Traced Runtime Domains

Traced Runtime Domains#

ROC Tracer: Traced Runtime Domains
Traced Runtime Domains

The ROC Tracer API can trace multiple runtime libraries. More...


typedef activity_domain_t roctracer_domain_t
 Enumeration of domains that can be traced. More...


ROCTRACER_API const char * roctracer_op_string (uint32_t domain, uint32_t op, uint32_t kind) ROCTRACER_VERSION_4_1
 Query textual name of an operation of a domain. More...
ROCTRACER_API roctracer_status_t roctracer_op_code (uint32_t domain, const char *str, uint32_t *op, uint32_t *kind) ROCTRACER_VERSION_4_1
 Query the operation code given a domain and the name of an operation. More...
ROCTRACER_API roctracer_status_t roctracer_set_properties (roctracer_domain_t domain, void *properties) ROCTRACER_VERSION_4_1
 Set the properties of a domain. More...

Detailed Description

The ROC Tracer API can trace multiple runtime libraries.

Each library can have API operations and asynchronous operations that can be traced.

Typedef Documentation

◆ roctracer_domain_t

typedef activity_domain_t roctracer_domain_t

Enumeration of domains that can be traced.

Function Documentation

◆ roctracer_op_code()

ROCTRACER_API roctracer_status_t roctracer_op_code ( uint32_t  domain,
const char *  str,
uint32_t *  op,
uint32_t *  kind 

Query the operation code given a domain and the name of an operation.

[in]domainThe domain being queried.
[in]strThe NUL terminated name of the operation name being queried.
[out]opThe operation code.
[out]kindIf not NULL then the operation kind code.
Return values
ROCTRACER_STATUS_SUCCESSThe function has been executed successfully. op and kind have been updated.
ROCTRACER_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_DOMAIN_IDThe domain is invalid or not supported.

◆ roctracer_op_string()

ROCTRACER_API const char* roctracer_op_string ( uint32_t  domain,
uint32_t  op,
uint32_t  kind 

Query textual name of an operation of a domain.

[in]domainDomain being queried.
[in]opOperation within domain.
Define kind.
Returns the NUL terminated string for the operation name, or NULL if the domain or operation are invalid. The string is owned by the ROC Tracer library.

◆ roctracer_set_properties()

ROCTRACER_API roctracer_status_t roctracer_set_properties ( roctracer_domain_t  domain,
void *  properties 

Set the properties of a domain.

[in]domainThe domain.
[in]propertiesThe properties. Each domain defines its own type for the properties. Some domains require the properties to be set before they can be enabled.
Return values
ROCTRACER_STATUS_SUCCESSThe function has been executed successfully.