rocAL_pybind.amd.rocal.plugin.generic.ROCALGenericIterator Class Reference

rocAL_pybind.amd.rocal.plugin.generic.ROCALGenericIterator Class Reference#

rocAL: rocAL_pybind.amd.rocal.plugin.generic.ROCALGenericIterator Class Reference
rocAL_pybind.amd.rocal.plugin.generic.ROCALGenericIterator Class Reference

Iterator for processing data. More...

Inheritance diagram for rocAL_pybind.amd.rocal.plugin.generic.ROCALGenericIterator:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, pipeline, tensor_layout=types.NCHW, reverse_channels=False, multiplier=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], offset=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], tensor_dtype=types.FLOAT, display=False, device="cpu", device_id=0)
def next (self)
def __next__ (self)
def reset (self)
def __iter__ (self)
def __len__ (self)
def __del__ (self)

Data Fields


Detailed Description

Iterator for processing data.

    @param pipeline            The rocAL pipeline to use for processing data.
    @param tensor_layout       The layout of the output tensors
    @param reverse_channels    Whether to reverse the order of color channels.
    @param multiplier          Multiplier values for color normalization.
    @param offset              Offset values for color normalization.
    @param tensor_dtype        Data type of the output tensors.
    @param display             Whether to display images during processing
    @param device              The device to use for processing
    @param device_id           The ID of the device to use

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • /home/docs/checkouts/