Session Range Labeling

Session Range Labeling#

ROC Profiler: Session Range Labeling


ROCPROFILER_API rocprofiler_status_t rocprofiler_push_range (const char *label) ROCPROFILER_VERSION_9_0
 Setting a label to a block range This can be used to label a range of code that is having active profiling session or labeling a pass. More...
ROCPROFILER_API rocprofiler_status_t rocprofiler_pop_range () ROCPROFILER_VERSION_9_0
 Setting an endpoint for a range This function can be used to set an endpoint to range labeled by rocprofiler_push_range. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ rocprofiler_pop_range()

ROCPROFILER_API rocprofiler_status_t rocprofiler_pop_range ( )

Setting an endpoint for a range This function can be used to set an endpoint to range labeled by rocprofiler_push_range.

Return values
ROCPROFILER_STATUS_SUCCESSThe function has been executed successfully
ROCPROFILER_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED,ifrocprofiler_initialize wasn't called before or if rocprofiler_finalize is called
ROCPROFILER_STATUS_ERROR_RANGE_STACK_IS_EMPTYmay return if rocprofiler_push_range wasn't called correctly

◆ rocprofiler_push_range()

ROCPROFILER_API rocprofiler_status_t rocprofiler_push_range ( const char *  label)

Setting a label to a block range This can be used to label a range of code that is having active profiling session or labeling a pass.

[in]labelThe label given for a certain block or pass to name/label.
Return values
ROCPROFILER_STATUS_SUCCESSThe function has been executed successfully.
ROCPROFILER_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED,ifrocprofiler_initialize wasn't called before or if rocprofiler_finalize is called
ROCPROFILER_STATUS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_LABEL_DATAmay return if the label pointer can't be read by the API