hipsparsexcsric02_zeropivot Interface Reference

hipsparsexcsric02_zeropivot Interface Reference#

HIPFORT API Reference: hipfort_hipsparse::hipsparsexcsric02_zeropivot Interface Reference
hipfort_hipsparse::hipsparsexcsric02_zeropivot Interface Reference

Incomplete Cholesky factorization with 0 fill-ins and no pivoting using CSR storage format. More...

Public Member Functions

integer(kind(hipsparse_status_success)) function hipsparsexcsric02_zeropivot_ (handle, myInfo, position)

Detailed Description

Incomplete Cholesky factorization with 0 fill-ins and no pivoting using CSR storage format.

hipsparseXcsric02_zeroPivot returns HIPSPARSE_STATUS_ZERO_PIVOT, if either a structural or numerical zero has been found during hipsparseXcsric02_analysis() or hipsparseXcsric02() computation. The first zero pivot j at A_{j,j} is stored in position, using same index base as the CSR matrix.

position can be in host or device memory. If no zero pivot has been found, position is set to -1 and HIPSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS is returned instead.

hipsparseXcsric02_zeroPivot is a blocking function. It might influence performance negatively.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ hipsparsexcsric02_zeropivot_()

integer(kind(hipsparse_status_success)) function hipfort_hipsparse::hipsparsexcsric02_zeropivot::hipsparsexcsric02_zeropivot_ ( type(c_ptr), value  handle,
type(c_ptr), value  myInfo,
integer(c_int)  position 

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