hipfftplan2d Interface Reference

hipfftplan2d Interface Reference#

HIPFORT API Reference: hipfort_hipfft::hipfftplan2d Interface Reference
hipfort_hipfft::hipfftplan2d Interface Reference

Create a new two-dimensional FFT plan. More...

Public Member Functions

integer(kind(hipfft_success)) function hipfftplan2d_ (plan, nx, ny, myType)

Detailed Description

Create a new two-dimensional FFT plan.

Allocate and initialize a new two-dimensional FFT plan. Two-dimensional data should be stored in C ordering (row-major format), so that indexes in y-direction (j index) vary the fastest.

[out]planPointer to the FFT plan handle.
[in]nxNumber of elements in the x-direction (slow index).
[in]nyNumber of elements in the y-direction (fast index).
[in]typeFFT type.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ hipfftplan2d_()

integer(kind(hipfft_success)) function hipfort_hipfft::hipfftplan2d::hipfftplan2d_ ( type(c_ptr)  plan,
integer(c_int), value  nx,
integer(c_int), value  ny,
integer(kind(hipfft_r2c)), value  myType 

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