rocsolver_slarf Interface Reference

rocsolver_slarf Interface Reference#

HIPFORT API Reference: hipfort_rocsolver::rocsolver_slarf Interface Reference
hipfort_rocsolver::rocsolver_slarf Interface Reference

LARF applies a Householder reflector H to a general matrix A. More...

Public Member Functions

integer(kind(rocblas_status_success)) function rocsolver_slarf_ (handle, side, m, n, x, incx, alpha, A, lda)
integer(kind(rocblas_status_success)) function rocsolver_slarf_full_rank (handle, side, m, n, x, incx, alpha, A, lda)
integer(kind(rocblas_status_success)) function rocsolver_slarf_rank_0 (handle, side, m, n, x, incx, alpha, A, lda)
integer(kind(rocblas_status_success)) function rocsolver_slarf_rank_1 (handle, side, m, n, x, incx, alpha, A, lda)

Detailed Description

LARF applies a Householder reflector H to a general matrix A.

The Householder reflector H, of order m or n, is to be applied to an m-by-n matrix A from the left or the right, depending on the value of side. H is given by

H = I - \text{alpha}\cdot xx'

where alpha is the Householder scalar and x is a Householder vector. H is never actually computed.

Determines whether H is applied from the left or the right.
[in]mrocblas_int. m >= 0.
Number of rows of A.
[in]nrocblas_int. n >= 0.
Number of columns of A.
[in]xpointer to type. Array on the GPU of size at least 1 + (m-1)*abs(incx) if left side, or at least 1 + (n-1)*abs(incx) if right side.
The Householder vector x.
[in]incxrocblas_int. incx != 0.
Distance between two consecutive elements of x. If incx < 0, the elements of x are indexed in reverse order.
[in]alphapointer to type. A scalar on the GPU.
The Householder scalar. If alpha = 0, then H = I (A will remain the same; x is never used)
[in,out]Apointer to type. Array on the GPU of size lda*n.
On entry, the matrix A. On exit, it is overwritten with H*A (or A*H).
[in]ldarocblas_int. lda >= m.
Leading dimension of A.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ rocsolver_slarf_()

integer(kind(rocblas_status_success)) function hipfort_rocsolver::rocsolver_slarf::rocsolver_slarf_ ( type(c_ptr), value  handle,
integer(kind(rocblas_side_left)), value  side,
integer(c_int), value  m,
integer(c_int), value  n,
type(c_ptr), value  x,
integer(c_int), value  incx,
real(c_float)  alpha,
type(c_ptr), value  A,
integer(c_int), value  lda 

◆ rocsolver_slarf_full_rank()

integer(kind(rocblas_status_success)) function hipfort_rocsolver::rocsolver_slarf::rocsolver_slarf_full_rank ( type(c_ptr)  handle,
integer(kind(rocblas_side_left))  side,
integer(c_int)  m,
integer(c_int)  n,
real(c_float), dimension(:), target  x,
integer(c_int)  incx,
real(c_float)  alpha,
real(c_float), dimension(:,:), target  A,
integer(c_int)  lda 

◆ rocsolver_slarf_rank_0()

integer(kind(rocblas_status_success)) function hipfort_rocsolver::rocsolver_slarf::rocsolver_slarf_rank_0 ( type(c_ptr)  handle,
integer(kind(rocblas_side_left))  side,
integer(c_int)  m,
integer(c_int)  n,
real(c_float), target  x,
integer(c_int)  incx,
real(c_float)  alpha,
real(c_float), target  A,
integer(c_int)  lda 

◆ rocsolver_slarf_rank_1()

integer(kind(rocblas_status_success)) function hipfort_rocsolver::rocsolver_slarf::rocsolver_slarf_rank_1 ( type(c_ptr)  handle,
integer(kind(rocblas_side_left))  side,
integer(c_int)  m,
integer(c_int)  n,
real(c_float), dimension(:), target  x,
integer(c_int)  incx,
real(c_float)  alpha,
real(c_float), dimension(:), target  A,
integer(c_int)  lda 

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