The ROCm v5.5 release consists of the following HIP enhancements:

Enhanced Stack Size Limit#

In this release, the stack size limit is increased from 16k to 131056 bytes (or 128K - 16). Applications requiring to update the stack size can use hipDeviceSetLimit API.

hipcc Changes#

The following hipcc changes are implemented in this release:

  • hipcc will not implicitly link to libpthread and librt, as they are no longer a link time dependence for HIP programs.  Applications that depend on these libraries must explicitly link to them.

  • -use-staticlib and -use-sharedlib options are deprecated.

Future Changes#
  • Separation of hipcc binaries (Perl scripts) from HIP to hipcc project. Users will access separate hipcc package for installing hipcc binaries in future ROCm releases.

  • In a future ROCm release, the following samples will be removed from the hip-tests project.

    Note that the samples will continue to be available in previous release branches.

  • Removal of gcnarch from hipDeviceProp_t structure

  • Addition of new fields in hipDeviceProp_t structure

    • maxTexture1D

    • maxTexture2D

    • maxTexture1DLayered

    • maxTexture2DLayered

    • sharedMemPerMultiprocessor

    • deviceOverlap

    • asyncEngineCount

    • surfaceAlignment

    • unifiedAddressing

    • computePreemptionSupported

    • hostRegisterSupported

    • uuid

  • Removal of deprecated code

    • hip-hcc codes from hip code tree

  • Correct hipArray usage in HIP APIs such as hipMemcpyAtoH and hipMemcpyHtoA

  • HIPMEMCPY_3D fields correction to avoid truncation of “size_t” to “unsigned int” inside hipMemcpy3D()

  • Renaming of ‘memoryType’ in hipPointerAttribute_t structure to ‘type’

  • Correct hipGetLastError to return the last error instead of last API call’s return code

  • Update hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc to add “unsigned int reserved[16]”

  • Correct handling of flag values in hipIpcOpenMemHandle for hipIpcMemLazyEnablePeerAccess

  • Remove hiparray* and make it opaque with hipArray_t

New HIP APIs in This Release#


This is a pre-official version (beta) release of the new APIs and may contain unresolved issues.

Memory Management HIP APIs#

The new memory management HIP API is as follows:

  • Sets information on the specified pointer [BETA].

    hipError_t hipPointerSetAttribute(const void* value, hipPointer_attribute attribute, hipDeviceptr_t ptr);
Module Management HIP APIs#

The new module management HIP APIs are as follows:

  • Launches kernel \(f\) with launch parameters and shared memory on stream with arguments passed to kernelParams, where thread blocks can cooperate and synchronize as they execute.

    hipError_t hipModuleLaunchCooperativeKernel(hipFunction_t f, unsigned int gridDimX, unsigned int gridDimY, unsigned int gridDimZ, unsigned int blockDimX, unsigned int blockDimY, unsigned int blockDimZ, unsigned int sharedMemBytes, hipStream_t stream, void** kernelParams);
  • Launches kernels on multiple devices where thread blocks can cooperate and synchronize as they execute.

    hipError_t hipModuleLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice(hipFunctionLaunchParams* launchParamsList, unsigned int numDevices, unsigned int flags);
HIP Graph Management APIs#

The new HIP Graph Management APIs are as follows:

  • Creates a memory allocation node and adds it to a graph [BETA]

    hipError_t hipGraphAddMemAllocNode(hipGraphNode_t* pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t* pDependencies, size_t numDependencies, hipMemAllocNodeParams* pNodeParams);
  • Return parameters for memory allocation node [BETA]

    hipError_t hipGraphMemAllocNodeGetParams(hipGraphNode_t node, hipMemAllocNodeParams* pNodeParams);
  • Creates a memory free node and adds it to a graph [BETA]

    hipError_t hipGraphAddMemFreeNode(hipGraphNode_t* pGraphNode, hipGraph_t graph, const hipGraphNode_t* pDependencies, size_t numDependencies, void* dev_ptr);
  • Returns parameters for memory free node [BETA].

    hipError_t hipGraphMemFreeNodeGetParams(hipGraphNode_t node, void* dev_ptr);
  • Write a DOT file describing graph structure [BETA].

    hipError_t hipGraphDebugDotPrint(hipGraph_t graph, const char* path, unsigned int flags);
  • Copies attributes from source node to destination node [BETA].

    hipError_t hipGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes(hipGraphNode_t hSrc, hipGraphNode_t hDst);
  • Enables or disables the specified node in the given graphExec [BETA]

    hipError_t hipGraphNodeSetEnabled(hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraphNode_t hNode, unsigned int isEnabled);
  • Query whether a node in the given graphExec is enabled [BETA]

    hipError_t hipGraphNodeGetEnabled(hipGraphExec_t hGraphExec, hipGraphNode_t hNode, unsigned int* isEnabled);
OpenMP Enhancements#

This release consists of the following OpenMP enhancements:

  • Additional support for OMPT functions get_device_time and get_record_type.

  • Add support for min/max fast fp atomics on AMD GPUs.

  • Fix the use of the abs function in C device regions.

Deprecations and Warnings#

HIP Deprecation#

The hipcc and hipconfig Perl scripts are deprecated. In a future release, compiled binaries will be available as hipcc.bin and hipconfig.bin as replacements for the Perl scripts.


There will be a transition period where the Perl scripts and compiled binaries are available before the scripts are removed. There will be no functional difference between the Perl scripts and their compiled binary counterpart. No user action is required. Once these are available, users can optionally switch to hipcc.bin and hipconfig.bin. The hipcc/hipconfig soft link will be assimilated to point from hipcc/hipconfig to the respective compiled binaries as the default option.

Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard for ROCm#

ROCm packages have adopted the Linux foundation filesystem hierarchy standard in this release to ensure ROCm components follow open source conventions for Linux-based distributions. While moving to a new filesystem hierarchy, ROCm ensures backward compatibility with its 5.1 version or older filesystem hierarchy. See below for a detailed explanation of the new filesystem hierarchy and backward compatibility.

New Filesystem Hierarchy#

The following is the new filesystem hierarchy:4

    | --bin
      | --All externally exposed Binaries
    | --libexec
        | --<component>
            | -- Component specific private non-ISA executables (architecture independent)
    | --include
        | -- <component>
            | --<header files>
    | --lib
        | --lib<soname>.so -> lib<soname>.so.major -> lib<soname>.so.major.minor.patch
            (public libraries linked with application)
        | --<component> (component specific private library, executable data)
        | --<cmake>
            | --components
                | --<component>.config.cmake
    | --share
        | --html/<component>/*.html
        | --info/<component>/*.[pdf, md, txt]
        | --man
        | --doc
            | --<component>
                | --<licenses>
        | --<component>
            | --<misc files> (arch independent non-executable)
            | --samples


ROCm will not support backward compatibility with the v5.1(old) file system hierarchy in its next major release.

For more information, refer to

Backward Compatibility with Older Filesystems#

ROCm has moved header files and libraries to its new location as indicated in the above structure and included symbolic-link and wrapper header files in its old location for backward compatibility.


ROCm will continue supporting backward compatibility until the next major release.

Wrapper header files#

Wrapper header files are placed in the old location (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/include) with a warning message to include files from the new location (/opt/rocm-xxx/include) as shown in the example below:

// Code snippet from hip_runtime.h
#pragma message “This file is deprecated. Use file from include path /opt/rocm-ver/include/ and prefix with hip”.
#include "hip/hip_runtime.h"

The wrapper header files’ backward compatibility deprecation is as follows:

  • #pragma message announcing deprecation – ROCm v5.2 release

  • #pragma message changed to #warning – Future release

  • #warning changed to #error – Future release

  • Backward compatibility wrappers removed – Future release

Library files#

Library files are available in the /opt/rocm-xxx/lib folder. For backward compatibility, the old library location (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/lib) has a soft link to the library at the new location.


$ ls -l /opt/rocm/hip/lib/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 May 12 10:45 cmake
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   24 May 10 23:32 -> ../../lib/
CMake Config files#

All CMake configuration files are available in the /opt/rocm-xxx/lib/cmake/<component> folder. For backward compatibility, the old CMake locations (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/lib/cmake) consist of a soft link to the new CMake config.


$ ls -l /opt/rocm/hip/lib/cmake/hip/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 May 10 23:32 hip-config.cmake -> ../../../../lib/cmake/hip/hip-config.cmake

ROCm Support For Code Object V3 Deprecated#

Support for Code Object v3 is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Comgr V3.0 Changes#

The following APIs and macros have been marked as deprecated. These are expected to be removed in a future ROCm release and coincides with the release of Comgr v3.0.

API Changes#
  • amd_comgr_action_info_set_options()

  • amd_comgr_action_info_get_options()

Actions and Data Types#



Deprecated Environment Variables#

The following environment variables are removed in this ROCm release:























Known Issues In This Release#

The following are the known issues in this release.


When user applications call ncclCommAbort to destruct communicators and then create new communicators repeatedly, subsequent communicators may fail to initialize.

This issue is under investigation and will be resolved in a future release.

Failures In HIP Directed Tests#

Multiple HIP directed tests fail.

Library Changes in ROCM 5.5.0#




0.53.0 ⇒ 0.54.0


2.13.0 ⇒ 2.13.1


1.0.10 ⇒ 1.0.11


1.6.0 ⇒ 1.7.0


2.3.3 ⇒ 2.3.5




2.13.4 ⇒ 2.15.5


2.1.3 ⇒ 2.1.8


2.46.0 ⇒ 2.47.0


1.0.21 ⇒ 1.0.22


0.8.0 ⇒ 0.8.1


2.12.0 ⇒ 2.13.0


2.10.16 ⇒ 2.10.17


3.20.0 ⇒ 3.21.0


2.4.0 ⇒ 2.5.1




0.9 ⇒ 1.0


4.35.0 ⇒ 4.36.0

hipBLAS 0.54.0#

hipBLAS 0.54.0 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • added option to opt-in to use __half for hipblasHalf type in the API for c++ users who define HIPBLAS_USE_HIP_HALF

  • added scripts to plot performance for multiple functions

  • data driven hipblas-bench and hipblas-test execution via external yaml format data files

  • client smoke test added for quick validation using command hipblas-test –yaml hipblas_smoke.yaml

  • fixed datatype conversion functions to support more rocBLAS/cuBLAS datatypes

  • fixed geqrf to return successfully when nullptrs are passed in with n == 0 || m == 0

  • fixed getrs to return successfully when given nullptrs with corresponding size = 0

  • fixed getrs to give info = -1 when transpose is not an expected type

  • fixed gels to return successfully when given nullptrs with corresponding size = 0

  • fixed gels to give info = -1 when transpose is not in (‘N’, ‘T’) for real cases or not in (‘N’, ‘C’) for complex cases

  • changed reference code for Windows to OpenBLAS

  • hipblas client executables all now begin with hipblas- prefix

hipCUB 2.13.1#

hipCUB 2.13.1 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • Benchmarks for BlockShuffle, BlockLoad, and BlockStore.

  • CUB backend references CUB and Thrust version 1.17.2.

  • Improved benchmark coverage of BlockScan by adding ExclusiveScan, benchmark coverage of BlockRadixSort by adding SortBlockedToStriped, and benchmark coverage of WarpScan by adding Broadcast.

  • Windows HIP SDK support

Known Issues#
  • BlockRadixRankMatch is currently broken under the rocPRIM backend.

  • BlockRadixRankMatch with a warp size that does not exactly divide the block size is broken under the CUB backend.

hipFFT 1.0.11#

hipFFT 1.0.11 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • Fixed old version rocm include/lib folders not removed on upgrade.

hipSOLVER 1.7.0#

hipSOLVER 1.7.0 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • Added functions

    • gesvdj

      • hipsolverSgesvdj_bufferSize, hipsolverDgesvdj_bufferSize, hipsolverCgesvdj_bufferSize, hipsolverZgesvdj_bufferSize

      • hipsolverSgesvdj, hipsolverDgesvdj, hipsolverCgesvdj, hipsolverZgesvdj

    • gesvdjBatched

      • hipsolverSgesvdjBatched_bufferSize, hipsolverDgesvdjBatched_bufferSize, hipsolverCgesvdjBatched_bufferSize, hipsolverZgesvdjBatched_bufferSize

      • hipsolverSgesvdjBatched, hipsolverDgesvdjBatched, hipsolverCgesvdjBatched, hipsolverZgesvdjBatched

hipSPARSE 2.3.5#

hipSPARSE 2.3.5 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • Fixed an issue, where the rocm folder was not removed on upgrade of meta packages

  • Fixed a compilation issue with cusparse backend

  • Added more detailed messages on unit test failures due to missing input data

  • Improved documentation

  • Fixed a bug with deprecation messages when using gcc9 (Thanks @Maetveis)

MIOpen 2.19.0#

MIOpen 2.19.0 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • ROCm 5.5 support for gfx1101 (Navi32)

  • Tuning results for MLIR on ROCm 5.5

  • Bumping MLIR commit to 5.5.0 release tag

  • Fix 3d convolution Host API bug

  • [HOTFIX][MI200][FP16] Disabled ConvHipImplicitGemmBwdXdlops when FP16_ALT is required.

rccl 2.15.5#

RCCL 2.15.5 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • Compatibility with NCCL 2.15.5

  • Unit test executable renamed to rccl-UnitTests

  • HW-topology aware binary tree implementation

  • Experimental support for MSCCL

  • New unit tests for hipGraph support

  • NPKit integration

  • rocm-smi ID conversion

  • Support for HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES for unit tests

  • Support for p2p transfers to non (HIP) visible devices

  • Removed TransferBench from tools. Exists in standalone repo:

rocALUTION 2.1.8#

rocALUTION 2.1.8 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • Added build support for Navi32

  • Fixed a typo in MPI backend

  • Fixed a bug with the backend when HIP support is disabled

  • Fixed a bug in SAAMG hierarchy building on HIP backend

  • Improved SAAMG hierarchy build performance on HIP backend

  • LocalVector::GetIndexValues(ValueType*) is deprecated, use LocalVector::GetIndexValues(const LocalVector&, LocalVector*) instead

  • LocalVector::SetIndexValues(const ValueType*) is deprecated, use LocalVector::SetIndexValues(const LocalVector&, const LocalVector&) instead

  • LocalMatrix::RSDirectInterpolation(const LocalVector&, const LocalVector&, LocalMatrix*, LocalMatrix*) is deprecated, use LocalMatrix::RSDirectInterpolation(const LocalVector&, const LocalVector&, LocalMatrix*) instead

  • LocalMatrix::RSExtPIInterpolation(const LocalVector&, const LocalVector&, bool, float, LocalMatrix*, LocalMatrix*) is deprecated, use LocalMatrix::RSExtPIInterpolation(const LocalVector&, const LocalVector&, bool, LocalMatrix*) instead

  • LocalMatrix::RugeStueben() is deprecated

  • LocalMatrix::AMGSmoothedAggregation(ValueType, const LocalVector&, const LocalVector&, LocalMatrix*, LocalMatrix*, int) is deprecated, use LocalMatrix::AMGAggregation(ValueType, const LocalVector&, const LocalVector&, LocalMatrix*, int) instead

  • LocalMatrix::AMGAggregation(const LocalVector&, LocalMatrix*, LocalMatrix*) is deprecated, use LocalMatrix::AMGAggregation(const LocalVector&, LocalMatrix*) instead

rocBLAS 2.47.0#

rocBLAS 2.47.0 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • added functionality rocblas_geam_ex for matrix-matrix minimum operations

  • added HIP Graph support as beta feature for rocBLAS Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3(pointer mode host) functions

  • added beta features API. Exposed using compiler define ROCBLAS_BETA_FEATURES_API

  • added support for vector initialization in the rocBLAS test framework with negative increments

  • added windows build documentation for forthcoming support using ROCm HIP SDK

  • added scripts to plot performance for multiple functions

  • improved performance of Level 2 rocBLAS GEMV for float and double precision. Performance enhanced by 150-200% for certain problem sizes when (m==n) measured on a gfx90a GPU.

  • improved performance of Level 2 rocBLAS GER for float, double and complex float precisions. Performance enhanced by 5-7% for certain problem sizes measured on a gfx90a GPU.

  • improved performance of Level 2 rocBLAS SYMV for float and double precisions. Performance enhanced by 120-150% for certain problem sizes measured on both gfx908 and gfx90a GPUs.

  • fixed setting of executable mode on client script to avoid potential permission errors with clients rocblas-test and rocblas-bench

  • fixed deprecated API compatibility with Visual Studio compiler

  • fixed test framework memory exception handling for Level 2 functions when the host memory allocation exceeds the available memory

  • internally runs (also used on windows) and may be used directly by developers on linux (use –help)

  • rocblas client executables all now begin with rocblas- prefix

  • removed options -o –cov as now Tensile will use the default COV format, set by cmake define Tensile_CODE_OBJECT_VERSION=default

rocFFT 1.0.22#

rocFFT 1.0.22 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • Improved performance of 1D lengths < 2048 that use Bluestein’s algorithm.

  • Reduced time for generating code during plan creation.

  • Optimized 3D R2C/C2R lengths 32, 84, 128.

  • Optimized batched small 1D R2C/C2R cases.

  • Added gfx1101 to default AMDGPU_TARGETS.

  • Moved client programs to C++17.

  • Moved planar kernels and infrequently used Stockham kernels to be runtime-compiled.

  • Moved transpose, real-complex, Bluestein, and Stockham kernels to library kernel cache.

  • Removed zero-length twiddle table allocations, which fixes errors from hipMallocManaged.

  • Fixed incorrect freeing of HIP stream handles during twiddle computation when multiple devices are present.

rocm-cmake 0.8.1#

rocm-cmake 0.8.1 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • ROCMInstallTargets: Added compatibility symlinks for included cmake files in &lt;ROCM&gt;/lib/cmake/&lt;PACKAGE&gt;.

  • ROCMHeaderWrapper: The wrapper header deprecation message is now a deprecation warning.

rocPRIM 2.13.0#

rocPRIM 2.13.0 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • New block level radix_rank primitive.

  • New block level radix_rank_match primitive.

  • Improved the performance of block_radix_sort and device_radix_sort.

Known Issues#
  • Disabled GPU error messages relating to incorrect warp operation usage with Navi GPUs on Windows, due to GPU printf performance issues on Windows.

  • Fixed benchmark build on Windows

rocRAND 2.10.17#

rocRAND 2.10.17 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • MT19937 pseudo random number generator based on M. Matsumoto and T. Nishimura, 1998, Mersenne Twister: A 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform pseudorandom number generator.

  • New benchmark for the device API using Google Benchmark, benchmark_rocrand_device_api, replacing benchmark_rocrand_kernel. benchmark_rocrand_kernel is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Likewise, benchmark_curand_host_api is added to replace benchmark_curand_generate and benchmark_curand_device_api is added to replace benchmark_curand_kernel.

  • experimental HIP-CPU feature

  • ThreeFry pseudorandom number generator based on Salmon et al., 2011, “Parallel random numbers: as easy as 1, 2, 3”.

  • Python 2.7 is no longer officially supported.

  • Windows HIP SDK support

rocSOLVER 3.21.0#

rocSOLVER 3.21.0 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • SVD for general matrices using Jacobi algorithm:

    • GESVDJ (with batched and strided_batched versions)

  • LU factorization without pivoting for block tridiagonal matrices:

    • GEBLTTRF_NPVT (with batched and strided_batched versions)

  • Linear system solver without pivoting for block tridiagonal matrices:

    • GEBLTTRS_NPVT (with batched and strided_batched, versions)

  • Product of triangular matrices

    • LAUUM

  • Added experimental hipGraph support for rocSOLVER functions

  • Improved the performance of SYEVJ/HEEVJ.

  • STEDC, SYEVD/HEEVD and SYGVD/HEGVD now use fully implemented Divide and Conquer approach.

  • SYEVJ/HEEVJ should now be invariant under matrix scaling.

  • SYEVJ/HEEVJ should now properly output the eigenvalues when no sweeps are executed.

  • Fixed GETF2_NPVT and GETRF_NPVT input data initialization in tests and benchmarks.

  • Fixed rocblas missing from the dependency list of the rocsolver deb and rpm packages.

rocSPARSE 2.5.1#

rocSPARSE 2.5.1 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • Added bsrgemm and spgemm for BSR format

  • Added bsrgeam

  • Added build support for Navi32

  • Added experimental hipGraph support for some rocSPARSE routines

  • Added csritsv, spitsv csr iterative triangular solve

  • Added mixed precisions for SpMV

  • Added batched SpMM for transpose A in COO format with atomic atomic algorithm

  • Optimization to csr2bsr

  • Optimization to csr2csr_compress

  • Optimization to csr2coo

  • Optimization to gebsr2csr

  • Optimization to csr2gebsr

  • Fixes to documentation

  • Fixes a bug in COO SpMV gridsize

  • Fixes a bug in SpMM gridsize when using very large matrices

Known Issues#
  • In csritlu0, the algorithm rocsparse_itilu0_alg_sync_split_fusion has some accuracy issues to investigate with XNACK enabled. The fallback is rocsparse_itilu0_alg_sync_split.

rocWMMA 1.0#

rocWMMA 1.0 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • Added support for wave32 on gfx11+

  • Added infrastructure changes to support hipRTC

  • Added performance tracking system

  • Modified the assignment of hardware information

  • Modified the data access for unsigned datatypes

  • Added library config to support multiple architectures

Tensile 4.36.0#

Tensile 4.36.0 for ROCm 5.5.0

  • Add functions for user-driven tuning

  • Add GFX11 support: HostLibraryTests yamls, rearragne FP32©/FP64© instruction order, archCaps for instruction renaming condition, adjust vgpr bank for A/B/C for optimize, separate vscnt and vmcnt, dual mac

  • Add binary search for Grid-Based algorithm

  • Add reject condition for (StoreCInUnroll + BufferStore=0) and (DirectToVgpr + ScheduleIterAlg<3 + PrefetchGlobalRead==2)

  • Add support for (DirectToLds + hgemm + NN/NT/TT) and (DirectToLds + hgemm + GlobalLoadVectorWidth < 4)

  • Add support for (DirectToLds + hgemm(TLU=True only) or sgemm + NumLoadsCoalesced > 1)

  • Add GSU SingleBuffer algorithm for HSS/BSS

  • Add gfx900:xnack-, gfx1032, gfx1034, gfx1035

  • Enable gfx1031 support

  • Use AssertSizeLessThan for BufferStoreOffsetLimitCheck if it is smaller than MT1

  • Improve InitAccVgprOpt

  • Use global_atomic for GSU instead of flat and global_store for debug code

  • Replace flat_load/store with global_load/store

  • Use global_load/store for BufferLoad/Store=0 and enable scheduling

  • LocalSplitU support for HGEMM+HPA when MFMA disabled

  • Update Code Object Version

  • Type cast local memory to COMPUTE_DATA_TYPE in LDS to avoid precision loss

  • Update asm cap cache arguments

  • Unify SplitGlobalRead into ThreadSeparateGlobalRead and remove SplitGlobalRead

  • Change checks, error messages, assembly syntax, and coverage for DirectToLds

  • Remove unused cmake file

  • Clean up the LLVM dependency code

  • Update ThreadSeparateGlobalRead test cases for PrefetchGlobalRead=2

  • Update sgemm/hgemm test cases for DirectToLds and ThreadSepareteGlobalRead

  • Add build-id to header of compiled source kernels

  • Fix solution index collisions

  • Fix h beta vectorwidth4 correctness issue for WMMA

  • Fix an error with BufferStore=0

  • Fix mismatch issue with (StoreCInUnroll + PrefetchGlobalRead=2)

  • Fix MoveMIoutToArch bug

  • Fix flat load correctness issue on I8 and flat store correctness issue

  • Fix mismatch issue with BufferLoad=0 + TailLoop for large array sizes

  • Fix code generation error with BufferStore=0 and StoreCInUnrollPostLoop

  • Fix issues with DirectToVgpr + ScheduleIterAlg<3

  • Fix mismatch issue with DGEMM TT + LocalReadVectorWidth=2

  • Fix mismatch issue with PrefetchGlobalRead=2

  • Fix mismatch issue with DirectToVgpr + PrefetchGlobalRead=2 + small tile size

  • Fix an error with PersistentKernel=0 + PrefetchAcrossPersistent=1 + PrefetchAcrossPersistentMode=1

  • Fix mismatch issue with DirectToVgpr + DirectToLds + only 1 iteration in unroll loop case

  • Remove duplicate GSU kernels: for GSU = 1, GSUAlgorithm SingleBuffer and MultipleBuffer kernels are identical

  • Fix for failing CI tests due to CpuThreads=0

  • Fix mismatch issue with DirectToLds + PrefetchGlobalRead=2

  • Remove the reject condition for ThreadSeparateGlobalRead and DirectToLds (HGEMM, SGEMM only)

  • Modify reject condition for minimum lanes of ThreadSeparateGlobalRead (SGEMM or larger data type only)

ROCm 5.4.3#

Deprecations and Warnings#

HIP Perl Scripts Deprecation#

The hipcc and hipconfig Perl scripts are deprecated. In a future release, compiled binaries will be available as hipcc.bin and hipconfig.bin as replacements for the Perl scripts.


There will be a transition period where the Perl scripts and compiled binaries are available before the scripts are removed. There will be no functional difference between the Perl scripts and their compiled binary counterpart. No user action is required. Once these are available, users can optionally switch to hipcc.bin and hipconfig.bin. The hipcc/hipconfig soft link will be assimilated to point from hipcc/hipconfig to the respective compiled binaries as the default option.

Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard for ROCm#

ROCm packages have adopted the Linux foundation filesystem hierarchy standard in this release to ensure ROCm components follow open source conventions for Linux-based distributions. While moving to a new filesystem hierarchy, ROCm ensures backward compatibility with its 5.1 version or older filesystem hierarchy. See below for a detailed explanation of the new filesystem hierarchy and backward compatibility.

New Filesystem Hierarchy#

The following is the new filesystem hierarchy:4

    | --bin
      | --All externally exposed Binaries
    | --libexec
        | --<component>
            | -- Component specific private non-ISA executables (architecture independent)
    | --include
        | -- <component>
            | --<header files>
    | --lib
        | --lib<soname>.so -> lib<soname>.so.major -> lib<soname>.so.major.minor.patch
            (public libraries linked with application)
        | --<component> (component specific private library, executable data)
        | --<cmake>
            | --components
                | --<component>.config.cmake
    | --share
        | --html/<component>/*.html
        | --info/<component>/*.[pdf, md, txt]
        | --man
        | --doc
            | --<component>
                | --<licenses>
        | --<component>
            | --<misc files> (arch independent non-executable)
            | --samples


ROCm will not support backward compatibility with the v5.1(old) file system hierarchy in its next major release.

For more information, refer to

Backward Compatibility with Older Filesystems#

ROCm has moved header files and libraries to its new location as indicated in the above structure and included symbolic-link and wrapper header files in its old location for backward compatibility.


ROCm will continue supporting backward compatibility until the next major release.

Wrapper header files#

Wrapper header files are placed in the old location (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/include) with a warning message to include files from the new location (/opt/rocm-xxx/include) as shown in the example below:

// Code snippet from hip_runtime.h
#pragma message “This file is deprecated. Use file from include path /opt/rocm-ver/include/ and prefix with hip”.
#include "hip/hip_runtime.h"

The wrapper header files’ backward compatibility deprecation is as follows:

  • #pragma message announcing deprecation – ROCm v5.2 release

  • #pragma message changed to #warning – Future release

  • #warning changed to #error – Future release

  • Backward compatibility wrappers removed – Future release

Library files#

Library files are available in the /opt/rocm-xxx/lib folder. For backward compatibility, the old library location (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/lib) has a soft link to the library at the new location.


$ ls -l /opt/rocm/hip/lib/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 May 12 10:45 cmake
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   24 May 10 23:32 -> ../../lib/
CMake Config files#

All CMake configuration files are available in the /opt/rocm-xxx/lib/cmake/<component> folder. For backward compatibility, the old CMake locations (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/lib/cmake) consist of a soft link to the new CMake config.


$ ls -l /opt/rocm/hip/lib/cmake/hip/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 May 10 23:32 hip-config.cmake -> ../../../../lib/cmake/hip/hip-config.cmake

Fixed Defects#

Compiler Improvements#

In ROCm v5.4.3, improvements to the compiler address errors with the following signatures:

  • “error: unhandled SGPR spill to memory”

  • “cannot scavenge register without an emergency spill slot!”

  • “error: ran out of registers during register allocation”

Known Issues#

Compiler Option Error at Runtime#

Some users may encounter a “Cannot find Symbol” error at runtime when using -save-temps. While most -save-temps use cases work correctly, this error may appear occasionally.

This issue is under investigation, and the known workaround is not to use -save-temps when the error appears.

Library Changes in ROCM 5.4.3#




















1.0.20 ⇒ 1.0.21

















rocFFT 1.0.21#

rocFFT 1.0.21 for ROCm 5.4.3

  • Removed source directory from rocm_install_targets call to prevent installation of rocfft.h in an unintended location.

ROCm 5.4.2#

Deprecations and Warnings#

HIP Perl Scripts Deprecation#

The hipcc and hipconfig Perl scripts are deprecated. In a future release, compiled binaries will be available as hipcc.bin and hipconfig.bin as replacements for the Perl scripts.


There will be a transition period where the Perl scripts and compiled binaries are available before the scripts are removed. There will be no functional difference between the Perl scripts and their compiled binary counterpart. No user action is required. Once these are available, users can optionally switch to hipcc.bin and hipconfig.bin. The hipcc/hipconfig soft link will be assimilated to point from hipcc/hipconfig to the respective compiled binaries as the default option.

hipcc Options Deprecation#

The following hipcc options are being deprecated and will be removed in a future release:

  • The --amdgpu-target option is being deprecated, and user must use the –offload-arch option to specify the GPU architecture.

  • The --amdhsa-code-object-version option is being deprecated. Users can use the Clang/LLVM option -mllvm -mcode-object-version to debug issues related to code object versions.

  • The --hipcc-func-supp/--hipcc-no-func-supp options are being deprecated, as the function calls are already supported in production on AMD GPUs.

Known Issues#

Under certain circumstances typified by high register pressure, users may encounter a compiler abort with one of the following error messages:

  • error: unhandled SGPR spill to memory

  • cannot scavenge register without an emergency spill slot!

  • error: ran out of registers during register allocation

This is a known issue and will be fixed in a future release.

Library Changes in ROCM 5.4.2#





































ROCm 5.4.1#

What’s New in This Release#

HIP Enhancements#

The ROCm v5.4.1 release consists of the following new HIP API:

New HIP API - hipLaunchHostFunc#

The following new HIP API is introduced in the ROCm v5.4.1 release.


This is a pre-official version (beta) release of the new APIs.

hipError_t hipLaunchHostFunc(hipStream_t stream, hipHostFn_t fn, void* userData);

This swaps the stream capture mode of a thread.

@param [in] mode - Pointer to mode value to swap with the current mode

This parameter returns #hipSuccess, #hipErrorInvalidValue.

For more information, refer to the HIP API documentation at /bundle/HIP_API_Guide/page/modules.html.

Deprecations and Warnings#

HIP Perl Scripts Deprecation#

The hipcc and hipconfig Perl scripts are deprecated. In a future release, compiled binaries will be available as hipcc.bin and hipconfig.bin as replacements for the Perl scripts.


There will be a transition period where the Perl scripts and compiled binaries are available before the scripts are removed. There will be no functional difference between the Perl scripts and their compiled binary counterpart. No user action is required. Once these are available, users can optionally switch to hipcc.bin and hipconfig.bin. The hipcc/hipconfig soft link will be assimilated to point from hipcc/hipconfig to the respective compiled binaries as the default option.

IFWI Fixes#

These defects were identified and documented as known issues in previous ROCm releases and are fixed in this release. AMD Instinct™ MI200 Firmware IFWI Maintenance Update #3

This IFWI release fixes the following issue in AMD Instinct™ MI210/MI250 Accelerators.

After prolonged periods of operation, certain MI200 Instinct™ Accelerators may perform in a degraded way resulting in application failures.

In this package, AMD delivers a new firmware version for MI200 GPU accelerators and a firmware installation tool – AMD FW FLASH 1.2.


Production Part Number



















Instructions on how to download and apply MI200 maintenance updates are available at:

AMD Instinct™ MI200 SRIOV Virtualization Support#

Maintenance update #3, combined with ROCm 5.4.1, now provides SRIOV virtualization support for all AMD Instinct™ MI200 devices.

Library Changes in ROCM 5.4.1#




















1.0.19 ⇒ 1.0.20

















rocFFT 1.0.20#

rocFFT 1.0.20 for ROCm 5.4.1

  • Fixed incorrect results on strided large 1D FFTs where batch size does not equal the stride.

ROCm 5.4.0#

What’s New in This Release#

HIP Enhancements#

The ROCm v5.4 release consists of the following HIP enhancements:

Support for Wall Clock64#

A new timer function wall_clock64() is supported, which returns wall clock count at a constant frequency on the device.

long long int wall_clock64();

It returns wall clock count at a constant frequency on the device, which can be queried via HIP API with the hipDeviceAttributeWallClockRate attribute of the device in the HIP application code.


int wallClkRate = 0; //in kilohertz
+HIPCHECK(hipDeviceGetAttribute(&wallClkRate, hipDeviceAttributeWallClockRate, deviceId));

Where hipDeviceAttributeWallClockRate is a device attribute.


The wall clock frequency is a per-device attribute.

New Registry Added for GPU_MAX_HW_QUEUES#

The GPU_MAX_HW_QUEUES registry defines the maximum number of independent hardware queues allocated per process per device.

The environment variable controls how many independent hardware queues HIP runtime can create per process, per device. If the application allocates more HIP streams than this number, then the HIP runtime reuses the same hardware queues for the new streams in a round-robin manner.


This maximum number does not apply to hardware queues created for CU-masked HIP streams or cooperative queues for HIP Cooperative Groups (there is only one queue per device).

For more details, refer to the HIP Programming Guide.

New HIP APIs in This Release#

The following new HIP APIs are available in the ROCm v5.4 release.


This is a pre-official version (beta) release of the new APIs.

Error Handling#
hipError_t hipDrvGetErrorName(hipError_t hipError, const char** errorString);

This returns HIP errors in the text string format.

hipError_t hipDrvGetErrorString(hipError_t hipError, const char** errorString);

This returns text string messages with more details about the error.

For more information, refer to the HIP API Guide.

HIP Tests Source Separation#

With ROCm v5.4, a separate GitHub project is created at


This contains HIP catch2 tests and samples, and new tests will continue to develop.

In future ROCm releases, catch2 tests and samples will be removed from the HIP project.

OpenMP Enhancements#

This release consists of the following OpenMP enhancements:

  • Enable new device RTL in libomptarget as default.

  • New flag -fopenmp-target-fast to imply -fopenmp-target-ignore-env-vars -fopenmp-assume-no-thread-state -fopenmp-assume-no-nested-parallelism.

  • Support for the collapse clause and non-unit stride in cases where the No-Loop specialized kernel is generated.

  • Initial implementation of optimized cross-team sum reduction for float and double type scalars.

  • Pool-based optimization in the OpenMP runtime to reduce locking during data transfer.

Deprecations and Warnings#

HIP Perl Scripts Deprecation#

The hipcc and hipconfig Perl scripts are deprecated. In a future release, compiled binaries will be available as hipcc.bin and hipconfig.bin as replacements for the Perl scripts.


There will be a transition period where the Perl scripts and compiled binaries are available before the scripts are removed. There will be no functional difference between the Perl scripts and their compiled binary counterpart. No user action is required. Once these are available, users can optionally switch to hipcc.bin and hipconfig.bin. The hipcc/hipconfig soft link will be assimilated to point from hipcc/hipconfig to the respective compiled binaries as the default option.

Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard for ROCm#

ROCm packages have adopted the Linux foundation filesystem hierarchy standard in this release to ensure ROCm components follow open source conventions for Linux-based distributions. While moving to a new filesystem hierarchy, ROCm ensures backward compatibility with its 5.1 version or older filesystem hierarchy. See below for a detailed explanation of the new filesystem hierarchy and backward compatibility.

New Filesystem Hierarchy#

The following is the new filesystem hierarchy:

    | --bin
      | --All externally exposed Binaries
    | --libexec
        | --<component>
            | -- Component specific private non-ISA executables (architecture independent)
    | --include
        | -- <component>
            | --<header files>
    | --lib
        | --lib<soname>.so -> lib<soname>.so.major -> lib<soname>.so.major.minor.patch
            (public libraries linked with application)
        | --<component> (component specific private library, executable data)
        | --<cmake>
            | --components
                | --<component>.config.cmake
    | --share
        | --html/<component>/*.html
        | --info/<component>/*.[pdf, md, txt]
        | --man
        | --doc
            | --<component>
                | --<licenses>
        | --<component>
            | --<misc files> (arch independent non-executable)
            | --samples


ROCm will not support backward compatibility with the v5.1(old) file system hierarchy in its next major release.

For more information, refer to

Backward Compatibility with Older Filesystems#

ROCm has moved header files and libraries to its new location as indicated in the above structure and included symbolic-link and wrapper header files in its old location for backward compatibility.


ROCm will continue supporting backward compatibility until the next major release.

Wrapper header files#

Wrapper header files are placed in the old location (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/include) with a warning message to include files from the new location (/opt/rocm-xxx/include) as shown in the example below:

// Code snippet from hip_runtime.h
#pragma message “This file is deprecated. Use file from include path /opt/rocm-ver/include/ and prefix with hip”.
#include "hip/hip_runtime.h"

The wrapper header files’ backward compatibility deprecation is as follows:

  • #pragma message announcing deprecation – ROCm v5.2 release

  • #pragma message changed to #warning – Future release

  • #warning changed to #error – Future release

  • Backward compatibility wrappers removed – Future release

Library files#

Library files are available in the /opt/rocm-xxx/lib folder. For backward compatibility, the old library location (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/lib) has a soft link to the library at the new location.


$ ls -l /opt/rocm/hip/lib/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 May 12 10:45 cmake
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   24 May 10 23:32 -> ../../lib/
CMake Config files#

All CMake configuration files are available in the /opt/rocm-xxx/lib/cmake/<component> folder. For backward compatibility, the old CMake locations (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/lib/cmake) consist of a soft link to the new CMake config.


$ ls -l /opt/rocm/hip/lib/cmake/hip/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 May 10 23:32 hip-config.cmake -> ../../../../lib/cmake/hip/hip-config.cmake

Fixed Defects#

The following defects are fixed in this release.

These defects were identified and documented as known issues in previous ROCm releases and are fixed in this release.

Memory Allocated Using hipHostMalloc() with Flags Did Not Exhibit Fine-Grain Behavior#


The test was incorrectly using the hipDeviceAttributePageableMemoryAccess device attribute to determine coherent support.


hipHostMalloc() allocates memory with fine-grained access by default when the environment variable HIP_HOST_COHERENT=1 is used.

For more information, refer to hip:.doxygen/docBin/html/index.

SoftHang with hipStreamWithCUMask test on AMD Instinct™#


On GFX10 GPUs, kernel execution hangs when it is launched on streams created using hipStreamWithCUMask.


On GFX10 GPUs, each workgroup processor encompasses two compute units, and the compute units must be enabled as a pair. The hipStreamWithCUMask API unit test cases are updated to set compute unit mask (cuMask) in pairs for GFX10 GPUs.

ROCm Tools GPU IDs#

The HIP language device IDs are not the same as the GPU IDs reported by the tools. GPU IDs are globally unique and guaranteed to be consistent across APIs and processes.

GPU IDs reported by ROCTracer and ROCProfiler or ROCm Tools are HSA Driver Node ID of that GPU, as it is a unique ID for that device in that particular node.

Library Changes in ROCM 5.4.0#




0.52.0 ⇒ 0.53.0


2.12.0 ⇒ 2.13.0


1.0.9 ⇒ 1.0.10


1.5.0 ⇒ 1.6.0


2.3.1 ⇒ 2.3.3


2.12.10 ⇒ 2.13.4


2.1.0 ⇒ 2.1.3


2.45.0 ⇒ 2.46.0


1.0.18 ⇒ 1.0.19




2.11.0 ⇒ 2.12.0


2.10.15 ⇒ 2.10.16


3.19.0 ⇒ 3.20.0


2.2.0 ⇒ 2.4.0


2.16.0 ⇒ 2.17.0


0.8 ⇒ 0.9


4.34.0 ⇒ 4.35.0

hipBLAS 0.53.0#

hipBLAS 0.53.0 for ROCm 5.4.0

  • Allow for selection of int8 datatype

  • Added support for hipblasXgels and hipblasXgelsStridedBatched operations (with s,d,c,z precisions), only supported with rocBLAS backend

  • Added support for hipblasXgelsBatched operations (with s,d,c,z precisions)

hipCUB 2.13.0#

hipCUB 2.13.0 for ROCm 5.4.0

  • CMake functionality to improve build parallelism of the test suite that splits compilation units by function or by parameters.

  • New overload for BlockAdjacentDifference::SubtractLeftPartialTile that takes a predecessor item.

  • Improved build parallelism of the test suite by splitting up large compilation units for DeviceRadixSort, DeviceSegmentedRadixSort and DeviceSegmentedSort.

  • CUB backend references CUB and thrust version 1.17.1.

hipFFT 1.0.10#

hipFFT 1.0.10 for ROCm 5.4.0

  • Added hipfftExtPlanScaleFactor API to efficiently multiply each output element of a FFT by a given scaling factor. Result scaling must be supported in the backend FFT library.

  • When hipFFT is built against the rocFFT backend, rocFFT 1.0.19 or higher is now required.

hipSOLVER 1.6.0#

hipSOLVER 1.6.0 for ROCm 5.4.0

  • Added compatibility-only functions

    • gesvdaStridedBatched

      • hipsolverDnSgesvdaStridedBatched_bufferSize, hipsolverDnDgesvdaStridedBatched_bufferSize, hipsolverDnCgesvdaStridedBatched_bufferSize, hipsolverDnZgesvdaStridedBatched_bufferSize

      • hipsolverDnSgesvdaStridedBatched, hipsolverDnDgesvdaStridedBatched, hipsolverDnCgesvdaStridedBatched, hipsolverDnZgesvdaStridedBatched

hipSPARSE 2.3.3#

hipSPARSE 2.3.3 for ROCm 5.4.0

  • Added hipsparseCsr2cscEx2_bufferSize and hipsparseCsr2cscEx2 routines

  • HIPSPARSE_ORDER_COLUMN has been renamed to HIPSPARSE_ORDER_COL to match cusparse

rccl 2.13.4#

RCCL 2.13.4 for ROCm 5.4.0

  • Compatibility with NCCL 2.13.4

  • Improvements to RCCL when running with hipGraphs

  • RCCL_ENABLE_HIPGRAPH environment variable is no longer necessary to enable hipGraph support

  • Minor latency improvements

  • Resolved potential memory access error due to asynchronous memset

rocALUTION 2.1.3#

rocALUTION 2.1.3 for ROCm 5.4.0

  • Added build support for Navi31 and Navi33

  • Added support for non-squared global matrices

  • Fixed a memory leak in MatrixMult on HIP backend

  • Global structures can now be used with a single process

  • Switched GTest death test style to ‘threadsafe’

  • GlobalVector::GetGhostSize() is deprecated and will be removed

  • ParallelManager::GetGlobalSize(), ParallelManager::GetLocalSize(), ParallelManager::SetGlobalSize() and ParallelManager::SetLocalSize() are deprecated and will be removed

  • Vector::GetGhostSize() is deprecated and will be removed

  • Multigrid::SetOperatorFormat(unsigned int) is deprecated and will be removed, use Multigrid::SetOperatorFormat(unsigned int, int) instead

  • RugeStuebenAMG::SetCouplingStrength(ValueType) is deprecated and will be removed, use SetStrengthThreshold(float) instead

rocBLAS 2.46.0#

rocBLAS 2.46.0 for ROCm 5.4.0

  • client smoke test dataset added for quick validation using command rocblas-test –yaml rocblas_smoke.yaml

  • Added stream order device memory allocation as a non-default beta option.

  • Improved trsm performance for small sizes by using a substitution method technique

  • Improved syr2k and her2k performance significantly by using a block-recursive algorithm

  • Level 2, Level 1, and Extension functions: argument checking when the handle is set to rocblas_pointer_mode_host now returns the status of rocblas_status_invalid_pointer only for pointers that must be dereferenced based on the alpha and beta argument values. With handle mode rocblas_pointer_mode_device only pointers that are always dereferenced regardless of alpha and beta values are checked and so may lead to a return status of rocblas_status_invalid_pointer. This improves consistency with legacy BLAS behaviour.

  • Add variable to turn on/off ieee16/ieee32 tests for mixed precision gemm

  • Allow hipBLAS to select int8 datatype

  • Disallow B == C && ldb != ldc in rocblas_xtrmm_outofplace

  • FORTRAN interfaces generalized for FORTRAN compilers other than gfortran

  • fix for trsm_strided_batched rocblas-bench performance gathering

  • Fix for rocm-smi path in script to match ROCm 5.2 and above

rocFFT 1.0.19#

rocFFT 1.0.19 for ROCm 5.4.0

  • Optimized some strided large 1D plans.

  • Added rocfft_plan_description_set_scale_factor API to efficiently multiply each output element of a FFT by a given scaling factor.

  • Created a rocfft_kernel_cache.db file next to the installed library. SBCC kernels are moved to this file when built with the library, and are runtime-compiled for new GPU architectures.

  • Added gfx1100 and gfx1102 to default AMDGPU_TARGETS.

  • Moved runtime compilation cache to in-memory by default. A default on-disk cache can encounter contention problems on multi-node clusters with a shared filesystem. rocFFT can still be told to use an on-disk cache by setting the ROCFFT_RTC_CACHE_PATH environment variable.

rocPRIM 2.12.0#

rocPRIM 2.12.0 for ROCm 5.4.0

  • device_partition, device_unique, and device_reduce_by_key now support problem sizes larger than 2^32 items.

  • block_sort::sort() overload for keys and values with a dynamic size. This overload was documented but the implementation is missing. To avoid further confusion the documentation is removed until a decision is made on implementing the function.

  • Fixed the compilation failure in device_merge if the two key iterators don’t match.

rocRAND 2.10.16#

rocRAND 2.10.16 for ROCm 5.4.0

  • MRG31K3P pseudorandom number generator based on L’Ecuyer and Touzin, 2000, “Fast combined multiple recursive generators with multipliers of the form a = ±2q ±2r”.

  • LFSR113 pseudorandom number generator based on L’Ecuyer, 1999, “Tables of maximally equidistributed combined LFSR generators”.

  • SCRAMBLED_SOBOL32 and SCRAMBLED_SOBOL64 quasirandom number generators. The Scrambled Sobol sequences are generated by scrambling the output of a Sobol sequence.

  • The mrg_&lt;distribution&gt;_distribution structures, which provided numbers based on MRG32K3A, are now replaced by mrg_engine_&lt;distribution&gt;_distribution, where &lt;distribution&gt; is log_normal, normal, poisson, or uniform. These structures provide numbers for MRG31K3P (with template type rocrand_state_mrg31k3p) and MRG32K3A (with template type rocrand_state_mrg32k3a).

  • Sobol64 now returns 64 bits random numbers, instead of 32 bits random numbers. As a result, the performance of this generator has regressed.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented compiling code in C++ mode (with a host compiler) when it included the rocRAND headers on Windows.

rocSOLVER 3.20.0#

rocSOLVER 3.20.0 for ROCm 5.4.0

  • Partial SVD for bidiagonal matrices:

    • BDSVDX

  • Partial SVD for general matrices:

    • GESVDX (with batched and strided_batched versions)

  • Changed ROCSOLVER_EMBED_FMT default to ON for users building directly with CMake. This matches the existing default when building with or

rocSPARSE 2.4.0#

rocSPARSE 2.4.0 for ROCm 5.4.0

  • Added rocsparse_spmv_ex routine

  • Added rocsparse_bsrmv_ex_analysis and rocsparse_bsrmv_ex routines

  • Added csritilu0 routine

  • Added build support for Navi31 and Navi 33

  • Optimization to segmented algorithm for COO SpMV by performing analysis

  • Improve performance when generating random matrices.

  • Fixed bug in ellmv

  • Optimized bsr2csr routine

  • Fixed integer overflow bugs

rocThrust 2.17.0#

rocThrust 2.17.0 for ROCm 5.4.0

  • Updated to match upstream Thrust 1.17.0

rocWMMA 0.9#

rocWMMA 0.9 for ROCm 5.4.0

  • Added gemm driver APIs for flow control builtins

  • Added benchmark logging systems

  • Restructured tests to follow naming convention. Added macros for test generation

  • Changed CMake to accomodate the modified test infrastructure

  • Fine tuned the multi-block kernels with and without lds

  • Adjusted Maximum Vector Width to dWordx4 Width

  • Updated Efficiencies to display as whole number percentages

  • Updated throughput from GFlops/s to TFlops/s

  • Reset the ad-hoc tests to use smaller sizes

  • Modified the output validation to use CPU-based implementation against rocWMMA

  • Modified the extended vector test to return error codes for memory allocation failures

Tensile 4.35.0#

Tensile 4.35.0 for ROCm 5.4.0

  • Async DMA support for Transpose Data Layout (ThreadSeparateGlobalReadA/B)

  • Option to output library logic in dictionary format

  • No solution found error message for benchmarking client

  • Exact K check for StoreCInUnrollExact

  • Support for CGEMM + MIArchVgpr

  • client-path parameter for using prebuilt client

  • CleanUpBuildFiles global parameter

  • Debug flag for printing library logic index of winning solution

  • NumWarmups global parameter for benchmarking

  • Windows support for benchmarking client

  • DirectToVgpr support for CGEMM

  • TensileLibLogicToYaml for creating tuning configs from library logic solutions

  • Put beta code and store separately if StoreCInUnroll = x4 store

  • Improved performance for StoreCInUnroll + b128 store

  • Re-enable HardwareMonitor for gfx90a

  • Decision trees use MLFeatures instead of Properties

  • Reject DirectToVgpr + MatrixInstBM/BN > 1

  • Fix benchmark timings when using warmups and/or validation

  • Fix mismatch issue with DirectToVgprB + VectorWidth > 1

  • Fix mismatch issue with DirectToLds + NumLoadsCoalesced > 1 + TailLoop

  • Fix incorrect reject condition for DirectToVgpr

  • Fix reject condition for DirectToVgpr + MIWaveTile < VectorWidth

  • Fix incorrect instruction generation with StoreCInUnroll

ROCm 5.3.3#

Fixed Defects#

Issue with rocTHRUST and rocPRIM Libraries#

There was a known issue with rocTHRUST and rocPRIM libraries supporting iterator and types in ROCm v5.3.x releases.

  • thrust::merge no longer correctly supports different iterator types for keys_input1 and keys_input2.

  • rocprim::device_merge no longer correctly supports using different types for keys_input1 and keys_input2.

This issue is resolved with the following fixes to compilation failures:

  • rocPRIM: in device_merge if the two key iterators do not match.

  • rocTHRUST: in thrust::merge if the two key iterators do not match.

Library Changes in ROCM 5.3.3#





































ROCm 5.3.2#

Fixed Defects#

The following known issues in ROCm v5.3.2 are fixed in this release.

Peer-to-Peer DMA Mapping Errors with SLES and RHEL#

Peer-to-Peer Direct Memory Access (DMA) mapping errors on Dell systems (R7525 and R750XA) with SLES 15 SP3/SP4 and RHEL 9.0 are fixed in this release.

Previously, running rocminfo resulted in Peer-to-Peer DMA mapping errors.

RCCL Tuning Table#

The RCCL tuning table is updated for supported platforms.

SGEMM (F32 GEMM) Routines in rocBLAS#

Functional correctness failures in SGEMM (F32 GEMM) routines in rocBLAS for certain problem sizes and ranges are fixed in this release.

Known Issues#

This section consists of known issues in this release.

AMD Instinct™ MI200 SRIOV Virtualization Issue#

There is a known issue in this ROCm v5.3 release with all AMD Instinct™ MI200 devices running within a virtual function (VF) under SRIOV virtualization. This issue will likely impact the functionality of SRIOV-based workloads but does not impact Discrete Device Assignment (DDA) or bare metal.

Until a fix is provided, users should rely on ROCm v5.2.3 to support their SRIOV workloads.

AMD Instinct™ MI200 Firmware Updates#

Customers cannot update the Integrated Firmware Image (IFWI) for AMD Instinct™ MI200 accelerators.

An updated firmware maintenance bundle consisting of an installation tool and images specific to AMD Instinct™ MI200 accelerators is under planning and will be available soon.

Known Issue with rocThrust and rocPRIM Libraries#

There is a known known issue with rocThrust and rocPRIM libraries supporting iterator and types in ROCm v5.3.x releases.

  • thrust::merge no longer correctly supports different iterator types for keys_input1 and keys_input2.

  • rocprim::device_merge no longer correctly supports using different types for keys_input1 and keys_input2.

This issue is currently under investigation and will be resolved in a future release.

Library Changes in ROCM 5.3.2#





































ROCm 5.3.0#

Deprecations and Warnings#

HIP Perl Scripts Deprecation#

The hipcc and hipconfig Perl scripts are deprecated. In a future release, compiled binaries will be available as hipcc.bin and hipconfig.bin as replacements for the Perl scripts.


There will be a transition period where the Perl scripts and compiled binaries are available before the scripts are removed. There will be no functional difference between the Perl scripts and their compiled binary counterpart. No user action is required. Once these are available, users can optionally switch to hipcc.bin and hipconfig.bin. The hipcc/hipconfig soft link will be assimilated to point from hipcc/hipconfig to the respective compiled binaries as the default option.

Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard for ROCm#

ROCm packages have adopted the Linux foundation filesystem hierarchy standard in this release to ensure ROCm components follow open source conventions for Linux-based distributions. While moving to a new filesystem hierarchy, ROCm ensures backward compatibility with its 5.1 version or older filesystem hierarchy. See below for a detailed explanation of the new filesystem hierarchy and backward compatibility.

New Filesystem Hierarchy#

The following is the new filesystem hierarchy:

    | --bin
      | --All externally exposed Binaries
    | --libexec
        | --<component>
            | -- Component specific private non-ISA executables (architecture independent)
    | --include
        | -- <component>
            | --<header files>
    | --lib
        | --lib<soname>.so -> lib<soname>.so.major -> lib<soname>.so.major.minor.patch
            (public libraries linked with application)
        | --<component> (component specific private library, executable data)
        | --<cmake>
            | --components
                | --<component>.config.cmake
    | --share
        | --html/<component>/*.html
        | --info/<component>/*.[pdf, md, txt]
        | --man
        | --doc
            | --<component>
                | --<licenses>
        | --<component>
            | --<misc files> (arch independent non-executable)
            | --samples


ROCm will not support backward compatibility with the v5.1(old) file system hierarchy in its next major release.

For more information, refer to

Backward Compatibility with Older Filesystems#

ROCm has moved header files and libraries to its new location as indicated in the above structure and included symbolic-link and wrapper header files in its old location for backward compatibility.


ROCm will continue supporting backward compatibility until the next major release.

Wrapper header files#

Wrapper header files are placed in the old location (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/include) with a warning message to include files from the new location (/opt/rocm-xxx/include) as shown in the example below:

// Code snippet from hip_runtime.h
#pragma message “This file is deprecated. Use file from include path /opt/rocm-ver/include/ and prefix with hip”.
#include "hip/hip_runtime.h"

The wrapper header files’ backward compatibility deprecation is as follows:

  • #pragma message announcing deprecation – ROCm v5.2 release

  • #pragma message changed to #warning – Future release

  • #warning changed to #error – Future release

  • Backward compatibility wrappers removed – Future release

Library files#

Library files are available in the /opt/rocm-xxx/lib folder. For backward compatibility, the old library location (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/lib) has a soft link to the library at the new location.


$ ls -l /opt/rocm/hip/lib/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 May 12 10:45 cmake
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   24 May 10 23:32 -> ../../lib/
CMake Config files#

All CMake configuration files are available in the /opt/rocm-xxx/lib/cmake/<component> folder. For backward compatibility, the old CMake locations (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/lib/cmake) consist of a soft link to the new CMake config.


$ ls -l /opt/rocm/hip/lib/cmake/hip/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 May 10 23:32 hip-config.cmake -> ../../../../lib/cmake/hip/hip-config.cmake

Fixed Defects#

The following defects are fixed in this release.

These defects were identified and documented as known issues in previous ROCm releases and are fixed in the ROCm v5.3 release.

Kernel produces incorrect results with ROCm 5.2#

User code did not initialize certain data constructs, leading to a correctness issue. A strict reading of the C++ standard suggests that failing to initialize these data constructs is undefined behavior. However, a special case was added for a specific compiler builtin to handle the uninitialized data in a defined manner.

The compiler fix consists of the following patches:

  • A new noundef attribute is added. This attribute denotes when a function call argument or return val may never contain uninitialized bits. For more information, see

  • The application of this attribute was refined such that it was not added to a specific compiler builtin where the compiler knows that inactive lanes do not impact program execution.

For more information, see RadeonOpenCompute/llvm-project.

Known Issues#

This section consists of known issues in this release.

Issue with OpenMP-Extras Package Upgrade#

The openmp-extras package has been split into runtime (openmp-extras-runtime) and dev (openmp-extras-devel) packages. This change has broken the upgrade support for the openmp-extras package in RHEL/SLES. An available workaround in RHEL is to use the following command for upgrades:

sudo yum upgrade rocm-language-runtime --allowerasing

An available workaround in SLES is to use the following command for upgrades:

zypper update --force-resolution <meta-package>

AMD Instinct™ MI200 SRIOV Virtualization Issue#

There is a known issue in this ROCm v5.3 release with all AMD Instinct™ MI200 devices running within a virtual function (VF) under SRIOV virtualization. This issue will likely impact the functionality of SRIOV-based workloads, but does not impact Discrete Device Assignment (DDA) or Bare Metal.

Until a fix is provided, users should rely on ROCm v5.2.3 to support their SRIOV workloads.

System Crash when IMMOU is Enabled#

If IOMMU is enabled in SBIOS and ROCm is installed, the system may report the following failure or errors when running workloads such as bandwidth test, clinfo, and and cause a system crash.


  • IRQ remapping does not support X2APIC mode

  • NMI error

Workaround: To avoid the system crash, add amd_iommu=on iommu=pt as the kernel bootparam, as indicated in the warning message.

Library Changes in ROCM 5.3.0#




0.51.0 ⇒ 0.52.0


2.11.1 ⇒ 2.12.0


1.0.8 ⇒ 1.0.9


1.4.0 ⇒ 1.5.0


2.2.0 ⇒ 2.3.1




2.0.3 ⇒ 2.1.0


2.44.0 ⇒ 2.45.0


1.0.17 ⇒ 1.0.18




2.10.14 ⇒ 2.11.0


2.10.14 ⇒ 2.10.15


3.18.0 ⇒ 3.19.0




2.15.0 ⇒ 2.16.0


0.7 ⇒ 0.8


4.33.0 ⇒ 4.34.0

hipBLAS 0.52.0#

hipBLAS 0.52.0 for ROCm 5.3.0

  • Added –cudapath option to to allow user to specify which cuda build they would like to use.

  • Added –installcuda option to to install cuda via a package manager. Can be used with new –installcudaversion option to specify which version of cuda to install.

  • Fixed #includes to support a compiler version.

  • Fixed client dependency support in

hipCUB 2.12.0#

hipCUB 2.12.0 for ROCm 5.3.0

  • UniqueByKey device algorithm

  • SubtractLeft, SubtractLeftPartialTile, SubtractRight, SubtractRightPartialTile overloads in BlockAdjacentDifference.

    • The old overloads (FlagHeads, FlagTails, FlagHeadsAndTails) are deprecated.

  • DeviceAdjacentDifference algorithm.

  • Extended benchmark suite of DeviceHistogram, DeviceScan, DevicePartition, DeviceReduce, DeviceSegmentedReduce, DeviceSegmentedRadixSort, DeviceRadixSort, DeviceSpmv, DeviceMergeSort, DeviceSegmentedSort

  • Obsolated type traits defined in util_type.hpp. Use the standard library equivalents instead.

  • CUB backend references CUB and thrust version 1.16.0.

  • DeviceRadixSort’s num_items parameter’s type is now templated instead of being an int.

    • If an integral type with a size at most 4 bytes is passed (i.e. an int), the former logic applies.

    • Otherwise the algorithm uses a larger indexing type that makes it possible to sort input data over 2**32 elements.

  • Improved build parallelism of the test suite by splitting up large compilation units

hipFFT 1.0.9#

hipFFT 1.0.9 for ROCm 5.3.0

  • Clean up build warnings.

  • GNUInstall Dir enhancements.

  • Requires gtest 1.11.

hipSOLVER 1.5.0#

hipSOLVER 1.5.0 for ROCm 5.3.0

  • Added functions

    • syevj

      • hipsolverSsyevj_bufferSize, hipsolverDsyevj_bufferSize, hipsolverCheevj_bufferSize, hipsolverZheevj_bufferSize

      • hipsolverSsyevj, hipsolverDsyevj, hipsolverCheevj, hipsolverZheevj

    • syevjBatched

      • hipsolverSsyevjBatched_bufferSize, hipsolverDsyevjBatched_bufferSize, hipsolverCheevjBatched_bufferSize, hipsolverZheevjBatched_bufferSize

      • hipsolverSsyevjBatched, hipsolverDsyevjBatched, hipsolverCheevjBatched, hipsolverZheevjBatched

    • sygvj

      • hipsolverSsygvj_bufferSize, hipsolverDsygvj_bufferSize, hipsolverChegvj_bufferSize, hipsolverZhegvj_bufferSize

      • hipsolverSsygvj, hipsolverDsygvj, hipsolverChegvj, hipsolverZhegvj

  • Added compatibility-only functions

    • syevdx/heevdx

      • hipsolverDnSsyevdx_bufferSize, hipsolverDnDsyevdx_bufferSize, hipsolverDnCheevdx_bufferSize, hipsolverDnZheevdx_bufferSize

      • hipsolverDnSsyevdx, hipsolverDnDsyevdx, hipsolverDnCheevdx, hipsolverDnZheevdx

    • sygvdx/hegvdx

      • hipsolverDnSsygvdx_bufferSize, hipsolverDnDsygvdx_bufferSize, hipsolverDnChegvdx_bufferSize, hipsolverDnZhegvdx_bufferSize

      • hipsolverDnSsygvdx, hipsolverDnDsygvdx, hipsolverDnChegvdx, hipsolverDnZhegvdx

  • Added –mem_query option to hipsolver-bench, which will print the amount of device memory workspace required by the function.

  • The rocSOLVER backend will now set info to zero if rocSOLVER does not reference info. (Applies to orgbr/ungbr, orgqr/ungqr, orgtr/ungtr, ormqr/unmqr, ormtr/unmtr, gebrd, geqrf, getrs, potrs, and sytrd/hetrd).

  • gesvdj will no longer require extra workspace to transpose V when jobz is HIPSOLVER_EIG_MODE_VECTOR and econ is 1.

  • Fixed Fortran return value declarations within hipsolver_module.f90

  • Fixed gesvdj_bufferSize returning HIPSOLVER_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE when jobz is HIPSOLVER_EIG_MODE_NOVECTOR and 1 <= ldv < n

  • Fixed gesvdj returning HIPSOLVER_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE when jobz is HIPSOLVER_EIG_MODE_VECTOR, econ is 1, and m < n

hipSPARSE 2.3.1#

hipSPARSE 2.3.1 for ROCm 5.3.0

  • Add SpMM and SpMM batched for CSC format

rocALUTION 2.1.0#

rocALUTION 2.1.0 for ROCm 5.3.0

  • Benchmarking tool

  • Ext+I Interpolation with sparsify strategies added for RS-AMG

  • ParallelManager

rocBLAS 2.45.0#

rocBLAS 2.45.0 for ROCm 5.3.0

  • option –upgrade_tensile_venv_pip to upgrade Pip in Tensile Virtual Environment. The corresponding CMake option is TENSILE_VENV_UPGRADE_PIP.

  • option –relocatable or -r adds rpath and removes ldconf entry on rocBLAS build.

  • option –lazy-library-loading to enable on-demand loading of tensile library files at runtime to speedup rocBLAS initialization.

  • Support for RHEL9 and CS9.

  • Added Numerical checking routine for symmetric, Hermitian, and triangular matrices, so that they could be checked for any numerical abnormalities such as NaN, Zero, infinity and denormal value.

  • trmm_outofplace performance improvements for all sizes and data types using block-recursive algorithm.

  • herkx performance improvements for all sizes and data types using block-recursive algorithm.

  • syrk/herk performance improvements by utilising optimised syrkx/herkx code.

  • symm/hemm performance improvements for all sizes and datatypes using block-recursive algorithm.

  • Unifying library logic file names: affects HBH (->HHS_BH), BBH (->BBS_BH), 4xi8BH (->4xi8II_BH). All HPA types are using the new naming convention now.

  • Level 3 function argument checking when the handle is set to rocblas_pointer_mode_host now returns the status of rocblas_status_invalid_pointer only for pointers that must be dereferenced based on the alpha and beta argument values. With handle mode rocblas_pointer_mode_device only pointers that are always dereferenced regardless of alpha and beta values are checked and so may lead to a return status of rocblas_status_invalid_pointer. This improves consistency with legacy BLAS behaviour.

  • Level 1, 2, and 3 function argument checking for enums is now more rigorously matching legacy BLAS so returns rocblas_status_invalid_value if arguments do not match the accepted subset.

  • Add quick-return for internal trmm and gemm template functions.

  • Moved function block sizes to a shared header file.

  • Level 1, 2, and 3 functions use rocblas_stride datatype for offset.

  • Modified the matrix and vector memory allocation in our test infrastructure for all Level 1, 2, 3 and BLAS_EX functions.

  • Added specific initialization for symmetric, Hermitian, and triangular matrix types in our test infrastructure.

  • Added NaN tests to the test infrastructure for the rest of Level 3, BLAS_EX functions.

  • Improved logic to #include <filesystem> vs <experimental/filesystem>.

  • -s option to build rocblas as a static library.

  • dot function now sets the device results asynchronously for N <= 0

  • is_complex helper is now deprecated. Use rocblas_is_complex instead.

  • The enum truncate_t and the value truncate is now deprecated and will removed from the ROCm release 6.0. It is replaced by rocblas_truncate_t and rocblas_truncate, respectively. The new enum rocblas_truncate_t and the value rocblas_truncate could be used from this ROCm release for an easy transition.

  • options –hip-clang , –no-hip-clang, –merge-files, –no-merge-files are removed.

rocFFT 1.0.18#

rocFFT 1.0.18 for ROCm 5.3.0

  • Runtime compilation cache now looks for environment variables XDG_CACHE_HOME (on Linux) and LOCALAPPDATA (on Windows) before falling back to HOME.

  • Optimized 2D R2C/C2R to use 2-kernel plans where possible.

  • Improved performance of the Bluestein algorithm.

  • Optimized sbcc-168 and 100 by using half-lds.

  • Fixed occasional failures to parallelize runtime compilation of kernels. Failures would be retried serially and ultimately succeed, but this would take extra time.

  • Fixed failures of some R2C 3D transforms that use the unsupported TILE_UNALGNED SBRC kernels. An example is 98^3 R2C out-of-place.

  • Fixed bugs in SBRC_ERC type.

rocm-cmake 0.8.0#

rocm-cmake 0.8.0 for ROCm 5.3.0

  • Fixed error in prerm scripts created by rocm_create_package that could break uninstall for packages using the PTH option.

  • ROCM_USE_DEV_COMPONENT set to on by default for all platforms. This means that Windows will now generate runtime and devel packages by default

  • ROCMInstallTargets now defaults CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR to lib if not otherwise specified.

  • Changed default Debian compression type to xz and enabled multi-threaded package compression.

  • rocm_create_package will no longer warn upon failure to determine version of program rpmbuild.

rocPRIM 2.11.0#

rocPRIM 2.11.0 for ROCm 5.3.0

  • New functions subtract_left and subtract_right in block_adjacent_difference to apply functions on pairs of adjacent items distributed between threads in a block.

  • New device level adjacent_difference primitives.

  • Added experimental tooling for automatic kernel configuration tuning for various architectures

  • Benchmarks collect and output more detailed system information

  • CMake functionality to improve build parallelism of the test suite that splits compilation units by function or by parameters.

  • Reverse iterator.

rocRAND 2.10.15#

rocRAND 2.10.15 for ROCm 5.3.0

  • Increased number of warmup iterations for rocrand_benchmark_generate from 5 to 15 to eliminate corner cases that would generate artificially high benchmark scores.

rocSOLVER 3.19.0#

rocSOLVER 3.19.0 for ROCm 5.3.0

  • Partial eigensolver routines for symmetric/hermitian matrices:

    • SYEVX (with batched and strided_batched versions)

    • HEEVX (with batched and strided_batched versions)

  • Generalized symmetric- and hermitian-definite partial eigensolvers:

    • SYGVX (with batched and strided_batched versions)

    • HEGVX (with batched and strided_batched versions)

  • Eigensolver routines for symmetric/hermitian matrices using Jacobi algorithm:

    • SYEVJ (with batched and strided_batched versions)

    • HEEVJ (with batched and strided_batched versions)

  • Generalized symmetric- and hermitian-definite eigensolvers using Jacobi algorithm:

    • SYGVJ (with batched and strided_batched versions)

    • HEGVJ (with batched and strided_batched versions)

  • Added –profile_kernels option to rocsolver-bench, which will include kernel calls in the profile log (if profile logging is enabled with –profile).

  • Changed rocsolver-bench result labels cpu_time and gpu_time to cpu_time_us and gpu_time_us, respectively.

  • Removed dependency on cblas from the rocsolver test and benchmark clients.

  • Fixed incorrect SYGS2/HEGS2, SYGST/HEGST, SYGV/HEGV, and SYGVD/HEGVD results for batch counts larger than 32.

  • Fixed STEIN memory access fault when nev is 0.

  • Fixed incorrect STEBZ results for close eigenvalues when range = index.

  • Fixed git unsafe repository error when building with ./ -cd as a non-root user.

rocThrust 2.16.0#

rocThrust 2.16.0 for ROCm 5.3.0

  • rocThrust functionality dependent on device malloc works is functional as ROCm 5.2 reneabled device malloc. Device launched thrust::sort and thrust::sort_by_key are available for use.

rocWMMA 0.8#

rocWMMA 0.8 for ROCm 5.3.0

Tensile 4.34.0#

Tensile 4.34.0 for ROCm 5.3.0

  • Lazy loading of solution libraries and code object files

  • Support for dictionary style logic files

  • Support for decision tree based logic files using dictionary format

  • DecisionTreeLibrary for solution selection

  • DirectToLDS support for HGEMM

  • DirectToVgpr support for SGEMM

  • Grid based distance metric for solution selection

  • Support for gfx11xx

  • Support for DirectToVgprA/B + TLU=False

  • ForkParameters Groups as a way of specifying solution parameters

  • Support for a new Tensile yaml config format

  • TensileClientConfig for generating Tensile client config files

  • Options for TensileCreateLibrary to build client and create client config file

  • Solution generation is now cached and is not repeated if solution parameters are unchanged

  • Default MACInstruction to FMA

  • Accept StaggerUStride=0 as valid

  • Reject invalid data types for UnrollLoopEfficiencyEnable

  • Fix invalid code generation issues related to DirectToVgpr

  • Return hipErrorNotFound if no modules are loaded

  • Fix performance drop for NN ZGEMM with 96x64 macro tile

  • Fix memory violation for general batched kernels when alpha/beta/K = 0

ROCm 5.2.3#

Changes in This Release#

Ubuntu 18.04 End of Life Announcement#

Support for Ubuntu 18.04 ends in this release. Future releases of ROCm will not provide prebuilt packages for Ubuntu 18.04. HIP and Other Runtimes

HIP Runtime#

  • A bug was discovered in the HIP graph capture implementation in the ROCm v5.2.0 release. If the same kernel is called twice (with different argument values) in a graph capture, the implementation only kept the argument values for the second kernel call.

  • A bug was introduced in the hiprtc implementation in the ROCm v5.2.0 release. This bug caused the hiprtcGetLoweredName call to fail for named expressions with whitespace in it.


The named expression my_sqrt<complex<double>> passed but my_sqrt<complex<double >> failed. ROCm Libraries



Compatibility with NCCL 2.12.10

  • Packages for test and benchmark executables on all supported OSes using CPack

  • Added custom signal handler - opt-in with RCCL_ENABLE_SIGNALHANDLER=1

    • Additional details provided if Binary File Descriptor library (BFD) is pre-installed.

  • Added experimental support for using multiple ranks per device

    • Requires using a new interface to create communicator (ncclCommInitRankMulti), refer to the interface documentation for details.

    • To avoid potential deadlocks, user might have to set an environment variables increasing the number of hardware queues. For example,

  • Added support for reusing ports in NET/IB channels


    • When “Call to bind failed: Address already in use” error happens in large-scale AlltoAll(for example, >=64 MI200 nodes), users are suggested to opt-in either one or both of the options to resolve the massive port usage issue


  • Removed experimental clique-based kernels

Development Tools#

No notable changes in this release for development tools, including the compiler, profiler, and debugger Deployment and Management Tools

No notable changes in this release for deployment and management tools. Older ROCm Releases

For release information for older ROCm releases, refer to RadeonOpenCompute/ROCm

Library Changes in ROCM 5.2.3#














2.11.4 ⇒ 2.12.10





















rccl 2.12.10#

RCCL 2.12.10 for ROCm 5.2.3

  • Compatibility with NCCL 2.12.10

  • Packages for test and benchmark executables on all supported OSes using CPack.

  • Adding custom signal handler - opt-in with RCCL_ENABLE_SIGNALHANDLER=1

    • Additional details provided if Binary File Descriptor library (BFD) is pre-installed

  • Adding support for reusing ports in NET/IB channels


    • When “Call to bind failed : Address already in use” error happens in large-scale AlltoAll (e.g., >=64 MI200 nodes), users are suggested to opt-in either one or both of the options to resolve the massive port usage issue


  • Removed experimental clique-based kernels

ROCm 5.2.1#

Library Changes in ROCM 5.2.1#



































ROCm 5.2.0#

What’s New in This Release#

HIP Enhancements#

The ROCm v5.2 release consists of the following HIP enhancements:

HIP Installation Guide Updates#

The HIP Installation Guide is updated to include building HIP tests from source on the AMD and NVIDIA platforms.

For more details, refer to the HIP Installation Guide v5.2.

Support for device-side malloc on HIP-Clang#

HIP-Clang now supports device-side malloc. This implementation does not require the use of hipDeviceSetLimit(hipLimitMallocHeapSize,value) nor respect any setting. The heap is fully dynamic and can grow until the available free memory on the device is consumed.

The test codes at the following link show how to implement applications using malloc and free functions in device kernels:


New HIP APIs in This Release#

The following new HIP APIs are available in the ROCm v5.2 release. Note that this is a pre-official version (beta) release of the new APIs:

Device management HIP APIs#

The new device management HIP APIs are as follows:

  • Gets a UUID for the device. This API returns a UUID for the device.

    hipError_t hipDeviceGetUuid(hipUUID* uuid, hipDevice_t device);


    This new API corresponds to the following CUDA API:

    CUresult cuDeviceGetUuid(CUuuid* uuid, CUdevice dev);
  • Gets default memory pool of the specified device

    hipError_t hipDeviceGetDefaultMemPool(hipMemPool_t* mem_pool, int device);
  • Sets the current memory pool of a device

    hipError_t hipDeviceSetMemPool(int device, hipMemPool_t mem_pool);
  • Gets the current memory pool for the specified device

    hipError_t hipDeviceGetMemPool(hipMemPool_t* mem_pool, int device);
New HIP Runtime APIs in Memory Management#

The new Stream Ordered Memory Allocator functions of HIP runtime APIs in memory management are as follows:

  • Allocates memory with stream ordered semantics

    hipError_t hipMallocAsync(void** dev_ptr, size_t size, hipStream_t stream);
  • Frees memory with stream ordered semantics

    hipError_t hipFreeAsync(void* dev_ptr, hipStream_t stream);
  • Releases freed memory back to the OS

    hipError_t hipMemPoolTrimTo(hipMemPool_t mem_pool, size_t min_bytes_to_hold);
  • Sets attributes of a memory pool

    hipError_t hipMemPoolSetAttribute(hipMemPool_t mem_pool, hipMemPoolAttr attr, void* value);
  • Gets attributes of a memory pool

    hipError_t hipMemPoolGetAttribute(hipMemPool_t mem_pool, hipMemPoolAttr attr, void* value);
  • Controls visibility of the specified pool between devices

    hipError_t hipMemPoolSetAccess(hipMemPool_t mem_pool, const hipMemAccessDesc* desc_list, size_t count);
  • Returns the accessibility of a pool from a device

    hipError_t hipMemPoolGetAccess(hipMemAccessFlags* flags, hipMemPool_t mem_pool, hipMemLocation* location);
  • Creates a memory pool

    hipError_t hipMemPoolCreate(hipMemPool_t* mem_pool, const hipMemPoolProps* pool_props);
  • Destroys the specified memory pool

    hipError_t hipMemPoolDestroy(hipMemPool_t mem_pool);
  • Allocates memory from a specified pool with stream ordered semantics

    hipError_t hipMallocFromPoolAsync(void** dev_ptr, size_t size, hipMemPool_t mem_pool, hipStream_t stream);
  • Exports a memory pool to the requested handle type

    hipError_t hipMemPoolExportToShareableHandle(
        void*                      shared_handle,
        hipMemPool_t               mem_pool,
        hipMemAllocationHandleType handle_type,
        unsigned int               flags);
  • Imports a memory pool from a shared handle

    hipError_t hipMemPoolImportFromShareableHandle(
        hipMemPool_t*              mem_pool,
        void*                      shared_handle,
        hipMemAllocationHandleType handle_type,
        unsigned int               flags);
  • Exports data to share a memory pool allocation between processes

    hipError_t hipMemPoolExportPointer(hipMemPoolPtrExportData* export_data, void* dev_ptr);
    Import a memory pool allocation from another process.t
    hipError_t hipMemPoolImportPointer(
        void**                   dev_ptr,
        hipMemPool_t             mem_pool,
        hipMemPoolPtrExportData* export_data);
HIP Graph Management APIs#

The new HIP Graph Management APIs are as follows:

  • Enqueues a host function call in a stream

    hipError_t hipLaunchHostFunc(hipStream_t stream, hipHostFn_t fn, void* userData);
  • Swaps the stream capture mode of a thread

    hipError_t hipThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode(hipStreamCaptureMode* mode);
  • Sets a node attribute

    hipError_t hipGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute(hipGraphNode_t hNode, hipKernelNodeAttrID attr, const hipKernelNodeAttrValue* value);
  • Gets a node attribute

    hipError_t hipGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute(hipGraphNode_t hNode, hipKernelNodeAttrID attr,                                          hipKernelNodeAttrValue* value);
Support for Virtual Memory Management APIs#

The new APIs for virtual memory management are as follows:

  • Frees an address range reservation made via hipMemAddressReserve

    hipError_t hipMemAddressFree(void* devPtr, size_t size);
  • Reserves an address range

    hipError_t hipMemAddressReserve(void** ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment, void* addr, unsigned long long flags);
  • Creates a memory allocation described by the properties and size

    hipError_t hipMemCreate(hipMemGenericAllocationHandle_t* handle, size_t size, const hipMemAllocationProp* prop, unsigned long long flags);
  • Exports an allocation to a requested shareable handle type

    hipError_t hipMemExportToShareableHandle(void* shareableHandle, hipMemGenericAllocationHandle_t handle, hipMemAllocationHandleType handleType, unsigned long long flags);
  • Gets the access flags set for the given location and ptr

    hipError_t hipMemGetAccess(unsigned long long* flags, const hipMemLocation* location, void* ptr);
  • Calculates either the minimal or recommended granularity

    hipError_t hipMemGetAllocationGranularity(size_t* granularity, const hipMemAllocationProp* prop, hipMemAllocationGranularity_flags option);
  • Retrieves the property structure of the given handle

    hipError_t hipMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle(hipMemAllocationProp* prop, hipMemGenericAllocationHandle_t handle);
  • Imports an allocation from a requested shareable handle type

    hipError_t hipMemImportFromShareableHandle(hipMemGenericAllocationHandle_t* handle, void* osHandle, hipMemAllocationHandleType shHandleType);
  • Maps an allocation handle to a reserved virtual address range

    hipError_t hipMemMap(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t offset, hipMemGenericAllocationHandle_t handle, unsigned long long flags);
  • Maps or unmaps subregions of sparse HIP arrays and sparse HIP mipmapped arrays

    hipError_t hipMemMapArrayAsync(hipArrayMapInfo* mapInfoList, unsigned int  count, hipStream_t stream);
  • Release a memory handle representing a memory allocation, that was previously allocated through hipMemCreate

    hipError_t hipMemRelease(hipMemGenericAllocationHandle_t handle);
  • Returns the allocation handle of the backing memory allocation given the address

    hipError_t hipMemRetainAllocationHandle(hipMemGenericAllocationHandle_t* handle, void* addr);
  • Sets the access flags for each location specified in desc for the given virtual address range

    hipError_t hipMemSetAccess(void* ptr, size_t size, const hipMemAccessDesc* desc, size_t count);
  • Unmaps memory allocation of a given address range

    hipError_t hipMemUnmap(void* ptr, size_t size);

For more information, refer to the HIP API documentation at hip:.doxygen/docBin/html/modules.

Planned HIP Changes in Future Releases#

Changes to hipDeviceProp_t, HIPMEMCPY_3D, and hipArray structures (and related HIP APIs) are planned in the next major release. These changes may impact backward compatibility.

Refer to the Release Notes document in subsequent releases for more information. ROCm Math and Communication Libraries

In this release, ROCm Math and Communication Libraries consist of the following enhancements and fixes: New rocWMMA for Matrix Multiplication and Accumulation Operations Acceleration

This release introduces a new ROCm C++ library for accelerating mixed precision matrix multiplication and accumulation (MFMA) operations leveraging specialized GPU matrix cores. rocWMMA provides a C++ API to facilitate breaking down matrix multiply accumulate problems into fragments and using them in block-wise operations that are distributed in parallel across GPU wavefronts. The API is a header library of GPU device code, meaning matrix core acceleration may be compiled directly into your kernel device code. This can benefit from compiler optimization in the generation of kernel assembly and does not incur additional overhead costs of linking to external runtime libraries or having to launch separate kernels.

rocWMMA is released as a header library and includes test and sample projects to validate and illustrate example usages of the C++ API. GEMM matrix multiplication is used as primary validation given the heavy precedent for the library. However, the usage portfolio is growing significantly and demonstrates different ways rocWMMA may be consumed.

For more information, refer to Communication Libraries.

OpenMP Enhancements in This Release#

OMPT Target Support#

The OpenMP runtime in ROCm implements a subset of the OMPT device APIs, as described in the OpenMP specification document. These are APIs that allow first-party tools to examine the profile and traces for kernels that execute on a device. A tool may register callbacks for data transfer and kernel dispatch entry points. A tool may use APIs to start and stop tracing for device-related activities such as data transfer and kernel dispatch timings and associated metadata. If device tracing is enabled, trace records for device activities are collected during program execution and returned to the tool using the APIs described in the specification.

Following is an example demonstrating how a tool would use the OMPT target APIs supported. The README in /opt/rocm/llvm/examples/tools/ompt outlines the steps to follow, and you can run the provided example as indicated below:

cd /opt/rocm/llvm/examples/tools/ompt/veccopy-ompt-target-tracing
make run

The file veccopy-ompt-target-tracing.c simulates how a tool would initiate device activity tracing. The file callbacks.h shows the callbacks that may be registered and implemented by the tool.

Deprecations and Warnings#

Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard for ROCm#

ROCm packages have adopted the Linux foundation filesystem hierarchy standard in this release to ensure ROCm components follow open source conventions for Linux-based distributions. While moving to a new filesystem hierarchy, ROCm ensures backward compatibility with its 5.1 version or older filesystem hierarchy. See below for a detailed explanation of the new filesystem hierarchy and backward compatibility.

New Filesystem Hierarchy#

The following is the new filesystem hierarchy:

    | --bin
      | --All externally exposed Binaries
    | --libexec
        | --<component>
            | -- Component specific private non-ISA executables (architecture independent)
    | --include
        | -- <component>
            | --<header files>
    | --lib
        | --lib<soname>.so -> lib<soname>.so.major -> lib<soname>.so.major.minor.patch
            (public libraries linked with application)
        | --<component> (component specific private library, executable data)
        | --<cmake>
            | --components
                | --<component>.config.cmake
    | --share
        | --html/<component>/*.html
        | --info/<component>/*.[pdf, md, txt]
        | --man
        | --doc
            | --<component>
                | --<licenses>
        | --<component>
            | --<misc files> (arch independent non-executable)
            | --samples


ROCm will not support backward compatibility with the v5.1(old) file system hierarchy in its next major release.

For more information, refer to

Backward Compatibility with Older Filesystems#

ROCm has moved header files and libraries to its new location as indicated in the above structure and included symbolic-link and wrapper header files in its old location for backward compatibility.


ROCm will continue supporting backward compatibility until the next major release.

Wrapper header files#

Wrapper header files are placed in the old location (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/include) with a warning message to include files from the new location (/opt/rocm-xxx/include) as shown in the example below:

// Code snippet from hip_runtime.h
#pragma message “This file is deprecated. Use file from include path /opt/rocm-ver/include/ and prefix with hip”.
#include "hip/hip_runtime.h"

The wrapper header files’ backward compatibility deprecation is as follows:

  • #pragma message announcing deprecation – ROCm v5.2 release

  • #pragma message changed to #warning – Future release

  • #warning changed to #error – Future release

  • Backward compatibility wrappers removed – Future release

Library files#

Library files are available in the /opt/rocm-xxx/lib folder. For backward compatibility, the old library location (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/lib) has a soft link to the library at the new location.


$ ls -l /opt/rocm/hip/lib/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 May 12 10:45 cmake
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   24 May 10 23:32 -> ../../lib/
CMake Config files#

All CMake configuration files are available in the /opt/rocm-xxx/lib/cmake/<component> folder. For backward compatibility, the old CMake locations (/opt/rocm-xxx/<component>/lib/cmake) consist of a soft link to the new CMake config.


$ ls -l /opt/rocm/hip/lib/cmake/hip/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 May 10 23:32 hip-config.cmake -> ../../../../lib/cmake/hip/hip-config.cmake

Planned deprecation of hip-rocclr and hip-base packages#

In the ROCm v5.2 release, hip-rocclr and hip-base packages (Debian and RPM) are planned for deprecation and will be removed in a future release. hip-runtime-amd and hip-dev(el) will replace these packages respectively. Users of hip-rocclr must install two packages, hip-runtime-amd and hip-dev, to get the same set of packages installed by hip-rocclr previously.

Currently, both package names hip-rocclr (or) hip-runtime-amd and hip-base (or) hip-dev(el) are supported. Deprecation of Integrated HIP Directed Tests

The integrated HIP directed tests, which are currently built by default, are deprecated in this release. The default building and execution support through CMake will be removed in future release.

Fixed Defects#

Fixed Defect


ROCmInfo does not list gpus

Code fix

Hang observed while restoring cooperative group samples

Code fix

ROCM-SMI over SRIOV: Unsupported commands do not return proper error message

Code fix

Known Issues#

This section consists of known issues in this release.

Compiler Error on gfx1030 When Compiling at -O0#


A compiler error occurs when using -O0 flag to compile code for gfx1030 that calls atomicAddNoRet, which is defined in amd_hip_atomic.h. The compiler generates an illegal instruction for gfx1030.


The workaround is not to use the -O0 flag for this case. For higher optimization levels, the compiler does not generate an invalid instruction.

System Freeze Observed During CUDA Memtest Checkpoint#


Checkpoint/Restore in Userspace (CRIU) requires 20 MB of VRAM approximately to checkpoint and restore. The CRIU process may freeze if the maximum amount of available VRAM is allocated to checkpoint applications.


To use CRIU to checkpoint and restore your application, limit the amount of VRAM the application uses to ensure at least 20 MB is available.

HPC test fails with the “HSA_STATUS_ERROR_MEMORY_FAULT” error#


The compiler may incorrectly compile a program that uses the __shfl_sync(mask, value, srcLane) function when the “value” parameter to the function is undefined along some path to the function. For most functions, uninitialized inputs cause undefined behavior, but the definition for __shfl_sync should allow for undefined values.


The workaround is to initialize the parameters to __shfl_sync.


When the -Wall compilation flag is used, the compiler generates a warning indicating the variable is initialized along some path.


double res = 0.0; // Initialize the input to __shfl_sync.
if (lane == 0) {
  res = <some expression>
res = __shfl_sync(mask, res, 0);

Kernel produces incorrect result#


In recent changes to Clang, insertion of the noundef attribute to all the function arguments has been enabled by default.

In the HIP kernel, variable var in shfl_sync may not be initialized, so LLVM IR treats it as undef.

So, the function argument that is potentially undef (because it is not intialized) has always been assumed to be noundef by LLVM IR (since Clang has inserted noundef attribute). This leads to ambiguous kernel execution.

  • Skip adding noundef attribute to functions tagged with convergent attribute. Refer to for more information.

  • Introduce shuffle attribute and add it to __shfl like APIs at hip headers. Clang can skip adding noundef attribute, if it finds that argument is tagged with shuffle attribute. Refer to for more information.

  • Introduce clang builtin for __shfl to identify it and skip adding noundef attribute.

  • Introduce __builtin_freeze to use on the relevant arguments in library wrappers. The library/header need to insert freezes on the relevant inputs.

Issue with Applications Triggering Oversubscription#

There is a known issue with applications that trigger oversubscription. A hardware hang occurs when ROCgdb is used on AMD Instinct™ MI50 and MI100 systems.

This issue is under investigation and will be fixed in a future release.

Library Changes in ROCM 5.2.0#




0.50.0 ⇒ 0.51.0


2.11.0 ⇒ 2.11.1


1.0.7 ⇒ 1.0.8


1.3.0 ⇒ 1.4.0


2.1.0 ⇒ 2.2.0




2.0.2 ⇒ 2.0.3


2.43.0 ⇒ 2.44.0


1.0.16 ⇒ 1.0.17


2.10.13 ⇒ 2.10.14


2.10.13 ⇒ 2.10.14


3.17.0 ⇒ 3.18.0


2.1.0 ⇒ 2.2.0


2.14.0 ⇒ 2.15.0




4.32.0 ⇒ 4.33.0

hipBLAS 0.51.0#

hipBLAS 0.51.0 for ROCm 5.2.0

  • Packages for test and benchmark executables on all supported OSes using CPack.

  • Added File/Folder Reorg Changes with backward compatibility support enabled using ROCM-CMAKE wrapper functions

  • Added user-specified initialization option to hipblas-bench

  • Fixed version gathering in performance measuring script

hipCUB 2.11.1#

hipCUB 2.11.1 for ROCm 5.2.0

  • Packages for tests and benchmark executable on all supported OSes using CPack.

hipFFT 1.0.8#

hipFFT 1.0.8 for ROCm 5.2.0

  • Added File/Folder Reorg Changes with backward compatibility support using ROCM-CMAKE wrapper functions.

  • Packages for test and benchmark executables on all supported OSes using CPack.

hipSOLVER 1.4.0#

hipSOLVER 1.4.0 for ROCm 5.2.0

  • Package generation for test and benchmark executables on all supported OSes using CPack.

  • File/Folder Reorg

    • Added File/Folder Reorg Changes with backward compatibility support using ROCM-CMAKE wrapper functions.

  • Fixed the ReadTheDocs documentation generation.

hipSPARSE 2.2.0#

hipSPARSE 2.2.0 for ROCm 5.2.0

  • Packages for test and benchmark executables on all supported OSes using CPack.

rocALUTION 2.0.3#

rocALUTION 2.0.3 for ROCm 5.2.0

  • Packages for test and benchmark executables on all supported OSes using CPack.

rocBLAS 2.44.0#

rocBLAS 2.44.0 for ROCm 5.2.0

  • Packages for test and benchmark executables on all supported OSes using CPack.

  • Added Denormal number detection to the Numerical checking helper function to detect denormal/subnormal numbers in the input and the output vectors of rocBLAS level 1 and 2 functions.

  • Added Denormal number detection to the Numerical checking helper function to detect denormal/subnormal numbers in the input and the output general matrices of rocBLAS level 2 and 3 functions.

  • Added NaN initialization tests to the yaml files of Level 2 rocBLAS batched and strided-batched functions for testing purposes.

  • Added memory allocation check to avoid disk swapping during rocblas-test runs by skipping tests.

  • Improved performance of non-batched and batched her2 for all sizes and data types.

  • Improved performance of non-batched and batched amin for all data types using shuffle reductions.

  • Improved performance of non-batched and batched amax for all data types using shuffle reductions.

  • Improved performance of trsv for all sizes and data types.

  • Modifying gemm_ex for HBH (High-precision F16). The alpha/beta data type remains as F32 without narrowing to F16 and expanding back to F32 in the kernel. This change prevents rounding errors due to alpha/beta conversion in situations where alpha/beta are not exactly represented as an F16.

  • Modified non-batched and batched asum, nrm2 functions to use shuffle instruction based reductions.

  • For gemm, gemm_ex, gemm_ex2 internal API use rocblas_stride datatype for offset.

  • For symm, hemm, syrk, herk, dgmm, geam internal API use rocblas_stride datatype for offset.

  • AMD copyright year for all rocBLAS files.

  • For gemv (transpose-case), typecasted the ‘lda’(offset) datatype to size_t during offset calculation to avoid overflow and remove duplicate template functions.

  • For function her2 avoid overflow in offset calculation.

  • For trsm when alpha == 0 and on host, allow A to be nullptr.

  • Fixed memory access issue in trsv.

  • Fixed git pre-commit script to update only AMD copyright year.

  • Fixed dgmm, geam test functions to set correct stride values.

  • For functions ssyr2k and dsyr2k allow trans == rocblas_operation_conjugate_transpose.

  • Fixed compilation error for clients-only build.

  • Remove Navi12 (gfx1011) from fat binary.

rocFFT 1.0.17#

rocFFT 1.0.17 for ROCm 5.2.0

  • Packages for test and benchmark executables on all supported OSes using CPack.

  • Added File/Folder Reorg Changes with backward compatibility support using ROCM-CMAKE wrapper functions.

  • Improved reuse of twiddle memory between plans.

  • Set a default load/store callback when only one callback type is set via the API for improved performance.

  • Introduced a new access pattern of lds (non-linear) and applied it on sbcc kernels len 64 to get performance improvement.

  • Fixed plan creation failure in cases where SBCC kernels would need to write to non-unit-stride buffers.

rocPRIM 2.10.14#

rocPRIM 2.10.14 for ROCm 5.2.0

  • Packages for tests and benchmark executable on all supported OSes using CPack.

  • Added File/Folder Reorg Changes and Enabled Backward compatibility support using wrapper headers.

rocRAND 2.10.14#

rocRAND 2.10.14 for ROCm 5.2.0

  • Backward compatibility for deprecated #include &lt;rocrand.h&gt; using wrapper header files.

  • Packages for test and benchmark executables on all supported OSes using CPack.

rocSOLVER 3.18.0#

rocSOLVER 3.18.0 for ROCm 5.2.0

  • Partial eigenvalue decomposition routines:

    • STEBZ

    • STEIN

  • Package generation for test and benchmark executables on all supported OSes using CPack.

  • Added tests for multi-level logging

  • Added tests for rocsolver-bench client

  • File/Folder Reorg

    • Added File/Folder Reorg Changes with backward compatibility support using ROCM-CMAKE wrapper functions.

  • Fixed compatibility with libfmt 8.1

rocSPARSE 2.2.0#

rocSPARSE 2.2.0 for ROCm 5.2.0

  • batched SpMM for CSR, COO and Blocked ELL formats.

  • Packages for test and benchmark executables on all supported OSes using CPack.

  • Clients file importers and exporters.

  • Clients code size reduction.

  • Clients error handling.

  • Clients benchmarking for performance tracking.

  • Test adjustments due to roundoff errors.

  • Fixing API calls compatiblity with rocPRIM.

Known Issues#
  • none

rocThrust 2.15.0#

rocThrust 2.15.0 for ROCm 5.2.0

  • Packages for tests and benchmark executable on all supported OSes using CPack.

rocWMMA 0.7#

rocWMMA 0.7 for ROCm 5.2.0

  • Added unit tests for DLRM kernels

  • Added GEMM sample

  • Added DLRM sample

  • Added SGEMV sample

  • Added unit tests for cooperative wmma load and stores

  • Added unit tests for IOBarrier.h

  • Added wmma load/ store tests for different matrix types (A, B and Accumulator)

  • Added more block sizes 1, 2, 4, 8 to test MmaSyncMultiTest

  • Added block sizes 4, 8 to test MmaSynMultiLdsTest

  • Added support for wmma load / store layouts with block dimension greater than 64

  • Added IOShape structure to define the attributes of mapping and layouts for all wmma matrix types

  • Added CI testing for rocWMMA

  • Renamed wmma to rocwmma in cmake, header files and documentation

  • Renamed library files

  • Modified Layout.h to use different matrix offset calculations (base offset, incremental offset and cumulative offset)

  • Opaque load/store continue to use incrementatl offsets as they fill the entire block

  • Cooperative load/store use cumulative offsets as they fill only small portions for the entire block

  • Increased Max split counts to 64 for cooperative load/store

  • Moved all the wmma definitions, API headers to rocwmma namespace

  • Modified wmma fill unit tests to validate all matrix types (A, B, Accumulator)

Tensile 4.33.0#

Tensile 4.33.0 for ROCm 5.2.0

  • TensileUpdateLibrary for updating old library logic files

  • Support for TensileRetuneLibrary to use sizes from separate file

  • ZGEMM DirectToVgpr/DirectToLds/StoreCInUnroll/MIArchVgpr support

  • Tests for denorm correctness

  • Option to write different architectures to different TensileLibrary files

  • Optimize MessagePackLoadLibraryFile by switching to fread

  • DGEMM tail loop optimization for PrefetchAcrossPersistentMode=1/DirectToVgpr

  • Alpha/beta datatype remains as F32 for HPA HGEMM

  • Force assembly kernels to not flush denorms

  • Use hipDeviceAttributePhysicalMultiProcessorCount as multiProcessorCount

  • Fix segmentation fault when run i8 datatype with TENSILE_DB=0x80

ROCm 5.1.3#

Library Changes in ROCM 5.1.3#

































ROCm 5.1.1#

Library Changes in ROCM 5.1.1#

































ROCm 5.1.0#

What’s New in This Release#

HIP Enhancements#

The ROCm v5.1 release consists of the following HIP enhancements.

HIP Installation Guide Updates#

The HIP Installation Guide is updated to include installation and building HIP from source on the AMD and NVIDIA platforms.

Refer to the HIP Installation Guide v5.1 for more details.

Support for HIP Graph#

ROCm v5.1 extends support for HIP Graph.

Planned Changes for HIP in Future Releases#
Separation of hiprtc (libhiprtc) library from hip runtime (amdhip64)#

On ROCm/Linux, to maintain backward compatibility, the hipruntime library (amdhip64) will continue to include hiprtc symbols in future releases. The backward compatible support may be discontinued by removing hiprtc symbols from the hipruntime library (amdhip64) in the next major release.

hipDeviceProp_t Structure Enhancements#

Changes to the hipDeviceProp_t structure in the next major release may result in backward incompatibility. More details on these changes will be provided in subsequent releases.

ROCDebugger Enhancements#

Multi-language Source Level Debugger#

The compiler now generates a source-level variable and function argument debug information.

The accuracy is guaranteed if the compiler options -g -O0 are used and apply only to HIP.

This enhancement enables ROCDebugger users to interact with the HIP source-level variables and function arguments.


The newly-suggested compiler -g option must be used instead of the previously-suggested -ggdb option. Although the effect of these two options is currently equivalent, this is not guaranteed for the future and might get changed by the upstream LLVM community.

Machine Interface Lanes Support#

ROCDebugger Machine Interface (MI) extends support to lanes. The following enhancements are made:

  • Added a new -lane-info command, listing the current thread’s lanes.

  • The -thread-select command now supports a lane switch to switch to a specific lane of a thread:

    -thread-select -l LANE THREAD
  • The =thread-selected notification gained a lane-id attribute. This enables the frontend to know which lane of the thread was selected.

  • The *stopped asynchronous record gained lane-id and hit-lanes attributes. The former indicates which lane is selected, and the latter indicates which lanes explain the stop.

  • MI commands now accept a global –lane option, similar to the global –thread and –frame options.

  • MI varobjs are now lane-aware.

For more information, refer to the ROC Debugger User Guide at ROCgdb.

Enhanced - clone-inferior Command#

The clone-inferior command now ensures that the TTY, CMD, ARGS, and AMDGPU PRECISE-MEMORY settings are copied from the original inferior to the new one. All modifications to the environment variables done using the ‘set environment’ or ‘unset environment’ commands are also copied to the new inferior.

MIOpen Support for RDNA GPUs#

This release includes support for AMD Radeon™ Pro W6800, in addition to other bug fixes and performance improvements as listed below:

  • MIOpen now supports RDNA GPUs!! (via MIOpen PRs 973, 780, 764, 740, 739, 677, 660, 653, 493, 498)

  • Fixed a correctness issue with ImplicitGemm algorithm

  • Updated the performance data for new kernel versions

  • Improved MIOpen build time by splitting large kernel header files

  • Fixed an issue in reduction kernels for padded tensors

  • Various other bug fixes and performance improvements

For more information, see Documentation.

Checkpoint Restore Support With CRIU#

The new Checkpoint Restore in Userspace (CRIU) functionality is implemented to support AMD GPU and ROCm applications.

CRIU is a userspace tool to Checkpoint and Restore an application.

CRIU lacked the support for checkpoint restore applications that used device files such as a GPU. With this ROCm release, CRIU is enhanced with a new plugin to support AMD GPUs, which includes:

  • Single and Multi GPU systems (Gfx9)

  • Checkpoint / Restore on a different system

  • Checkpoint / Restore inside a docker container

  • PyTorch

  • Tensorflow

  • Using CRIU Image Streamer

For more information, refer to checkpoint-restore/criu


The CRIU plugin (amdgpu_plugin) is merged upstream with the CRIU repository. The KFD kernel patches are also available upstream with the amd-staging-drm-next branch (public) and the ROCm 5.1 release branch.


This is a Beta release of the Checkpoint and Restore functionality, and some features are not available in this release.

For more information, refer to the following websites:

Fixed Defects#

The following defects are fixed in this release.

Driver Fails To Load after Installation#

The issue with the driver failing to load after ROCm installation is now fixed.

The driver installs successfully, and the server reboots with working rocminfo and clinfo.

ROCDebugger Fixed Defects#

Breakpoints in GPU kernel code Before Kernel Is Loaded#

Previously, setting a breakpoint in device code by line number before the device code was loaded into the program resulted in ROCgdb incorrectly moving the breakpoint to the first following line that contains host code.

Now, the breakpoint is left pending. When the GPU kernel gets loaded, the breakpoint resolves to a location in the kernel.

Registers Invalidated After Write#

Previously, the stale just-written value was presented as a current value.

ROCgdb now invalidates the cached values of registers whose content might differ after being written. For example, registers with read-only bits.

ROCgdb also invalidates all volatile registers when a volatile register is written. For example, writing VCC invalidates the content of STATUS as STATUS.VCCZ may change.

Scheduler-locking and GPU Wavefronts#

When scheduler-locking is in effect, new wavefronts created by a resumed thread, CPU, or GPU wavefront, are held in the halt state. For example, the “set scheduler-locking” command.

ROCDebugger Fails Before Completion of Kernel Execution#

It was possible (although erroneous) for a debugger to load GPU code in memory, send it to the device, start executing a kernel on the device, and dispose of the original code before the kernel had finished execution. If a breakpoint was hit after this point, the debugger failed with an internal error while trying to access the debug information.

This issue is now fixed by ensuring that the debugger keeps a local copy of the original code and debug information.

Known Issues#

Random Memory Access Fault Errors Observed While Running Math Libraries Unit Tests#

Issue: Random memory access fault issues are observed while running Math libraries unit tests. This issue is encountered in ROCm v5.0, ROCm v5.0.1, and ROCm v5.0.2.

Note, the faults only occur in the SRIOV environment.

Workaround: Use SDMA to update the page table. The Guest set up steps are as follows:

sudo modprobe amdgpu vm_update_mode=0

To verify, use


cat /sys/module/amdgpu/parameters/vm_update_mode 0

Where expectation is 0.

CU Masking Causes Application to Freeze#

Using CU Masking results in an application freeze or runs exceptionally slowly. This issue is noticed only in the GFX10 suite of products. Note, this issue is observed only in GFX10 suite of products.

This issue is under active investigation at this time.

Failed Checkpoint in Docker Containers#

A defect with Ubuntu images kernel-5.13-30-generic and kernel-5.13-35-generic with Overlay FS results in incorrect reporting of the mount ID.

This issue with Ubuntu causes CRIU checkpointing to fail in Docker containers.

As a workaround, use an older version of the kernel. For example, Ubuntu 5.11.0-46-generic.

Issue with Restoring Workloads Using Cooperative Groups Feature#

Workloads that use the cooperative groups function to ensure all waves can be resident at the same time may fail to restore correctly. This issue is under investigation and will be fixed in a future release.

Radeon Pro V620 and W6800 Workstation GPUs#

No Support for ROCDebugger on SRIOV#

ROCDebugger is not supported in the SRIOV environment on any GPU.

This is a known issue and will be fixed in a future release.

Random Error Messages in ROCm SMI for SR-IOV#

Random error messages are generated by unsupported functions or commands.

This is a known issue and will be fixed in a future release.

Library Changes in ROCM 5.1.0#




0.49.0 ⇒ 0.50.0


2.10.13 ⇒ 2.11.0


1.0.4 ⇒ 1.0.7


1.2.0 ⇒ 1.3.0


2.0.0 ⇒ 2.1.0


2.10.3 ⇒ 2.11.4


2.0.1 ⇒ 2.0.2


2.42.0 ⇒ 2.43.0


1.0.13 ⇒ 1.0.16


2.10.12 ⇒ 2.10.13


2.10.12 ⇒ 2.10.13


3.16.0 ⇒ 3.17.0


2.0.0 ⇒ 2.1.0


2.13.0 ⇒ 2.14.0


4.31.0 ⇒ 4.32.0

hipBLAS 0.50.0#

hipBLAS 0.50.0 for ROCm 5.1.0

  • Added library version and device information to hipblas-test output

  • Added –rocsolver-path command line option to choose path to pre-built rocSOLVER, as absolute or relative path

  • Added –cmake_install command line option to update cmake to minimum version if required

  • Added cmake-arg parameter to pass in cmake arguments while building

  • Added infrastructure to support readthedocs hipBLAS documentation.

  • Added hipblasVersionMinor define. hipblaseVersionMinor remains defined for backwards compatibility.

  • Doxygen warnings in hipblas.h header file.

  • rocblas-path command line option can be specified as either absolute or relative path

  • Help message improvements in and

  • Updated googletest dependency from 1.10.0 to 1.11.0

hipCUB 2.11.0#

hipCUB 2.11.0 for ROCm 5.1.0

  • Device segmented sort

  • Warp merge sort, WarpMask and thread sort from cub 1.15.0 supported in hipCUB

  • Device three way partition

  • Device_scan and device_segmented_scan: inclusive_scan now uses the input-type as accumulator-type, exclusive_scan uses initial-value-type.

    • This particularly changes behaviour of small-size input types with large-size output types (e.g. short input, int output).

    • And low-res input with high-res output (e.g. float input, double output)

    • Block merge sort no longer supports non power of two blocksizes

hipFFT 1.0.7#

hipFFT 1.0.7 for ROCm 5.1.0

  • Use fft_params struct for accuracy and benchmark clients.

hipSOLVER 1.3.0#

hipSOLVER 1.3.0 for ROCm 5.1.0

  • Added functions

    • gels

      • hipsolverSSgels_bufferSize, hipsolverDDgels_bufferSize, hipsolverCCgels_bufferSize, hipsolverZZgels_bufferSize

      • hipsolverSSgels, hipsolverDDgels, hipsolverCCgels, hipsolverZZgels

  • Added library version and device information to hipsolver-test output.

  • Added compatibility API with hipsolverDn prefix.

  • Added compatibility-only functions

    • gesvdj

      • hipsolverDnSgesvdj_bufferSize, hipsolverDnDgesvdj_bufferSize, hipsolverDnCgesvdj_bufferSize, hipsolverDnZgesvdj_bufferSize

      • hipsolverDnSgesvdj, hipsolverDnDgesvdj, hipsolverDnCgesvdj, hipsolverDnZgesvdj

    • gesvdjBatched

      • hipsolverDnSgesvdjBatched_bufferSize, hipsolverDnDgesvdjBatched_bufferSize, hipsolverDnCgesvdjBatched_bufferSize, hipsolverDnZgesvdjBatched_bufferSize

      • hipsolverDnSgesvdjBatched, hipsolverDnDgesvdjBatched, hipsolverDnCgesvdjBatched, hipsolverDnZgesvdjBatched

    • syevj

      • hipsolverDnSsyevj_bufferSize, hipsolverDnDsyevj_bufferSize, hipsolverDnCheevj_bufferSize, hipsolverDnZheevj_bufferSize

      • hipsolverDnSsyevj, hipsolverDnDsyevj, hipsolverDnCheevj, hipsolverDnZheevj

    • syevjBatched

      • hipsolverDnSsyevjBatched_bufferSize, hipsolverDnDsyevjBatched_bufferSize, hipsolverDnCheevjBatched_bufferSize, hipsolverDnZheevjBatched_bufferSize

      • hipsolverDnSsyevjBatched, hipsolverDnDsyevjBatched, hipsolverDnCheevjBatched, hipsolverDnZheevjBatched

    • sygvj

      • hipsolverDnSsygvj_bufferSize, hipsolverDnDsygvj_bufferSize, hipsolverDnChegvj_bufferSize, hipsolverDnZhegvj_bufferSize

      • hipsolverDnSsygvj, hipsolverDnDsygvj, hipsolverDnChegvj, hipsolverDnZhegvj

  • The rocSOLVER backend now allows hipsolverXXgels and hipsolverXXgesv to be called in-place when B == X.

  • The rocSOLVER backend now allows rwork to be passed as a null pointer to hipsolverXgesvd.

  • bufferSize functions will now return HIPSOLVER_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED instead of HIPSOLVER_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE when both handle and lwork are null.

  • Fixed rare memory allocation failure in syevd/heevd and sygvd/hegvd caused by improper workspace array allocation outside of rocSOLVER.

hipSPARSE 2.1.0#

hipSPARSE 2.1.0 for ROCm 5.1.0

  • Added gtsv_interleaved_batch and gpsv_interleaved_batch routines

  • Add SpGEMM_reuse

  • Changed BUILD_CUDA with USE_CUDA in install script and cmake files

  • Update googletest to 11.1

  • Fixed a bug in SpMM Alg versioning

Known Issues#
  • none

rccl 2.11.4#

RCCL 2.11.4 for ROCm 5.1.0

  • Compatibility with NCCL 2.11.4

Known Issues#
  • Managed memory is not currently supported for clique-based kernels

rocALUTION 2.0.2#

rocALUTION 2.0.2 for ROCm 5.1.0

  • Added out-of-place matrix transpose functionality

  • Added LocalVector<bool>

rocBLAS 2.43.0#

rocBLAS 2.43.0 for ROCm 5.1.0

  • Option to install script for number of jobs to use for rocBLAS and Tensile compilation (-j, –jobs)

  • Option to install script to build clients without using any Fortran (–clients_no_fortran)

  • rocblas_client_initialize function, to perform rocBLAS initialize for clients(benchmark/test) and report the execution time.

  • Added tests for output of reduction functions when given bad input

  • Added user specified initialization (rand_int/trig_float/hpl) for initializing matrices and vectors in rocblas-bench

  • Improved performance of trsm with side == left and n == 1

  • Improved perforamnce of trsm with side == left and m <= 32 along with side == right and n <= 32

  • For syrkx and trmm internal API use rocblas_stride datatype for offset

  • For non-batched and batched gemm_ex functions if the C matrix pointer equals the D matrix pointer (aliased) their respective type and leading dimension arguments must now match

  • Test client dependencies updated to GTest 1.11

  • non-global false positives reported by cppcheck from file based suppression to inline suppression. File based suppression will only be used for global false positives.

  • Help menu messages in

  • For ger function, typecast the ‘lda’(offset) datatype to size_t during offset calculation to avoid overflow and remove duplicate template functions.

  • Modified default initialization from rand_int to hpl for initializing matrices and vectors in rocblas-bench

  • For function trmv (non-transposed cases) avoid overflow in offset calculation

  • Fixed cppcheck errors/warnings

  • Fixed doxygen warnings

rocFFT 1.0.16#

rocFFT 1.0.16 for ROCm 5.1.0

  • Supported unaligned tile dimension for SBRC_2D kernels.

  • Improved (more RAII) test and benchmark infrastructure.

  • Enabled runtime compilation of length-2304 FFT kernel during plan creation.

  • Optimized more large 1D cases by using L1D_CC plan.

  • Optimized 3D 200^3 C2R case.

  • Optimized 1D 2^30 double precision on MI200.

  • Fixed correctness of some R2C transforms with unusual strides.

  • The hipFFT API (header) has been removed from after a long deprecation period. Please use the hipFFT package/repository to obtain the hipFFT API.

rocPRIM 2.10.13#

rocPRIM 2.10.13 for ROCm 5.1.0

  • Fixed radix sort int64_t bug introduced in [2.10.11]

  • Future value

  • Added device partition_three_way to partition input to three output iterators based on two predicates

  • The reduce/scan algorithm precision issues in the tests has been resolved for half types.

Known Issues#
  • device_segmented_radix_sort unit test failing for HIP on Windows

rocRAND 2.10.13#

rocRAND 2.10.13 for ROCm 5.1.0

  • Generating a random sequence different sizes now produces the same sequence without gaps indepent of how many values are generated per call.

    • Only in the case of XORWOW, MRG32K3A, PHILOX4X32_10, SOBOL32 and SOBOL64

    • This only holds true if the size in each call is a divisor of the distributions output_width due to performance

    • Similarly the output pointer has to be aligned to output_width * sizeof(output_type)

  • hipRAND split into a separate package

  • Header file installation location changed to match other libraries.

    • Using the rocrand.h header file should now use #include &lt;rocrand/rocrand.h&gt;, rather than #include &lt;rocrand/rocrand.h&gt;

  • rocRAND still includes hipRAND using a submodule

    • The rocRAND package also sets the provides field with hipRAND, so projects which require hipRAND can begin to specify it.

  • Fix offset behaviour for XORWOW, MRG32K3A and PHILOX4X32_10 generator, setting offset now correctly generates the same sequence starting from the offset.

    • Only uniform int and float will work as these can be generated with a single call to the generator

Known Issues#
  • kernel_xorwow unit test is failing for certain GPU architectures.

rocSOLVER 3.17.0#

rocSOLVER 3.17.0 for ROCm 5.1.0

  • Optimized non-pivoting and batch cases of the LU factorization

  • Fixed missing synchronization in SYTRF with rocblas_fill_lower that could potentially result in incorrect pivot values.

  • Fixed multi-level logging output to file with the ROCSOLVER_LOG_PATH, ROCSOLVER_LOG_TRACE_PATH, ROCSOLVER_LOG_BENCH_PATH and ROCSOLVER_LOG_PROFILE_PATH environment variables.

  • Fixed performance regression in the batched LU factorization of tiny matrices

rocSPARSE 2.1.0#

rocSPARSE 2.1.0 for ROCm 5.1.0

  • gtsv_interleaved_batch

  • gpsv_interleaved_batch

  • SpGEMM_reuse

  • Allow copying of mat info struct

  • Optimization for SDDMM

  • Allow unsorted matrices in csrgemm multipass algorithm

Known Issues#
  • none

rocThrust 2.14.0#

rocThrust 2.14.0 for ROCm 5.1.0

  • Updated to match upstream Thrust 1.15.0

Known Issues#
  • async_copy, partition, and stable_sort_by_key unit tests are failing on HIP on Windows.

Tensile 4.32.0#

Tensile 4.32.0 for ROCm 5.1.0

  • Better control of parallelism to control memory usage

  • Support for multiprocessing on Windows for TensileCreateLibrary

  • New JSD metric and metric selection functionality

  • Initial changes to support two-tier solution selection

  • Optimized runtime of TensileCreateLibraries by reducing max RAM usage

  • StoreCInUnroll additional optimizations plus adaptive K support

  • DGEMM NN optimizations with PrefetchGlobalRead(PGR)=2 support

  • Update Googletest to 1.11.0

  • Remove no longer supported benchmarking steps

ROCm 5.0.2#

Fixed Defects#

The following defects are fixed in the ROCm v5.0.2 release.

Issue with hostcall Facility in HIP Runtime#

In ROCm v5.0, when using the “assert()” call in a HIP kernel, the compiler may sometimes fail to emit kernel metadata related to the hostcall facility, which results in incomplete initialization of the hostcall facility in the HIP runtime. This can cause the HIP kernel to crash when it attempts to execute the “assert()” call.

The root cause was an incorrect check in the compiler to determine whether the hostcall facility is required by the kernel. This is fixed in the ROCm v5.0.2 release.

The resolution includes a compiler change, which emits the required metadata by default, unless the compiler can prove that the hostcall facility is not required by the kernel. This ensures that the “assert()” call never fails.

Note: This fix may lead to breakage in some OpenMP offload use cases, which use print inside a target region and result in an abort in device code. The issue will be fixed in a future release. Compatibility Matrix Updates to ROCm Deep Learning Guide

The compatibility matrix in the AMD Deep Learning Guide is updated for ROCm v5.0.2.

Library Changes in ROCM 5.0.2#

































ROCm 5.0.1#

Deprecations and Warnings#


In prior ROCm releases, by default, the hipcc/hipconfig Perl scripts were used to identify and set target compiler options, target platform, compiler, and runtime appropriately.

In ROCm v5.0.1, hipcc.bin and hipconfig.bin have been added as the compiled binary implementations of the hipcc and hipconfig. These new binaries are currently a work-in-progress, considered, and marked as experimental. ROCm plans to fully transition to hipcc.bin and hipconfig.bin in the a future ROCm release. The existing hipcc and hipconfig Perl scripts are renamed to and respectively. New top-level hipcc and hipconfig Perl scripts are created, which can switch between the Perl script or the compiled binary based on the environment variable HIPCC_USE_PERL_SCRIPT.

In ROCm 5.0.1, by default, this environment variable is set to use hipcc and hipconfig through the Perl scripts.

Subsequently, Perl scripts will no longer be available in ROCm in a future release.

Library Changes in ROCM 5.0.1#

































ROCm 5.0.0#

What’s New in This Release#

HIP Enhancements#

The ROCm v5.0 release consists of the following HIP enhancements.

HIP Installation Guide Updates#

The HIP Installation Guide is updated to include building HIP from source on the NVIDIA platform.

Refer to the HIP Installation Guide v5.0 for more details.

Managed Memory Allocation#

Managed memory, including the __managed__ keyword, is now supported in the HIP combined host/device compilation. Through unified memory allocation, managed memory allows data to be shared and accessible to both the CPU and GPU using a single pointer. The allocation is managed by the AMD GPU driver using the Linux Heterogeneous Memory Management (HMM) mechanism. The user can call managed memory API hipMallocManaged to allocate a large chunk of HMM memory, execute kernels on a device, and fetch data between the host and device as needed.


In a HIP application, it is recommended to do a capability check before calling the managed memory APIs. For example,

int managed_memory = 0;
if (!managed_memory ) {
  printf ("info: managed memory access not supported on the device %d\n Skipped\n", p_gpuDevice);
else {
  HIPCHECK(hipMallocManaged(&Hmm, N * sizeof(T)));
. . .


The managed memory capability check may not be necessary; however, if HMM is not supported, managed malloc will fall back to using system memory. Other managed memory API calls will, then, have

Refer to the HIP API documentation for more details on managed memory APIs.

For the application, see


New Environment Variable#

The following new environment variable is added in this release:

Environment Variable




0 or 1 (default is 0)

Some processors support more CUs than can reliably be used in a cooperative dispatch. Setting the environment variable HSA_COOP_CU_COUNT to 1 will cause ROCr to return the correct CU count for cooperative groups through the HSA_AMD_AGENT_INFO_COOPERATIVE_COMPUTE_UNIT_COUNT attribute of hsa_agent_get_info(). Setting HSA_COOP_CU_COUNT to other values, or leaving it unset, will cause ROCr to return the same CU count for the attributes HSA_AMD_AGENT_INFO_COOPERATIVE_COMPUTE_UNIT_COUNT and HSA_AMD_AGENT_INFO_COMPUTE_UNIT_COUNT. Future ROCm releases will make HSA_COOP_CU_COUNT=1 the default.

Breaking Changes#

Runtime Breaking Change#

Re-ordering of the enumerated type in hip_runtime_api.h to better match NV. See below for the difference in enumerated types.

ROCm software will be affected if any of the defined enums listed below are used in the code. Applications built with ROCm v5.0 enumerated types will work with a ROCm 4.5.2 driver. However, an undefined behavior error will occur with a ROCm v4.5.2 application that uses these enumerated types with a ROCm 5.0 runtime.

typedef enum hipDeviceAttribute_t {
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxThreadsPerBlock,       ///< Maximum number of threads per block.
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxBlockDimX,             ///< Maximum x-dimension of a block.
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxBlockDimY,             ///< Maximum y-dimension of a block.
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxBlockDimZ,             ///< Maximum z-dimension of a block.
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxGridDimX,              ///< Maximum x-dimension of a grid.
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxGridDimY,              ///< Maximum y-dimension of a grid.
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxGridDimZ,              ///< Maximum z-dimension of a grid.
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxSharedMemoryPerBlock,  ///< Maximum shared memory available per block in
-                                                ///< bytes.
-    hipDeviceAttributeTotalConstantMemory,      ///< Constant memory size in bytes.
-    hipDeviceAttributeWarpSize,                 ///< Warp size in threads.
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxRegistersPerBlock,  ///< Maximum number of 32-bit registers available to a
-                                             ///< thread block. This number is shared by all thread
-                                             ///< blocks simultaneously resident on a
-                                             ///< multiprocessor.
-    hipDeviceAttributeClockRate,             ///< Peak clock frequency in kilohertz.
-    hipDeviceAttributeMemoryClockRate,       ///< Peak memory clock frequency in kilohertz.
-    hipDeviceAttributeMemoryBusWidth,        ///< Global memory bus width in bits.
-    hipDeviceAttributeMultiprocessorCount,   ///< Number of multiprocessors on the device.
-    hipDeviceAttributeComputeMode,           ///< Compute mode that device is currently in.
-    hipDeviceAttributeL2CacheSize,  ///< Size of L2 cache in bytes. 0 if the device doesn't have L2
-                                    ///< cache.
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxThreadsPerMultiProcessor,  ///< Maximum resident threads per
-                                                    ///< multiprocessor.
-    hipDeviceAttributeComputeCapabilityMajor,       ///< Major compute capability version number.
-    hipDeviceAttributeComputeCapabilityMinor,       ///< Minor compute capability version number.
-    hipDeviceAttributeConcurrentKernels,  ///< Device can possibly execute multiple kernels
-                                          ///< concurrently.
-    hipDeviceAttributePciBusId,           ///< PCI Bus ID.
-    hipDeviceAttributePciDeviceId,        ///< PCI Device ID.
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxSharedMemoryPerMultiprocessor,  ///< Maximum Shared Memory Per
-                                                         ///< Multiprocessor.
-    hipDeviceAttributeIsMultiGpuBoard,                   ///< Multiple GPU devices.
-    hipDeviceAttributeIntegrated,                        ///< iGPU
-    hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeLaunch,                 ///< Support cooperative launch
-    hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeMultiDeviceLaunch,      ///< Support cooperative launch on multiple devices
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture1DWidth,    ///< Maximum number of elements in 1D images
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture2DWidth,    ///< Maximum dimension width of 2D images in image elements
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture2DHeight,   ///< Maximum dimension height of 2D images in image elements
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture3DWidth,    ///< Maximum dimension width of 3D images in image elements
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture3DHeight,   ///< Maximum dimensions height of 3D images in image elements
-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture3DDepth,    ///< Maximum dimensions depth of 3D images in image elements
+    hipDeviceAttributeCudaCompatibleBegin = 0,

-    hipDeviceAttributeHdpMemFlushCntl,      ///< Address of the HDP_MEM_COHERENCY_FLUSH_CNTL register
-    hipDeviceAttributeHdpRegFlushCntl,      ///< Address of the HDP_REG_COHERENCY_FLUSH_CNTL register
+    hipDeviceAttributeEccEnabled = hipDeviceAttributeCudaCompatibleBegin, ///< Whether ECC support is enabled.
+    hipDeviceAttributeAccessPolicyMaxWindowSize,        ///< Cuda only. The maximum size of the window policy in bytes.
+    hipDeviceAttributeAsyncEngineCount,                 ///< Cuda only. Asynchronous engines number.
+    hipDeviceAttributeCanMapHostMemory,                 ///< Whether host memory can be mapped into device address space
+    hipDeviceAttributeCanUseHostPointerForRegisteredMem,///< Cuda only. Device can access host registered memory
+                                                        ///< at the same virtual address as the CPU
+    hipDeviceAttributeClockRate,                        ///< Peak clock frequency in kilohertz.
+    hipDeviceAttributeComputeMode,                      ///< Compute mode that device is currently in.
+    hipDeviceAttributeComputePreemptionSupported,       ///< Cuda only. Device supports Compute Preemption.
+    hipDeviceAttributeConcurrentKernels,                ///< Device can possibly execute multiple kernels concurrently.
+    hipDeviceAttributeConcurrentManagedAccess,          ///< Device can coherently access managed memory concurrently with the CPU
+    hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeLaunch,                ///< Support cooperative launch
+    hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeMultiDeviceLaunch,     ///< Support cooperative launch on multiple devices
+    hipDeviceAttributeDeviceOverlap,                    ///< Cuda only. Device can concurrently copy memory and execute a kernel.
+                                                        ///< Deprecated. Use instead asyncEngineCount.
+    hipDeviceAttributeDirectManagedMemAccessFromHost,   ///< Host can directly access managed memory on
+                                                        ///< the device without migration
+    hipDeviceAttributeGlobalL1CacheSupported,           ///< Cuda only. Device supports caching globals in L1
+    hipDeviceAttributeHostNativeAtomicSupported,        ///< Cuda only. Link between the device and the host supports native atomic operations
+    hipDeviceAttributeIntegrated,                       ///< Device is integrated GPU
+    hipDeviceAttributeIsMultiGpuBoard,                  ///< Multiple GPU devices.
+    hipDeviceAttributeKernelExecTimeout,                ///< Run time limit for kernels executed on the device
+    hipDeviceAttributeL2CacheSize,                      ///< Size of L2 cache in bytes. 0 if the device doesn't have L2 cache.
+    hipDeviceAttributeLocalL1CacheSupported,            ///< caching locals in L1 is supported
+    hipDeviceAttributeLuid,                             ///< Cuda only. 8-byte locally unique identifier in 8 bytes. Undefined on TCC and non-Windows platforms
+    hipDeviceAttributeLuidDeviceNodeMask,               ///< Cuda only. Luid device node mask. Undefined on TCC and non-Windows platforms
+    hipDeviceAttributeComputeCapabilityMajor,           ///< Major compute capability version number.
+    hipDeviceAttributeManagedMemory,                    ///< Device supports allocating managed memory on this system
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxBlocksPerMultiProcessor,       ///< Cuda only. Max block size per multiprocessor
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxBlockDimX,                     ///< Max block size in width.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxBlockDimY,                     ///< Max block size in height.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxBlockDimZ,                     ///< Max block size in depth.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxGridDimX,                      ///< Max grid size  in width.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxGridDimY,                      ///< Max grid size  in height.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxGridDimZ,                      ///< Max grid size  in depth.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxSurface1D,                     ///< Maximum size of 1D surface.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxSurface1DLayered,              ///< Cuda only. Maximum dimensions of 1D layered surface.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxSurface2D,                     ///< Maximum dimension (width, height) of 2D surface.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxSurface2DLayered,              ///< Cuda only. Maximum dimensions of 2D layered surface.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxSurface3D,                     ///< Maximum dimension (width, height, depth) of 3D surface.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxSurfaceCubemap,                ///< Cuda only. Maximum dimensions of Cubemap surface.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxSurfaceCubemapLayered,         ///< Cuda only. Maximum dimension of Cubemap layered surface.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture1DWidth,                ///< Maximum size of 1D texture.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture1DLayered,              ///< Cuda only. Maximum dimensions of 1D layered texture.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture1DLinear,               ///< Maximum number of elements allocatable in a 1D linear texture.
+                                                        ///< Use cudaDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth() instead on Cuda.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture1DMipmap,               ///< Cuda only. Maximum size of 1D mipmapped texture.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture2DWidth,                ///< Maximum dimension width of 2D texture.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture2DHeight,               ///< Maximum dimension hight of 2D texture.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture2DGather,               ///< Cuda only. Maximum dimensions of 2D texture if gather operations  performed.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture2DLayered,              ///< Cuda only. Maximum dimensions of 2D layered texture.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture2DLinear,               ///< Cuda only. Maximum dimensions (width, height, pitch) of 2D textures bound to pitched memory.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture2DMipmap,               ///< Cuda only. Maximum dimensions of 2D mipmapped texture.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture3DWidth,                ///< Maximum dimension width of 3D texture.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture3DHeight,               ///< Maximum dimension height of 3D texture.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture3DDepth,                ///< Maximum dimension depth of 3D texture.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture3DAlt,                  ///< Cuda only. Maximum dimensions of alternate 3D texture.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTextureCubemap,                ///< Cuda only. Maximum dimensions of Cubemap texture
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxTextureCubemapLayered,         ///< Cuda only. Maximum dimensions of Cubemap layered texture.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxThreadsDim,                    ///< Maximum dimension of a block
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxThreadsPerBlock,               ///< Maximum number of threads per block.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxThreadsPerMultiProcessor,      ///< Maximum resident threads per multiprocessor.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxPitch,                         ///< Maximum pitch in bytes allowed by memory copies
+    hipDeviceAttributeMemoryBusWidth,                   ///< Global memory bus width in bits.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMemoryClockRate,                  ///< Peak memory clock frequency in kilohertz.
+    hipDeviceAttributeComputeCapabilityMinor,           ///< Minor compute capability version number.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMultiGpuBoardGroupID,             ///< Cuda only. Unique ID of device group on the same multi-GPU board
+    hipDeviceAttributeMultiprocessorCount,              ///< Number of multiprocessors on the device.
+    hipDeviceAttributeName,                             ///< Device name.
+    hipDeviceAttributePageableMemoryAccess,             ///< Device supports coherently accessing pageable memory
+                                                        ///< without calling hipHostRegister on it
+    hipDeviceAttributePageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables, ///< Device accesses pageable memory via the host's page tables
+    hipDeviceAttributePciBusId,                         ///< PCI Bus ID.
+    hipDeviceAttributePciDeviceId,                      ///< PCI Device ID.
+    hipDeviceAttributePciDomainID,                      ///< PCI Domain ID.
+    hipDeviceAttributePersistingL2CacheMaxSize,         ///< Cuda11 only. Maximum l2 persisting lines capacity in bytes
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxRegistersPerBlock,             ///< 32-bit registers available to a thread block. This number is shared
+                                                        ///< by all thread blocks simultaneously resident on a multiprocessor.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxRegistersPerMultiprocessor,    ///< 32-bit registers available per block.
+    hipDeviceAttributeReservedSharedMemPerBlock,        ///< Cuda11 only. Shared memory reserved by CUDA driver per block.
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxSharedMemoryPerBlock,          ///< Maximum shared memory available per block in bytes.
+    hipDeviceAttributeSharedMemPerBlockOptin,           ///< Cuda only. Maximum shared memory per block usable by special opt in.
+    hipDeviceAttributeSharedMemPerMultiprocessor,       ///< Cuda only. Shared memory available per multiprocessor.
+    hipDeviceAttributeSingleToDoublePrecisionPerfRatio, ///< Cuda only. Performance ratio of single precision to double precision.
+    hipDeviceAttributeStreamPrioritiesSupported,        ///< Cuda only. Whether to support stream priorities.
+    hipDeviceAttributeSurfaceAlignment,                 ///< Cuda only. Alignment requirement for surfaces
+    hipDeviceAttributeTccDriver,                        ///< Cuda only. Whether device is a Tesla device using TCC driver
+    hipDeviceAttributeTextureAlignment,                 ///< Alignment requirement for textures
+    hipDeviceAttributeTexturePitchAlignment,            ///< Pitch alignment requirement for 2D texture references bound to pitched memory;
+    hipDeviceAttributeTotalConstantMemory,              ///< Constant memory size in bytes.
+    hipDeviceAttributeTotalGlobalMem,                   ///< Global memory available on devicice.
+    hipDeviceAttributeUnifiedAddressing,                ///< Cuda only. An unified address space shared with the host.
+    hipDeviceAttributeUuid,                             ///< Cuda only. Unique ID in 16 byte.
+    hipDeviceAttributeWarpSize,                         ///< Warp size in threads.

-    hipDeviceAttributeMaxPitch,             ///< Maximum pitch in bytes allowed by memory copies
-    hipDeviceAttributeTextureAlignment,     ///<Alignment requirement for textures
-    hipDeviceAttributeTexturePitchAlignment, ///<Pitch alignment requirement for 2D texture references bound to pitched memory;
-    hipDeviceAttributeKernelExecTimeout,    ///<Run time limit for kernels executed on the device
-    hipDeviceAttributeCanMapHostMemory,     ///<Device can map host memory into device address space
-    hipDeviceAttributeEccEnabled,           ///<Device has ECC support enabled
+    hipDeviceAttributeCudaCompatibleEnd = 9999,
+    hipDeviceAttributeAmdSpecificBegin = 10000,

-    hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedFunc,        ///< Supports cooperative launch on multiple
-                                                                  ///devices with unmatched functions
-    hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedGridDim,     ///< Supports cooperative launch on multiple
-                                                                  ///devices with unmatched grid dimensions
-    hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedBlockDim,    ///< Supports cooperative launch on multiple
-                                                                  ///devices with unmatched block dimensions
-    hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedSharedMem,   ///< Supports cooperative launch on multiple
-                                                                  ///devices with unmatched shared memories
-    hipDeviceAttributeAsicRevision,         ///< Revision of the GPU in this device
-    hipDeviceAttributeManagedMemory,        ///< Device supports allocating managed memory on this system
-    hipDeviceAttributeDirectManagedMemAccessFromHost, ///< Host can directly access managed memory on
-                                                      /// the device without migration
-    hipDeviceAttributeConcurrentManagedAccess,  ///< Device can coherently access managed memory
-                                                /// concurrently with the CPU
-    hipDeviceAttributePageableMemoryAccess,     ///< Device supports coherently accessing pageable memory
-                                                /// without calling hipHostRegister on it
-    hipDeviceAttributePageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables, ///< Device accesses pageable memory via
-                                                              /// the host's page tables
-    hipDeviceAttributeCanUseStreamWaitValue ///< '1' if Device supports hipStreamWaitValue32() and
-                                            ///< hipStreamWaitValue64() , '0' otherwise.
+    hipDeviceAttributeClockInstructionRate = hipDeviceAttributeAmdSpecificBegin,  ///< Frequency in khz of the timer used by the device-side "clock*"
+    hipDeviceAttributeArch,                                     ///< Device architecture
+    hipDeviceAttributeMaxSharedMemoryPerMultiprocessor,         ///< Maximum Shared Memory PerMultiprocessor.
+    hipDeviceAttributeGcnArch,                                  ///< Device gcn architecture
+    hipDeviceAttributeGcnArchName,                              ///< Device gcnArch name in 256 bytes
+    hipDeviceAttributeHdpMemFlushCntl,                          ///< Address of the HDP_MEM_COHERENCY_FLUSH_CNTL register
+    hipDeviceAttributeHdpRegFlushCntl,                          ///< Address of the HDP_REG_COHERENCY_FLUSH_CNTL register
+    hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedFunc,      ///< Supports cooperative launch on multiple
+                                                                ///< devices with unmatched functions
+    hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedGridDim,   ///< Supports cooperative launch on multiple
+                                                                ///< devices with unmatched grid dimensions
+    hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedBlockDim,  ///< Supports cooperative launch on multiple
+                                                                ///< devices with unmatched block dimensions
+    hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedSharedMem, ///< Supports cooperative launch on multiple
+                                                                ///< devices with unmatched shared memories
+    hipDeviceAttributeIsLargeBar,                               ///< Whether it is LargeBar
+    hipDeviceAttributeAsicRevision,                             ///< Revision of the GPU in this device
+    hipDeviceAttributeCanUseStreamWaitValue,                    ///< '1' if Device supports hipStreamWaitValue32() and
+                                                                ///< hipStreamWaitValue64() , '0' otherwise.

+    hipDeviceAttributeAmdSpecificEnd = 19999,
+    hipDeviceAttributeVendorSpecificBegin = 20000,
+    // Extended attributes for vendors
 } hipDeviceAttribute_t;

 enum hipComputeMode {

Known Issues#

Incorrect dGPU Behavior When Using AMDVBFlash Tool#

The AMDVBFlash tool, used for flashing the VBIOS image to dGPU, does not communicate with the ROM Controller specifically when the driver is present. This is because the driver, as part of its runtime power management feature, puts the dGPU to a sleep state.

As a workaround, users can run amdgpu.runpm=0, which temporarily disables the runtime power management feature from the driver and dynamically changes some power control-related sysfs files.

Issue with START Timestamp in ROCProfiler#

Users may encounter an issue with the enabled timestamp functionality for monitoring one or multiple counters. ROCProfiler outputs the following four timestamps for each kernel:

  • Dispatch

  • Start

  • End

  • Complete


This defect is related to the Start timestamp functionality, which incorrectly shows an earlier time than the Dispatch timestamp.

To reproduce the issue,

  1. Enable timing using the –timestamp on flag.

  2. Use the -i option with the input filename that contains the name of the counter(s) to monitor.

  3. Run the program.

  4. Check the output result file.

Current behavior#

BeginNS is lower than DispatchNS, which is incorrect.

Expected behavior#

The correct order is:

Dispatch < Start < End < Complete

Users cannot use ROCProfiler to measure the time spent on each kernel because of the incorrect timestamp with counter collection enabled.

Radeon Pro V620 and W6800 Workstation GPUs#

No Support for SMI and ROCDebugger on SRIOV#

System Management Interface (SMI) and ROCDebugger are not supported in the SRIOV environment on any GPU. For more information, refer to the Systems Management Interface documentation.

Deprecations and Warnings#

ROCm Libraries Changes – Deprecations and Deprecation Removal#

  • The hipFFT.h header is now provided only by the hipFFT package. Up to ROCm 5.0, users would get hipFFT.h in the rocFFT package too.

  • The GlobalPairwiseAMG class is now entirely removed, users should use the PairwiseAMG class instead.

  • The rocsparse_spmm signature in 5.0 was changed to match that of rocsparse_spmm_ex. In 5.0, rocsparse_spmm_ex is still present, but deprecated. Signature diff for rocsparse_spmm rocsparse_spmm in 5.0

    rocsparse_status rocsparse_spmm(rocsparse_handle            handle,
                                    rocsparse_operation         trans_A,
                                    rocsparse_operation         trans_B,
                                    const void*                 alpha,
                                    const rocsparse_spmat_descr mat_A,
                                    const rocsparse_dnmat_descr mat_B,
                                    const void*                 beta,
                                    const rocsparse_dnmat_descr mat_C,
                                    rocsparse_datatype          compute_type,
                                    rocsparse_spmm_alg          alg,
                                    rocsparse_spmm_stage        stage,
                                    size_t*                     buffer_size,
                                    void*                       temp_buffer);

    rocSPARSE_spmm in 4.0

    rocsparse_status rocsparse_spmm(rocsparse_handle            handle,
                                    rocsparse_operation         trans_A,
                                    rocsparse_operation         trans_B,
                                    const void*                 alpha,
                                    const rocsparse_spmat_descr mat_A,
                                    const rocsparse_dnmat_descr mat_B,
                                    const void*                 beta,
                                    const rocsparse_dnmat_descr mat_C,
                                    rocsparse_datatype          compute_type,
                                    rocsparse_spmm_alg          alg,
                                    size_t*                     buffer_size,
                                    void*                       temp_buffer);

HIP API Deprecations and Warnings#

Warning - Arithmetic Operators of HIP Complex and Vector Types#

In this release, arithmetic operators of HIP complex and vector types are deprecated.

  • As alternatives to arithmetic operators of HIP complex types, users can use arithmetic operators of std::complex types.

  • As alternatives to arithmetic operators of HIP vector types, users can use the operators of the native clang vector type associated with the data member of HIP vector types.

During the deprecation, two macros _HIP_ENABLE_COMPLEX_OPERATORS and _HIP_ENABLE_VECTOR_OPERATORS are provided to allow users to conditionally enable arithmetic operators of HIP complex or vector types.

Note, the two macros are mutually exclusive and, by default, set to Off.

The arithmetic operators of HIP complex and vector types will be removed in a future release.

Refer to the HIP API Guide for more information.

Warning - Compiler-Generated Code Object Version 4 Deprecation#

Support for loading compiler-generated code object version 4 will be deprecated in a future release with no release announcement and replaced with code object 5 as the default version.

The current default is code object version 4.

Warning - MIOpenTensile Deprecation#

MIOpenTensile will be deprecated in a future release.

Library Changes in ROCM 5.0.0#

































hipBLAS 0.49.0#

hipBLAS 0.49.0 for ROCm 5.0.0

  • Added rocSOLVER functions to hipblas-bench

  • Added option ROCM_MATHLIBS_API_USE_HIP_COMPLEX to opt-in to use hipFloatComplex and hipDoubleComplex

  • Added compilation warning for future trmm changes

  • Added documentation to hipblas.h

  • Added option to forgo pivoting for getrf and getri when ipiv is nullptr

  • Added code coverage option

  • Fixed use of incorrect ‘HIP_PATH’ when building from source.

  • Fixed windows packaging

  • Allowing negative increments in hipblas-bench

  • Removed boost dependency

hipCUB 2.10.13#

hipCUB 2.10.13 for ROCm 5.0.0

  • Added missing includes to hipcub.hpp

  • Bfloat16 support to test cases (device_reduce & device_radix_sort)

  • Device merge sort

  • Block merge sort

  • API update to CUB 1.14.0

  • The SetupNVCC.cmake automatic target selector select all of the capabalities of all available card for NVIDIA backend.

hipFFT 1.0.4#

hipFFT 1.0.4 for ROCm 5.0.0

  • Add calls to rocFFT setup/cleanup.

  • Cmake fixes for clients and backend support.

  • Added support for Windows 10 as a build target.

hipSOLVER 1.2.0#

hipSOLVER 1.2.0 for ROCm 5.0.0

  • Added functions

    • sytrf

      • hipsolverSsytrf_bufferSize, hipsolverDsytrf_bufferSize, hipsolverCsytrf_bufferSize, hipsolverZsytrf_bufferSize

      • hipsolverSsytrf, hipsolverDsytrf, hipsolverCsytrf, hipsolverZsytrf

  • Fixed use of incorrect HIP_PATH when building from source (#40). Thanks @jakub329homola!

hipSPARSE 2.0.0#

hipSPARSE 2.0.0 for ROCm 5.0.0

  • Added (conjugate) transpose support for csrmv, hybmv and spmv routines

rccl 2.10.3#

RCCL 2.10.3 for ROCm 5.0.0

  • Compatibility with NCCL 2.10.3

Known Issues#
  • Managed memory is not currently supported for clique-based kernels

rocALUTION 2.0.1#

rocALUTION 2.0.1 for ROCm 5.0.0

  • Removed deprecated GlobalPairwiseAMG class, please use PairwiseAMG instead.

  • Changed to C++ 14 Standard

  • Added sanitizer option

  • Improved documentation

rocBLAS 2.42.0#

rocBLAS 2.42.0 for ROCm 5.0.0

  • Added rocblas_get_version_string_size convenience function

  • Added rocblas_xtrmm_outofplace, an out-of-place version of rocblas_xtrmm

  • Added hpl and trig initialization for gemm_ex to rocblas-bench

  • Added source code gemm. It can be used as an alternative to Tensile for debugging and development

  • Added option ROCM_MATHLIBS_API_USE_HIP_COMPLEX to opt-in to use hipFloatComplex and hipDoubleComplex

  • Improved performance of non-batched and batched single-precision GER for size m > 1024. Performance enhanced by 5-10% measured on a MI100 (gfx908) GPU.

  • Improved performance of non-batched and batched HER for all sizes and data types. Performance enhanced by 2-17% measured on a MI100 (gfx908) GPU.

  • Instantiate templated rocBLAS functions to reduce size of

  • Removed static library dependency on msgpack

  • Removed boost dependencies for clients

  • Option to install script to build only rocBLAS clients with a pre-built rocBLAS library

  • Correctly set output of nrm2_batched_ex and nrm2_strided_batched_ex when given bad input

  • Fix for dgmm with side == rocblas_side_left and a negative incx

  • Fixed out-of-bounds read for small trsm

  • Fixed numerical checking for tbmv_strided_batched

rocFFT 1.0.13#

rocFFT 1.0.13 for ROCm 5.0.0

  • Improved many plans by removing unnecessary transpose steps.

  • Optimized scheme selection for 3D problems.

    • Imposed less restrictions on 3D_BLOCK_RC selection. More problems can use 3D_BLOCK_RC and have some performance gain.

    • Enabled 3D_RC. Some 3D problems with SBCC-supported z-dim can use less kernels and get benefit.

    • Force –length 336 336 56 (dp) use faster 3D_RC to avoid it from being skipped by conservative threshold test.

  • Optimized some even-length R2C/C2R cases by doing more operations in-place and combining pre/post processing into Stockham kernels.

  • Added radix-17.

  • Added new kernel generator for select fused-2D transforms.

  • Improved large 1D transform decompositions.

rocPRIM 2.10.12#

rocPRIM 2.10.12 for ROCm 5.0.0

  • Enable bfloat16 tests and reduce threshold for bfloat16

  • Fix device scan limit_size feature

  • Non-optimized builds no longer trigger local memory limit errors

  • Added scan size limit feature

  • Added reduce size limit feature

  • Added transform size limit feature

  • Add block_load_striped and block_store_striped

  • Add gather_to_blocked to gather values from other threads into a blocked arrangement

  • The block sizes for device merge sorts initial block sort and its merge steps are now separate in its kernel config

    • the block sort step supports multiple items per thread

  • size_limit for scan, reduce and transform can now be set in the config struct instead of a parameter

  • Device_scan and device_segmented_scan: inclusive_scan now uses the input-type as accumulator-type, exclusive_scan uses initial-value-type.

    • This particularly changes behaviour of small-size input types with large-size output types (e.g. short input, int output).

    • And low-res input with high-res output (e.g. float input, double output)

  • Revert old Fiji workaround, because they solved the issue at compiler side

  • Update README cmake minimum version number

  • Block sort support multiple items per thread

    • currently only powers of two block sizes, and items per threads are supported and only for full blocks

  • Bumped the minimum required version of CMake to 3.16

Known Issues#
  • Unit tests may soft hang on MI200 when running in hipMallocManaged mode.

  • device_segmented_radix_sort, device_scan unit tests failing for HIP on Windows

  • ReduceEmptyInput cause random faulire with bfloat16

rocRAND 2.10.12#

rocRAND 2.10.12 for ROCm 5.0.0

  • No updates or changes for ROCm 5.0.0.

rocSOLVER 3.16.0#

rocSOLVER 3.16.0 for ROCm 5.0.0

  • Symmetric matrix factorizations:

    • LASYF

    • SYTF2, SYTRF (with batched and strided_batched versions)

  • Added rocsolver_get_version_string_size to help with version string queries

  • Added rocblas_layer_mode_ex and the ability to print kernel calls in the trace and profile logs

  • Expanded batched and strided_batched sample programs.

  • Improved general performance of LU factorization

  • Increased parallelism of specialized kernels when compiling from source, reducing build times on multi-core systems.

  • The rocsolver-test client now prints the rocSOLVER version used to run the tests, rather than the version used to build them

  • The rocsolver-bench client now prints the rocSOLVER version used in the benchmark

  • Added missing stdint.h include to rocsolver.h

rocSPARSE 2.0.0#

rocSPARSE 2.0.0 for ROCm 5.0.0

  • csrmv, coomv, ellmv, hybmv for (conjugate) transposed matrices

  • csrmv for symmetric matrices

  • spmm_ex is now deprecated and will be removed in the next major release

  • Optimization for gtsv

rocThrust 2.13.0#

rocThrust 2.13.0 for ROCm 5.0.0

  • Updated to match upstream Thrust 1.13.0

  • Updated to match upstream Thrust 1.14.0

  • Added async scan

  • Scan algorithms: inclusive_scan now uses the input-type as accumulator-type, exclusive_scan uses initial-value-type.

    • This particularly changes behaviour of small-size input types with large-size output types (e.g. short input, int output).

    • And low-res input with high-res output (e.g. float input, double output)

Tensile 4.31.0#

Tensile 4.31.0 for ROCm 5.0.0

  • DirectToLds support (x2/x4)

  • DirectToVgpr support for DGEMM

  • Parameter to control number of files kernels are merged into to better parallelize kernel compilation

  • FP16 alternate implementation for HPA HGEMM on aldebaran

  • Add DGEMM NN custom kernel for HPL on aldebaran

  • Update tensile_client executable to std=c++14

  • Remove unused old Tensile client code

  • Fix hipErrorInvalidHandle during benchmarks

  • Fix addrVgpr for atomic GSU

  • Fix for Python 3.8: add case for Constant nodeType

  • Fix architecture mapping for gfx1011 and gfx1012

  • Fix PrintSolutionRejectionReason verbiage in

  • Fix vgpr alignment problem when enabling flat buffer load