Installation on Linux#

This document provides information required to install and configure rocALUTION on Linux.


A ROCm enabled platform. For information on supported GPUs, Linux distributions, ROCm installation, and Windows SKUs, refer to ROCm Documentation.

Installing pre-built packages#

You can install rocALUTION from AMD ROCm repository. The repository hosts the single-node, accelerator enabled version of the library. If a different setup is required, e.g. multi-node support, build rocALUTION from source.

For detailed instructions on how to set up ROCm on different platforms, see the AMD ROCm Platform Installation Guide for Linux.

rocALUTION has the following run-time dependencies:

  • AMD ROCm 2.9 or later (optional, for HIP support)

  • rocSPARSE (optional, for HIP support)

  • rocBLAS (optional, for HIP support)

  • rocPRIM (optional, for HIP support)

  • OpenMP (optional, for OpenMP support)

  • MPI (optional, for multi-node / multi-GPU support)

Building from GitHub repository#


To build rocALUTION from source, ensure that the following compile-time and run-time dependencies are met:

  • git

  • CMake 3.5 or later

  • AMD ROCm 2.9 or later (optional, for HIP support)

  • rocSPARSE (optional, for HIP support)

  • rocBLAS (optional, for HIP support)

  • rocPRIM (optional, for HIP support)

  • OpenMP (optional, for OpenMP support)

  • MPI (optional, for multi-node / multi-GPU support)

  • googletest (optional, for clients)

Download rocALUTION#

The rocALUTION source code is available at the rocALUTION GitHub page. Download the master branch using:

$ git clone -b master
$ cd rocALUTION

Below are the steps to build different packages of the library, including dependencies and clients. It is recommended to install rocALUTION using the script.

Using script to build rocALUTION with dependencies#

The following table lists the common uses of to build dependencies and the library. Accelerator support via HIP and OpenMP are enabled by default, whereas MPI is disabled.



./ -h

Prints help information.

./ -d

Builds dependencies and library in your local directory. The -d flag only needs to be used once. For subsequent invocations of it is not necessary to rebuild the dependencies.


Builds library in your local directory assuming the dependencies to be available.

./ -i

Builds library, then builds and installs rocALUTION package in /opt/rocm/rocalution. It prompts for sudo access which installs for all users.

./ --host

Builds library in your local directory without HIP support assuming the dependencies to be available.

./ --mpi=<dir>

Builds library in your local directory with HIP and MPI support assuming the dependencies to be available.

Using script to build rocALUTION with dependencies and clients#

The client contains example code, unit tests and benchmarks. Common uses of to build them are listed in the table below:



./ -h

Prints help information.

./ -dc

Builds dependencies, library and client in your local directory. The -d flag only needs to be used once. For subsequent invocations of it is not necessary to rebuild the dependencies.

./ -c

Builds library and client in your local directory assuming the dependencies to be available.

./ -idc

Builds library, dependencies and client, then builds and installs rocALUTION package in /opt/rocm/rocalution. It prompts for sudo access which installs for all users.

./ -ic

Builds library and client, then builds and installs rocALUTION package in opt/rocm/rocalution. It prompts for sudo access which installs for all users.

Using individual commands to build rocALUTION#

CMake 3.5 or later is required to build rocALUTION without the use of

rocALUTION can be built with cmake using the following commands:

# Create and change to build directory
mkdir -p build/release ; cd build/release

# Default install path is /opt/rocm, use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path>
# to adjust it. In this case, rocALUTION is built with HIP and
# OpenMP support.
# MPI support is disabled.
cmake ../.. -DSUPPORT_HIP=ON \
            -DSUPPORT_MPI=OFF \

# Compile rocALUTION library
make -j$(nproc)

# Install rocALUTION to /opt/rocm
sudo make install

GoogleTest is required to build all rocALUTION clients.

rocALUTION with dependencies and clients can be built using the following commands:

# Install googletest
mkdir -p build/release/deps ; cd build/release/deps
cmake ../../../deps
sudo make -j$(nproc) install

# Change to build directory
cd ..

# Default install path is /opt/rocm, use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path>
# to adjust it. By default, HIP and OpenMP support are enabled,
# MPI support is disabled.

# Compile rocALUTION library
make -j$(nproc)

# Install rocALUTION to /opt/rocm
sudo make install

The compilation process produces a shared library file and if HIP support is enabled. Ensure that the library objects can be found in your library path. If you don’t copy the library to a specific location you can add the path under Linux in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path_to_rocalution>

Common build problems#

  1. Issue: Could not find any of the following package files provided by “ROCM”:
    • ROCMConfig.cmake

    • rocm-config.cmake

    Solution: Install ROCm cmake modules either from source or from AMD ROCm repository.

  2. Issue: Could not find any of the following package files provided by “ROCSPARSE”:
    • ROCSPARSE.cmake

    • rocsparse-config.cmake

    Solution: Install rocSPARSE either from source or from AMD ROCm repository.

  3. Issue: Could not find any of the following package files provided by “ROCBLAS”:
    • ROCBLAS.cmake

    • rocblas-config.cmake

    Solution: Install rocBLAS either from the source or from AMD ROCm repository.

Simple test#

You can test the installation by running a CG solver on a sparse matrix. After successfully compiling the library, the CG solver example can be executed.

cd rocALUTION/build/release/clients/staging

gzip -d gr_30_30.mtx.gz

./cg gr_30_30.mtx