CLI analysis

CLI analysis#

This section provides an overview of Omniperf’s CLI analysis features.

  • Derived metrics: All of Omniperf’s built-in metrics.

  • Baseline comparison: Compare multiple runs in a side-by-side manner.

  • Metric customization: Isolate a subset of built-in metrics or build your own profiling configuration.

  • Filtering: Hone in on a particular kernel, GPU ID, or dispatch ID via post-process filtering.

Run omniperf analyze -h for more details.


  1. To begin, generate a high-level analysis report using Omniperf’s -b (or --block) flag.

    $ omniperf analyze -p workloads/vcopy/MI200/ -b 2
      ___                  _                  __
     / _ \ _ __ ___  _ __ (_)_ __   ___ _ __ / _|
    | | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| | '_ \ / _ \ '__| |_
    | |_| | | | | | | | | | | |_) |  __/ |  |  _|
     \___/|_| |_| |_|_| |_|_| .__/ \___|_|  |_|
    Analysis mode = cli
    [analysis] deriving Omniperf metrics...
    0. Top Stats
    0.1 Top Kernels
    │     Kernel_Name                                 Count    Sum(ns)    Mean(ns)    Median(ns)     Pct │
    │  0  vecCopy(double*, double*, double*, int,      1.00   20160.00    20160.00      20160.00  100.00 │
    │     int) [clone .kd]                                                                               │
    0.2 Dispatch List
    │       Dispatch_ID  Kernel_Name                                                 GPU_ID │
    │  0              0  vecCopy(double*, double*, double*, int, int) [clone .kd]         0 │
    2. System Speed-of-Light
    2.1 Speed-of-Light
    │ Metric_ID    Metric                     Avg      Unit              Peak      Pct of Peak   │
    │ 2.1.0        VALU FLOPs                 0.0      Gflop             22630.4   0.0           │
    │ 2.1.1        VALU IOPs                  364.09   Giop              22630.4   1.61          │
    │ 2.1.2        MFMA FLOPs (BF16)          0.0      Gflop             181043.2  0.0           │
    │ 2.1.3        MFMA FLOPs (F16)           0.0      Gflop             181043.2  0.0           │
    │ 2.1.4        MFMA FLOPs (F32)           0.0      Gflop             45260.8   0.0           │
    │ 2.1.5        MFMA FLOPs (F64)           0.0      Gflop             45260.8   0.0           │
    │ 2.1.6        MFMA IOPs (Int8)           0.0      Giop              181043.2  0.0           │
    │ 2.1.7        Active CUs                 70.0     Cus               104.0     67.31         │
    │ 2.1.8        SALU Utilization           3.78     Pct               100.0     3.78          │
    │ 2.1.9        VALU Utilization           5.4      Pct               100.0     5.4           │
    │ 2.1.10       MFMA Utilization           0.0      Pct               100.0     0.0           │
    │ 2.1.11       VMEM Utilization           1.08     Pct               100.0     1.08          │
    │ 2.1.12       Branch Utilization         1.08     Pct               100.0     1.08          │
    │ 2.1.13       VALU Active Threads        64.0     Threads           64.0      100.0         │
    │ 2.1.14       IPC                        0.21     Instr/cycle       5.0       4.13          │
    │ 2.1.15       Wavefront Occupancy        2488.86  Wavefronts        3328.0    74.79         │
    │ 2.1.16       Theoretical LDS Bandwidth  0.0      Gb/s              22630.4   0.0           │
    │ 2.1.17       LDS Bank Conflicts/Access           Conflicts/access  32.0                    │
    │ 2.1.18       vL1D Cache Hit Rate        50.0     Pct               100.0     50.0          │
    │ 2.1.19       vL1D Cache BW              1664.41  Gb/s              11315.2   14.71         │
    │ 2.1.20       L2 Cache Hit Rate          35.74    Pct               100.0     35.74         │
    │ 2.1.21       L2 Cache BW                1296.31  Gb/s              3481.6    37.23         │
    │ 2.1.22       L2-Fabric Read BW          416.52   Gb/s              1638.4    25.42         │
    │ 2.1.23       L2-Fabric Write BW         292.3    Gb/s              1638.4    17.84         │
    │ 2.1.24       L2-Fabric Read Latency     262.85   Cycles                                    │
    │ 2.1.25       L2-Fabric Write Latency    307.4    Cycles                                    │
    │ 2.1.26       sL1D Cache Hit Rate        99.82    Pct               100.0     99.82         │
    │ 2.1.27       sL1D Cache BW              208.05   Gb/s              6092.8    3.41          │
    │ 2.1.28       L1I Hit Rate               99.91    Pct               100.0     99.91         │
    │ 2.1.29       L1I BW                     208.05   Gb/s              6092.8    3.41          │
    │ 2.1.30       L1I Fetch Latency          20.86    Cycles                                    │
  1. Use --list-metrics to generate a list of available metrics for inspection.

    $ omniperf analyze -p workloads/vcopy/MI200/ --list-metrics gfx90a
      ___                  _                  __
     / _ \ _ __ ___  _ __ (_)_ __   ___ _ __ / _|
    | | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| | '_ \ / _ \ '__| |_
    | |_| | | | | | | | | | | |_) |  __/ |  |  _|
     \___/|_| |_| |_|_| |_|_| .__/ \___|_|  |_|
    Analysis mode = cli
    [analysis] deriving Omniperf metrics...
    0 -> Top Stats
    1 -> System Info
    2 -> System Speed-of-Light
            2.1 -> Speed-of-Light
                    2.1.0 -> VALU FLOPs
                    2.1.1 -> VALU IOPs
                    2.1.2 -> MFMA FLOPs (BF16)
                    2.1.3 -> MFMA FLOPs (F16)
                    2.1.4 -> MFMA FLOPs (F32)
                    2.1.5 -> MFMA FLOPs (F64)
                    2.1.6 -> MFMA IOPs (Int8)
                    2.1.7 -> Active CUs
                    2.1.8 -> SALU Utilization
                    2.1.9 -> VALU Utilization
                    2.1.10 -> MFMA Utilization
                    2.1.11 -> VMEM Utilization
                    2.1.12 -> Branch Utilization
                    2.1.13 -> VALU Active Threads
                    2.1.14 -> IPC
                    2.1.15 -> Wavefront Occupancy
                    2.1.16 -> Theoretical LDS Bandwidth
                    2.1.17 -> LDS Bank Conflicts/Access
                    2.1.18 -> vL1D Cache Hit Rate
                    2.1.19 -> vL1D Cache BW
                    2.1.20 -> L2 Cache Hit Rate
                    2.1.21 -> L2 Cache BW
                     2.1.22 -> L2-Fabric Read BW
                    2.1.23 -> L2-Fabric Write BW
                    2.1.24 -> L2-Fabric Read Latency
                    2.1.25 -> L2-Fabric Write Latency
                    2.1.26 -> sL1D Cache Hit Rate
                    2.1.27 -> sL1D Cache BW
                    2.1.28 -> L1I Hit Rate
                    2.1.29 -> L1I BW
                    2.1.30 -> L1I Fetch Latency
  2. Choose your own customized subset of metrics with the -b (or --block) option. Or, build your own configuration following config_template. The following snippet shows how to generate a report containing only metric 2 (System Speed-of-Light).

    $ omniperf analyze -p workloads/vcopy/MI200/ -b 2
    0. Top Stat
    │     KernelName                                  Count    Sum(ns)    Mean(ns)    Median(ns)     Pct │
    │  0  vecCopy(double*, double*, double*, int,         1   20000.00    20000.00      20000.00  100.00 │
    │     int) [clone .kd]                                                                               │
    2. System Speed-of-Light
    │ Index    Metric                     Value                  Unit              Peak                PoP                    │
    │ 2.1.0    VALU FLOPs                 0.0                    Gflop             22630.4             0.0                    │
    │ 2.1.1    VALU IOPs                  367.0016               Giop              22630.4             1.6217194570135745     │
    │ 2.1.2    MFMA FLOPs (BF16)          0.0                    Gflop             90521.6             0.0                    │
    │ 2.1.3    MFMA FLOPs (F16)           0.0                    Gflop             181043.2            0.0                    │
    │ 2.1.4    MFMA FLOPs (F32)           0.0                    Gflop             45260.8             0.0                    │
    │ 2.1.5    MFMA FLOPs (F64)           0.0                    Gflop             45260.8             0.0                    │
    │ 2.1.6    MFMA IOPs (Int8)           0.0                    Giop              181043.2            0.0                    │
    │ 2.1.7    Active CUs                 74                     Cus               104                 71.15384615384616      │
    │ 2.1.8    SALU Util                  4.016057506716307      Pct               100                 4.016057506716307      │
    │ 2.1.9    VALU Util                  5.737225009594725      Pct               100                 5.737225009594725      │
    │ 2.1.10   MFMA Util                  0.0                    Pct               100                 0.0                    │
    │ 2.1.11   VALU Active Threads/Wave   64.0                   Threads           64                  100.0                  │
    │ 2.1.12   IPC - Issue                1.0                    Instr/cycle       5                   20.0                   │
    │ 2.1.13   LDS BW                     0.0                    Gb/sec            22630.4             0.0                    │
    │ 2.1.14   LDS Bank Conflict                                 Conflicts/access  32                                         │
    │ 2.1.15   Instr Cache Hit Rate       99.91306912556854      Pct               100                 99.91306912556854      │
    │ 2.1.16   Instr Cache BW             209.7152               Gb/s              6092.8              3.442016806722689      │
    │ 2.1.17   Scalar L1D Cache Hit Rate  99.81986908342313      Pct               100                 99.81986908342313      │
    │ 2.1.18   Scalar L1D Cache BW        209.7152               Gb/s              6092.8              3.442016806722689      │
    │ 2.1.19   Vector L1D Cache Hit Rate  50.0                   Pct               100                 50.0                   │
    │ 2.1.20   Vector L1D Cache BW        1677.7216              Gb/s              11315.199999999999  14.82714932126697      │
    │ 2.1.21   L2 Cache Hit Rate          35.55067615693325      Pct               100                 35.55067615693325      │
    │ 2.1.22   L2-Fabric Read BW          419.8496               Gb/s              1638.4              25.6255859375          │
    │ 2.1.23   L2-Fabric Write BW         293.9456               Gb/s              1638.4              17.941015625           │
    │ 2.1.24   L2-Fabric Read Latency     256.6482321288385      Cycles                                                       │
    │ 2.1.25   L2-Fabric Write Latency    317.2264255699014      Cycles                                                       │
    │ 2.1.26   Wave Occupancy             1821.723057333852      Wavefronts        3328                54.73927455931046      │
    │ 2.1.27   Instr Fetch BW             4.174722306564298e-08  Gb/s              3046.4              1.3703789084047721e-09 │
    │ 2.1.28   Instr Fetch Latency        21.729248046875        Cycles                                                       │


    Some cells may be blank indicating a missing or unavailable hardware counter or NULL value.

  3. Optimize the application, iterate, and re-profile to inspect performance changes.

  4. Redo a comprehensive analysis with Omniperf CLI at any optimization milestone.

More analysis options#

Single run
$ omniperf analyze -p workloads/vcopy/MI200/
List top kernels and dispatches
$ omniperf analyze -p workloads/vcopy/MI200/  --list-stats
List metrics
$ omniperf analyze -p workloads/vcopy/MI200/  --list-metrics gfx90a
Show System Speed-of-Light and CS_Busy blocks only
$ omniperf analyze -p workloads/vcopy/MI200/  -b 2  5.1.0


You can filter a single metric or the whole hardware component by its ID. In this case, 1 is the ID for System Speed-of-Light and 5.1.0 the ID for GPU Busy Cycles metric.

Filter kernels

First, list the top kernels in your application using –list-stats.

$ omniperf analyze -p workloads/vcopy/MI200/ --list-stats

Analysis mode = cli
[analysis] deriving Omniperf metrics...

Detected Kernels (sorted descending by duration)
│    │ Kernel_Name                                  │
│  0 │ vecCopy(double*, double*, double*, int, int) │

Dispatch list
│    │   Dispatch_ID │ Kernel_Name                                  │   GPU_ID │
│  0 │             0 │ vecCopy(double*, double*, double*, int, int) │        0 │

Second, select the index of the kernel you would like to filter; for example, vecCopy(double*, double*, double*, int, int) [clone .kd] at index 0. Then, use this index to apply the filter via -k or --kernels.

$ omniperf analyze -p workloads/vcopy/MI200/ -k 0

Analysis mode = cli
[analysis] deriving Omniperf metrics...

0. Top Stats
0.1 Top Kernels
│     Kernel_Name                                 Count    Sum(ns)    Mean(ns)    Median(ns)     Pct  S   │
│  0  vecCopy(double*, double*, double*, int,      1.00   18560.00    18560.00      18560.00  100.00  *   │
│     int)                                                                                                │

You should see your filtered kernels indicated by an asterisk in the Top Stats table.

Baseline comparison
omniperf analyze -p workload1/path/  -p workload2/path/


omniperf analyze -p workload1/path/ -k 0  -p workload2/path/ -k 1