Tracer ROCTX API Data

Tracer ROCTX API Data#

ROC Profiler: Tracer ROCTX API Data


enum  rocprofiler_tracer_roctx_api_data_info_t { ROCPROFILER_ROCTX_MESSAGE = 0 , ROCPROFILER_ROCTX_ID = 1 }
 ROCTX Tracer Data Information Kinds. More...


ROCPROFILER_API rocprofiler_status_t rocprofiler_query_roctx_tracer_api_data_info_size (rocprofiler_session_id_t session_id, rocprofiler_tracer_roctx_api_data_info_t kind, rocprofiler_tracer_api_data_handle_t api_data_id, rocprofiler_tracer_operation_id_t operation_id, size_t *data_size) ROCPROFILER_VERSION_9_0
 Query Tracer API Call Data Information size to allow the user to allocate the right size for the information data requested, the information will be collected using ::rocprofiler_tracer_api_data_id_t by using ::rocprofiler_query_tracer_api_data_info and the user need to identify one type of information available in ::rocprofiler_query_tracer_api_data_info. More...
ROCPROFILER_API rocprofiler_status_t rocprofiler_query_roctx_tracer_api_data_info (rocprofiler_session_id_t session_id, rocprofiler_tracer_roctx_api_data_info_t kind, rocprofiler_tracer_api_data_handle_t api_data_id, rocprofiler_tracer_operation_id_t operation_id, char **data) ROCPROFILER_VERSION_9_0
 Query API Data Information using an allocated data pointer by the user, user can get the size of the data using ::rocprofiler_query_tracer_api_data_info_length, the user can get the data using ::rocprofiler_tracer_api_data_id_t and the user need to identify one type of information available in ::rocprofiler_tracer_api_data_info_t. More...

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ rocprofiler_tracer_roctx_api_data_info_t

ROCTX Tracer Data Information Kinds.


ROCTX Tracer Data kind that can be used to return ROCTX message.


ROCTX Tracer Data kind that can be used to return ROCTX id.

Function Documentation

◆ rocprofiler_query_roctx_tracer_api_data_info()

ROCPROFILER_API rocprofiler_status_t rocprofiler_query_roctx_tracer_api_data_info ( rocprofiler_session_id_t  session_id,
rocprofiler_tracer_roctx_api_data_info_t  kind,
rocprofiler_tracer_api_data_handle_t  api_data_id,
rocprofiler_tracer_operation_id_t  operation_id,
char **  data 

Query API Data Information using an allocated data pointer by the user, user can get the size of the data using ::rocprofiler_query_tracer_api_data_info_length, the user can get the data using ::rocprofiler_tracer_api_data_id_t and the user need to identify one type of information available in ::rocprofiler_tracer_api_data_info_t.

[in]session_idSession id where this data was collected
[in]kindInformation kind requested by the user
[in]api_data_idAPI Data ID
[in]operation_idAPI Operation ID
[out]dataAPI Data Data
Return values
ROCPROFILER_STATUS_SUCCESS,ifthe information was found
ROCPROFILER_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED,ifrocprofiler_initialize wasn't called before or if rocprofiler_finalize is called
ROCPROFILER_STATUS_ERROR_TRACER_API_DATA_NOT_FOUND,ifthe api data was not found in the saved api data
ROCPROFILER_STATUS_ERROR_TRACER_API_DATA_INFORMATION_MISSING,ifthe api data was found in the saved data but the required information is missing
ROCPROFILER_STATUS_ERROR_INCORRECT_DOMAINif the user sent a handle that is not related to the requested domain

◆ rocprofiler_query_roctx_tracer_api_data_info_size()

ROCPROFILER_API rocprofiler_status_t rocprofiler_query_roctx_tracer_api_data_info_size ( rocprofiler_session_id_t  session_id,
rocprofiler_tracer_roctx_api_data_info_t  kind,
rocprofiler_tracer_api_data_handle_t  api_data_id,
rocprofiler_tracer_operation_id_t  operation_id,
size_t *  data_size 

Query Tracer API Call Data Information size to allow the user to allocate the right size for the information data requested, the information will be collected using ::rocprofiler_tracer_api_data_id_t by using ::rocprofiler_query_tracer_api_data_info and the user need to identify one type of information available in ::rocprofiler_query_tracer_api_data_info.

[in]session_idSession id where this data was collected
[in]kindThe tyoe of information needed
[in]api_data_idAPI Data ID
[in]operation_idAPI Operation ID
[out]data_sizeAPI Data Information size
Return values
ROCPROFILER_STATUS_SUCCESS,ifthe information was found
ROCPROFILER_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED,ifrocprofiler_initialize wasn't called before or if rocprofiler_finalize is called
ROCPROFILER_STATUS_ERROR_TRACER_API_DATA_NOT_FOUND,ifthe api data was not found in the saved api data
ROCPROFILER_STATUS_ERROR_TRACER_API_DATA_INFORMATION_MISSING,ifthe api data was found in the saved data but the required information is missing
ROCPROFILER_STATUS_ERROR_INCORRECT_DOMAINif the user sent a handle that is not related to the requested domain