Frequently asked questions and troubleshooting tips.

How do I export profiling data I have already generated using ROCm Compute Profiler?#

To interact with the Grafana GUI, you must sync data with the MongoDB backend. You can do this using database mode.

Pass in the directory of your desired workload as follows.

$ rocprof-compute database --import -w <path-to-results> -H <hostname> -u <username> -t <team-name>

python ast error: ‘Constant’ object has no attribute ‘kind’#

This error arises from a bug in the default astunparse 1.6.3 with python 3.8. The error doesn’t seem to occur with Python 3.7 or 3.9.


$ pip3 uninstall astunparse
$ pip3 astunparse

tabulate doesn’t print properly#

To get around this issue, set the following environment variables to update your locale settings.

$ export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
$ export LANG=C.UTF-8

How can I SSH tunnel in MobaXterm?#

  1. Open MobaXterm.

  2. In the top ribbon, select Tunneling to access tunneling options.

    MobaXterm Tunnel button

    This pop-up should appear.

    MobaXterm pop-up
  3. Select New SSH tunnel.

    MobaXterm pop-up
  4. Configure the SSH tunnel.

    Local clients
    • <Forwarded port>: [PORT]

    Remote server
    • <Remote server>: localhost

    • <Remote port>: [PORT]

    SSH server
    • <SSH server>: name of the server to connect to

    • <SSH login>: username to login to the server

    • <SSH port>: 22