AMD ROCm Video Parser Structs

AMD ROCm Video Parser Structs#

rocDecode: rocDecode Parser Structs: AMD ROCm Video Parser Structs
rocDecode Parser Structs: AMD ROCm Video Parser Structs

AMD The rocDecode video parser struct. More...

Data Structures

struct  RocdecVideoFormat
 ROCDEC_VIDEO_FORMAT structUsed in Parser callback API. More...
struct  _RocdecOperatingPointInfo
 RocdecOperatingPointInfo structOperating point information of scalable bitstream. More...
struct  _RocdecParserParams
 The AMD rocDecode library.\Used in rocDecCreateVideoParser API. More...
struct  RocdecSourceDataPacket
struct  RocdecParserDispInfo
 Timing Info struct\Used in rocdecParseVideoData API with PFNVIDDISPLAYCALLBACK pfn_display_picture. More...
struct  RocdecSeiMessage
struct  RocdecSeiMessageInfo


typedef struct _RocdecOperatingPointInfo RocdecOperatingPointInfo
 RocdecOperatingPointInfo structOperating point information of scalable bitstream.
typedef struct _RocdecParserParams RocdecParserParams
 The AMD rocDecode library.\Used in rocDecCreateVideoParser API.

Detailed Description

AMD The rocDecode video parser struct.