Configuring and validating the environment

Configuring and validating the environment#

After installing Omnitrace, additional steps are required to set up and validate the environment.


The following instructions use the installation path /opt/omnitrace. If Omnitrace is installed elsewhere, substitute the actual installation path.

Configuring the environment#

After Omnitrace is installed, source the script to prefix the PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and other environment variables:

source /opt/omnitrace/share/omnitrace/

Alternatively, if environment modules are supported, add the <prefix>/share/modulefiles directory to MODULEPATH:

module use /opt/omnitrace/share/modulefiles


As an alternative, the above line can be added to the ${HOME}/.modulerc file.

After Omnitrace has been added to the MODULEPATH, it can be loaded using module load omnitrace/<VERSION> and unloaded using module unload omnitrace/<VERSION>.

module load omnitrace/1.0.0
module unload omnitrace/1.0.0


You might also need to add the path to the ROCm libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, for example, export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/rocm/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}

Validating the environment configuration#

If the following commands all run successfully with the expected output, then you are ready to use Omnitrace:

which omnitrace
which omnitrace-avail
which omnitrace-sample
omnitrace-instrument --help
omnitrace-avail --all
omnitrace-sample --help

If Omnitrace was built with Python support, validate these additional commands:

which omnitrace-python
omnitrace-python --help