ROCm Systems Profiler installation#
The following information builds on the guidelines in the Quick start guide. It covers how to install ROCm Systems Profiler from source or a binary distribution, as well as the Post-installation steps.
If you have problems using ROCm Systems Profiler after installation, consult the Post-installation troubleshooting section.
Release links#
To review and install either the current ROCm Systems Profiler release or earlier releases, use these links:
Latest ROCm Systems Profiler Release: ROCm/rocprofiler-systems
All ROCm Systems Profiler Releases: ROCm/rocprofiler-systems
Operating system support#
ROCm Systems Profiler is only supported on Linux. The following distributions are tested in the ROCm Systems Profiler GitHub workflows:
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 22.04
OpenSUSE 15.5
OpenSUSE 15.6
Red Hat 8.8
Red Hat 8.9
Red Hat 8.10
Red Hat 9.2
Red Hat 9.3
Red Hat 9.4
Other OS distributions might function but are not supported or tested.
Identifying the operating system#
If you are unsure of the operating system and version, the /etc/os-release
files contain operating system identification data for Linux systems.
$ cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
The relevant fields are ID
and the VERSION_ID
With regards to instrumentation, at present only AMD64 (x86_64) architectures are tested. However, Dyninst supports several more architectures and ROCm Systems Profiler instrumentation may support other CPU architectures such as aarch64 and ppc64. Other modes of use, such as sampling and causal profiling, are not dependent on Dyninst and therefore might be more portable.
Installing ROCm Systems Profiler from binary distributions#
Every ROCm Systems Profiler release provides binary installer scripts of the form:
For example,
Any of the EXTRA
fields with a CMake build option
(for example, PAPI, as referenced in a following section) or
with no link requirements (such as OMPT) have
self-contained support for these packages.
To install ROCm Systems Profiler using a binary installer script, follow these steps:
Download the appropriate binary distribution
Create the target installation directory
mkdir /opt/rocprofiler-systems
Run the installer script
./ --prefix=/opt/rocprofiler-systems --exclude-subdir
Installing ROCm Systems Profiler from source#
ROCm Systems Profiler needs a GCC compiler with full support for C++17 and CMake v3.16 or higher. The Clang compiler may be used in lieu of the GCC compiler if Dyninst is already installed.
Build requirements#
GCC compiler v7+
Older GCC compilers may be supported but are not tested
Clang compilers are generally supported for ROCm Systems Profiler but not Dyninst
CMake v3.16+
If the installed version of CMake is too old, installing a new version of CMake can be done through several methods
One of the easiest options is to use the python
utility, as follows:
pip install --user 'cmake==3.18.4' export PATH=${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}
Required third-party packages#
Dyninst for dynamic or static instrumentation. Dyninst uses the following required and optional components.
libunwind for call-stack sampling
Any of the third-party packages required by Dyninst, along with Dyninst itself, can be built and installed during the ROCm Systems Profiler build. The following list indicates the package, the version, the application that requires the package (for example, ROCm Systems Profiler requires Dyninst while Dyninst requires TBB), and the CMake option to build the package alongside ROCm Systems Profiler:
Third-Party Library |
Minimum Version |
Required By |
CMake Option |
Dyninst |
12.0 |
ROCm Systems Profiler |
Libunwind |
ROCm Systems Profiler |
2018.6 |
Dyninst |
ElfUtils |
0.178 |
Dyninst |
LibIberty |
Dyninst |
Boost |
1.67.0 |
Dyninst |
OpenMP |
4.x |
Dyninst |
Optional third-party packages#
Roctracer for HIP API and kernel tracing
ROCM-SMI for GPU monitoring
Rocprofiler for GPU hardware counters
enables wrapping of the dynamically-linked MPI C function calls. (By default, if ROCm Systems Profiler cannot find an OpenMPI MPI distribution, it uses a local copy of the OpenMPImpi.h
Several optional third-party profiling tools supported by Timemory (for example, Caliper, TAU, CrayPAT, and others)
Third-Party Library |
CMake Enable Option |
CMake Build Option |
MPI (header-only) |
Installing Dyninst#
The easiest way to install Dyninst is alongside ROCm Systems Profiler, but it can also be installed using Spack.
Building Dyninst alongside ROCm Systems Profiler#
To install Dyninst alongside ROCm Systems Profiler, configure ROCm Systems Profiler with ROCPROFSYS_BUILD_DYNINST=ON
Depending on the version of Ubuntu, the apt
package manager might have current enough
versions of the Dyninst Boost, TBB, and LibIberty dependencies
(use apt-get install libtbb-dev libiberty-dev libboost-dev
However, it is possible to request Dyninst to install
its dependencies via DYNINST_BUILD_<DEP>=ON
, as follows:
git clone rocprof-sys-source
is expanded by
Installing Dyninst via Spack#
Spack is another option to install Dyninst and its dependencies:
git clone
source ./spack/share/spack/
spack compiler find
spack external find --all --not-buildable
spack spec -I --reuse dyninst
spack install --reuse dyninst
spack load -r dyninst
Installing ROCm Systems Profiler#
ROCm Systems Profiler has CMake configuration options for MPI support (ROCPROFSYS_USE_MPI
hardware counters via PAPI (ROCPROFSYS_USE_PAPI
), among other features.
Various additional features can be enabled via the
CMake options.
option which has a corresponding TIMEMORY_USE_<VAL>
option means that the Timemory support for this feature has been integrated
into Perfetto support for ROCm Systems Profiler, for example, ROCPROFSYS_USE_PAPI=<VAL>
also configures
. This means the data that Timemory is able to collect via this package
is passed along to Perfetto and is displayed when the .proto
file is visualized
in the Perfetto UI.
git clone rocprof-sys-source
cmake \
-B rocprof-sys-build \
-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/rocprofiler-systems \
cmake --build rocprof-sys-build --target all --parallel 8
cmake --build rocprof-sys-build --target install
source /opt/rocprofiler-systems/share/rocprofiler-systems/
MPI support within ROCm Systems Profiler#
ROCm Systems Profiler can have full (ROCPROFSYS_USE_MPI=ON
) MPI support.
The only difference between these two modes is whether or not the results collected
via Timemory and/or Perfetto can be aggregated into a single
output file during finalization. When full MPI support is enabled, combining the
Timemory results always occurs, whereas combining the Perfetto
results is configurable via the ROCPROFSYS_PERFETTO_COMBINE_TRACES
The primary benefits of partial or full MPI support are the automatic wrapping
of MPI functions and the ability
to label output with suffixes which correspond to the MPI_COMM_WORLD
rank ID
instead of having to use the system process identifier (i.e. PID
In general, it’s recommended to use partial MPI support with the OpenMPI
headers as this is the most portable configuration.
If full MPI support is selected, make sure your target application is built
against the same MPI distribution as ROCm Systems Profiler.
For example, do not build ROCm Systems Profiler with MPICH and use it on a target application built against OpenMPI.
If partial support is selected, the reason the OpenMPI headers are recommended instead of the MPICH headers is
because the MPI_COMM_WORLD
in OpenMPI is a pointer to ompi_communicator_t
(8 bytes),
in MPICH is an int
(4 bytes). Building ROCm Systems Profiler with partial MPI support
and the MPICH headers and then using
ROCm Systems Profiler on an application built against OpenMPI causes a segmentation fault.
This happens because the value of the MPI_COMM_WORLD
is truncated
during the function wrapping before being passed along to the underlying MPI function.
Post-installation steps#
After installation, you can optionally configure the ROCm Systems Profiler environment. You should also test the executables to confirm ROCm Systems Profiler is correctly installed.
Configure the environment#
If environment modules are available and preferred, add them using these commands:
module use /opt/rocprofiler-systems/share/modulefiles
module load rocprofiler-systems/1.0.0
Alternatively, you can directly source the
source /opt/rocprofiler-systems/share/rocprofiler-systems/
Test the executables#
Successful execution of these commands confirms that the installation does not have any issues locating the installed libraries:
rocprof-sys-instrument --help
rocprof-sys-avail --help
If ROCm support is enabled, you might have to add the path to the ROCm libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
for example, export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/rocm/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
Post-installation troubleshooting#
This section explains how to resolve certain issues that might happen when you first use ROCm Systems Profiler.
Issues with RHEL and SELinux#
RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) and related distributions of Linux automatically enable a security feature named SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) that prevents ROCm Systems Profiler from running. This issue applies to any Linux distribution with SELinux installed, including RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, and Rocky Linux. The problem can happen with any GPU, or even without a GPU.
The problem occurs after you instrument a program and try to
run rocprof-sys-run
with the instrumented program.
g++ hello.cpp -o hello
rocprof-sys-instrument -M sampling -o hello.instr -- ./hello
rocprof-sys-run -- ./hello.instr
Instead of successfully running the binary with call-stack sampling, ROCm Systems Profiler crashes with a segmentation fault.
If you are physically logged in on the system (not using SSH or a remote connection), the operating system might display an SELinux pop-up warning in the notifications.
To workaround this problem, either disable SELinux or configure it to use a more permissive setting.
To avoid this problem for the duration of the current session, run this command from the shell:
sudo setenforce 0
For a permanent workaround, edit the SELinux configuration file using the command
sudo vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux
and change the SELINUX
setting to
either Permissive
or Disabled
Permanently changing the SELinux settings can have security implications. Ensure you review your system security settings before making any changes.
Modifying RPATH details#
If you’re experiencing problems loading your application with an instrumented library, then you might have to check and modify the RPATH specified in your application. See the section on troubleshooting RPATHs for further details.
Configuring PAPI to collect hardware counters#
To use PAPI to collect the majority of hardware counters, ensure
the /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid
setting has a value less than or equal to 2
For more information, see the ROCPROFSYS_PAPI_EVENTS section.