File List

File List#

RPP: File List
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 rpp.hRPP top-level header with RPP handle API
 rpp_version.hROCm Performance Primitives (RPP) version
 rppdefs.hRPP common HOST/GPU typedef, enum and structure definitions
 rppi.hRPP Image Operations - To be deprecated
 rppi_advanced_augmentations.hRPPI Image Operations - Advanced Augmentations - To be deprecated
 rppi_arithmetic_operations.hRPPI Image Operations - Arithmetic Operations - To be deprecated
 rppi_color_model_conversions.hRPPI Image Operations - Color Model Conversions - To be deprecated
 rppi_computer_vision.hRPPI Image Operations - Computer Vision - To be deprecated
 rppi_filter_operations.hRPPI Image Operations - Filter Operations - To be deprecated
 rppi_fused_functions.hRPPI Image Operations - Fused Functions - To be deprecated
 rppi_geometry_transforms.hRPPI Image Operations - Geometry Transforms - To be deprecated
 rppi_image_augmentations.hRPPI Image Operations - Image Augmentations - To be deprecated
 rppi_logical_operations.hRPPI Image Operations - Logical Operations - To be deprecated
 rppi_morphological_transforms.hRPPI Image Operations - Morphological Transforms - To be deprecated
 rppi_statistical_operations.hRPPI Image Operations - Statistical Operations - To be deprecated
 rppt.hRPP Tensor Operations
 rppt_tensor_arithmetic_operations.hRPPT Tensor Operations - Arithmetic Operations
 rppt_tensor_audio_augmentations.hRPPT Tensor Operations - Audio Augmentations
 rppt_tensor_color_augmentations.hRPPT Tensor Operations - Color Augmentations
 rppt_tensor_data_exchange_operations.hRPPT Tensor Operations - Data Exchange Operations
 rppt_tensor_effects_augmentations.hRPPT Tensor Operations - Effects Augmentations
 rppt_tensor_filter_augmentations.hRPPT Tensor Operations - Filter Augmentations
 rppt_tensor_geometric_augmentations.hRPPT Tensor Operations - Geometric Augmentations
 rppt_tensor_logical_operations.hRPPT Tensor Operations - Logical Operations
 rppt_tensor_morphological_operations.hRPPT Tensor Operations - Morphological Operations
 rppt_tensor_statistical_operations.hRPPT Tensor Operations - Statistical Operations